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Everything posted by Baashi

  1. Mark my word fellas Hassan’s invitation as it stands now is akin to a trivial solution to a linear equation. At issue is whether the process that created JL state is in line with the Federal Constitution. Government’s view is the process that established JL is not in conformance with the constitution. JL thinks they are in compliant with the draft per verbatim. Both agree the dispute over the creation of the federal member state of JL is a constitutional in nature. There are two different drafts floating around according to Faroole  That being the case the 64k question is what has Hassan’s government done so far about this particular issue. Has it considered looking into the root cause of all of this and perhaps put its energy in clarifying the serious constitutional question. Has it tabled a request to Parliament to conduct a thorough investigation to the serious accusation that the constitution has been tampered with? By all indications this nascent government operates drive-by policy renditions. It is reminiscent of Anna irri. Guulwade crowd or the green dogs as Nurradin Farah called them in 70s are in mood to burst in mashxarad when their clan leader takes a move even if he contradicts himself they keep on singing kumbaya.
  2. Farole is doing a service for all Somalis and they will appreciate what he is doing for the masses years after he vacates the seat he is holding in that region. It is clear that Somalis are not ready for system of governance sustained by checks and balances. The current MPs are not equipped to discharge their duties in a manner that is in line with constitutional system. As it is now the MPs are not a factor in the events unfolding in the country.
  3. Haatu;955659 wrote: I give it to you he has never uttered the words "confederacy", but the form of federalism he wants is much looser than the type of federalism that Somalia is aiming for. As for the oil blocks, re you seriously telling me you are unaware that the Kacaan government signed oil deals before the state collapse? Connoco, Shell? Ring any bells? As for my opinion on federalism, it's not my preferred choice as I would rather a decentralised unitary state but that's not likely any time soon. As for the country developing properly I stick with my statement that it can't be done without a national government because without it Somalia remains a failed state. As for the resources, it's my belief that every inch of resources on Somali lands belong to the Somali people collectively and the only fair way to distribute them is through a central government. Fair enough. Now, on your the last para you made a bold statement and it happen to be a correct one. The trouble with your idealism is TODAY there is no credible, efficient and robust central government. There is one in the confines of Benadir nursed by UN, AMISOM, IGAD and friendly nations of Turkey and Qatar. This SFG the one being nursed and propped by IC is founded on the principles PL is defending against illegal intrusion (unconstitutional power trap or overreach) from the SFG.
  4. It does not look good. Allow sahal, Libaax seedy bey niman salaaxdeene.. So what now? Consider the following bullets and if you found them reasonable tell me where do we go from here -- the ditch we found ourselves in: 1 - IGAD kicked ball back to Villa Somalia as President Hassan requested. 2 - Kenyan forces in South Somalia are there in a UN mandate and part of AMISOM. They want to stay put along their border for obvious reasons. They are mum and waiting and watching how Hassan plays the ball in his back yard. 3 - Ethiopia has its ducks in a raw and waiting to see how things pan out. 4 - Oil companies who are pretty interested in preempting Turkey, Arabs and China and reinstate the valid contracts they've entered with Somali government (1980s) want these agreements honored. To get what they want they need to prop up Hassan government so they can push back all the newbies in the block and get a wet signature on the dotted lines. 5 - Hassan won the diplomatic fight fair and square. Now he got what he wished for the outside world wants Hassan's government to resolve Kismayo's stalemate. President Hassan has no credibility in JL constituents. He poisoned the well so to speak and now he desperately needs the folks who call the shots in Kismayo to work with him in finding a way out of the political stalemate of his making. 6 - JL has its back against wall. There is no card left in its hand other than playing hardball. One good scenario would be to accept IGAD's recommendations in toto except the clause that asks them to go to Mogadishu. 7 - What is JL willing to compromise on? This is toughie!! Compromise they must though! 8 - What is SFG willing to compromise on? Under no circumstance will Hassan want to fail after moving earth and heaven to get IGAD out of the internal Somali politics! He asked for owning the process (which is by the way a brilliant move on his part) now he got it he has to deliver... 9 - Farole could give a helping hand by positioning himself as a mediator. Would Hassan swallow his pride and accept to sit on the mediation dirrin between SFG and JL in Garowe. 10 - US wants to get back on the saddle and move against AS Now put all these scenarios and assumptions and mix them up and watch how each interest group, Somalis and non-Somalis, prioritize their interest and compel other interest groups to make a move.. In this three dimensional Chess game guess who are the pawns!!
  5. I'm at work too and short of time. I just hope you understand that there is deficit of trust in all sides. The one thing they all hoped would play a mediating role and settle political argument is NOT WORKING. Unless you fix the rules of the game you won't have pleasant and orderly game. This is not about a rebel warlord on Nairobi payroll doing the bidding of foreign powers against benevolent and patriotic leader trying to revive the state.
  6. Actually you are doing pretty well. Compromise is the name of the game. But compromise on what? The social contract itself? How does Chimera go about it?
  7. So you say “loyalty to COUNTRY always, loyalty to government when it deserves”. Pretty good! Ahmed Madoobe and Faroole do have the consent of the majority of their respective dominion. Both of them have different view of how and when federalism should be implemented. But both leaders are not on the same page with Hassan. And make no mistake they disagree on the very thing that matters the most: the substance of the social contract. Oh! Communication? They do communicate alright! Hassan and Farole had ample time to talk face to face. It just so happen that they didn’t see eye to eye on the question of federalism. Likewise Saacid and Madoobe had ample to time to iron out their differences but to no avail. Now what Chimera?
  8. The underlying assumption is that there is deep mistrust among Somali clannish politicians. The only thing that brought them together is the outcome of the roadmap. Many significant players signed up to the social contract solely because they thought the draft constitution had in it safegaurds that will limit the power of the federal government. My man Hassan has reservation to that central tenant. He is entitled to have his views as shown on his PDP political platform. He is no longer Hwyie dominated PDP chairman. He is now the president of federal Somalia.
  9. raula;953067 wrote: Baashi UMN were budding days..hada waa la daalacay Perhaps Xiin baa fahfaahin karo Really? Fill me in Wadaadka Xiin ah nin war ka Dinky Town hayya ma aha.
  10. ^ Nah! Abtigiis waa la habaabay Let's find out what makes Chimera tik! Here we go..Is Chimera loyal to Somalia the country or is he loyal to President Hassan and his government? Where does he stand on dissent? There are some folks who believe deep down that dissent is the highest form of patriostism? If what Hassan is doing -- irrespective of the clan he hails or the party he belongs to -- seems to some (let say Madoobe or Faroole or Jawaari or other significant political figure in the current crop of high wheeler-Dealer class) practically unattainable or wrongheaded what are they supposed to do? Sing hail to the chief? If that line of inquiry does not make sense let me shoot it from different angle: If the very social contract that brought all the competing sides together is gradually modified (unilaterally) or its edicts ignored by one branch of government and corrective and constructive action is in order how does one go about this?
  11. raula;953064 wrote: Eh..iga raali ahaad my brothers-I don't mean to interrupt or spoil your lit' picnic here **after watching the clip of xildhibaano grudging about their lit' kulaan & qado, & seeing someone i know as xildhibaan wale ana waxaan is iri I will run for parliamentary elections in the next round-indeed why xamaali isku dili anoo dadkeyga ii bahaan..laakin xagee kasoo jestaa as prospect xildhibaanad (advise pls). Ps: kenyaati on steroids..beryahaan inteey xininyahii is qabteen yaa wale iska dhigeen umaad qaraan hagaagin walahi somalia is in for a rude awakening. & Even Pham has "gained weight" banking on the absurdity of somalis. Dhuubo you will always have my vote Go girl go
  12. I stand corrected then. Hawlaha ceynkan oo kala ah baa dadka wax ugu yaala
  13. Libaax, Abdi Sheik, the Reuter’s dispatcher, meets the two independent source bar he’s required to clear. He has Dahabo iyo Safia:) He also has the government side covered pretty well. The dispatcher touched base with Caynte ahem! (Xiinow is he the same Caynte in UNM back in the days?). The other side? oh well why bother:) Journalism at its best! Xiin, what happened to the parlaiment? When will that important task be accomplished?
  14. Source? Please always post the source and the link of the news -- if you would!
  15. Got it Xiin. When will the parlaiment be constituted? Does anyone have JL's constitution? Please post it if you would. Where is Gaani by the way?
  16. He wanted a position in Mogadishu and President Hassan and Prime Minister Saacid did not accommadate him. When his sabatical run out and he couldn't secure employement in Mogadishu this flip flopper has tried to change his color a la chameleon. What he says is irrelevant. Silanyo has majority of his clan and has no use for him. The difficult task for him is to find a way to backtrack from his position that secession is illegal and politically misguided attempt for one clan to unilaterally secede from the state. I am all ears...let's hear it.
  17. Good stuff. Why build all 1200 units in one locality? Wouldn't be better to spread the love and build 300 in Buuhoodle, 200 in Baran, 300 in Goldogob, 300 in Caluula district and so on and so forth Still it's all good. Good job.
  18. Awoowe nimankan xildhibaanada ah maxay ku tooran yihiin oo ay ummada u qabtaan? Gollaha ummada waa xubin muhiim ah oo leh awood saami ahaan ka weyn ama la dhig ah tan xukuumada! Hadday qoonsadaan qaabka xukuumada ku shaqaynayso waxa xil ka saran yahay in ay la xisaabtamaan, kalsoonida kala noqdaan, ama xeerar cusub oo xakamayn ah ay dajiyaan. Waa sida nidaamka dawliga ahi yahay. Waa shaqadooda. Arrimo badan oo isku cakiran oo in la furdaamiyo u baahan baa miiska saran. Khilaafyo dastuuri ah baa jira. Xeerar la dhigtay oo sahlay in Somaliya ay isu timaado oo qarranimadeedii la soo laabato baa haatan si kala duwan loo fasiray oo loo kala fahamsan yahay. Nimankan shaqadoodu waa xeer dajin iyo in ay isha ku hayaan xukuumada oo haddii ay dariiqii lagu heshiiyo ka weecato ay qabtaan. Qoodhiin iyo xeradiin maxay nimanku ku filan yihiin oo ay qabteen? Maxay annigan ku danoobay qurbaha oo xamaaliga ka ah i dhaamaan marba haddii ay marti u yihiin xukuumada oo aanay si xor ah aanay shir u qabsan karin? Yay dan ugu jirtaa in nidaam dadka ka dhaxeeya oo ninna si gaara aanu ugu takri falin karin la helo? Yey dan ugu jirtaa in la helo xildhibaano ka tarjumaya rabitaanka dadka ay matalaan? Yay dan ugu jirtaa in labada gole ee qarranka aanay isku safaadin oo hawsha ay ummada u hayaan u kala soocnaato? Waa maxay nimanka qurbaha jooga oo u mashxaradaya oo wali ku faraxsan in Gollaha Ummada ilkaha laga rido oo xilkii iyo hawshii ay qarranka u hayeen laga xayuubiyo! Halkee bay salaadu iska qaban la’dahay!! War nimanyahow wax ba'ay baad tihiin e sida isu dhaama oo caqligu ha shaqeeyo
  19. I'm impressed Reer hebel, wacade, turub baray They get a trojan horse slip in the cover over the dark by a boat and after 12 days decalre himself a president! Today Reuters dispatcher files in a report that gives credence to that new narrative. (1) Government in Mogadishu spares no effort to bring the "dispute" amony rival clans in Kismayo to an end. (2) Mogadishu won't allow guns to be used in resolving this "dispute" (3) Dahabo Olad -- mother of eight & Safia Ali Said -- a shopekeeper (folks on ground zero) tell like it is They conveyed their assessment over the mobile phone. (4) Ahmed Adan -- a spokesperson of the Prime Minister's office -- informs this dispatcher that the era of civil war is over and there is no going back. (5) J Peter Pham confirms the strategic importance of the region (9) Finally, Abdi Aynte the head of the "Think Tank" in Mogadishu weighs in on the issue. Pretty objective, fair and balanced reporting by Abdi Sheikh Maxaa kuu baxay? Adduun!
  20. Somali government says guns won't decide disputed port's fate By Abdi Sheikh MOGADISHU (Reuters) - Somalia's new government said on Monday it was pursuing talks to resolve rival claims for control in the south that have stoked fears of a return to the clan wars that pitched the nation into anarchy two decades ago. A local assembly on Thursday declared a former Islamist warlord, Ahmed Madobe, president of Jubaland. Madobe is not viewed favourably by Mogadishu and within a day two other men had pronounced themselves president, including Barre Hirale, a former warlord and defence minister seen as pro-government. How the fate of Jubaland and its port city Kismayu is resolved will be a litmus test for Somalia as it rebuilds from the ruins of war and cements a fragile peace, a quest hampered by the central government's weakness outside Mogadishu. Islamist militants or clan militias, hovering in the wings, could swoop if the competition for Kismayu turns violent. But guns have stayed silent so far and the government's stated determination to seek talks could help it stay that way. "It will take time but there is no going back to civil war. That is not an option," Ahmed Adan, a spokesman for Prime Minister Abdi Farah Shirdon Saaid, told Reuters, calling for "peaceful and authentic negotiations". On the ground, several Kismayu residents said they still feared a resurgence of the gun-toting militias that carved up the Horn of Africa state after civil war erupted in 1991. "Kismayu is returning to the era of warlords. It is each clan and its own might," Dahaba Olad, a mother of eight, said by telephone. "We don't want war, but it is inevitable." Shopkeeper Safia Ali said she was doubtful southern Somalia's clan rivalries could be overcome. "Sooner or later there will be civil war in Kismayu," Ali said. Their fears are fuelled by Kismayu's strategic position. "Kismayu is perhaps the biggest prize to be had in Somalia," said J Peter Pham of the U.S.-based Atlantic Council. "It has the biggest working seaport in the country, two airports, and is surrounding by potentially rich agricultural lands." DIVVYING UP POWER Regional capitals and Western donors are nervous of any reversal of gains made in Somalia by African Union peacekeepers in the fight against the Islamist al Shabaab rebels, seen as a threat to stability in east Africa and well beyond. President Hassan Sheikh Mohamud's cash-strapped federal government exerts little authority beyond Mogadishu. How to divvy up power between the centre and regions is a thorny issue, particularly when Kismayu's lucrative port is at stake. The prime minister's office said a high-level government delegation was in negotiations with the rival parties. There is, though, a widespread feeling among Somalia's southern clans that Mogadishu is not listening to their demands. Even so, a mixture of exhaustion with conflict and a desire to capitalise on Kismayu's trade flow could help peace to hold. "Among the clans I don't think there is any appetite for civil war. There is, though, a real appetite for control of power and resources," said Abdi Aynte, director of the Mogadishu-based Heritage Institute for Policy Studies. Madobe, who some see as close to Kenya, was governor of Kismayu during an Islamist administration that was routed when Ethiopian forces, with the tacit backing of the United States, waged an offensive in Somalia from 2006 to 2009. He was held in Ethiopia for two years. After his release Madobe and his powerful Ras Kamboni militia sided with Kenyan troops against al Shabaab from late 2011. Kenya's land forces swept into Somalia to secure the porous frontier the two share and are now part of a near 18,000-strong African Union peacekeeping force fighting al Shabaab. A Kenyan ally in Kismayu could provide Nairobi with a welcome buffer.
  21. One side followed the rules as they understand them. They conduct themselves in a civilized manner. They held meetings, consulted all the stakeholders, compromized with their opponents, accommodated their distractors and deliberated on the issue for months. I can't say the same thing about the other side NORF said there are marked differences about the tone and the substances of the issues on hand. Awoowe last year and today the issue at hand is one issue and that is how to implement federalism folks have agreed during the roadmap Nothing changed. The root cause of all of this noise is still same old canta
  22. Xaaji Xunjuf;951284 wrote: Dawladda Faderaalka ah ee Soomaaliya waxay aad uga xuntahay sida loo jaah-wareershay masiirka hogaan ee shacabka Jubooyinka iyo in Kismaayo looga dhawaaqo labo madaxweyne 15 Maajo 2013. Sidaas daraadeed dawladdu waxay caddeynaysaa inaysan suurto gal u ahayn inay labo madaxweyne u aqoonsato maamulka Jubbaland. Really? War la hayo xiiso ma leh baan maqli jiray Hanaanka dawladnimo iyo sida hawsha loo kala leeyahay baa wali ka yara khaldan. Haddiiba ay dawladu wax diidayso oo ay doonayso in ay war saxaafadeed ku soo bandhigto mawqifka dawladda soo ma haboona in looga danbeeyo Saacid oo lagu maamuuso in uu go'aanka qaadashadiisa uu issaga wax ka yiraahdo. Daqiiqado ka dib kolkii la iclaamiyay doorashada Madoobe, rag kale oo magaca dawlada huwan laakiin aan daw u lahayn in ay go'aanka dawlada iclaamiyaan baa wax ka yirri. Saacid dhawr casho ka dib buu warkoodii ku soo celiyey. War ninka yaa ku yiraahda ama hawsha hano oo dadnimadeeda yeelo ama isaka tag oo rag kale oo awooda kursiga iyo sida hawsha loo kala leeyahay oo waliba yaqaan sida loo maalo uga wareeg.
  23. War annagaa wax aragnay! Idaacadaha Barre wareystay marna ma weydiiyaan cida dooratay, kobta lagu doortay iyo goorta la doortay? Ma weydiiyeen ergada dooratay halka ay joogaan, goorta la xulay, cidda xushay iyo saamiga beelaha ku jira sida loo kala helay ? Ma weydiiyeen ergada reerka uu issaga ka dhashay ee codka siiyay Madoobe, sarkiisha, wax-garadka reerka, isimka reerka ee intuba wax kaa daadihinayay kal-fadhigii looga arrinsanaya dawlad-goboleedka Juba cida ay matalaan? Adduunyo Bal ha loo diro wiil hoogii Feysal Waraabe wareystay. Koley waa nin journalism asluubteeda iyo ujeedkeeda wax ka yaqaan e