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Everything posted by Narniah

  1. Aw they look so cute. *Pinches cheeks*
  2. Bluelicious;821852 wrote: Anyways my ride and die chick I missed you, it's been so long since we both came across each other in the same thread due to busy hectic lifes. How is it going with you? Hey sgatje! I missed you too! I'm fine. Good to see you Homie, been awhile! How you been? Hope everything is pretty awesome on your ends. xxjes! To those who said it must be photo shopped, It's real!
  3. This is so tragic, the community and the family has failed this boy. How can anyone not have noticed anything? I'm sure he was beaten before. The kid is same age as my little sister, May Allah grant him Jannah ameen. ina lilahi wa ina ileyhi raja'uun, as much as this haunts me I know that lil abdifatah is now With God, InshaAllah he's now finally safe.
  4. In the article it says that her family was aware of her illicit relationship and didn't care nor trouble her . She wasn't really scared for her life. It's just that having this baby wasn't convenient for her. This woman is evil incarnate. The baby is now in Jannah with Allah.
  5. Alpha Blondy;819371 wrote: this is not the point. this is shameful behaviour and its almost like somalis and the somali territories are being emasculated to the will of turkish foreign policy. fair enough the turks have played a pivotal role in 'somalia' but be reminded what we endured has only made us stronger. this court-jester type behaviour and 'uncle tom' pleas and subservience is unacceptable and denigrating our collective somali psyche. when we suffer; we suffer with dignity and integrity! First of all, when did you all of a sudden have Somalia's best interests at heart? I detect a hint of self-loathing and jealousy in your post. Second, there is no subservience here, just appreciation that at least one brother nation is actually treating us with dignity and respect on the world stage. Sure, you could say that Turkey has their own interests in mind when they come to us. But we will also benefit from this. It is mutually beneficial. Do you understand that concept? That both parties could benefit from something at the same time? It's been a long time since Somalia got any recognition other than "terrorist state" or "pirate haven" on the world stage, so I, for one, welcome the Turks to Somalia and hope we can all benefit from this relationship.
  6. Alpha Blondy;819369 wrote: this is utterly shameful. why are somalis singing for turks. we are people of integrity and honour. the turks have their own agendas and songs and other forms of cultural expressions dedicated to turkey distorts the power dynamic. we should seek to be on par with the turks and should not accept a subservient role. shame on south somalis and the tfg for encouraging this sort of behaviour. even in somaliland there is no sycophant behaviour to the british or any other benevolent donor! I don't think I saw any ''Somalilanders'' singing for turkey, so don't worry, your precious 'dignity' can remain intact.
  7. Turkish Actor Nihat Dogan visits Somalia, Ends up in tears saying 'Are these people not Human like us, Our humanity should be embarrassed, that these people have suffered, where is the humanity, why did we wait so long''? Here Turks call a number on t.v channels alarming their entire nation to send Money to Somalia..They're talking about us, he gives a speech saying God will never help any of you if you watch these people die. God is watching us we must help them now. Look at the humanity of this man he keeps crying for Somalia forward it to 3:27 and watch the rest. Here is Nihat in Somalia..
  8. This song is such a happy upbeat song, I love it. Somali song, that will make you dance!
  9. I want to go back to the part of Somalia where my parents are from. I would like to re-build our once beautiful home that was destroyed and looted. I would like to set up water purification all over my town so people have clean water to drink and build a school for the children of my town. That's what I want to do, If God wills it for me.
  10. My strawberry and Malawax fascination. Somalicentric thanks for this thread, I love it:) I like your desk looks neat!
  11. First time I went to Belgium it was on a school trip, we went to the Walibi Theme park in Brussels. I have such fond memories of Belgium. I'm not sure about Somali restaurants, but I'm sure you'll find many nice/halal places to eat at. Belgium is known to have some of the most delicious pastries in the world, enjoy it. If you love malwax even better, they got a crepes stall in every corner lol.
  12. The guy @ 3:42 he did what I would've done, take that object they're wiggling around off them and whack em sideways with it lol. Omg that chick with the red top looked terrified aww!
  13. Narniah

    At least

    Lol@ Showqi Welcome back Wyre, I think it was on your end I was able to come on just fine.
  14. One thing I like about myself is that I am like X to somalis. Nobody knows, what tribe, region or even if i am somali when I encounter them in LA streets. I can so relate to that, it's always funny to see the intriguing look on Somalis faces when they hear I'm Somali. Disbelief coupled with wonder and confusion. lol I like this cause I can sit amongst them and be invisible.
  15. That's so nice to see, considering the unfortunate circumstances we find ourselves in today. It makes you proud to know where we came from, and how great we once were. Insha'Allah Somalia will come back in full action! Thanks chimera.
  16. Aaliyyah;811011 wrote: Waxaad ogataan qof ilmahiisa jecleen ma jiro..this lady loves her kid. It's not her biological son, she adopted the kid.
  17. If two souls meet in affection and are then forced to depart with the departure of life without any hateful event or they depart due to death, then that there is shocking death and grevious pain. There has never been a moment of such prolonged grief, such apparant loss, lasting sorrow, deep sadness and lament more so than when two brethrens or beloveds are seperated. And no-one has tasted a taste more bitter than when two close friends are seperated and it’s all over. I wonder at the one who extends his right hand To his beloved at the time of seperation and he hastens therein! I felt weak and incapable of saying farewell when I saw him So my heart shook his hand whilst my eye wept. source: Heart Softners, Main, Rawdhat al-'Uqalaa', Translations
  18. Does Nutella count? I have that every morning! Yum! I think dark chocolate the bitter one is suppose to be good for your heart. But I can't eat that, I love Galaxy smooth milk bar.
  19. Poor child, omg watching that choke me up! That woman doesn't deserve to be a mother, evil monster.
  20. Paul walker has the best beard!