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Everything posted by Baashi

  1. What's the latest feed from Kismaayo? The fact that they are talking about elections, constitution and whatnot is a progress. In elections one has to campaign, form alliances, win over supporters, make promises and what have you. That's good.
  2. Any new feeds, Xiin? SFG is playing a hardball They have the legitimacy, influence and other trapping of the state on their side. Now cunning and political machinations are in order. Key players in Kismayo need to up their game and try again. In Saacid's case they need to pull a page from Sun Tza book and throw him a golden bridge to retreat across. Admin in Kismayo should also issue a press release requesting the SFG to proceed in building national institutions such as House of Elders and Federal Constitutional Court. By doing this, they show that they are rational actors and the disagreement between SFG and JLS is constititional in nature. This will give them time to solidify their gain.
  3. Tallaabo;935938 wrote: Waar isaga mooyee cid kale oo ay seefi qaaday majirto. The dude messed with the wrong people and suffered its harsh consequences. The war planes were brought into Somaliland at our request . Just like Yay used the Ethiopian tanks to subjugate Xamar, the Duriyadda folks used Britain's flying machines to make the old man and his gang run for their dear lives Wow! No kidding
  4. The answer to your question is NO. Unfortunately! Mistrust between them has blinded them and gotten the better of them. And if one is to look back their short history one will tend to cut them some slack. Government – as they come to know it – is a platform for the clan in power to do what it pleases at the expense of other clans. Justice – as they understand it – need political support. They equate country to the government in power. If it proves to be incompetent or abuses its power they do not only abandon that particular government but they also throw the whole country with it. Any alliance foreign or otherwise to fight the abusive government is a fair game. They may be under Trusteeship for some time to come if they don’t get their act together. How could these politicians not draw some lesson-learned from the past?
  5. The Economist article was right on the money. I was and still oppose any foreign interference. Many rational Somalis oppose foreign interferences. But unlike you, I understand that Somalia is not in a position to stand up to these emboldened neighbors. To the contrary the government relies on their muscle to keep the peace and is in need of their support. If AS is to be defeated, the support of neighboring states is crucial. The various faction competing power are also not in a position to point fingers at each other. SSDF, SNM, USC – each and the clans that supported them allowed themselves to do Ethiopia’s bidding in order to advance their own. If you ask die-hard supporters of these rebel groups they will tell you the symbiotic relationship with Ethiopia was a matter of necessity not a treasonous act. Kenya reacted to the threat stemming from AS and monetary handouts from powers that be encouraged them to bite the bullet and put their soldiers on harm’s way. Somalia had it being in Kenya or Ethiopia’s shoes would have done the same thing. It’s the law of the jungle awoowe. Any state facing security threats will go for the kill if the other is in a weaker position to defend itself. Now I don’t think Kambooni faction is uniquely treasonous faction than all other clan factions that preceded it and its motive is not to serve Kenya and cede Somalia resources to foreigners. Your bias is getting the best of you awoowe. Or perhaps your reasoning is not optimal. Also you need to understand that all matters related to borders (which this maritime dispute is) falls under the Federal Government. So even if Raskamboni sole purpose is to advance Kenyan interest : ) as you seem to believe it does not have a say in this issue. If I were you I would look the Juba issue in clan context. The political tournament is in its last round and this particular faction is claiming a stake before the tournament is over.
  6. Illyria last paragraph is bull's eye -- a direct hit. I would give everyone who argued for or against JL being constititional the benefit of doubt. Reason being there are many loopholes in this document and only competent constitutional court can put this baby to bed.
  7. Dabrow;934517 wrote: I agree. It shall be built with the blessing of somali goverment not by nairobi. How about I agree with that people not central bureaucrats nor presidential decree in far away locality shall decide what type of local government suits them Or I agree with the people have the right to exercise their constitutional rights to form a federal state By the way the man you said you agree with wants Baardheere nor Bu'aale (for clannish reason I suspect) ti be the capital of the new state. Check with him
  8. Carafaat;934501 wrote: And actually its the Parliament that has to appoint the Federal States Committee, to draw up the borders and mandates of State and come up with recommendations.(See article 49.1 to 49.5). I didn't see that part of your post. You misunderstood this clause. Or you are not reading the document in its entirety. Or perhaps your exercising your wish to pick and choose the ones that may suit you in arguing against the democratice process in the Jubba. Please refer to the thread NORF posted. By the way you are not alone in getting confused numerous nomads seems to have the same issue your having. Federalism is the law of the land. Two or more administrative provinces of the pre-1991 eighteen provinces may form a federal state if they so desire. If and when folks exersize this option then the parlaiment will look into and resolve any clan disputes. The borders as well as districts in each administrative province are known and well defined hence the reason folks chose them as template for the federal system. Galkacyo, Ceerigaabo, Ximan/Galmudug these are scenerios folks had in mind when these clauses are added to the document. Don't confuse yourself with these clauses. Try to have the basis of your conviction covered first. Read my prev post.
  9. Don't have time for this as I'm at work. Carafaat let's up this game and look at the big picture. I am assuming the reason you are against folk's desire to assemble and determine what kind of government works for them -- Federal State or government appointed through presidential decree by the center is becuase you are nationalist and hate to see clan-based fiefdoms which in the long run will surely weaken the power of central government as the formation of the federal member states add a "veto" power to the democratic process? Or is there another reason that makes you oppose this particular gathering and folk's desire to decide what type of government they want and who should lead them?
  10. Pictures awoowe pictures. The presence of the members of the parliament in Kismayo is extremely significant. PM Saacid has just lost their votes. If the clan loyalty and politics is still the name of the game, he has no support from his base. The president's hand has been strengthened. When goings get tough he has always Saacid to blame. With this scapegoat, he can pretend and rise above the fray, blame Saacid for his poor handling of the Juba issue and remind him his lack of leadership when it comes to delivering his clan. Still Saacid can keep his position if he's willing inuu hub reerkiisa issugu dhiibo. Even whith that unlikely scenerio, the presence of AS in the region makes the whole play extrememly difficult. The man has nowhere to go. He's cornered.
  11. Put Carafaat in the ignore column. He has lost the plot. What the hell is he talking about? Back to the topic. Overwhelming majority of Gedo folks are on board. Prime Minister Saacid has lost the plot. Allaylehe si xarago leh oo midnimo leh yaa beeshu u agaasintay dawlad goboleedka Gannaane. Hor Illaheey ninkii wax u eega waxa u muuqanaya beel Somaliyeed oo beelaha Somalida ka mid ah oo taageersan qarranka Somaliyeed iyo dawlada haatan majaraha u haysa laakiin doonaya si dastuuri ah in ay u maareeyaan gobolada ay iyaggu degaan. Intaa ninkii ay dhibeyso iyo ninkii dhib u arka hadde ama cidluu ka diday ama waa nacab si qabiili ah u diidan in beeshaas ay sida PL and SL ay dhulkooda uaga hirgaliyaan maamul iyo kala danbeyn. Qofkii wax caaradaya waxa la qaatay in uu tilmaamo Baajuunta iyo Jareerta oo kolay anniga aanan ka dhex arag qabanqaabada iyo guddiga farsamada. Qofkii taa ciladeeya waa qof runta ka hadlay yaan qabaa. I must say folks down there played excellent political game. My man Saacid and his boss Hassan had very weak cards in their hands. Peaceful gathering by locals to advance governance in their area in accordance with the constitution is not something they could credibly derail without resorting to violence or unconstitutional power grab. The ball is at the Mogadishu admin's court. Let's see if they had the noodles to accept the first round score.
  12. Allah yarhama Inna Ali Sharmake. Innaa Lilaahi wa inna Ileyhi raajicuun. Allah yarhama Sh. Mukhtaar. Addiga iy dhamaan ehelka Allah samir iyo iimaan ha ka siiyo. Walle akhyaartii iyo wadaniyiintii runta ahaa waa sii socdaan. Dhulkii u dhaxeeyey tarabuunka, dugsiga Benadir Sarre iyo College of Medicine ee banaanaa waxa haatan ka taagan villooyin baan maqalay. MMA warkaas maxaa ka jira?
  13. Babeygii Jamaame-iyo, Canbe Jilib ku yaalla-iyo, Ubaxeyii Janaale-iyo, jowharad la moodyee, Jidhkaaga udgoon baa, i soo jiidanayee. Wadnaheyga jeexdee jeegaan sideedaa, Ha i odhan, ha i odhan, jawaab xun... Heestaa Mooge waxa uu u qaaday dhuubo dhex-yar kala xiran oo Oba beesha u sheegayo ah. Wa kaa daliilka hadde yaan lagu qabsan Oba Don't qoute on me as I am just pulling your leg
  14. WW, Awoowe where can I find JL constitution? I want to know if Baajuunis, Jareer and other sizable minorities rights are protected. I want to know if there are clauses addressing the need of appointing commissions to look into the injustices done to Bader, Jacfar and known wealthy residents of Kismayo who are Yemeni and Persian ancestory. Ceebi waxay dhacday kolka inta kuwaa laga tago kuraasta ay qaybsadaan beelaha cudduda iyo itaalka sheegtay [EDIT]: Xiinoow fadaln summarize what Madoobe said in his speech.
  15. I see an elephant The Lower Jubba’s flag (Kismayo) used to sport “soccer-playing” elephant. Brings back memories of bygone era. Qof ciyaalka majengo ah baa gacan ka geystay sameynta warqaddaa
  16. This much was known and expected. There is no news here. The tidbit folks of that neck are waiting is President Hassan's next move.
  17. xiinfaniin;931700 wrote: Why Suldaan of all people base his critique on the size of a cabinet he knows to be for the most part ceremonial? Isn't Suldaan one of the most avid follower of Somali politics in general, and in Somaliland in particular (which I can say is his specialty)? What is this ya Suldan? ^ Well Ngonge's dictum is at work I guess There were a time when my good pal Suldaan used to do all sorts of guulwadeyn. Suldaan's support for all things secessionism was firm and unshakable. I suspect Habraha politicking gets in the way of keeping up the flag waving gymnastics
  18. The era of issuing a presidential decree from Villa Somalia is over. Good riddance. I don't know the details of this particular event and I won't pretend I know anything about dynamics with that region. What I do know is that political settlement called for local ownership for all things related to local affairs. How does having locals choose their local leaders a threat to central authority? It beats me!! The issue goes deeper than personal squabbles between politicians from that neck of the wood. At issue is the direction the country is embarking on going forward.
  19. Warkaasu waa war fiican. Madaxweynahuna si gobonimo leh buu uga hadlay. Waxii tabar xumi iyo itaal darro ay keento waa gaar laakiin hadde waa in ficil jiraa
  20. xiinfaniin;931763 wrote: 1- Help the consultative process in Kismayo, not hinder it, by personally going there and giving speech about how bad the federalism is for Somalia but affirm his obligation to uphold the constitution which mandates federalism as the supreme political structure of the land. Endorse the gathering and pledge support and cooperation for the resultant administration 2- Help Bay and Bakool community to organize similar conference in Baydhabo to establish state of their own. Do the same (visit, pledge support etc) 3- Repeat 1 & 2 for the remainder of the South Central region in a effective and productive manner...facilitating and all. 4- Address the question of Mogadishu and put concrete policies in place to remake the image of the capital. Address the plight of IDPs, the properties (personally owned or public) 5- Engage with the parliament to expedite fleshing out clauses relating revenue sharing , resource allocation, integration of national army and development money distribution 6- Once he gets all of this in place, talk to Somaliland (involving Khatumo & Puntland as stake holders in the outcome) as the leader of Somalia and hammer out a deal that does not damage Somalia's territorial integrity and does not cause political and security implosion to that stable region. This is free advise from SomaliaOnline to our beloved President Hassan Sheekh Right on awoowe. That's some free advice. You should consider opening your own political consultant joint in Kismayo
  21. Now kaftan aside, are we talking about getting the middle man out of the loop or the issue is the aid won't go down the conduit unless it gets routed through SFG? Getting rid of the middle man is the correct move and that's good and dandy. But if it is the latter then I think it is a direct hit on the folks who benefit from these services the most not to mention the employees, all the contracts and subcontracts agency awards to local talents, leases it pays for the outlets it occupies and what have you. It will impact on folks in the H town for sure.
  22. If you said so Oki Doki then Awoowe raggu war iskuma seeganee armaa qoolad yar oo dumarka lagu umuliyo tuuladii Oodweyne looga baahan yahay? At the end of the day locals will always say "what has Hargeisa done for me lately? Gabygii Aadan Carab muxuu ahaa awoowe -- Ministerkaan dirsaday....uun saas war Xiin mee issagaa suugaanta iga badiyee
  23. Understood yaa Ustaad Oodweyne You see a fishmonger like me could always find a project for freebies -- maternity clinic in frontier outpost of a little tuulo of your namesake or school in the highlands of Sanaag, water-collection pit here, mosquito nets there, vaccinations and whatnot. The need is there. Only Allah know how much these services and so many other are needed. But a camel herder like you has empty pride to nurture and hence for the sake of tookh wants to tell us the enclave got all things under control. When our Ustaad tells us I for one oblige and smile. Just to throw it out there what happens when UK and other EU states decide to route all these funds through SDG?
  24. "Travel is fatal to prejudice, bigotry, and narrow-mindedness, and many of our people need it sorely on these accounts. Broad, wholesome, charitable views of men and things cannot be acquired by vegetating in one little corner of the earth all one's lifetime." Mark Twain Xaaji awoowe insha Allah when Somalia gets its glory back go and see places especially in the river belt. I swear that will change your outlook in all things Somali. Start from Aw-Dheegle and head to Janaale, past the plantations and keep going to southwest direction when you get to Qoryooleey then that's when you see agrarian communities with a unique subculture. You would be called names -- Laba goodle, faradheer and your dialect becomes useless and you would be forced to appreciate Maay Maay as that is the only lingo Jiido, Garre, Dabare and Tunni of the deep river belt can understand (with difficult). Each speak their own language. Kolka ay barwaaqada tahay, dayaxuna 15 aad yahay waa markaa kolka cayaaraha cajiibka ah la tumo. Jareerta waa iska Soomaali oo iyagu waa iska Kabeebeey. Laakiin kuwa X-rated ka ah waa Garre