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Everything posted by Dhagax-Tuur

  1. If what the other parties are saying to be believed, Tories will cut the number of police officers on the beat, cut the NHS budget, and will probably not ban the Khat. So who would you believe? And why are you being naive when you've seen politicians going back on their pledges once they attained power. Nothing is going to change except faces, if that is. Nothing else. These people are liars, and are trained in the art of lying and will become refined pro liars once they take office. Very few have the people they represent at heart, and that is a very marginal number. So go on and vote and think it will make a difference.
  2. Heard the president's wife was fighting for the presidency. African, eh?
  3. ^it is democracy, isn't it? They're part of the democratic process and once they come to power they will kick us all foreigners out of the country, if they're really kind. I fear something far worse - being gassed.
  4. ^in the greater scheme of things, they don't mean much at all. theirs is a drop. they might have made a different had they had a common approach in politics and voting, but that is not the case, hence potentially useless.
  5. Mr Goodluck J is the new head of state! At least, the word on the street is that he wasn't corrupt and that is rare in Nigerian leadership (and the continent in general).
  6. I would replace Rio with King. Drain the knees after every game and get him ready for the next game. He would probably do better than Rio. A Johnson who? When did he last play? You mad?
  7. UK citizens vs Kenya which they literally run from afar. I would go for the country
  8. The working class Brits hate the Tories, cause they're the white rich men's party. I can't understand why some of us Qaxooties are flying the flag for this party. Or are you all going with the 'change' catch phrase.
  9. No one is going to ban the Khat. It is an important export commodity for Kenya to Europe. Keeps farmers and people at work back in Kenya. Kenya has a better relationship with Kenya then the few Qaxooties crying out here. It is not a threat to the British public and their well being. The Tories will not ban this once they come to power. Period.
  10. BNP are giving any foreigner to leave the country £50k. I might actually vote for them to pocket that cash. And then make my way back by way of Tahreeb. £20k put aside for the Tahreeb and make a profit of £30k.
  11. ^you're a Tory activist then.
  12. You have reminded to add a disclaimer to this thread. I have nothing against the Arab states populus. They are sometimes some of the most giving and generous human beings on God's earth. It's the so called political leaders that are wicked and weird.
  13. ^TV does work on you, innit? I bet you didn't even consider them to be worthy before the tv debates. This is my guess. Nothing will change. Tories will win a very slim victory, Labour will be in opposition and in fighting will start to get a new leader for the future elections, and Lib dems will remain their far corner, never to be of difference whatsoever.
  14. The UN has praised Tanzania for granting citizenship to some 162,000 refugees who fled Burundi 38 years ago. Click here for the full story.. ====== Now why on earth can the Gulf of states of Arabia follow suit this honorable example? Give the muslim refugees with genuine cases of fear from their lands citizenship to stay and live in these muslim lands with dignity, you ba$tards!
  15. It is all power struggle. Why are our politics hanged up on personalities and not issues, positive issues. Like who is best suited to maintain the shaky security, who boost economical independence and development of the nation. Who is best suited to enhance the social cohesion of the nation. Not who do we know best or which one of them is losely related to my clan. That part (Call it SL or NW Somalia or whatever, people are still Somalis)of the country, if everything goes fine, can become a beacon and positive action to imitate for the rest of the nation.
  16. I have been listening to a BBC radio documentary on Rwanda. A country that has gone through a very tragic civil war, far worse, probably than what we, Somalis, have gone through. However, Rwanda is rebuilding and thinking brave. The country has plans to develop the economy by the introduction of modern technology - super fast ICT - improved infrastructure and so on. They are planning to become a middle income country by the year 2020. There is something beautiful about this vision for a country like Rwanda. There are alot doubters, but they've got some serious backers - South Koreans, who have been there and done it - and are using their own money - not foreign aid for these programmes. The current advisor to their President is the man who was advising the South Korean President on ICT development in his own country! Surely, there is hope for us, too. If only we find a way of getting this mess sorted, then there are possibilities for our country. Very inspirational. Do listen, you will enjoy it, I think. Rwanda rising
  17. How I wish that this is a betting proposition (the winner of the semis between the marvellous Barca vs Internationale). I would be laughing at a lot people's loss. HAHAHAHAH! Barca would win this. Don't waste your energy, people. Mourinho, even though, he's a good manager, he is defensive manager, and all the defensive strategy and encouragement of your team is not gonna be good enough to stop Messi, Xavi and co. They will take you apart and dissect you. Barca all the praise and deserve to set another milestone in football again (back to back win of the CL). Now, who's betting over £million? That as low as I go.
  18. Taking dirac where dirac has never been. Brave new world, innit?
  19. Waar dadkani xaasidsanaa! Nin baa waxaan ka dhageystey ereyadan: 'ilbaxnimo waa xaasidnimo'. In this case, dadkii intay wax walba maqleen amba arkeen ayey dhagax noqdeen, almost shutting down their senses, refusing to take anything in. What does it take to write few advisory words for the man, lest he might take them on board? eh? What is it gonna cost you? The world? Or is it easy to mock and ridicule? Come on, many of you are looking on the negative side of things. As the kind ones amongst here said, there are people of different mindsets. We're not all created equal. Just a little story. A guy that I have come to know who works damn hard, over and above, the weekly working hours hence reekin in quiet a good load of dosh who is about late 30's (guess), has a girlfriend, soon to be married woman who is in her late 50's, if not in early sixties. I don't much about the real depth of the story, there might be more to it than meets the eye, even tho the lady is still working very menial job, which takes out the option of her being rich, but I can't see why a healthy, okay looking, hard working young fella would go for a woman who is about to get her free OAP pass. I have concluded in my mind that this fella might be socially handicapped. And there is such a thing. The gist of the story is we;re all different. Even though, this fella might be coming across as intelligent, articulate and well schooled, he might suCk at looking after himself financially to live independently. And knowing how some Somali families, esp mothers, spoil their kids when they're growing up, it might not come to us as a surprise when they fail to do well in independent life. What I am trying to say is it might just be true, who knows?
  20. Anyone who doubts that this young Argentine is not in league with the best of footballers in the past (Pele, Maradona, Zidane, etc) doesn't know football. The fella has all the making of a great footballer. However, there are other factors that determine the winning of trophies, which are sometimes beyond the player. That doesn't necessarily mean this particular is not one of the best in the game!
  21. Messi is gifted, there is no doubt about that. He has got it all, when it comes to football. Those 3 goals last night against Zaragoza were mostly made by him, sometimes out of nothing, specially the second goal. I was watching it on Sky and couldn't help but notice the over the top praise of the fella by the commentators, he deserves it, but they made the whole game about him. Top notch player, though. I said to people when C Ronaldo was given the accolades 08/09 that he didn't deserve it, but Messi did and should have been. I have been proven right. Messi is in league with Zidane. Abihamovic was definitely p!ssed off last night by the success of his colleague. He didn't seem okay at all. But this magical miniature of a man gave a very good friendly gesture by allowing Abrahimovic to take the penalty he created. Why Messi deserves all the accolodes he's got and the ones to come: 1. Sportsmanship 2. Smile on the face at all times 3. Good team player 4. Works hard for the team 5. Seems really down to earth ....others can add
  22. G Walker Bush said 'you're either with us or with the terrorists' Unbelievers vs Believers Whose side are you on?
  23. Their lives or lives of others? Actions are by their intentions. They stood up to give their lives and those unlucky enough to have lost their lives, though unfortunate, is always a result of the art of war. Collateral damage, unintended consequence. At least they don't deliberately target civilians, unlike the powers of today with the so called precision weapons!
  24. Al Shabaab waa rag, rag dhaafay. At least they believe in Islam (call it their version of what not), but they do and they stood up to give their lives for their cause. That is noble in my eyes.
  25. This is funny. Some crazy reer Waqooyi fella must whispered this genealogy bs into the ears of the writer to hype up Arab sentiments....LOL Big D waxay gashaa Haashimiya oo nabigay u talowdaa, Big I waxay hada gasha Ciraaq iyo Yemen miyaa? Oo markii iigu danbeysey Haashimiyadaa la isku heystaye maxaa loo kala durka? LOL I'm waiting to see a line that goes like this on the Somaliland passport "The Abbasadite republica" of Somaliland or something along those lines like the Jordanians (The Hashimite royalty). This is bordering delusional. War Somali baa tihiin stick to it. We've cultural and religious ties with Arabs which we do with all muslims around the globe but blood ties, and if there is any it is probably lost now (lost centuries ago).