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Everything posted by Arafaat

  1. It’s not all of beesha dhexe, but mainly Xaaji Xunjuf and some of Xabashi lovers that made it divisiveness in to business, the rest are silent for various reasons. Kala-qeybinta, Kala-fogeynta iyo kala-kaxeenta ayee ganacsi ka dhigteen.
  2. The only enemy Somaliland has its the regime and its supporters, who have made it a sports to cause enmity between the people since it’s became obvious they empty politics have failed, surely you can’t deny that.
  3. Xaaji, focus on the news, Is it true that MP Mahamed Khadar is beaten up and arrested by your the regime.
  4. Kulmiye 15 years ago, paralysing the country with the largest demonstrations ever to demand elections and refusing a year extension for DAHIR Riyale. And today they are saying anyone demonstrating is a security threat and enemy of the country?
  5. Xaaji iminka ma waxa leedahay aun Abdillahi Yusuf ayaa Xabashi keenay magaalo madaxda Muqdisho sida dowlada Federaalka loo fadhisiiyo, taas ayaa marka SL regime u noqonisaa justification iney yaduna Xabashi u isticmaasho weerarka Khaatuma. dad joogaa deegaankoodi? Bal na fahansii caqligan, iyo sidan wax isku bar bar dhisid?
  6. Parliament pushed back against the regime and refused firing the Electoral Committee members.
  7. Go to ‘Lama Xamar’ restaurant in Xamarweyne, kasoo horjeedka gobolka.
  8. It seems that Ethiopia might needs its soldiers closer to home, rather then deploy thousands on Somali borders areas.
  9. I don’t think his toll have much of influence on him. Laakin Ingriis aya laga yaaba ina wax laga maqlo .
  10. You know quite well that nearly every Somali opposed this back then, even on this Forum and vilified his government for it, in fact this backfired giving birth to AS, HAG politics, dowladii Asmara, suicide bombings, and many other negative repercussions. So don’t try using aun AY government as excuse to justify something that one cant even grasp of its consequences.
  11. Xaaji, this is well be a war of Somali’s against Xabashi’s. Even if they remain across the border it’s a tactic of support and declaration of war by Xabashi stooge. SSC Khatuma better start asap to raise man and money from broader Somali population, incl many people from Somaliland will fight on the right side of history as this will be a Xarbi for survival of the Somali people and Somali territory in the North.
  12. Too early to make a total scoring yet, but I see improvements in some areas and deterioration in other areas. One area that really raises concerns is corruption and transparency, where Somalia seems to have glided further downhill.
  13. Your selective memory of history is quite perplexing as you only seem to remember the 80’s. And not the massacre and killings during the inter-Habro war in the 90’s and the Las Anod war last year, both instigated and committed by the same colonels.
  14. What do you think of this plan, and do you think it will succeed?
  15. Xaaji, If you read my post. It’s about Wadani and how they accepting current directions and have failed to enforce pathways to elections.And I also mentioned when Kulmiye was in opposition and Riyaale was given a year to organise elections, they threatened civil war, Xirsi even started mobilising militias in Burco when he was fired from the electoral committee, they called Riyale a liar while addressing Parliament and did many other things to undermine, pressure and extort the government. Muse was given two years additional term, and still there is no clear pathways to elections. A proper opposition party would have never accepted that and would have shut down the entire country till democracy is restored with a clear pathways to elections.
  16. Farmaajo’s political grade's Foreign affairs/int standing +++ Inclusive politics ++ Security architecture + State building and inst strengthening + collaboration federal institutions (read FMS) - - -reconciliation and peace building - - Constitutional and Institutional reform - Corruption and nepotism -
  17. She is quite popular and respected in Mogadishu, and it would be quite good for the standing of Somali’s is they filled top positions like that.
  18. Muuse Biixi oo golaha wakiillada u gudbiyey warqad lagu eedeynayo xubinta xisbiga WADDANI ee komishanka doorashooyinka. HADHWANAAGNEWS.CA Toddobaadka soo socda ayaa la filayaa in Golaha wakiilladu.. Meanwhile the political establishment is being mocked and entertained with so called elections that nobody knows; 1. when they will take place(regime has not committed to any dates), 2. how it will be organised(regime still hasn’t been signed and enacted the electoral law), 3. by whom they will be organised (regime firing some electoral committee members), 4. and if they will be fairly and orderly Organised without instigating or creating pretext for armed conflicts in some areas(as regime planning might be planning for potential war in areas and strongholds of opposition). 5. and who is contending(as regime is contemplating who to put forward as the current leaders will definitely loose any vote). Can’t belief Wadani is accepting this. If this was done to Kulmiye being in opposition, they would have definitely have instigated an armed conflict and rebellion.
  19. He does also address their plight, See the recent depiction of SW leader. And remember he is a professional graphical commentator, he is not a 4.5 politician and doesn’t make the news but only comments with his depictions on relevant news.
  20. I have listened to it, and it’s also confirming suspicion of what Heego regimes and their Ethiopian military advisers are up to. Now it also makes sense why they are propagating so called Habro people being a persecuted clan in Somalia, as many people from would choose sides and come against the Heego-Habashi side. And they are trying to prevent that by propagating Habro as victims of Somalia, so that people to choose side of the Heego regime or stay neutral from the conflict. But nobody beliefs the regime’s propaganda and fake crocodile tears, despite their online armies full propaganda campaign.
  21. Indeed, for they have stood firm on the right side of morality, and second their actions have been led by rationality and responsibility, the fundamentals for leadership. What do you think they should do if Heego regime dared to attack them?
  22. SSC Khaatumo taking care of its wounded soldiers, whereas Somaliland has abounded hundreds of their soldiers to die and to rot away in cells.
  23. “Kulmiye crocodile tears are fake, as their failed politics and suppression of people’s rights have caused the exodus to Mogadishu”