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Posts posted by xiinfaniin

  1. His Mandate per Security Counsel, includes :


    "...support for peace and reconciliation efforts, assisting the Government and the African Union Mission in Somalia (AMISOM) with peace-building and state-building endeavours, helping the Government build human rights and rule of law capacities, human rights investigating and reporting, and coordinating international support..."


    coordinating international support is a critical portfolio ...

  2. ^^Awoowe, anigu, unlike you, have a center. Bal inoo sharax waxaad hoos ku xar xarriiqday


    Abtigiis;961675 wrote:
    For it is too early to accept Jubbaland as a permanent Regional State. At best, it needs to be given an "INTERIM" Regional Status, until conditions are favourable to do an intention survey on the ground.

    I missed this one.


    What is your angle , Abtigiis? :D :D. I have few minutes to spare , so come out of it once and for all.

  3. ^^VERY wrong is a quite hasty of a charge, Abtigiis. But I am afraid you are not reading what I wrote. I SAID this law cannot apply to Jubbaland. But it will help the government answer the charge that they are not doing anything in advancing federal laws to facilitate the establishment of federal states.


    Anyways, I am not getting you for you do not appear to be saying anything different that I what I am saying. To say the government is not honest is neither here nor there as it were awoowe

  4. This man today delivered the truth of Somalia's political trajectory to our excitable brothers in the North. If initial reports are true, the separatist administration loudly protested, huffed and puffed. But we have predicted the eventuality of xaaji xunjuf's poor political scheme

  5. Abtigiis;961671 wrote:
    I don't know where Xinn's optimism is coming from. As if the Kismaayo conflict is a constitutional one!


    This law is rushed. Naturally, it will not solve the current problem. I fear it may even become a problem in the short run.


    They rather would have waited a bit longer until trust is back, or until the Federal Government is in a position to enforce this law should people like Ahmed Madoobe refuse to back down.


    Hada sida xaaladu u muuqato waa uun sharci looga hortagayo sheekada ah 'shuruucdii Federal ka lagu dhisi lahaa ma qeexnee, maamul goboleed ayaan intaa sii ahaanaynaa".


    May or may not work. But the key thing is to wait and see the commissioners. We all know Somalis judge things when they see faces.

    Kismayo's conflict is beyond constitutional discussion, it is a reality that must be dealt with as it is. I was speaking in general terms.


    EDIT: this law if effectively advanced will help the government facilitate other federal states. My guess is Hassan and his inner circle initially thought that they could oppose federalism as proposed in the constitution or quietly delay its implementation till 2016. The establishment of Jubbaland state forced their hands. This law is not going to be hep them in Jubbaland but it will help them avoid another Jubbaland.

  6. ^^Baashi nothing changed. There will be a conference in Mogadishu to help the government step back from this political conflict. The Jubbaland administration will attend it as a legitimate entity produced by close to a year conference and democratic deliberation. Today's announcement was to set the delegate expectation in Kismayo and to ensure the government's agenda does not deviate from what was understood in Nairobi meeting.


    The government will have a facilitation role in parliament formation , and leaders of Jubba are willing to work with her on security and revenue issues. But a federal state has been formed and there is no going back on that.

  7. ^^


    Markuu caga gubyeysnaa ninkaan jaamaha u galiyey

    Isaguna kabtaydii gubaan gacalkay moodaayey

    Markuu geed koraayaba ninkaan badhi-gantaalaayey

    Isna laanta ila goynayaan gacalka moodaayey

    Gabadhuu jeclaadiyo ninkaan gaaridaw mehershay

    Isna taydii iga guursadaan gacalkay moodaayey

    Guri aan furaashiyo ninkaan gogol macaan seexshay

    Isna dhaxanta igu guuliyaan gacalkay moodaayey

    Gurgurshaaga kii aan u rareen gabanada u saaray

    Isna kaygii soo gowracaan gacalkay moodaayey

  8. This should have been one of the Hang Verses in the old Arab tradition



    Aan cabbaar tilmaamaha cuddoon, sii carcooriyo e

    Caddaan fiila cawl iyo guduud, amaa cillaan miida

    Casaan boosa maarriin canbara, ama cawiif booda

    Madoow culaya sugul caynaba, oo ciiriyo bay leh

    Xareed calasa ciid iyo asal, ama cagaar dooga

    Caarcaar shabeel ama sidii, calawyo giirgiiran

    Cir guduud qaboonoo kaliyo, cawo iyo maalin

    Cadar ama cadceedoo kaliyo, sidii roobab curanaaya

    Caadkiyo daruuraha dhulkiyo, ciirigii badaha

    Codcod subaga caaniyo baruur, cuddo iyo jiidhba

    Laan caaradeed shay ka baxa, ama curdaan yeesha

    Wax la cuno ama aan calashaniyo, waxaan cabbaynoo dhan

    Wax codkiisu yeedhiyo waxaan, ciyi aqoonaynin

    Calaamiyo wixii midab ah ee, caalamka u muuqda

    Cabbirkaaga shay lihi ma jiro, ood la caantahaye

    Ilaahayow Casiis baad tihiyo, caadilkii jira e


    PS. and Ramdan Kareem, waryaaya ha lays cafiyo

  9. The nature of Jubbaland initiative was fundamental to the stability of south Somalia, and my interest so undivided to it that weighty matters that would usually interest me have slipped from my attention. Now Kismayo's political equation with respect to central government has been greatly advanced, and the chance of its being reversed so effectively diminished, I find it quite fitting to conclude the Kismayo chapter with an obituary to the prolific poet who passed away this year, Macallin Cabdullaahi Dhoodaan.


    Macallin Dhoodaan, and his Aaweeti verses


    Dhoodaan was from a nomadic family who valued camel herding as the greatest thing on earth, who never produced poets ,from both his mother and father. When he was in his teens he spent most his time looking after camels. What is interesting about Dhoodaan is that though he was never to religious learning centers, his interest in Allah and divine powers never faded. In fact the first poem he produced was an eloquent supplication to invoke Allahs powers as a revenge of a lion that killed his a young she-camel of his. As soon as he recited the poem with the presence of other fellow camel herders (who knew him never as poet), his choice of words and narrative of Allah's divine powers commanded astonishment. Even more surprising was the fact that within hours the lion that killed his camel was shot by two traveling nomads who encountered it as they were searching lost camels of theirs. From that day , Dhoodaan's career as a poet has only gone up, his admirers increased.


    His poems ranged from political critique against Barre's revolutionary regime, to social critiques on the urbanite Somalis and their diminishing traditional values. He was also known to be a creative and funny satirist; in fact he invented what has become to be known as 'Jacbur', a unique and peculiar mixture of comedy and traditional Somali poetry. But what I find most interesting in his poems is his tendency to resort and bring Allah's relevance in political and social events in the country. One of the most beautiful, linguistically richest of all of his poems (in my opinion), and with a depth of great religious scholarship is his Aaweeti poem. In a matter akin to a Muslim scholar didactically reading Abu Haneeefah's Aqeedah pamphlet, Dhoodaan describes in a rich language who Allah is, his attributes, his 'be-&-it-becomes' intentions and behaviors. He then proceeds to complain an undisclosed situation of his , asserting that Allah knows what it is , and that he (Dhoodaan) does not need to spell it out for Him.


    Dhoodaan in his Aaweeti poem distinguished himself from the rest of his peers, even Sayid Mohamed never had a poem like Dhoodaan's regarding the descriptions of Allah and his attributes. When Dhoodaan died in JigJiga this year , a delegation of leading Somali literature community including Hadraawi went to his funeral to read obituaries. But as Ahmed Idaaja noted in his program at VOA , none of the attendees recited what should have been Dhoodaan's capstone poem; Aaweeti.


    Here is yaa Jamaacah, the Aaweeti (Alla Bari) poem from the late teacher Dhoodaan:



    Ilaahii Cirshiga nuuriyoow, waanu kuu cabane

    Waxaad adigu caabiyi kartaa, ciidhoo noo taraye

    Ilaahayow Casiis baad tihiyo, caadilkii jira e


    Adigaan cirriyo geeri iyo, cudur ka yaabayne

    Adigaan cadrana guursan oon, ciyaal dhaline

    Adigaa waxaad camal rabtaa, kugu cuslaanayne

    Ilaahayow Casiis baad tihiyo, caadilkii jira e


    Adaan cudud laguu sheeganayn, amaan cabsoonayne

    Adaan ciidan loo qayshadiyo, caawimaad rabine

    Col wax yeelo gaystiyo adaan, cadaw ka yaabayne

    Ilaahayow Casiis baad tihiyo, caadilkii jira e


    Cunto kaa dhamaatiyo adaan, caydh ka baqanayne

    Calal xidhasho uma baahnid iyo, cuud la foofsado e

    Ku cayiliyo adigaan ahayn, shay mar caato ahe

    Ilaahayow Casiis baad tihiyo, caadilkii jira e


    Adaan canug lasoo dhalay ahayn, ama ciyaal reere

    Adaan barina meel kula cawayn, cuur filkaaga ah

    Cashiiriyo qaraabiyo adaan, ciirsi deydeyine

    Ilaahayow Casiis baad tihiyo, caadilkii jira e


    Aan cabbaar tilmaamaha cuddoon, sii carcooriyo e

    Caddaan fiila cawl iyo guduud, amaa cillaan miida

    Casaan boosa maarriin canbara, ama cawiif booda

    Madoow culaya sugul caynaba, oo ciiriyo bay leh

    Xareed calasa ciid iyo asal, ama cagaar dooga

    Caarcaar shabeel ama sidii, calawyo giirgiiran

    Cir guduud qaboonoo kaliyo, cawo iyo maalin

    Cadar ama cadceedoo kaliyo, sidii roobab curanaaya

    Caadkiyo daruuraha dhulkiyo, ciirigii badaha

    Codcod subaga caaniyo baruur, cuddo iyo jiidhba

    Laan caaradeed shay ka baxa, ama curdaan yeesha

    Wax la cuno ama aan calashaniyo, waxaan cabbaynoo dhan

    Wax codkiisu yeedhiyo waxaan, ciyi aqoonaynin

    Calaamiyo wixii midab ah ee, caalamka u muuqda

    Cabbirkaaga shay lihi ma jiro, ood la caantahaye

    Ilaahayow Casiis baad tihiyo, caadilkii jira e


    Adigaa cilmiga soo dajiyo, diin ciraab badane

    Cabdigaagii adigaa ka dhigay, nabi carfoonaaye

    Cadadii qur’aankiyo adigaa, curiyey Liilaafe

    Ilaahayow casiis baad tihiyo, caadilkii jira e

    Cindallaahi ruuxii qabee camal, fashee fiican

    Een Nabiga caaradin unbaa, kheyr cantoobsada e

    Halaag bay cantuugaan kuwii, aad u cadhootaaye

    Ilaahayow Casiis baad tihiyo, caadilkii jira e


    Janna caaliyaad suubisay oo, laga cabbaayaaye

    Cadaabkiina adigaa dhisiyo, naar ciqaab kulule

    Ciyoon baad dhamaysaa wixii aad, cidhib tiraysaaye

    Kaad caawinaysana dhaqsaad, u camiraysaaye

    Cazaa Wajala waad og tahay, caynka aan rabo e

    Adaa siiya laydh caafimaad, gaal ku caasiyeye

    Caascaasna adigaa ku rida, sheekh ku caabudaye

    Nina inaan cadaadshiyo ma rabo, inaan cidhiidhyaaye

    Carrabna kuma idlayn karo waxaan, kaaga soo cabane

    Rabbul Carshul Cadiim waad og tahay, caynka aan rabo e

    Ilaahayow Casiis baad tihiyo, caadilkii jira e


    Inkastoo cad shaydaan qalbiga, caajis galinaayo

    Calooshayda kama goyn inaan, Eebe caabudo e

    Citiraafay Nabigaygii oo, caashaq baan ahaye (csw)

    Ilaahayow Casiis baad tihiyo, caadilkii jira e

    Cimrigay intaan noolahee, aan carrada joogo

    Ceebtiyo waxaan ugu necbahay, ciil na daashada e

    Mana lihi awood celin kartiyo, xoog cadaadshaba e

    Ilaahii Cirshiga nuuriyoow, waanu kuu cabane

    Inaad adigu naga caawisaan, kaa codsanayaaye

  10. malistar2012;961601 wrote:
    who is the power broker Afhayeenka maamulka Kismaayo Cabdinaasir Seeraa :confused:

    It is unfortunate if you are still unsure who are the power brokers in Kismayo. But those who helped flash out Alshabaab, who call home 12 out of the 14 districts in Jubba region, who deliberated more than a year , coming from near and far, who designed a flag, wrote a constitution , and finally elected a leader not through secretly recorded phone interviews via VOA, but through the votes of 500 delegates. Those are the power brokers of Jubba land. Seeraar happens to be an official , a spokesperson for the admin. Ahmed happens to be the elected president. Personnel could change, but fundamentals remain sound, and could hardly be tweaked.


    Get that , and you have a hope my good brother

  11. I listened both songs. Tooyo wins hands down


    A camel herder singing at a traditional waterhole as he pours water packets from the well to crunch the thirst of his beloved she-camels (Tooyo) :D :D


    Waryaa Abtigiis intaysan igusoo yaacin, ila qabo maansada , and give us your take on these two songs

  12. 8946726146_b3d56b398c_b.jpg



    He met with Faroole and Ahmed in Nairobi, met with Saacid and Hassan, and is meeting today with Siilaanyo. Unlike Mahiga this man has both the AMISOM command and humanitarian responsibilities of Somalia. He has the ear of Great Britain, and the mandate of Security Council. But more crucially, president Hassan's incompetence and his inability to appraise where Somalia is today gave Nicholas Kay the opportunity to act in an enhanced capacity than initially intended ...


    Watch his moves , he is after all the commander of the force that secures the capital

