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Everything posted by Khadafi

  1. I dont want to be a pessimist but a clear answer to the question above is NO! As Baashi said, the government institutions are guarded by foreign troops, their is no Somali national army that can be trusted by the public, and as for Al-Shabaab their leaders and chain of command is still in Somalia....No one has been captured and trialed, this shows that that their is no judiciary court in Somalia as we speak. To be honest sometimes I feel that the whole somali government is built by bunch of cards, once you blow on it it collapses. As for the upcoming years, the great war on terror has officaly ended with the death of OBL. The American support (financial) for somalia intervention through its african (amisom) client army will soon end, so the big questiony Carafaat is, what will happen to tthe somali government once this support ends I might even suggest that we are entering a new somali civil war phase in southern Somalia. The politicians that hastily agreed to to the federal system without considering the segmental clanism has is now full opportunists that have turned the clan agenda into land grabbing! Some segments of somalis are nomads with no defined clan boundaries, once we start to land grabbing by declaring clan.-based regional states who will be the mediator in making real clan-borders? The clans are even themselves are divided? which sub-clan will have greater rights? Their are many somali towns that host different clans? Yaa sheegan karo these towns?. The upcoming years will determine how Somalia will be!
  2. Che -Guevara;880393 wrote: Our IDPs need systemic rehabilitation and repatriation to their towns and village or integration in whatever their current location. We can't condemn to the peripheries and hope no one sees them. Well Che How will they rehabilitated if they get a monthly supply of free food and clothes?, Some people are as we are speaking now making journeys from baadiyaha to the capital just so they could have this "free" monthly supplies. I cant blame them for doing that that but this creates socioeconomial problems. I am not a die-hard capitalist but I do believe that this creates a culture non-productivity. As someone else said before these NGO-groups love refugee camps.
  3. Jacpher;880167 wrote: ^ . You can't say no to Ethiopia and then say yes to Kenyan army marching down to the Somali streets and expect people to not challenge you.e. 1+
  4. The whole kismaayo thing seems to be 1991-1998 replayed but edited. Same tape but with different actors!
  5. Libax your very correct, Why would they move or try to be productive?, They get their monthly ration of food and clothes and sometimes even cash. I do not think that these people will move back to the outbacks of Somalia. This reminds me why Dhadhaab is one of the most biggest refugee camps. Every somali in those camps get a monthly ration of food, cooking oil and other basic stuff and a chance of relocation to europe/USA. But hey I dont blame them, I probably would have done the same lol:D
  6. Walle, Obama must do it tonight, He must succeed in convincing the nation about his plans. If the debate ends up with how he performed last time Obama will loose the race. The man was a smooth talker what happend to him in the last debate?
  7. Khadafi


    Leezu I dont know what you are on, laakin ummadaas masakiinta ka har, They are Somalis and I consider them to be one of the most productive!, They work hard and are the bread basket of Somalia. Without them who could be beeraleey.?
  8. Alle ha ku xafido Paragon, laakin Abtigiis is right on this, africa internet waa ka isticmaali kartaa;) Best of whishes!
  9. oba, what do do? tarzan snatched those posts!:eek:
  10. The Banaadiri people have allways been the most nationalistic somalis, they were the religious clerics and the diplmats, Why not the PM for them? They did not fir e a single shot during these 20 years!, and by banaadiri, i meaan the beelaha bandiiriga (from xamar to baraawe), Waa waqtigii qof reer banaadir u dhashay laga dhigi lahay R’iisul wasaaraha soomaaliya By Maxamed Cusman Cumar Qore Maxamed Cusman Cumar September 14, 2012 Somalia waxay u jeesatay dhanka aqoonta iyo oggolaashaha awooddii Odeyaasha Dhaqanka oo in muddo ah la aasay. Runtii isma lahayn si fudud ayaa looga dhaadhici karaa in ay ka tanasulaan xubin-nimadooda nuskii la go’aamiyay in laga saaro Baarlamaankii 500 ka badan xubin lahaa, inkastoo nuska haray loo qorsheeyay Aqalka Odeyaasha. Wax kasta waxaa sahal ka dhiga aqoonta la addegsanaayo, halkii qoriga la adeegdsan lahay. Maanta Baarlamaanka waxaa ku jira tiro badan ee Qurba Joogga Soomaaliyeed oo diyaar u ah in ay ka qayb qaataan dib-u-dhiska dalka. Inkastoo ay guusha Madaxweynenimada Soomaaliya ay raacday qof dalka deggan, haddana, Qurba-joog waaween oo sumcad ku leh dalalka Europe iyo Marakanka ayaa ka qayb qaatay doorashada Madaxweynaha dalka oo lagu qabtay Muqdisho maalintii 10 September 2012. Hawshaas si fiican ayay ku dhamaatay, waxaanna la doortay Mudane Xasan Shaikh Maxamuud in uu noqdo madaxweynaha afarta sano ee soo socota. Doorashadaan waxaa ka horeysay doorashada Guddoomiyaha iyo Guddoomiye ku-xigeenada Baarlamaanka oo iyagana si demoqradi ah loo doortay. Intii sano ee la soo dhaafay ma dhicin in Soomaaliya ay yeelatay hoggaan heerkooda aqooneed sidaan u sareeya. Sidaas darteed rajada ummadda Soomaaliyeed ay qabaan waxay tahay in halkii ay qabiil iyo quursi u addegsan jireen ay u adeegsadaan aqoon iyo is-tixgelin. Dawlad nimada intii nala siiyay waxaa laga joogaa 52 sano - 1960-2012 -. Nus qarnigaas, dalka waxaa maamulkiisa soo haayay qabaa’ilka lagu tilmaamo inay yihiin kuwa sar-sare, ama ha noqdeen Madaxweyne ama Ra’iisul Wasaare. Calaamadaha aan arkeyno waxay muujinaayaan in qaranka Soomaaliyeed uu u bislaaday is beddel xagga siyaasada in uu sameeyo. Runtii marar badan ayan maqlay Soomaalida qaar ka mid ah oo leh in ay fiicnaan lahayd hoggaanka dalka in loo dhibo Reer Banaadir, oo wax dad kale leeyahay damac ka galaynin, iskaba daa, wax dawlad leedahay oo ummadda oo dhan ka dhexeeyo oo ishooda ku soo haayaan. Wax kasto mar ayuu bilaawdaa, is-beddelna, si lama filaan ama si kale ayay ku yimaadaan. Madaxweynaha cusub, Guddoonka Baarlamaanka cusub, Xubnaha cusub oo barlaamaankaan hadda furmay ku soo biiray oo ay u badan yihiin dad aqoon leh oo ku soo barbaaray; wax ku soo bartay waxna ku baraayo mujtamac aan is takoor lahayn oo runtii bogga ay maanta u fureen is-beddelka taariikhiga ah in Ilahay ka dhigo mid ku sajilan bilawgii dhammaadka dhibaatadii ay ummadda Soomaaliyeed soo martay lixdankii sano ee la soo dhaafay. Si is-beddelka taariikhiga ah u dhameystirmo waxaa loo baahanyahay in Ra’iisul Wasaaraha cusub laga dhigo qof “u dhashay” Reer Banaadir – dadka loo yaqaan – Asligii. Si waxaan oo wada cusub loo soo dhoweeyay, ayaa loo soo dhoweyn lahay Ra’iisul Wasaare oo laga magacaabo qowmiyadda Reer Banaadir. Iyagoo ay iga mudan yihiin ixtiraam iyo sharaf weyn, waxay ila tahay, iyadoo la dar-yeelaayo danta guud ee dalka iyo dadka Soomaaliyeed, oo xaqana ay wada gaarto dhammaan Soomaalida in markaan mansabka ama xilka Ra’iisul Wasaaraha aan loo dhiibin qof ka mid ah dadkii horey u soo qabtay. Waa hubaal haddii qof Reer Banaadir ah lagu aamino hawshaas in si habsami ah uu u gudan doono waajibkiisa qaran dalkana ku maamuli doono sinnaan iyo cadaalad. Lixdan sano ku dhowaad ayaa laga joogaa inta aan sheeganayno dawladnimo. Ma jiraan, haba yaraatee, wax lagu amaani karo dadkii ilaa hadda dalka soo maamulay? Sababaha waxay u badan yihiin in dadka loo magacaabay Ra’iisul Wasare aysan lahayn awood uu xitaa booqasho hawleed ugu tago meelo ka mid ah dalka gudahiisa iyadoo loo aaneynaayo xiriirka ka dhexeeyo qabiilkiisa iyo qabaa’ilka deggan meelaha kale oo aan fiicneen. Reer Baanaadir waa wadani, waa daacad iyo in uu wax dhiso ma ahee, wax ma dumiyo. Soomaalida kale cid aan lagu dayin hawshaas ma jiraan ilaa hadda oo waxii ay dalka u soo qabteen natiijadiisa ma qarsana, micnaa waa “Eber” ama “Zero”. Dhanka nabaddana, Reer Banaadir cid ay cadaw la yihiin ama col ka yihiin ma jiraan. Sidaas darteed, madaama uu qof kasta wada hadal la yeelan karo Ra’iisul Wasaare reer Banaadir ah sida ugu sahlan ayuu u keeni karaa nabadda uu shacabweynaha Soomaaliya u baahanyahay si uu noolashiisa u hor-mariyo iyo ilmahiisa u korsado. Madaama uu dalkenna maraayo duruufo adag, suurto gal ma aha in hoggaanka uu ku dhex wareego isla dadkii lixdan sano wax natiijo wax-ku-ool ah ummadda tusi waayay. Waxaan Mudane Madaxweyne Xasan Shaikh Maxamuud u soo jeedinaayaa in uu siiyo tixgelin gaar ah fikraddaan ah in uu Ra’iisul Wasaaraha cusub ka dhigo qof Reer Banaadir u dhashay. Waa hubaal in 100% qaranka Soomaaliyeed, gaar ahaan wakiiladooda ku jira Baarlamaanka ay gacmo furan ku soo dhoweynaayaan go’aan noocaan ah oo noqon doono mid taariikhi ah. Waxaan rajeynaa in boggaan cusub oo bilawday 10kii Sebtember 2012 uusan noqon boggii kowaad ee 20ka sano soo socda oo sida kuwii hore oo burbur ma ahee aan barwaaqo u keenin dalka iyo dadka Soomaaliyeed. Laga soo bilaabo 1949 waxaa ii soo baxay in 20 sano walba ama ku dhowaad, in dalka lala degay oo dumis ma ahee aan daryeel dhicin: 1950-1969 (19 sano) siyaasadda Soomaaliyeed waxaa faraha ku haayay AFIS/SYL. Laga soo bilaabo 1969-1991 (22 sano) Maamulkii Military ayaa gacanta ku haayay. Sannadahii 1991-2012 (21 sano) Dagaal Oogeyaal iyo Dawlado kmg ayaa soo haayay. Bishaan Sebtember 12, 2012, waxaa bilawday 20kii sano oo magaca iyo sumcadda Soomaaliyeed dib loogu soo celin lahay, haddii Shacabka Soomaaliyeed uu helo hoggaan wax garad ah oo ugu shaqeeyo si haggar la’aan. Madaxweynaha cusub Mudane Xasan Shaikh Maxamuud waa in uu noqdaa nin geesi ah oo u daneenayno ummadda iyo dalka Soomaaliyeed si ay gaaraan bash-bash iyo barwaaqo asiga oo miiska soo saaraayo Card-ka aan weli la isticmaalin oo ah in uu Magacaabo Ra’iisil Wasaare oo Reer Banaadir u dhashay.
  11. Qalad qof ma ka dhicikaro ? Come on macsuumin yaanan lis ka dhigin Ednas clannish remarks were sad and I hope that the lady doesnt sink into those murky waters, her remarks made me really go" meeshaas ha tagin,,, and made me some what confused, why would an respcted old somali lady go publick and trash her own somali brothers infront of eurpoeans? But many thousands of somali children have been nourished through her materinity hospital I think no somali is hidden from the green clan-monster we have in our selves , sometimes it jumps and hurls its monsterish green remarks, I am the first to say that I sometimes train this green monster to be quit in some situations. Marka Habartaaani ha liska dhaafo.
  12. Alle ha u naxariisto, I remember seing him in 2003 in Sweden, very polite and funny man! I
  13. I should have clarified the meaning "gaalo", It does have some religious meaning , but I mean it more in a cultural way. Apohis- They probably do have some opinions regarding me, but I am not so blunt to ask them that, most of them are nice but they do have a terrible aspects. Waxaan soo xasuusta when I was new to the workplace and broke some un-known social traits, After a few weeks on the job a swedish co-worker came to and started to backbite her fellow co-worker whom she had worked with for more then 15 years! Shocked by it I said to her "why are you backbiting your fellow co-worker that you have known so many years". The lady stared at me finished her cigarette and went away! Sanad xataa ilama hadlin, Alpha--- regarding your categories of whites I must agree with you, the most ignoranty ones are those who come from the working class and can not accept a black guy being their boss/team leader or more knowledgeable Jacaylbaro, shukaansiga ha dambeeye habro pension gaaray maxaa u sheege?
  14. How do you interact with your gaalo-co workers? I am the kind of person in my work-place that says nothing and just smiles and gives short answers when interacting with my gaalo-co workers. They say that your workplace is a second marriage and your co-workers your second wives So have you had an annoying co-worker that you just wanted to slap in the face? I usually shunn away conflicts and that has worked for me. The only thing that bothers me in my work-place is that I have worked with same people for 4-5 years. We all know everything about each other and no one has nothing to say.
  15. I dont know, but why would a starving nation buy airplanes for millions of dollars, Should you not do it back ways? Feed the people and then if they can sustain themselves buy airplanes. Sheekadi Angola camal waaye, chinese building high buildings while the people are living in poverty.
  16. Think about the CHILDREN! For gods sake think about the CHILDREN! As usall the discussion about intra-racial marriages comes to existense, My personal opinon is, why complicate things, Some think that marriage is two persons joining each other into a single unit, but in our cultures it's actually two families being a unit If I would i have been married to a white lady, Could I expect her to care of my aging mother?, the second thing is ofcourse from a religous perspective, Let's say a a guy converts to islam and in a few months turns into a bearded taliban and marries a somali woman. They are married for three years and then gets divorced, Yaa og in uu ninka gaalinimadiisa ku noqonkarin They guy might end back to his gaalo days, and voila! You have children that visit his gaal father every sunday and saturday and eats bacon with him. The child then comes back to you on normal days and eats halal meat? These examples might be the worst ones, But atleast if someones gets divorced his/her children has cultural religous family units to count on.! Marka dhalinyaro ha fududaanina Guursada waxaad taqaantid and wax ku yaqaano.
  17. Okey! 3:38 minutes of my life was wasted, though it was funny;)
  18. Hey Oba you should have warned the graphic content, My gaal co-worker walked beside me when I watched the clip! While Asians are doing their math and the westerners thnking how to out master them, the africans are burning people alive... My old grand mother used to say "Nin aan yaabin ayaa yiri waa YAABAY
  19. Walleeey maadey meel ayuu gaaray, Sheekh Aweys iyo culumadi hore, dinta faafiyay in u necbanyahay waa la ogyahay, laakkin in isticmaarka talyaaniga qabrigiisa taar iyo raadiyo dhigeen waa waalida shabaabka haysto lol! , Maadey the boat is sinking, si u dhaqs badan ka boood!
  20. *Blessed;872731 wrote: Qaab xumaa. Astaqfirullah. Blessings!, Reading your earlier posts on various topics I dont think that your comments are becouse of bigotry or simple hatred. Many Somali-Youngsters are today not affiliated the deep knowledge that Somali Culamada had and how they spread Islam from the corners to the ethiopian lowland and as far as Zaire, I think your amazed and curious. This reminds of incident that happend to me a couple of years ago, When we were chanting somali style poems for the prophet and exalting his nobility and his exellence, a somali youngster came to us and said to us "wha tare you doing this is wrong", Two weeks later he was listening to an arab-saudi style nashiid or qasiido. The only conclusion that I could come up with was that he must have been a self-hating person. But I will try to explain the meaning and the deep wisdom in what they are saying. First of all sister, the culomo above are chanting the chants of poetry that Sheekh Cabdirxman Al Saylaci. The shaykh was well known Somali religous scholar, his concept of the different shaficite jurisprudence is till read by Azhar graduates . For an example those in the clip are saying " Low tadooma donya aaliha waa kaana rasoolilah xayyan waa baaqiyan meaning "If some would have existed in this real of existense, certaintly it would have been the prophet", The shaykh is in that poem reminding his diciples that death is not a something that you can escape from. He then continues and says "Maxabatu fardun calaa muslim" (The love for him is obligatory for every beliver" He then continues and says " . -Lawlahu Makana Shay'un -Walal Macashu Yadibu Meaning -Without Him [The Prophet], nothing would have been worth existent. Without Him, the food would taste nothig Shakh Uweys al Baraawi explained and said " If we would take take him as nothing, do we have porpuse of living, for sucsess and existense lies in love and followng of the prophet. And in the explainung of the second part he said " If some one looses a lover, our aptetite goes down, for all you have you have had denied love, doesnt that person feel sad and even the food becomes a meal without a taste? The chanting continues with the saings "Mustafaa, yaa Muxammad, mataa yakoona liqaaka "oh Mustafa, when will we join you (meaning paradise", Blessed, when Sami Yusuf or other arabs come together and play qasaaid its okey, but when we come together and chant the the same thing its "qaab xumid". And by the way it is not ony Somalis who do xalaqooyinka dikriga here are arab ones:
  21. Jaamac1975;872710 wrote: Let the D-block boys and their daddies worship the fat coward that run all the way to imiey and died in a foxhole. The important thing is that the people of Somaliland realized what this charachter in actuality was, Guri-Barwaaqo isn`t trying to convince the D- clan of anything new these people will worship him regardless to them its all about tribal loyalty. So the book of Guri-Barwaaqo isn`t for that particular clan , the book is for all non-D somalis who were been fed crap by the old regim. This book will be taught in Somaliland schools , kids in somaliland will compare the old `facts`taught in old Somali republic and the new book and argument of Guri-Barwaqo. What the author collected and analysed are the Mullah`s vulgar poems and how the D-clan during their rule of Somali republic `sexied-up`the Mullah`s career of murder and and looting . Maadeeys, Ironically where as the so called `Sayid`of yours son was pro-Ethopian and sided with ethopia during the struggle for great somalia , the grand son of Sheekh Awees Al-Barawaani namely Abdulqadir Saqawdiin Shaikh Aweys one among the founders and the first president of the SYL. In my opinion the father of southern Somalia should have been that grandson of Awees , who died in 1947, not the fat gluttonous libertine. The man who liberated you and you should celebrate is Sheekh Awees al-Barawaani and his decendant , not the camel theifs known as the Maxamed Cabdulle Xasan. But then what a branwashed little kids know. Well said, historical correct revisionism as its best!
  22. Apophis khamiiska sacuudiga ey ku soo gashanayaan, and then they throw in some arabic words, Voila! You have a saudi trained sheekh lol
  23. Khadafi


    Mashallah Bluelicous, Jalaladin Rumis poems are truly insoiring and soothing for the soul...