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Everything posted by Tallaabo

  1. There also needs to be a serious spy network on the ground. Al-Shabaab should be infiltrated and exposed.
  2. Yes indeed they should have done this ages ago but better late than never.
  3. I think it is a rumour. Farmaajo can not just create federal states out of thin air.
  4. It is good to learn that you are not a gaal (God forbid), so tell us what is your problem with Islam? The philosophy thing you mentioned above does make much sense to me. When disbelievers and sinners are burned in hell they will turn into a dark mess- a human charcoal, and not into shinny orange Donald Trumps.
  5. Galbeedi I have no issues with using the hadith literature for studying history but we are not allowed to use them for religious guidance. Indeed Almighty Allah commanded the prophet to follow only His revelations to judge and teach. Just take a look at your beliefs and rituals and tell us how many of them are rooted in the hadith books and have nothing to do with Allah's revelation.
  6. Joint statement on delays to Somaliland parliamentary and local council elections - GOV.UK WWW.GOV.UK International partners signed a joint statement on delays to parliamentary and local council elections in Somaliland.
  7. Could you be more specific because what you have written here is just like the countless YouTube troll comments in any Islam related video?
  8. Which "Islamic values" are playing themselves out to their natural conclusion? Will you name those "values" for us so we can learn about them?
  9. They can mis-interpret and mis-use the Quran but they can't change its contents. The Qur'an is preserved by Almighty Allah.
  10. It is not just the interpretation of hadiths which is a problem, it is their very foundations and the fact that Almighty Allah never sanctioned their use which is the problem. They tell you that the hadiths explain the Qur'an when in fact all they do is contradict it. They ascribe them to the prophet when indeed he never knew about their existence as they were written at least a couple of centuries after his passing. They say the prophet told the Muslims to judge by these hadiths when in fact Allah ordered the prophet to judge by the Qur'an. I found that there is no point in arguing with these folks so I tell them lakum diinikum waliya diin.
  11. Muslimnimo is a large tent, isn't it? Adigu dhankaaga ka degenow
  12. I didn't belittle "the explanations and traditions" of the prophet. I just don't believe what you guys have got in those numerous books has anything to do with him.
  13. That is true. Indeed whatever we have got now is the due to the hard work of the people but give me one example of the thieving siyaasiyiin contributing anything to our society. I believe they are actually a liability. They actively sow discord among the brotherly people and undermine everything we have achieved.
  14. I follow the revelations of Allah contained in the Qur'an for guidance but if your judgement comes from the books written by your idols Bukhaari and co, then all I can say is that to you your religion and to me mine.
  15. The insecurity in Mogadishu will not last forever, and indeed sooner than you think our inept "siyaasiyiin" will have to find another place to use for propaganda. I suggest Juba in South Sudan, but I guess that place has improved its image as well.
  16. Yes I do have a major issue with those so-called "sahih" books you mentioned and the likes of them. Wallah the bible has more right to be trusted and used than these thick volumes of Central Asian books of misguidance. And NO I don't read them for religious guidance.
  17. Islam is abused by the tyrants, hypocrites, terrorists, and the infidels because of the vast man made literature called xadiis peddled as divine law. As long as the Muslims rely on these books for guidance instead of the holy Qur'an, there will be no end to the abuse, misery, and confusion.
  18. Xaajiyoow koonfuria isn't stopping anything. What you call the "will of the people" has nowadays turned into the will of only the accursed kleptocracy. Nowadays, there is absolutely nothing the average Somalilander gains from Somaliland's separation and this is not the fault of Farmaajo or any other Koonfurian. It is exclusively due to the failure of Somaliland's political elite. Just think about this: Somaliland has been independent of Mogadishu for almost thirty years now and still today our politicians are fighting over the composition of the electoral commission!!! They don't even pretend to be working for the interest of the people. Its all about them and their personal interests. In those thirty years nations including China and India have become superpowers and indeed in the nineteenth century it took about three decades for feudal Japan to develop into modern empire. So what future has this inept and out of touch kleptocracy got? On the contrary, I think life would be much better for the masses if a deal is reached with Mogadishu. After all, what is the purpose of breaking away if we have all the problems associated with koonfuria in Somaliland. Tribalism, daylight robbery of public resources by politicians, clan conflicts, religious extremism, etc. Actually, koonfuria is now more democratic and free than Somaliland. Remember our parliamentarians have now effectively turned what was supposed to be their five year term into a lifetime job.
  19. Che the guy has a point. Tuugtu way kala ilbaxsantahay, kuwa Somaliland jooga waa cawaan qaawan oo kale.
  20. Soon or later Xamar will inshaallah shed its violent image and then those who abuse its name will have to find some other place as a propaganda tool.
  21. Kenyan teachers place Somaliland school on the global map WWW.BUSIWEEK.COM At the heart of Somaliland capital Hargeisa, Kenyan teachers are hitting the headlines, thanks to their performance...
  22. Do you think the Americans are unaware that Somaliland is just a smaller version of southern Somalia with just as much corruption, nepotism, mistrust among clans, violence, tribalism, religious extremism, etc?
  23. He is certainly out of his depth, reduced to a mere protester, and is equally responsible for the unfortunate mess there.
  24. And they can still safely rely on their clan's unwavering support. I guess this is the root cause of all our troubles.
  25. Accusing a Muslim of wrong doing without a proper evidence and wrongfully tarnishing a Muslim's reputation is a sin according to the divine law of Allah and is not a matter open to our personal opinions.