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Everything posted by Coofle

  1. Hadaanu hadalnana waa af-sallax ku dhagayagii, hadaanu aamusnana adhiga sidaa laga dayn maayo Once upon a time there was a nomadic Fellow Somewhere in the Somali peninsula, He went by Ina-xagaa-dheere. Like many of his peers he was a Shepherd, and he owned quite not so many sheep. out of nowhere, his sheep started dying from unknown contagious disease.Ina-Xagaa-Dheere was looking at the ghost of caydhoobid (destitution) and being the out-of-box-thinker he was, he came up with a devilish plan;To divide the sheep between him and the Omnipotent (Allah) in equal ratio, Then pleaded, Oh Allah, Take and infect your part of the herd and leave my part alone. Fair deal, an atheist may say. The next Day,Ina-Xagaa-dheere was drinking from a rain water that was caught atop of a rock. Sadly though, His lips were sealed by divine ability to the rock he was drinking from. He struggled but to no avail, then it hit him, and started to ask for forgiveness, He sinned and with an incomprehnsible murmur uttered, adhiga oo dhanba adigaa iska leh ee waxaad doonto ka yeel , Oh Allah, to you all the herd belongs, do whatever you desire with them. suddenly his lips popped off the rock.... That night when he returned to the village, the villagers inquired about the outcome of his plan and he replied with the famous catch phrase "Hadii aanu hadalnana waa af-sallax ku dhagayagii, Hadii aanu aamusnana adhiga sidaa laga dayn maayo" meaning, If I speak up it is time for the lips to be sealed to rocks and If I stay silent the livestock will continue to diminish (I know its terrible translation) Moral of the story When it comes to local Somali politics, its almost impossible to remove tribal convictions. I worked hard to suppress it and Alxamdulilaah I did succeed except for the occasional stereotypical thoughts, and surely many fellow nomads are like me. on the other hand, Some will fake being free from tribal bias but their hearts are as white as Snow on a Ku Klux Klan lynching!. amusingly, whenever I speak in a balanced manner about an issue (local somali politics that is) my views are perceived with tribal flavor, my tribe. If I defend clan X (assumingly an ally of my clan) and speak against the atrocities being committed against them , I will be branded as normal Tribalist and If I condemn actions taken my men of my clan, it will be seen merely as a slap on the wrist. No matter what stance I took, my clan was my defining entity, I fought the system, I tried to prevail but I was the insane man....Wadar iyo waaxid yaa waalan? and let us be honest Somali politics is mainly led by mentally challenged individuals, and since stupidity is not a handicap in politics no one pays attention to it...and also its generally a bunch of bovine eschatology!. Ilaahay amarkii.
  2. <cite> @Holac said:</cite> I reason most of us don't appreciate the subject of mental health enough to comprehend why a woman with six kids and a stable job would choose to massacre a group of other muslims who have done nothing to her. It is very easy for the depressed mind rationalize death and ignore the basic tenets of Islam and life. I have been ruminating on the mental status of such individuals. there are countless psychiatric ailments that can play tricks on you. Let it be personality disorder (e.g Borderline personaity) but most importantly mania, sever depression and some forms of schizophrenia can to some extent explain this rash irresponsible fatal behavior.
  3. Although We don't have the same prospects Dubai or china, but what we all need is to keep the hope high....and let us look at this.. Or let us not forget where we come from in the 90s
  4. With my utmost respect to every race,nation and tribe! I find myself constantly admiring my Somali heritage. A month ago, I was handed a healthcare form to fill and as usual it had equality and diversity part about your Ethnicity,sexuality etc etc...Right after Black Caribbean and just before Other black it said Somali, Just Somali...I grinned till my Molars were exposed and proudly with a Big bold tick chose Somali. .... Moral of anecdote, If Somali was not there I would have chosen Black African instead of Other Black(as some fellow Somalis do) Africa is a continent, a big continent with varying nations and ethnicity. A Caucasian and an Asian might share the same degree of skin pigment, but they are different as much as a Chinese is different from a Finnish. Same might go for Africa, East Africans might find themselves different from West Africans, which is a reality..As much difference as the chinese and finnish and yet we find the world welding all of africa (sub-saharan Africa) as a single inseparable entity. Allaha U naxariiste my Secondary school History teacher Axmed Madar, used to say, IF you go somewhere with few Somalis, you might all become brothers irregardless of your tribe, If there are no Somalis, Black people or Arabs will be your second refuge, if none, Those who are different from the locals like you will be your refuge, If no humans Monkeys will be your refuge, If not monkeys, well Markaa way kuu dhamaatay. ....
  5. <cite> @galbeedi said:</cite> I have a beef with administrators. They are policing my comments. I never write any thing hostile or abuse. the other day I wrote " madax Faluuq" referring to a real " madax Faluuq",and it did disappear quickly. Oday galbeedi bal u kaadi istiqaalada ha dhiibine...What kept SOL respectful for more than a decade is constant moderation by admins, to err is human, Marmar laftooda way ka yara qaloocataa, laakiin ma xuma nimanku. Alpha ahaa, Salaan sare.
  6. Nice video... SOL should have a Like button for threads that I like but too lazy to comment. Like this one.
  7. After living in the middle-east for so long, dealing with people from the indian sub-continent and now being in the west...I have come to the simple conclusion that our Somalis sisters did not appreciate us well enough, the level of freedom and protection we provide them with compared to women of many nations. its appalling to know about the rapid rise in rape nowdays in Somali inhabited lands, I was pleased to know that Somaliland government will not accept elders mediation and it will be handled as a criminal offence by the law.
  8. Xaaji tallaabo, I wholeheartedly attend every 'Meher' , 'Doonaasho' iyo waliba casuumadaha kale...But When it comes to the big bang wedding, I had quite terrible experience in Some weddings, Imagine a man preaching about Yawmul aakhira in a wedding , in another one, the fact that songs are haram were established but at the same time Arabic Nashids (with music) were being played....Although its not that much that I turned down (may be twice) but I always consider is it worth may be taking the time and energy to all the way for muxadaro diini ah which I also know many of the attendees are not happy with what is going on... anyways, Waa danbi dhinacayga ah labadaasi, waanan ogahay, laakiin ilaahay ha na cafiyo.
  9. to be honest, waxani waligoodba way iska jireen, the only difference is Social media and technology bringing it to light.Dhalinyartu waa iska danbaabtaa, waana dhaqan ku ladhan dhalinyarnimada, Youths those days should be careful about immortalization of their bad decisions through technology.
  10. I am not a big fan of unrestricted intermingling of genders or indecency, but, I also don't enjoy a wedding without some joy and music. one wedding I attended was all about the Aakhira and sheikh after sheikh preaching...No ceremonial spirit and that culture is expanding day bay day...Fortunately that was the last wedding of such kind I have been to, I also inquire about the nature of the wedding beforehand.
  11. <cite> @Holac said:</cite> Now that uskag Godane is dead, ISIS can forget about ever having ISIS satellite group in Somalia. is this ISIS caricature ..... funny though Knowing the mentality of ISIS sympathizers, they might take this joke as serious plan...detachment from reality is a perquisite to joining ISIS.
  12. Currently, I will not cheer for independence to the Somali region of Ethiopia. What would be wise is for the people to embrace ethiopia as their country, build their infrastructure, educate their communities and be a self-sufficient region....then independence would be the right option...right now, the region is one of the least developed areas where somalis inhabit, with majority of population living in rural areas. Somali region of Ethiopia is somewhat a microcosm of Somali!. The region have a wide and varying tribal structure, having bits of every clan from north to southern somalia. The region also have varying environments (except guban). That being said, all problems in Somalia would be reflected in the region and thus we should have learned from our past mistakes in managing such vast area. This all comes after considering how hard it would be for the region to gain succession from Ethiopia...that would have dramatic effects on the country.
  13. Erdogan is worldly,diplomatic and assertive leader. Something many leaders in the Islamic world need to be.
  14. Sheikh Cidansultan!!!!!!!!!!!!....I am familiar with the principal of your enemy's enemy is your friend, but don't u think its absurd to use the propaganda video of the infamous David Duke!. A white supremacist who if you ask him, who was responsible for 2004 tsunami would unhesitatingly answer the jews, followed by blacks, browns and yellows!!!!!... We all know about Zionism and the grip they have globally. but I will take what that man says with pinch of salt at least. To him, blaming Jews, Blacks , latinos , Asians etc is the norm, abdicating whites as God's harmless chosen people!. The Mafia problem in the states is deeply rooted participated equally by each race and group, what the poor gangsters don't understand is that they are all being manipulated by a greedy punch, weather black latino or white, those leaders use race to surround themselves with thoughtless convicts who would unquestionably do whatever they say in the name of ethnicity. Jaalle Cidansultan,Let me take this opportunity to say something else, Stop blindly falling for the English-subbed/dubbed Arabic videos who almost exclusively out there to serve an agenda. At least if you could understand arabic you would had access to what the Arabic world thinks , what the Sheikhs say about alleged group such as ISIS. I have personally seen people like you who exclusively watch such videos and it made them lose grip with reality falling for propagandist predators. Fii amaani Laah akhii
  15. <cite> @Alpha Blondy said:</cite> dearest Coofle, thank you for your wise words. as can you imagine, it wasn't easy admitting to this cilaad but i felt i could confide in you. i recently read a book about this beelaha la hayb sooco. it was interesting and i felt i could empathise with their plight, being a member of a minority clan myself. all we need is to understand each other, runnti. inshallah, one day we can all live in peace and harmony. Mudane Alpha...does that book happen to be 'The of Las burgabo'. the book was a good read, short story yet it covers many aspects of haybsooc. I recommend it. a review i read before purchasing the book described it as uncle toms cabin of somalis. When I finished reading the book , I sent the author an email, I told him his book was written in the wrong language and directed at the wrong crowd!!!
  16. <cite> @Alpha Blondy said:</cite> yeah, i know brovs. i'm a victim of this. i've become indoctrinated by and brainwashed by tribalism. i'm so tribalistic it affect my daily thoughts and stuff but i'm not going to blow myself, you know. the terrorist jihadists have to demonstrate their insidious bravado by doing an act, ma garatay? balse, like you said, it's all the same. we must protect our young people but our culture is very weak and very backward. maxa talo ah? Bravo Alpha, Admitting is the firs step. Tribe is a good thing to keep lineage of society and to know who is who and keep track of your relatives. unfortunately, tribe like everything has Il buono, il brutto, il cattivo 'The good, the bad and the ugly'. Due to an inherent ignorance, we turned a lineage line that was supposed to mean 'nothing' and turned it to a big idol that our lives revolve around. when I first admitted that tribalism is taking atoll of my life and I had a difficult time hanging out with many friends. deciding to stop clan bashing and making judgement calls based on tribe was not swallowed by my own circle. Suddenly I knew I was righteous and gained the energy when I met a childhood friend!. I can't think of my boyhood with him in the picture and yet as we grew up we drifted apart, I got into high school but he did not. He was from Beelaha-la-hayb sooco, the fact that we were next-door neighbors, grew up in the same environment, went to same school, equals in everything, did not mean anything in real adult life, what mattered was qolomaa tahay?....its difficult for a teenager of beelaha la hayb sooco to attend school , just put your self in thier shoes, its not financial (might be) but it has to do more with social expectations and cruelty. Yaanan sheeko kugu daaline, Since you are a naturalized Somaliland citizen and as I heard your naturalization ceremony was held in bustaanada dacar budhuq. you should find a way of balancing tribe in your life, yet avoiding tribalism. If you get that itch of tribalism, to say something about reer hebel, instead scratch it by saying something good. If you see yourself judging someone by their tribe, put yourself in their place. If you see yourself doing the worst of all, Harming someone in the name of tribe, Acuudu-bilayso then Astaqfurlayso and remember its prejudice (Dulmi , that word works on me better, Dulmi) and you don't want be daalim. .....
  17. This is morally wrong, as I have read from the article the man had enough experience as barista and from his name he might be from South american country (largest coffee producing region).... Also this is prohibited under the equal opportunity employment law, I don't about Australia law system but many countries had laws erected to stop such reasoning of employment denial. The word 'local people' is ironic. he himself and Asian immigrant. If he doesn't want black people he should have kept it to himself, just because he is honest about his opinion doesn't make it right. I don't know about your standards but according to mine, I believe its better to keep any wrong believes you hold to yourself for they might be one day changed and then you won't have the opportunity to change them...Hadal intuu afkaaga ku jiro ayuu amaanadaada yahay
  18. young adults who have recently reconnected with their religion are easy prey for Extremism-preachers. This is not only true for religion but for tribalism as well! or any vile idea for that matter. This tendency stems from lack of understanding and real life experience. The latter [tribalism] is true for those who grew up in the gulf countries, I have met many who spent all their lives there and yet the stench of tribalism is so strong it even appalled the Somali elderly!. At least back home, Somalis sugarcoat their tribalism and usually it does not effect their social life. Many mosques and Islamic communities in the west are a hub or melting pot for extremism, and the only thing that annoys me more is how we all give it a blind eye. All the red flags are there, yet everyone pretends everything is fine. Those young adults when they start regularly attending mosques, they will be attracted by the hospitality and cordial gestures of those mintid individuals. It will be from street gang to a mosque gang. different yet same.
  19. <cite> @DoctorKenney said:</cite> Most of Djibouti is barren and empty, so I'm not surprised that Somalis only inhabit a small portion of Djibouti. They only inhabit like 20% of the country but have AT LEAST 60% of the population Also 90% of population live in Djibouti city...
  20. @Burahadeer (is it Buuraha Dheer btw or burah Adeer), I agree with you we are qabiil infested nation and that is something we should plan to cure in upcoming generations ,inaga seeftu way ina qaadaye. but let us stop dragging tribalism into everything, as i explained in another thread, just like Black Americans bringing up the race card in every issue. The people i mentioned, I explained their unworthiness to lead the country in another thread and it has to do nothing their clan affiliation. Finally, I ask no one to gauge my love for my country,but my fellow landers should learn to take some criticism as we are democratic nation, sidii woqooyiga kuuriya ha inaga dhigin, u want freedom of speech, u no love korea!
  21. A Somali nomad poet by the name of Salaan carrabeey once said "Dumarkuba xublada foosha way xanaf wareeraane Balse inay xusuus daranyihiin, xaylka kale mooge" in My "She entered my oceans!" (badahayga ayay soo gashay) English translation it will be something like.. "During the pains of labor, women get very ill But due to their bad memory, they forget the next season!" I know all nations do this, but we take the gold medal when it comes to idolizing our own destroyers!. During gathering of every Somali group and political discussion ensues, some will start boosting that Hebel and hebel were great men who would have led Somalis to great bounties. I would have agreed if Hebel and Hebel were men of integrity and honor, or at least in many situations men who understand the repercussions of their actions and in certain situation men who even understood how the world works. I don't want to be the subject of sentimental clan-bashing but why do we always have people supporting the presidential bid of individuals like Maslax siyaad, General Morgan, Muuse biixi and Salad ali jelle...communities idolizing war criminals such as Almarxuum Aideed iyo Abdilahi yusuf. Personally, I put the human life in the highest sanctity.Spilling human blood with cold-heart is the utmost crime one can commit, A muslim blood worst of all in that matter. men who openly encouraged killing sprees and ordered executions of unarmed Somali civilians based on their clan should at least be forgotten in the dumpster of history. Allah will not change the conditions people live in until they change what is in their hearts. We want peace and development while our hearts are full of hatred. A Jahili-era Arab poet Said وما انا الا من غزية ... ان غزت غزوت . وان ترشد غزية ارشد it loosely translates to "I am but from Ghaziya[his clan] , If they attack I attack and If they[his clan] choose the right path[peace], I choose it too." That was almost 1500 years ago, are we still in that stage, that If I support my clans-man no matter what. Are we a bunch of Amnesiacs who forget the atrocities committed by our clansmen to our fellow countrymen? do we lack qualified leadership that we still chant for the old lot that left us here? DISCLAIMER....A clear distinction should be made between Tribe and Tribalism, its like being black/white etc and racism. At least for another 1000 years every somali will be asked "Horta yaad tahay?" The question is not offensive but the motive is what defines the course of question!...
  22. <cite> @smartlander said:</cite> How am I trolling Drkennedy do u really believe people like madoobe and qeybdiis others care about the wellbeing of their people in the areas they control? I will leave hassan sheikh and abdiweli of Puntland out of it. I truly believe they have good intentions But I dont think madoobe and qeybdiid and that sneaky guy from bay and bakool sakiin care to be honest. they have other motives... only financial ones Inaar runta aan isku sheegno, I believe we just got lucky in Somaliland plus compromises made by few individuals saved the nation. After Somalia's implosion, Somaliland went into civil war, starting from Zeila all the way to Erigavo it was a ilma-abti against each other. The idea of contemporary Somaliland was born after Borama reconciliation conference in 1993, in-which Somalilanders made the saving choice,,,Electing one of the few "Ruug-cadaa" politicans somali mothers ever breastfed. Mohamed Haji Ibrahim Egal, who realized that militia-leaders should be removed from power in Somaliland starting from his own vice president all the way to lowly government officials. He had a grand plan if not intercepted by his certitude. I believe Egal would have been a benevolent dictator. Back to your story, Again we just got lucky in choosing Egal over clan-minded war-mongering blood-thirsty women-widowing child-orphaning Militia leaders the likes of Silanyo (back then, imika waxa uu la jaan qaaday horusocodka) or Tuur or Biixi .... Walaalaheen ha loo duceeyo, and may be help them in what we can...Soomaalidu waa ul iyo diirkeed.
  23. I am glad to know the wave of Nigerian orphan royals (prince and princess) have instilled a wave of generosity in to the world. now I receive messages from such benevolent souls giving away millions from places as far as Tasmania!. Welcome back bro
  24. <cite> @DoctorKenney said:</cite> Coofle, getting rid of guns will never ever happen in America . It's part of the 2nd Amendment, it's in the Constitution. Guns are a part of American culture, and it's not something that will ever go away. Guns are not the problem here. The problem is a disconnect between the Black Community and the Police. The problem is these race-baiters like Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson who incite racial animosity between blacks and whites. Whenever a black kid is shot by a white guy, they always shout "RACISM!" but yet they ignore the thousands of black kids being killed in Chicago, New York, Baltimore, Detroit and Los Angeles every single year. The only time a black man's life has value is when it's taken by a White Cop, that's the ONLY time it has any value in the eyes of these people. Early European aristocrat's definition of human rights first incorporated to serve and protect the fellow Aristocratic White man, but later stretched gradually to involve lower-class white male citizens and recently in the 20th century included women and minorities.In that same principle, the right to bear arms was simply put to ensure personal security and well being in the lawless vast lands America was. Now that need is obsolete. If really America wants to uplift its domestic security measures, They should try to put strict (yet bounded by constitution) regulations on who can own a gun (stricter than the rules already in place)...wildly Extended waiting periods, limiting the number and type of firearms one can posses, hefty taxes, using guns in the certain places (homes) and not to carry them around..etc ... such conditions will make carrying guns unfavorable and even a burden yet the 2nd amendment is fulfilled "right to bear arms"..... That is impossible considering the lunatic gun rights activists and constant lobbying from the firearm producing corporations and don't forget politicians vying for votes. for the black communities, its more than 40 years since the civil rights movement in the United states, they had enough respite from the the injustice and if they want to be fully american they should act as such. blaming the white system is not going to work any more. Many African-american have already abandoned the ghetto culture that I believe damages the black community.I know its wrong to judge as its all they know...but come on, I have many Somali friends in the states, most of them have been there for less than a decade and they are all functional members of society, either working or went to universities.
  25. Somalis is in a state of Mass denial. You start preaching about AIDS and the ways to stop its transmission to he public, and community leaders (mainly religious and tribal) start frowning their faces. The fundamental truth is that people will commit Zina (wal ciyaadu bilaah) no matter what and where, what is important is to protect the innocent (partners, unborn children, blood transfusion donors, rape victims etc) even the person committing the zina could repent and should be given the chance to do so. Somali truck drivers travel to countries with high HIV incidence and prevalence. countries like, Ethiopia and Kenya. many of them have unprotected coitus with sex workers (who might be HIV+) and come back to their unsuspecting (or suspecting) wives. Providing easy access to barriers and even contraception! is the responsibility of the community to stop this terrible disease. Last time i checked a verifiable data about somalia/Somaliland it showed an incidence of 1.2% , I am sure the numbers are an underestimation as majority of cases are yet to be identified and others don't seek medical help. that was in 2006......any body what is the status now.