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Posts posted by xiinfaniin

  1. War Deg Deg ah–Yaasiin Raadaar oo Xaaladiisa Caafimaad soo wanaagsanaatey loona qaadey Nairobi


    Kismaayo–18 Juun,2013–Pi– Sida ay Puntlandi u xaqiijiyeen dhakhaatiirtii Kenyanka ahayd ee gacanta ku hayay Yaasiin Raadaar oo maanta Maleeshiyaad dhawaceen ayaa Xaaladiisa Caafimaad aad u wanaagsan tahay, Waxaana loo duuliyey Nairobi, halkaasoo qaliin dhinaca madaxa ah loogu sameyn doono.


    Laba xabadood ayaa Madaxa uga dhacay ay midi ka dustey halka midi ay fariisatey Madaxa balse ma ay fadhido meel khatar ah ayuu yiri Dhakhtarkii Kenyanka ahaa ee gacanta ku hayay.


    Maamulka Dowlada Jubaland ayaa durbadiiba diyaarad khaasa ka dalbey Nairobi, intii ka horeyseyna waxaa lagusii Daweynayay Mudane Yaasiin Raadaar Isbitaal Mobil ah oo Ciidamada Kenya ku leeyihiin Garoonka Diyaaradaha Kismaayo.


    Marka Diyaarada la saarayay aad ayuu u wanaagsanaa wuuna sheekeynayay ayuu yiri sargaal ka tirsan Xafiiska Madaxweyne ku xigeenka Jubaland.


    Wixii soo kordha Xaalada caafimaad ee Yaasiin Raadaar kala soco Puntlandi.com

  2. 40 have been arrested in relation to this morning's attempt to assassinate prominent Jubbaland politicians.



    War Deg Deg ah— Maleeshiyadii dhaawacdey Yasiin Raadaar oo gacanta lagu dhigey


    Kismaayo–18 Juun.2013–Puntlandi.com– Sida ay warka rasmiga ku heleen Howlwadeenada Puntlandi waxaa ga´canta lagusoo dhigey Maleeshiyaadkii isku dayay iney khaarajiyaan Yaasiin Raadaar oo ah Masuul sare oo ka tirsan Maamulka dowlada Jubaland oo dhawaciisa hada lagaarsiiyey Nairobi.


    Cidaamada Jubaland garab ka mid ah ayaa ka dambeyey soo qabashada kooxdii dhawacdey Raadaar, waxaana hada lagu hayaa Xabsi aan la shaacin meesha uu yahay, waxaase loo badinayaa in Xabsi ku dhexyaal xero Ciidan lagu hayo.


    Howlgalka oo ahaa mid qarsoodi ah waxaa qabashada nimankaan oo ahaa 7 qof ka dib ciidanku xabsiga dhigeen ugu yaraan 40 Maleeshiyo ah.


    Goor dhow waxaan idiin soo gudbineynaa Warbxin dheer oo ku saabsan sidii loo dhawacay Yaasiin Radaar iyo sidii loo soo qabtey ragii dhawaca geystey iyo Waliba sheeko Xiiso leh oo nimanka Dhawac gaystey ay isku dayeen iney sameeyaan Markey dhawaceen Yaasiin Raadaar ka dib.

  3. Dowlada Federaalka oo iska fogaysey eedaymihii ku aadanaa waxka badalka lagusameeyey Dastuurka


    Muqdisho–18 Juun,2013–Pi– Afhayeenka Villa Soomaaaliya Cabdiraxmaan Yariisow beeniyay Eddeymaha losoo jeediyey Xukuumada, wuxuuna sheegey inaysan Dowlada Federaalka ah waxba ka taaban Dastuurka aysana awoodaas lahayn, wuxuu raaciyey in waxka badalka Dastuurka ay ku shaqo leeyihiin Xildhibaanadu oo Baarlamaanka oo qura wax ka badali karo.


    Ing. Yariisow wuxuu sheegey iney jiraan Qodobo la taabtaabtey kuwasoo ay wax ka badaleen Gudi ay lixda saxiixayaashu u saareen arintaas, isagoo Tusaale usoo qaatey Qodobka tilmaamaya Caasimada, oo awal shakli ku jirey balse wakhtigaas laga dhigay ama lagu cadeeyey Dastuurka in Caasimada Soomaaliya ay tahay Muqdisho.


    Dowlada Puntland ayaa sheegtey iney heleen oo gacanta ku hayaan cadeymo qeexaya in dastuurkii lagu heshiiyey Wax laga badalay, oo Dastuurka hada yaal Baarlamaanka uu yahay mid qaldan oo la dhoodhoobey.


    Gudoomiyaha Baarlamaanka Dowlada Federaalka Mudane Jawaari ayaan ilaa hada ka hadlin eedeymahaan kasoo yeerey Puntland.

  4. Awoowe reality will catch up with a lot of folks who are still romantic about the era of center rule


    The security Council has clearly spoken about the necessity of 'establishing effective federal state based on provincial constitution' in order to move the country forward.


    Hassan Sheekh still has time to redeem himself and recover his worsening reputation if he accepts Somalia's political reality.

  5. Madaxweynaha Galmudug Cabdi Qaybdiid oo Muqdisho soo gaaray,kana warbixiyey ujeedka safarkiisa


    Muqdisho(RBC Radio) Madaxweynaha maamulka Galmudug Cabdi Xasan Cawaale Qaybdiid oo maanta soo gaaray magaalada Muqdisho ee caasimadda Soomaaliya ayaa wariyaasha kula hadlay gudaha garoonka Aadan Cadde wuxuuna uga waramay ujeedka safarka uu ku yimi magaalada Muqdisho.


    Cabdi Xasan Cawaale madaxweynaha maamulka Galmudug ayaa ku micneeyey imaatinkiisa Muqdisho ka qaybgalka shir ay ka wada qaybgalayaan dhammaan maamulada kala duwan ee ka dhisan gobolada dhexe ee dalka Soomaaliya,shirkaas ayuu sheegay in looga wada hadli doono sidii ay maamul mideysan u heli lahaayeen bulshada ku dhaqan gobolada dhexe ee dalka.


    “Shirkaas waxaa ka qaybgalaya maamulada ka jira gobolada dhexe iyo waxgaradka kasoo jeeda goboladaas,waxaana looga arinsanayaa sidii bulshada goboladaas ay uga tashan lahaayeen masiirkooda ayna u dhisan lahaayeen maamul ay ku wada mideysan yihiin” ayuu yiri madaxweyne Cabdi Qaybdiid.


    Madaxweynaha Galmudug ayaa sheegay in shirka lagu mideynayo maamulada gobolada dhexe ay soo abaabushay hay’adda Cilmi baarista iyo Wadatashiga ee CRD,wuxuuna tilmaamay in shirka ay kaalin weyn ku leedahay dowladda federaalka Soomaaliya.


    Wuxuuna intaa ku daray in qorshuhu uu markii hore ahaa in shirka lagu mideynayo maamulada gobolada dhexe lagu qabto mid kamid ah degmooyinka goboladaas,balse waxa uu tilmaamay in la isku raacay in shirka uu ka bilowdo caasimadda Muqdisho,kadibne lagu soo gabagabeeyey gobolada dhexe.


    Aqoonyahannada,siyaasiyiintaCulima udiinka, iyo qaybaha kala duwan ee bulshada ee kasoo jeeda gobolada dhexe ee dalka ayaa Muqdisho,gobolada dhexe iyo dalka dibadiisa ka wada dadaalo ay ku doonayaan iney ku samaystaan maamul mideysan oo metela bulshada ku dhaqan goboladaas.

  6. Somalia: Clashes kill 10 in Jowhar after clans accuse gov’t of ‘subjugation’

    16 Jun 16, 2013 - 3:36:33 PM


    JOWHAR, Somalia Jun 17 2013 (Garowe Online) – Clashes in Jowhar, led to 10 deaths between clan militia and government forces on Saturday, days following traditional elders’ accusation of being “subjugated” by dominant clans backed by the Somali Federal Government, Garowe Online reports.

    According to local sources, at least 10 people were killed on the battling sides on Saturday on the outskirts of Johwar in the Middle Shabelle region in southern Somalia.


    Johwar district government officials said that government forces clashed with alleged Al Shabaab fighters after the forces reportedly headed to an area where a murder occurred.


    “The forces that battled with us [government forces] were Al Shabaab fighters, because there are no clans with armed [technical] vehicles in the region, so we believe that Al Shabaab used this opportunity and engaged with government forces [on Saturday],” said spokesman for regional government of Middle Shabelle, Daud Haji Irro.


    However, traditional elders in the region falsified Mr. Irro’s allegations, saying that their militia was responsible for the clashes after government forces attempted to force them out of their homes.


    “The government forces that were sent by Governor of Middle Shabelle region Abdi Jinoow attacked our towns so they can force us out of our homes and property and we [clan militia] defended ourselves,” said Nabadoon Hassan Ali - a traditional elder from a minority clan in the region.


    Nabadoon Ali said that his clan had fought hard against Al Shabaab and denied the allegations that Al Shabaab fighters took part in Saturday’s clashes.


    Clan elders held a televised press conference earlier this week insisting that the SFG intervene in the region. Also traditional elders in the region of Hiraan held a televised event earlier this week accusing Hiraan regional officials of “subjugating and marginalizing” minority clans in the region.


    Conflict analysts who spoke GO said that the area in which the two battling sides are clashing is an area for rich farmland and during Somalia’s former President Siad Barre was major agriculture area.


    SFG officials in Mogadishu have yet to comment on the clashes.

  7. Kenya begins process of repatriating one million Somali refugees


    Monday, June 17, 2013


    Kenya will host a major international conference in August to discuss on modalities of repatriating more than one million Somali refugees to their country.

    The conference, which will be held in the second week of August, will be co-hosted by the Governments of Kenya, Somali and UNHCR with the International Organization for Immigration (IOM) being invited.


    Foreign Affairs Cabinet Secretary Amina Mohamed Monday revealed that a group of international organisations are already mapping out safe places for the refugees to resettle; saying the exercise will be conducted in the most humane manner.

    Ambassador Amina said that currently there are over one million Somali refugees, of which 600,000 are formally registered.


    She said that the organisations have already compiled documents and reports on the places of origin for the refugees, a half of whom he added crossed the border to Kenya in the last two years.

    “What I am happy about is that 50 percent of these are willing to voluntarily return but we want to do it in an orderly and most humane manner which upholds the dignity to our visitors,” the minister said.


    She was speaking at a Nairobi hotel where the ministry hosted a breakfast for envoys from Asian countries who are accredited to Nairobi.


    Ambassador Amina took the opportunity to lobby the Asian countries to lender support to Kenya’s efforts of repatriating the refuges some who have called Kenya home in the last two decades.


    “We are seeking your support in ensuring we have an appropriate level of support to enable them resettle peacefully in their homeland,” she told the ambassadors.


    Somalia has been without a stable government for over twenty years now following the ousting of dictator Said Barre with Kenya bearing the brunt of its neighbors’ instability as refuges fled into the country.


    Kakuma in Turkana and Daadab in Garissa refugee camps are some of the biggest in the region, hosting hundreds of thousands of Somalia and Sudan nationals. Another significant number of Somali refugees live in Nairobi.

  8. Samafal;962121 wrote:


    Why is the president quiet about this. When the skirmishes happened in Kismayo he was quick to call for immediate cease of hostilities! Today, there were heavy confrontation in both Jowhar & Marka, but it seems it's not a big deal for the government to even talk about. Somehow Kismayo war was something they were looking forward to?

    right on Samafal. But their focus on Kismayo has backfired in a away even I have not anticipated :D. Hassan and his inner circle tried everything to disrupt Jubbaland process ..but at the end their standing as a legitimate leaders of a recovering country has been disrupted.


    The Somali people need some explanation as to what happened to the president's much publicized trip to Northern Ireland to dine with the big boys ?