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Everything posted by Tallaabo

  1. I pity the folks who are delutional enough to say Awdal needs liberation from Somaliland. The same Awdal which is the heart and soul of Somaliland lol. Car taga Awdal oo kudhaha hadka halkaa degan xoriyad baad u baahantihiin:cool:
  2. Time to breakdown the infamous Gaalkacayo wall and reunite communities. We don't want the Korean line of control replicated in the middle of Somalia.
  3. Safferz;938646 wrote: I didn't realize geography makes a difference in how real it feels to have your limbs ripped off in an explosion. In Boston people don't get their legs ripped off very often, do they?
  4. sharma-arke451;938649 wrote: I wonder why the drone attacks that cause civilian casualties and deaths, in Afghanistan and Pakistan, and else where, are not sympathized with or blamed the terrorist who do it. look at the number of E-condolences submitted. i call it non-sense. if its being humane, there are no two ways about it. you feel for all or none. period. double standard in its best image. we are in a world where the benchmarks of justice are synonyms with unjust and torture. You are right sharmarke. Terror against civilians is the same whether it is done with a suicide bomb or a drone. Let us pray for all the victims whether they are in Waziristan, Mogadisho, or Boston.
  5. This is a fantastic story Nuune. You are miskiin walaal, you should have embarrassed the team in front of the president and told them that they were unprofessional and should have waited in the aircraft. I am sure the president would have agreed with you and embarrassed them too by ordering them to follow your instructions. But I don't really blame the "advisers" in this sad incident, I blame Silaanyo for hiring them in the first place. The best thing the president can do now if to fire all of them and replace them with experienced professionals. Let us hope he replaces those id!ots before the next official trip to Washington.
  6. I would not worry a second about Che, Safferz, and the other pampered qurbo joog. Let us pray for the real victims of terror- the poor Mogadisho residents.
  7. Tallaabo


    D.O.C;938054 wrote: I can't believe in 21 century, a guy could initiate conversation with a girl in the following line "Excuse me errrm, am trying to wake up, can you punch me in the face?" He is even having difficulties for understanding her level of communication. The Chinese dude is a saviour! I like when she said, "well there you go i hit every point, which doesnt make it eeh, which doesnt render too transparent i think it's good people with right reaction (thump up) so that is something" with gangster glare (looking right on the camera direction), that is damn hot! I think he meant what he said before the converstion turned awkward but funny;) He probably wanted to make a youtube video of hot girls punching him;)
  8. Tallaabo


    ^ Have you had an experience with them Chimera?
  9. nuune;938286 wrote: hehehe It is a new town close to Washington dee:D
  10. Ditoore don't you think Faisal should be given a Puntland woman to keep his mouth shut? After all it is our Somali tradition to exchange women to make peace.
  11. ^ Dee bal waataasee maxay kaa rabaan? Way is ogyihiin kuwii xamanayay nabadoon Alpha. Waa inay xaal kusiiyaan niyow.
  12. Xaaji don't you think you would do a great job if you are made the official spokesman of the government of Somaliland and everyone had to go to your office to get information or ask questions?
  13. ^ Alpha!! You are alive?? Some crazy guys started talking about your demise and others were being Buddhist and talked about your reincarnation into another script lol;)
  14. Oh wiil cusub posted it before I did. You are Jinn wiil cusub;)
  15. ^ Dr Osman where did Puntland copy this wind energy business? Was it invented in Puntland? Or did you copy it from Abaarso Tech? http://somalilandpress.com/largest-windmill-arrives-at-abaarso-tech-12435
  16. nuune;938268 wrote: I will be writing it caawa sxb, imika waxaan soo booqan madashii aan kula kulmeyJaceylkeygi(waa gabadhii jinka aheyd een 2010kii iska baraney Hodhel Conrad hortiisa in Istanbul ee ila baxsatey). Nuune I am beginning to think you were a mole working for Qoslaaye. How much intelligence did you pass on to your president before the meeting took place?:eek:
  17. Juxa;938271 wrote: madax weynaha sow lama barin in public he must speak to others with respect, however wrong/inappropriate/rude they are walee isagaan baratakoolka la barin You are right Juxa. Somali presidents think they are kings and expect to be treated as such. Waa in runta loo sheegaa raggan is macnaynaya:)
  18. Tallaabo


    Isn't she adorable?
  19. ^ Wuxuu rabaa inaynu meeshan kusoo ururno dee;)
  20. Nin-Yaaban;937925 wrote: Runtaa, but in the same token, do you think it made people just a lot more lazier by depending on the Internet for everything? There is this 17yr old kid, aan adeer u ahay. He has the attention span of 4yr old kid. He can't disconnect from his laptop/cellphone long enuff to really think about things deeply. He'd give you really short answers to everything, and he's very abrupt about everything. Personally, i think it's doing a lot of harm to most of the younger generation. Cunugga yari ma kombuyuutarka ayuu kaaga kici waayay;)
  21. Che -Guevara;937893 wrote: Ace. When the Republic imploded, it didn't neatly crumble into North-South. The civil war created tribal homelands and the struggle against Barre waged by tribes not by Somaliland or any other regional administration. And at the end, tribes will decide the final outcome and solution won't come in neatly packaged divorce settlement. These talks are good beginning but they falsely assume that there are only two Somalis whose reconciliation will result in lasting peace. Che you are right that the implosion of the former republic did not result in a neat North-South divide because division was not the intention of any of the parties who were responsible for the downfall the republic. However, just like the Somaliland of today, the Somaliland of the 1950s was tribal and divided on unity. Their were political parties which opposed the union and campaigned against it. The majority of Somalilanders in the 1950s were unionists and so had the last say. But it was not tribes which negotiated the union, it was the careered politicians speaking in the name of Somaliland. And like the rest of the African continent and much of the wider world, Somaliland's borders are colonial and have international legitimacy.
  22. burahadeer;937697 wrote: when puntlanders be confident enough & stop trying proving thmslvs.?It's always we r here.2+2=100:D Lol. welcome back. Where have you been hidding? I thought you reconverted and joined the wadaado to clinse your erred soul;)
  23. Its reassuring to know the usually large entourage which follow the president are seated in the economy class. There is no justification to seat anyone else in the business class given the dire economic situation of most Somalilanders.
  24. Waar nuune I am really glad you met the president. Soo daa warka:) Imagine instead of you if Dr Osman or Mooge met him;)
  25. Apophis;937234 wrote: When your intellect fails you, use emotional blackmail. Sxb, theer's no such thing as "country men", only interests, perpetual interests. The whose "interest"? Your clan? Sub-clan? Family? Your personal interest? Why do you think the Kenyan government and not the Somali government have those "interest" of yours at heart? Let me remind you a lesson from history. During the first halve of the 20th century, the Arabs foolishly thought they were going after their "interest" by collaborating with the French and British in their war against their Muslim brothers of the Ottoman empire. Guess what became of that "interest"? Colonisation, the division of the Arab lands into fiefdoms hostile to one another, the wholesale give away of Palestine to the Jews, exploitation, and perpetual humiliation was the reward they got. Now what was that "interest" of yours again?:cool: