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Everything posted by Khadafi

  1. Taleexi;899802 wrote: Cibaadadu ma open ended baa, salaada subax haddaan shan ragco ka dhigo ma layga yeelayaa illeyn waa cibaadee, cibaadooy xaal qaado. Waad Saxsantahay Taleex, laakim sooma ogid xadiiska shariifka in jalsada dikriga in uu alle raxmad ku soo dajinaayo... Hadeey rag isku yimaadan oo ey xusaan iyaago dhahaayo "laa ilaaha ila allah" maxaa dambi taas eh? Midda labaad, sooma ogid in uu nabiga qabay asxaab uu amaan kaliya u qaadi jiray? Alle soo kuma amaanin nabiga scw quraanka markuu yiri (wa innaka calaa quluqin caziim) Raqsi, ama jalbada sooma ogid in ey ku dhicijirtay asxaabta ahlu-suffa...? Saxiib Bukhaari waxaa xadiis laga soo wariyay in asxaabiga Abu dhar in uu istaaga la dhicijiray marka uu maqlo laa ilaaha illa allah Midda sadeexad Taleexi.... taleex aaba ka mid,timid MAXAA KA REEBAY AA SAYYID SHEEKH MAXAMED RABIIC (Alle ha u naxariisto)
  2. Abtigiis;899944 wrote: Carafaat and Wyre are avid lovers of Ethiopian music. For them and for the other fans of music, I present Gashaw Adal - May he rest in peace. Gashaw Adal suffered from Vitiligo, a condition which involves complete loss of melanin - the primary skin pigment, and many speculate his late entrance into music was because he preferred obscurity to escape the harsh judgement of a superstititious society that considered those suffering from this skin condition as wicked and cursed. But when he finally and courageously took the stage, parallels with the greatest was made. Some even declared a new Tilahun Gessesse was on the making. Gashaw's second name is not Adal; Adal or Afar is the name of the cushitic people in North East of Ethiopia. He is named Adal because he was from the Afar region - An Amhara who lived there. 1994 was when he released "Abay, ye bahay". This Afar song rocked Addis, and the Ethiopian TV crew seemed to not get enough of it. The world cup in USA was on and the games made more sense, because Gashaw's incredibly melodious voice was aired for hours before and after the matches. He died prematurely. How I loved him! Abay,ye bahay, ...yani de delaki balaniiiiiiiiiiiiiiii....................... Alle ha u naxariisto, Abtigis add yinti nagmaay to the list of the one of the best afar sings... Nagmaaay Nagmaaay!
  3. Really Great News! Nice to hear that the agriculture in Somalia is starting to blossom..!
  4. Taleexi;899612 wrote: Ma aha exercise xun but I would prefer if they invested their time more wisely. Do you know what they are reciting Taleexi?
  5. [quote= and perhaps help them locate to a safer place. Back to Somalia? a safer place?
  6. Idinka meel dheer aaba fiirinoysiin, I think Abtigiis is correct on this point, Why look at Zambians, just look at MUUG-dishans in somalia, How many live in looted houses? Guryaha Baraawe yaa dagan yaakhay? Soomallis being amazed by BILIQO is is really something awkard... Those "Babbons" actually have a state, an order, they do have "babbon rules", what do we have? Mas lis waydiyay taasi? acpher, bro, dont trow a stone when live in a glass-house! Blackflash, people like to ignorre facts and pretend things didnt happen, Somalis complaining against a ciivil state like Zambia and acussing of Barbrarism, (when they themselves are potrayed in the media) as pirates, blood thirsty mullahs, and one of the most corrupted nation in the world. Qalad yaa liga fahmin, I am not defending some hooligan zambians, but think about it! At the end of the day whose "barbaric baboon" and whose not!
  7. What! Maskiinta iska heesayso maxaa loo dilaa! Did the guy have mental problems? At least the male fans became happy when Nimco landed on them;) Nin aana yaabin wuxuu dhahay waa yaabay!
  8. The general popularity of the lads amongst the people turned against them when this incident happend. Even the supporters of the lads in their deepest moments of doubts were out their and claiming that it was a foregin element within the al.shabaab that planted the bomb. That day that the blast was against medial scturents showed that those in al -Shaab were loose organised rouge extremist. The only thing that I today can find positive things amongst the wahabist kebabs is that their political or ideological war based on just that, not some tit-fortat clan agende. But their grandeurs paradise state with sharia allowed kebabs killing and maiming medical students is distorted form of islam.
  9. Carafaat is a brave man, sometimes above petty tribal things, ofcourse he is a die hard somalist, even pan-africanist laakin hargeeysa wax halaga sheegin, odayga lashes out when his dear bride , hargeysa is hurt.
  10. Maaddeey;894956 wrote: DHAGEYSO: Sheekh Fu'aad Maxamed Khalad Oo digniin u diray Dowladda Holland. 17,Muxaram 1434, 01,12,2012 ] ¨ Maadet when the ethiopians were in Somalia they didnt destroy moqsues or holy sites, The only ones who were busy with desecreting digging upp the graves of the famous somali culama were al Shabaab. They dug up and destroyed the mosque of sheekh nuraani in Barrwaawe and others in Xamar lool Look at the irony! Maadey acussing the ethiopians when his own kebabs did worse things, destroyed mosques! Cajiib!
  11. Carafaat;894675 wrote: So its a sub clan of Tigreys opposing the regime. Most of them were from tigrayans who in some what fought within the ranks of the EPLF in the 80-ties, TPLF wa minor rebel movement who saw the EPLF as the rolemodel.
  12. Naxar the saudis even want to dig up the grave of the prophet and destroy the green dome, so does this shock you? Horrible de-spritualisation of mekka going on Nimankaani yaa qabto!
  13. Ilaahay ha u naxariisto, inta dhimatay. Somalis dead by kenyan bullets!
  14. Oba,. Palestine or (masjidul al aqsa) is a holy and a place of muqadas. Our noble Shaykh, Cabdirxmaan Al-saylaci said in one of his beautiful eulogies recalling the prophetic journey " Yaa daalical samaa fil laylati israa ( oh the one who rose in the night of israa). One of the greatest miracles that our beloved prophet made was that he saw beyond the physical world. He was carried from the deserts of Mecca in a time when he had the deepest enemies and needed comfort. He was carried to quds (jerusalem) and Allah made him the imam of all prophets, from adam to isa (jesus)He then made the journey to God and saw what no man hade even before seen. He made it to sidratul-muntaha (the blessed tree) and walked so close to god to a destined place that gabriel even could not. We can not even imagine what he saw! But how magnificent it must have been! So the conflict has a religious dimension. [/i]As a muslim somali I do care about them, if godless communists today join the demonstrations for Palestine why should I not as somali muslim? From a humanistic and secular view point. Whats happening in Palestine is today a nation being occupied. So why should we not support the struggle for freedom? Hatred for some bigoted ignorant arabs should not blind our quest for justice and siding with the oppressed in their deepest hour.
  15. oba hiloowlow;890006 wrote: Khadafi är du apotekare eller? Inte ännu men är inne på mitt andra år!.. Oba Hilow, somalias drug market needs to be regulated, and the first step is by creating a form of non-governmental professional league.
  16. Do they even exist? if not, are theire any other fellow pharmacists who have thought about creating a somali pharmacist association? Please send me PM for further questions.
  17. SALAAMS IN MAWLID U'N NABI OF IMAM BARZANJI The mawlid eulogy by Imam as-Sayyid Ja'far ibn Hasan ibn 'Abdal Karim al-Barzanji (1690-1766 C.E) Rahmatullahi 'alaih is popular Muslim poetry in praise of the Holy Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu 'alaihi wa Sallam, universally recited to celebrate his birth (mawlid) on twelfth Rabi' u'l Awwal. It is a poetic biography of the Holy Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu 'alaihi wa Sallam with his birth as its main theme. And when a Muslim says 'mawlid', every other Muslim knows it is the birth of the sweet beloved Prophet Sallallahu 'alaihi wa Sallam that is being referred to. This mawlid eulogy, just like dozens of others, is based on the Holy Qur'an Kareem, Hadith Shareef and books of seerah (history). It is in two parts. The first is Mawlid Barzanji Nathr, a 19 fasl (chapter) history of the Holy Prophet Sallallahu 'alaihi wa Sallam in poetic prose with 355 verses while the second is Mawlid Barzanji Nazm, a similar 16 chapter history in poetic form with 205 verses all of which rhyme with the letter 'noon'. After the recitation of each verse in this mawlid eulogy as in all mawlid eulogies, the congregation responds: Sallallahu 'Alaih Allah's blessings be upon him or Allahumma Salli wa Sallim 'Alaih Allah's blessings and peace be upon him. The spiritual benefits of reciting these salawaat are obviously immeasurable. Mawlid Barzanji is in 'Arbi, it has been translated into Kiswahili by Mzee bin Ali Muhammad from the Comoro Islands of Africa, it is printed in Singapore, its introduction is in the Indonesian language in the Java dialect, it has been transcribed by Mawlana Uthman Abdulkarim Nasserpuri Rahmatullahi 'alaih of Kenya, it has been applauded in Zikr-e-Habib (Rememberance of the Beloved Prophet) by Ad-Daa'ee al-Kaamil Mawlana Abdul 'Aleem Siddiqi, Rahmatullahi 'alaih who incidentally composed salaams in Urdu, it has been reproduced in countless other kutub (books) including Baaqatun 'Atirah (A Perfumed Bouquet) of Imam as-Sayyid Muhammad 'Alawi al-Maliki of Makkah, and it is recited from Makkah to Mombasa, from Madina to Singapore, from Arafat to Jakarta and from Mina to Toronto, that is throughout the world by Muslims of all the four Madh'habs and all Tariqas. When the munshid (reciter) reaches the narration of the actual birth of the Holy Prophet Sallallahu 'alaihi wa Sallam, all rise with respect and devotion in a standing ovation to the Holy Prophet Sallallahu 'alaihi wa Sallam and they all offer him salaams from the depths of their hearts with deep love and affection in a resounding chorus which practically all Muslims know by heart, and indeed many other salaams whether in Arabic, Urdu or English have adopted this very same chorus. Yaa Nabi Salaam 'alaika Yaa Rasul Salaam 'alaika Yaa Habib Salaam 'alaika Salawaatu'llah 'alaika Salutations on you, O Prophet Salutations on you, O Messenger of Allah Salutations on you, O Beloved Blessings of Allah be upon you. Although this Qiyam (standing ovation) is normally printed together with the Mawlid-u'n-Nabi Sallallahu 'alaihi wa Sallam composed by Imam Barzanji, it cannot yet be established who actually composed it because it is also reproduced in the Mawlid-u'n-Nabi Sallallahu 'alaihi wa Sallam titled Sharaf al-Anaam (Noble In The Whole World) composed by al-'Allamah Shaykh Ahmad bin Qasim Rahmatu'llahi 'alaih, as well as the one composed by al-Hafiz Shaykh Abdirrahman ibn Ali ad-Dayba'ee Rahmatu'llahi 'alaih. Interestingly, Shaykh ad-Dayba'ee is called al-Hafiz because he knew more than 100,000 Hadith Shareef of the Holy Prophet Sallallahu 'alaihi wa Sallam by heart. Such is the stature of the ulama who have composed Mawlid-u'n-Nabi Sallallahu 'alaihi wa Sallam. Of the 35 verses in this qiyam following the chorus, the ones that are normally recited are: Ashraqa'l Badru 'alaina Fakhtafat Minhu'l Buduru Mithla Husnika Maa Ra'aina Qattu Yaa Wajhas-Suroori Anta Shamsun Anta Badrun Anta Noorun Fawqa Noori Anta Ikseerun wa Ghaali Anta Misbaahu's-Sudoori Yaa Habibee Yaa Muhammad Yaa 'Arusa'l Khaafiqayni Yaa Muayyad Yaa Mumajjad Yaa Imama'l Qiblataini Man-ra'aa Wajhaaka Yas'ad Yaa Kareem al-Waalidaini Hawdhuka's-Saafi'l Mubarrad Wirdunaa Yawm an Nushoori A full moon rises over us The other moon disappears We never saw the like of your beauty O face of gladness You are the sun, you are the moon You are light upon lights You are gold and even more priceless You are the light of hearts O my beloved, O Muhammad O star of east and west O supporter, O praised one O leader of both Qiblas Whoever sees your face, gets happiness O the kind one to both parents Your clear and cool fountain Is our goal on the Day of Reckoning It ends with the following dua (prayer): 'Aalim-us-Sirri wa Akhfaa Mustajeeb-ud-Da'awaati Rabbi Farhamnaa Jamee'a Bijamee-'is-Saalihaati The Knower of the secret and even more hidden One who accepts supplications O Lord forgive us all For the sake of all the good deeds. The munshideen (reciters) love to add to the qiyam these verses of the qasida that the children of Madina recited on daf in greeting the beloved Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu 'alaihi wa Sallam and his noble companions when they entered that blessed city, as narrated by Imam al-Ghazali Rahmatullahi 'alaih in his Ihya 'Ulum al-Deen (Revival of the Religious Sciences). Tala'al Badru 'Alayna Min Thaniyyaatil Wadaa' Wajabah Shukru 'Alayna Maada'a Lillahi Daa' The full moon rises on us. From Thaniyyatil Wadaa' And it is abiligatory on us to express thanks Whenever called upon by a summoner for the sake of Allah Muslims never tire of sending salaams on the beloved Prophet Sallallahu 'alaihi wa Sallam and they keep on finding novel and more interesting ways of sending salaams. An alternative resounding chorus for this salaam is: Marhaban Yaa Nura 'Ainee Yaa Nura 'Ainee Marhaban Jadda'l Husaini Marhaban Ahlan wa Sahlan Ahlan wa Sahlan Marhaban Yaa Khaira Daa'ee Welcome! O the light of my eyes, O the light of my eyes Welcome! The grandfather of Imam Husain Welcome! Greetings! Greetings! Welcome! O the best caller and inviter to Islam. A variation to this chorus is: Yaa Habibee Marhaba Yaa Nura 'Ainee Marhaba Yaa Habibee Marhaba Jadda'l Husaini Marhaba O my beloved: Welcome! O the light of my eyes: Welcome! O my beloved: Welcome! The grandfather of Imam Husain: Welcome! Yet another variation that forms a preliminary before the start of the "salaam" proper is: Marhaba Yaa Marhaba Yaa Marhaba Rahmatullil 'Aalameena Marhaba. Welcome! O Welcome! O Welcome! Welcome the mercy for all the worlds. Yet another way of offering salaams in this mawlid eulogy is to recite the second part of its fourth chapter in which the verses end in the letter "Hamza". All stand and the munshid (reciter) leads in rapturous resonance: Wa Muhayyan Kash-shamsi Minka Mudeeun Asfarat 'Anhu Laylatun Garraau Lailatu'l Mawlidilladhee Kaana Liddeeni Suroorun Biyaumihi Wazdihaau Yauma Naalat Biwad'ihibnatu Wahbin Min Fakhaarin Maa Lam Tanalhu'nnisaau Wa Atat Qaumahaa Bi-Afdali Mimmaa Hamalat Qablu Maryamu'l 'Adhraau Mawlidun Kaana Minhu Fee Taali'il Kufri Wabaalun 'Alaihimoo wa Wabaau Wa Tawaalat Bushra'l Hawaatifi an qad Wulida'l Mustafa wa Haqqa'l Hanaau And your face that shines like the sun Has been unveiled on the finest night The night of your birth bestowed happiness on religion And splendour on its day The day the daughter of Wahb succeeded in getting Of prestige what other women never succeeded in attaining She came to her people with a pregnancy Superior than that of the blessed virgin Mary before her A birth that resulted for the disbelievers In nothing but woes and epidemics And the glad tidings of rejoicers came one after another That the chosen one was born and happiness was a must. After each verse, the congregation responds: Rabbi Salli 'ala'l Habibi Muhammad Wa 'Ala'l Aali Man Humu'l Kuramau O Lord bless the beloved Muhammad And his family members who were (all) benevolent people Imam Barzanji Rahmatu'llahi 'alaih has borrowed these verses from the "Hamziyya" of the universally acclaimed Imam Sharafuddin Muhammad al-Busiri Rahmatu'llahi 'alaih (608-695 A.H., 1212-1296 C.E) of Egypt. The "Hamziyyah" is a qasida in praise of the Holy Prophet Sallallahu 'alaihi wa Sallam with 456 verses, all of which rhyme in the letter "Hamza", hence the title "Hamziyyah". Then came Imam Yusuf Ibn Ismail an-Nab'haani Rahmatu'llahi 'alaih of Lebanon who tried to emulate Imam al-Busiri Rahmatu'llahi 'alaih and composed a "Hamziyyah Alfiyyah" in praise of the beloved Prophet Sallallahu 'alaihi wa Sallam, with almost 1000 verses (987 to be exact), all rhyming in the letter "Hamza"! You begin to wonder whether miracles will ever cease! And you begin to understand what is meant by the phrase "love for the Prophet", Sallallahu 'alaihi wa Sallam. And you surely realise that the mashaaikh (spiritual masters) are madly in love with their very own Muhammad-e-'Arabi, Rasuli Rabbi'l 'Aalameen, Rahmatullil 'Aalameen, Sallallahu 'alaihi wa Sallam. Sallu ala'r Rasul
  18. Maaddeey;883432 wrote: ^^ Xamaali Furdo maa eheyd adi?.
  19. Mash Allaah, alle ha xafido ilmahaani,---
  20. Highly recommend Rebtel&Viber&skype Tango. Rebtel has the cheapest VOI-app that gives you the ability to call from the internet. Never thought in my life that I would take to family membersand friends from Canada, Africa& Middle-East while driving around town.
  21. The Zack;882473 wrote: I think G.Duke raised good and fair points here. 15 out of 16 districts in Xamar are governed by one sub-clan. On the top of that, that same sub-clan has their son as the mayor and governor of both the city and the state. I think that is unfair because as all know, there are over 4 clans that reside in Banadir. That is unfairness at its best. Wonder why that is so much ignored by many? Well said zack, These issues needs to be adressed, Tarzan needs to go Though historically the Bantus do not reside in xamar, neither does the D/M, Xamar is the historical deegaan of the banaadiri groups (shanta banaadiri) The city has also been the historical deegan of unuka groups. But demographics change, WIth the arrival of the italian colonialists in the 1900 and their choice of Xamar as the provincial colonial capital made all somalis migrate to Xamar, With independence and then with Jen.Siyaads urbanization campaigns made more somalis come to the capital. Even Xaaji Xunjufs were forced to come to the capital for simple things like passport renewal. Hey, zack, even our fellow brothers from dhagaxbuur were airlifted to baraawe to become fisherman in the famines of 1970-ties. Some are still there.. I believe this change was a positive thing, A cosmopolitan city with all somalis, what can be better?. I still dream back to those day, where my neighbors were somalis from different background. Laakin there is some loop holes in this whole federal constitutiont I sometimes feel that is something that been forced upon us. (farta waxaan ku taagay itoobiya). There are those who want us to belive that Xamar (the deegan) was some kind of artificial capital created by the somali state.This not true, the city existed before the independence and before the arrival of the colonialists. So whats the future? First of all the loop holes in these federal maamul fulaan needs to be adressed. Clan federalism with outlined borders has to end, Thats the most simple way to say it, Xamar is for all somalis. as every other city needs to be for all somalis
  22. General Duke;882381 wrote: Let me correct you, the Bantu Clan as well as those from Bay & Bakool today are a large segment of Mogadishu. 2. The Marka clan also lives in Mogadishu, so are clans from Hiiraan, and other parts of Somalia. Why complain about Kismayu distribution when their population does not even have adequite representation in Mogadishu? 3. No one is against the sharing of Bosaso admin or Puntland's, and the new clans that have moved into Puntland will with time have adequite representation. Its their State as well. 1- Duke, deegaanka taarikhdiisa waa la kasaa, if large groups of bantu-descent or those from Bay and Bakool fled to Xamar does that mean that its theire historical deegaan Nevertheless, large migrations of people has allways occured, I am not against somali brothers regardless of theire clan moving to Xamar, but whats important is to adress the issue in its political core. Federalism has been misunderstood by some, its time to see the grave loop holes in it.
  23. Xamar cadeey belongs to two primary groups, it belongs to the Banaadiri, and some of the unuka subclans The bantu groups live in jowhar and afgooye, not in xamar. If then unuka groups wants to claim it by force, we are most welcome to share it with all somali clans Laakin Duke, Boosaaso is now a commerical city with many diffirent somali clans, why not share that too? If kismaayu can be shared why not other cities... Federalism has it loop-holes but this issue needs to be adressed.
  24. I slam is a tolerant religion, before the arrival of the wahabiyya , islam with its blend of somali culture was seen as something bringing together Somalis from various clans, the first pan-somali non clan settlements were made by the xerta, for exampe in baardheere. D-block, H-block and various other clans were living in those sufi settlements and clan was made i-relevanat, My point is that islam was not polarising as some want it to be today. As for atheists being in somalia, I have to say that they have always existed and will probably continue to exist, Their will always be people like our howling friend Apophis. What we need to do is exactly what showqi said, we need to leave it to god and even protect them from intolerant extremists For why did God create hell and a after life Rabbigooda aaba la xisaabtamayee maxaa idinka niga galay ? As long as they respect the social harmony and do not spread in-tolerance and kufr why should we be bothered by them? As for gaalo somalis, I need to remind you guys that one of the most nationalist somalis, Mikalel Maryama was a gaal and that didnt make him a enemey.
  25. Mash Allah yaa carafaat, alle haa ka aqbalo, be sure to visit madinaa and nagu salaan xabiibka!