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Everything posted by Dhagax-Tuur

  1. ^Good luck with the noise. They're louder than Maryooley. But they're not a bad bunch to be with. They're warm and friendly and most of all very brotherly.
  2. ^^"What's that get to do with their looks?" Everything. They were and still are busy running the world, where Brazilians are filling fat into their butt*cks to get that J-lo rear-end. As for the Norwegians, well there's plenty in the bank to get busy with one's self. The Brits are busy stealing oil, creating a rift between people to wheel and deal etc hence why they're at the wheel of it all. Wasps, man, Wasps!
  3. EnGLand (emphasis on the G) who? According to Russell Peters that should get them angry. With Capello's regime, maybe that would go up to Q/F? Maybe. But, do they have the strength and depth (as A. Hansen would say)? I doubt that. The Dutch and the Germans are a force to reckon with in SA. There would probably be other wild cards that would emerge from the tournament as it progresses. Who would I support? Any underdog that punches beyond his reach...Mostly likely an African.
  4. ^Wheather dead or alive, it's amazing. It shows that there's definitely some chemicals that people ooze out which tells the animals how we feel. Their way of commmunicating with us, I guess. And it seems that this fella has mastered it. However, it's like a child learning a new language which doesn't have someone to guide (tell it off when using the wrong words), and I guess this is where this guy will fall into the hole. It's like a bomb expert, you make that mistake/cut that wrong wire and bum! Nonetheless, it's beautiful to stretch our understanding as species.
  5. Take just 9 mins and 29 seconds of your day or night and ponder this wonderful, deep, hikmah (wisdom). And when you have pondered deeply, glorify Allah (SWT) as He is the one that made us live in/thru all of this. The sole Agent that is responsible for our survival on this earth. Deep thinking
  6. Pay-as-you-go or Prepaid is the way to go.
  7. Life is a journey with a lot of highs and lows. However, failure is not getting up and having another go after failing. As for success, I agree with many here. Contented and peace with yourself is a success but in the meantime work hard for your dunya and help others - that IS the source of peace and content. As for Aduunya, we've it all according to the hadeeth of the rasool SCW. If one is secure in his home, is healthy and has his/her food for the day, just the day, then he/she has it all. Reported by Tarmidi and said to be Hadeeth-u-hasan. lol@carbon footprint. War waxaasi waa qiyaali. However, Islam thought us not to waste the resources at our disposal.
  8. Fool miyaa, artificially induced ku lahaa? Moscow tried this sometime back. But good on them. Wa yaclamu maalaa taclamuun . The 'ilm is out there for humanity's good to be taken advantage of.
  9. I have to admire the balls of Rageh to take on this and come to the enlightened conclusion that intelligence and how well one does is not determined by a score in some IQ test, but by the environment and the socail factors. However, as is practically shown, if these were to break down, anyone can shine and succeed. Nothing beats a sense of hardwork no matter where you find yourself in. A determined sense of hardwork can you through any situaiton in life and emerge successful on the other side. Example, check out this fellow and how he achieved against all odds.
  10. Soomaaliya dadka dan baa wada. There is more to the story than the obvious. If your family was poor and your mum had 9 kids small kids all younger than you and didn't know where the next bread was coming from, all the while living in lawless Somalia where the resources are meagre, you would have done anything to put some food on the bellies of your younger siblings. That is just one scenario, but the tragedies of our country are countless. I've heard these sort of stories, but I always understood them to be driven by an instinct of survival. Allahu aclam.
  11. ^Duceysane, that is not serious. I think you're joking. Maxaa ka doonta adiga a lion's den! lol. Wallaahi, waa la diriri lahaa. Who gives a damn. He can tell me to get out of the house, but not drag me by the collars of my shirt. Dagaal baan ka taagan ahay taas, sxb, anyday. Antara, you're so unlucky in love, sxb. So many things have gone wrong the moment you launched the strike. Better luck, next time. And if you're really determined man, look out for the young lady, by now you should know the gait of her walk from afar since you seem to like that part of her body more than any other, joking. War jabka shukaansigu waa part of life, don't let it discourage you. Keep the spirits high.
  12. "^ If you ever been to Adisababa. You probably remember those pesky beggars on the street who professionalized the art of begging by aggravating self inflicted wounds, for the soul purpose of getting sympathy and receiving few coins on the way. Well the same thing is true for our secessionist brothers, they just love to aggravate those past wounds from Siyad's regime in order to gain some sympathy. They just dont get it or they pretend not to get it, that Siyad fuccked everyone in an equal manner regardless who you were as long as he perceived you were threat to his seat. " --Spot on.
  13. War calafka iyo the marital bliss is down to wax Rabbi qoray. This age garbage that the socalled experiment is suggesting, take it with a burrell of salt.
  14. ^Something went wrong, and then instead of fixing the collider, they've started hunting Muslim scientists (The Algerian origin, French citizen) last I heard of.
  15. Kinda part of the topic, or the frings of it, I was reading an advert the other day of the Times that said, 'a quarter of Japan's workforce are robots'. Humanity cannot stop to modernise and find creative ways of improving their lot, but ethics of how these things creep into our lives must kick in sooner rather than later. There are even some who believe that these machines will eventually take over (Some Canadian professor, name escapes me). There some parts of today's technology that are harmful to ourselves, the humans, and that we could do without (I would put the TV somewhere in the first 3).
  16. ^Allahu akbar, xaa ku jawaab ah. Laakiin iyaguba waa dad muslim ahe la soco. Waase dhab oo dadka aan dawladna lahayn, colaaduna u dheer tahay iyo abaaruhu wax ka daran adduunyada maanta aan ku nool nahay ninkii ogow, step forward? Soomaaliya iyo Soomaalida maanta dhulka ku sugan in badan oo ka mid ah xaalada ay ku sugan yihiin waxba dhaanto tii uu Michael Burke (former BBC reporter) kasoo warami jirey Ethiopia ee 1984-tii. Alle se duliga ina saaran naga qaada waan leenahay.
  17. Many converts to Islam and even some who were born in Islam, but never knew nothing about, would tell you that it is exactly this state of affairs that the sister is going through has eventually led them to the safety of Islam and eventually their hearts have found peace and tranquility in Islam. I hope that you do. My suggestion to you is, be sincere about your search and if, that is if, you believe in there being a Creator ask him, sincerely (I cannot stress enough of the importance of being sincerity) to direct you to the right path.
  18. Allah SWT, haddii aad aayad Eebbe aragto, samicnaa wa adacnaa baa jawaabtu tahay. Alle ha la murminina. Meydnaan joogin, mana ogidiin in ay run tahay iyo in aysan ahayn. "Maa Yujaadilu fii aayaati Laahi, Illa ladiina kafaruu". Aayadaha Illaahay waxaa muran galiya wixii duleysan oo Illaahay ka fogaada. Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying anyone who questioned it is as such, but one would be playing with literal fire if one is not careful.
  19. ^^Adiguba hadaad Bantu African tahay, lacag iyo privelege heysato, soo maadan damci lahayn inaad wax ka qabsato, African-kan dayacan ee quruxda badan (dumarka Soomaalida).
  20. If I correctly remember the President of Botswana has won the good governance prize of Mo Ibrahim Foundation - which no African head of state has won this year. A good motivation for Presidents to give up on power and live a comfortable lifestyle after relinquishing power, just like the after dinner talk and media circus that the western leaders make money from after power. I was listening to an interview by Mr Ibrahim, and he was talking about how the media always perpetuate the bad news of Africa. He took the president of Botswana and his country as an example and said, whenever I'm giving lectures I ask people if they know where Botswana is, very few raise their hands, he said. And he said, when I ask them if they can name the president of the nation, there is almost no hands raised, stating his point of the few African good governance success stories. I hope they strengthen and work at it 'cause the black continent and the 3rd world - term I loath - has many enemies who would want to use and abuse them, and when done throw them away like a piece of rug.
  21. "Correction: Sidii aan kuugu lisay iigumaad hambayn." Correction kulahaa. Maad tiraahdid sidaan anigu u hadlo weeyaan. Correction kaaga wax ka jira maleh. Don't correct stuff when it is NOT wrong. Maalis iyo lisid are as valid, it is all down to accent. Exampl: 1. Hasha ayaan soo maalay. 2. Hasha ayaan soo lisay. Two equally valid similar words.
  22. Sidii aan kuugu maalay, iiguma aadan hanbayn.
  23. Most of them are proud Somalis who oppose secessionism wholeheartedly. They know a lot about Somali culture and music, and are generally decent people. I couldn't agree with you more. I've been there this last summer, briefly, and the people that I have met were wonderful, and I didn't feel a hint of a difference. This political garbage is perpetuated by fat cats sitting in western sofas, watching western soaps. Love the accent.
  24. "Gaal dil gartiisana sii!" Kill the kuffaar and give his dues. -bidaari sibiq bay kugu gashaa.