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Posts posted by xiinfaniin

  1. Viking wrote:

    how would you explain the kind of knowledge held by a man like Khidr? He is/was a saint/Prophet (Allah SWT knows best) who demonstrated that losses might be gain, cruelty may be mercy etc etc.

    Well, Khidr was a special servant of Allah who was granted unique and exclusive knowledge of deciphering Allah’s wisdom. With all the things that said about him, the fact that he was acting with accord in Allah’s orders is something that is agreed upon. Further more, the story of Khidr is a Qur’anic narration and in that it should only be seen through the lenses of the Sunnah. Therefore it can’t ---and frankly it shouldn’t—be bases for philosopher’s unwanted spinning and twisting in the divine-scripture.


    I for one have no problem using the ‘faculty of reason’ as long it does not supersede or contradict the revealed truth. In fact believers and non-believers are encouraged to use their intellect in understanding the art of Allah’s Creativity. And Qur’an has no praise for those who failed to employ their mental power.


    What I object to, however, is when pure reason is utilized to decode the secrets of Allah. Or when one claims he/she is able to reach the depth of ‘inward knowledge’ علم الباطن through mystical experience. That is when philosophers start swimming in unsafe and muddy waters of fitnah.

  2. NGONGE wrote:

    NGONGE wrote:

    Will such news finally wake the international community from its stupor and spur them into giving military and economic aid to the current government! After all, the mention of terrorism, Islamic militants and backwards Islamic courts always make the ears of those in the West prick up and pay attention

    I doubt it will. If any thing it may deepen the thinking that Somalia in general and Mogadishu in particular is beyond salvage! And it may as well justify west’s reluctance to support newly formed government.


    NGONGE wrote:

    Was this a political act by some hidden saboteurs?

    I have to think so. Because to say that Islamic court did it defies the logic and contradicts every thing that Islam stands for. If it, however, becomes apparent that this act is the work of the Islamic court in Mogadishu, then that leaves me to question how Islamic that court is? As this act can’t conceivably be defended in the name of Islam.

  3. The beauty of faith is in the art of believing divine secrets غيب. Not many people, you may notice, are blessed with that ability and its therefore understandable for some to ridicule the notion of having faith in some unknown things. The position of Islam in these matters is very clear. For one this religion teaches that the human intellect and its capacity to decipher things is limited. You’re indeed given very little and limited knowledge, Allah declares in his Qur’an. * وما أوتيتم من العلم إلا قليلا *

    It’s also considered satanic simulation to discuss matters pertaining Allah’s essence ذات and whereabouts beyond that which Qur’an reveals. If one gets seduced to indulge in to these slippery slops one is urged to seek refuge from the Satan to Allah.


    So there is no that much room left for philosophers to maneuver as far as Religion goes.

  4. As a system of governance, democracy is a perfect fit in a truly Islamic society. How could you say otherwise when democracy provides a unique and very useful means for the Muslim masses to participate in the political discourse? I for one could not find a reasonable objection to it. Perhaps the wisdom of this system is lost in the semantics, origins, and definitions of its name.


    Some would say democracy contradicts Islam because it grants the power of legislation to someone other than Allah. I say that would be true to un-Islamic society where Allah has no primary role in their daily life. In a true Islamic society, however, that is not at all possible. It’s a revealed truth that Muslim masses would never agree to go against Allah’s wishes. Given the voice and the means, Muslim majority would always be on the right side. So that fear is unfounded.


    Others may say democracy is objectionable and is not a Sharia-compliant System of governance as it encourages the rights of gays and lesbians, separates government from religion, and advocates the rights of every sinner and faasiq. I say democracy has no particular values per se. All democratic governments represent and reflect the values of the society that produced it. For instance, a republican administration would reflect the values of its voters and would not be expected to be a gay-friendly. Likewise a democratically elected government in Saudi Arabia would still be rooted in conservative Islam. The point is Democracy is a mere means.


    As always, Islam can indeed perfect this system and tune it to its liking. So instead of rejecting it out of hand, we need to consider democracy.


    Baashi wrote:

    Labadii qofee igaga hadhay qaafadii dumarka

    Tii qurux badnaydiba haday Cali la qooqayso

    Tana qaado Naagaba ragbay qaac u shidataaye

    Mahadsanid Baashi.Kani wuxuu ka mid yahay gabayada naadirka ah. Marka waxay ila noqotay inaan gabayga oo kaamil aha dhajiyo. Marka hore se waxyar oo taariikh ah.


    Gabaygan waxaa tiriyey Xusseen-Dhiqle oo ahaa afhayeenkii Sayidka. asaga iyo Naado Buraale(xaaskii Sayidka) iyo Jammaad Cabdille(Sayidka walaashii) iyo dadka kale ayyaa carra caruusaad u qaxay. Waxay isu dhiibeen oo magangeliyey Suldaankii Caruusada Cali Daadhi. Naado oo quruxbadneyd buu Cali markiiba isha geliyey. Wuuna guursadey illeen waa dad qax ah oo aan waxba diidi karine! Maalmo ka dib baa waxaa Jammaad u soo dhigtey Nuux Daadhi oo dhaxaltooyada saldanada caruusaad lahaa. Xusseen oo bililaqada lagu hayyo aad uga xun, ogna inuusan maanta wax diidi karin baa Jammaad la weydiistay. Tallo baa ku caddaatay. Gabaygan qayb-libaax la baxay buuna Nuux Daadhi u marshay! Wuxuu yiri:


    Qayaashow Libaax baa dhurwaa qeybi yiri soore

    Wuxuu yiri hilbaha jeex bal qabo qoom dhan baa nahaye

    Markaasuu qabbaa-bilihii qoonsadoo dilaye

    Dharbaaxuu il kaga qaaday oo hoor ka soo qubaye

    Af-qushuushle goortuu dhintuu sii qataabsadeye

    Qanburuursi iyo oohinbuu ku qunuunacaye


    Dawacuu kolkaa soo qabsaday sida qisaaseede

    Iyadoo qar-qari buu ilkaha qoorqabkii xoqaye

    Wuxuu yiri qanjaafallo xumeey tali qaddaarkaaga

    Adder gacalle qaar iyo dalool qaaxo iyo feero

    Qumud iyo badhiyo leg iyo qawdho iyo kuruska

    Kuuwada qorsheeyeye islow neefka wada qaado


    Markaasuu wixii qaday qabsaday qoobab kadafley’e

    Wax layiri qabiil maleh dayoy qaylliyaha aare

    Annagoo quruun dhana maxaa qado inoo diiday?

    Qacdii hore haddaan dayey kobtii weerku sii qururay

    Bar baa kuu qismaa waa wuxuu eeday qaaryare’e

    Aniguna qudhaas baan ahoo lay qul-qulateeye

    Duqii noo qabweynaa wakaa qooqa loo dilaye’e

    Qaddarkii Ilaah iyo Rabbaan quud ka sugayaaye

    Qudhaydaan u yaabaye warmiyaan idin qasaateeyey!

    Warmaanoon qudraba haynin baa qirish ka soo waaqsan?


    Anna qeyb libaax weeye taad igu qasbaysaane

    Dadkaa igu qoslaayiyo kobtaan ka qalbi-diidaayo

    Qadayeey! Adduunyo uma socon waad I qaxarteene

    Qarankii dhariiqiyo haddaan qamirindii waayey

    Labadii qofoo nagaga haray qaafadii dumarka

    Tii quruxda roonay haddey Cali la qooqayso

    Qudhoo kaliya baa nagu hartoo qarafku noo yiile

    Tanna qaata Naadoba rag bay qaac u shidataaye!


    Nuux sidii buu Jammaad isaga daayey.

  6. Mutakalim,


    “A long habit of not thinking a thing wrong†Thomas Paine once wrote, “ gives it a superficial appearance of being a right.â€


    So I can safely report that your intellectual arrogance has become a trademark of your postings. You write as though the rest of us are under-educated savage from the jungle. It is a much-repeated pattern that reveals an interesting character of yours. Only Allah can heal you from that weakness. And perhaps, as Paine writes in his Common Sense, time would convince you more than reason.


    Nevertheless, I must not give up trying.



    Mutakallim wrote:

    Did you really think that you would get away with such a blatant mendacity. Perhaps most of the Nomads are not arabic readers, or students of philosophy and theology for that matter, so it is not unexpected that your concocted lie to go unchallenged

    It’s not a “blatant mendacity†nor it is a “concocted lie†that Ibn Arabi claimed receiving revelation from Allah. He had indeed written this claim in his voluminous Futuhat Al Makkiyyah. In chapter 373, Ibnu Arabi wrote:


    ويقول ÙÙŠ الباب 373: جميع ما كتبته ÙÙŠ هذا الباب Ù€ الÙتوحات Ù€ إنما هو من املاء الهي والقاء رباني أو Ù†ÙØ« روحاني ÙÙŠ روح كياني


    Rough translation:


    "Every thing I wrote in this book is a dictation from Allah, a recitation of God, and spiritual emit ion from the Devine."


    So as the Arab poet once said:

    Ùإن كنت تعلم Ùتلك مصيبة


    وإن كنت لاتعلم Ùالمصيبة أعظم

    Mutakallim wrote:

    he does not, despite your fetid disregard for the truth, claim that "he met" the prophets of Allah

    In Fusus Al Hikam, Ibnu Arabi claims that he met all the messengers and prophets from Adam to Muhammad in a great gathering of theirs near Cordoba in 586 H. (Fus al-huwdy, Fusus Al Hikam.)


    Mutakallim wrote:

    Can you please provide a detailed reference in which Suhradawi claims that he is a prophet, because I happen to own all his books and, I would fain accept your claim if it be true.

    In Suhradawi case, I commented his book and told you what he was killed for. I have not, despite your implicit claim, said that he claimed prophecy in his books. He did so in his lectures and debates. His students reported that. The great scholar and the Master of Al-Jarh wa ta-ta’diil, Al-imam ad-dahabi, in his Siyaru A’laamu an-nubulaa narrated through Suhradawi’s student that he, Suhradawi that is, said that prophesy could be earned through knowledge. Al-imam ad-dahabi described Suhradawi as a man with great and ever-sharpening intellect but with very little religion.

    كان يتوقد بذكاء ولكنه قليل الدين

    (Pg. 397, V.16, Dar al-fikir, Lebanon.)


    The man for whose orders Suhradawi was put on trail was no other than Salah Al-Din Ayubi, the capturer of Jerusalem. His sense of justice was known from far and near.

    In The Epic of the Crusades, Renee Gousse testifies to Salah Al-Din’s integrity.


    "It is equally true that his generosity, his piety, devoid of fanaticism, that flower of liberality and courtesy.."


    It was also the consensus of Muslim scholars of Halab that Suhradawi was found guilty of the crimes he was accused of and subsequently put to death.


    Mutakallim wrote:

    Are you sure that was the theme of Ibnu Tufayl's book?

    Poor Mutakallim, that was indeed the implicit conclusion of his book. Since the character of his novel left the masses with their signs and symbols safe and sound and went back to its secluded place in the island.

    I see you are resolved not to understand me, Good Xiinfaniin. First, I have already explicated the intrepretation of the utterance of Hallaj

    The failure and the inability to explain this recursive utterance are not yours, sxb. Rather it’s inherent with the very Concept that you’re trying to expound. Hallaj would not have wanted your ‘interpretation’ of his utterance though. He had an ample opportunity to do that and he chose not to as he really meant what he said.


    Are you taught to impeach men instead of impeaching arguments?

    To weigh the integrity of those who claim to be the vessels of knowledge is an authentic and old Islamic Science. It attempts to verify the reliability of their work by subjecting them to a very strict set of rules. And yes Caqiidah and mental sanity are included. So I hope I have not broken news to you by impeaching them.


    It’s the eve of Ciid al-adxaa, so let me say: may you and the rest of the nomads on SOL have happy and pleasant Ciid and may Allah accept the deeds of those who stood Carafah today.



  7. Viking Wrote:

    This has always been the case when things are taken literally. Do you believe in hypnosis or at least understand it? Let's say you were hypnotised and did certain things that the hypnotists told you to do i.e. floating in space or that you are being chased by a pack of wolves.

    What I do indeed believe is Karaamaat for the Awliyaa-uLLaahi and Mucjizaat for His prophets. In a more serious note though, you and me seem to agree that the source of Caqiidah ought to be from Qur’an And Sunnah. NGONGE, I believe, made a similar view. As this is my last posting in this topic, let me close it with some advice of from Prophet’s last Sermon, his is speech of nation!


    O People, No prophet or apostle will come afte me and no new faith will be born. Reason well, therefore, O people, and understand the words which I convey to you. I leave behind me two things, the Qur'an and my Example, the Sunnah, and if you follow these you will never go astray.


    with that I surrender to the will of Allah.

    Nabad iyo Salaamaat, Saaxiib.

  8. Mutakallim wrote:

    It is clear that huluul and Ittihad are nowise possible.

    This declaration of yours sits well with Ibn Taymiyya’s Salafi Caqiidah. It also affirms the theological position that I have articulated in my previous postings.

    So I shall there fore ignore the rest of your argument, which, to my surprise, is full of irreconcilable and contradictious statements.


    But I can’t leave this topic without impeaching the integrity of those men whose writings you relied on in defending this incoherent concept, Unity of Being that is.


    Ibnu Arabi


    Perhaps no Sufi holds higher regard than, in all Sufi schools, Muhyiddin Ibn Arabi. This Spanish Sufi had deviated from the authentic and original Islamic theology and created unbridgeable gap between Islamic Law and Sufism. In Futuhat Al-Makkiyyah, he claimed that he received revelations. He reported that he met with Jesus, Moses, and Muhammad and got instructions and direct orders from them. So one is only left to conclude the man was either intentionally adulterating the Caqiidah of this Religion or, sadly, was a victim of what is called in Psychiatric circles, disinhibition syndrome. A freedom to act according to one’s inner drives or feelings, with no regard for restrains imposed by cultural norms and religious believes. Further more, there was never proper schooling of his, except brief introduction to Ibnu Rushdi, in the Islamic fields of Hadith, Fiqh, and Qur’an reported.


    Abu 'l-Futuh al-Suhrawardi


    This Iranian Sufi, “the Master of Oriental Theosophy†as he was called, was so out of step from the sound Islamic Theology that he was promptly executed and deservedly so, I may add. The greatly celebrated, off course by Sufis, masterpiece of his--or so it was called—is Hikmat al-Ishraq. In it his line of reasoning is more in line with the ancient Greek philosophers, like Plato, than it is with the Prophet’s teachings. For him no need for Muhammad’s teaching as he felt he was knowledgeable enough to be the Prophet by himself! A crime he was found guilt of, Claiming Prophecy that is.


    Ibnu Tufayl


    A Spanish-Arab philosopher, who made, rather eloquently, in his fictional and philosophical romance novel Hayy ibn Yaqzan, that religion and philosophy have natural conflicts and can’t be reconciled. Those who tried with good intent, like Al-Ghasali, I may add, failed miserably. You see, this man was a scientist, a physician to be precise, and to be true to his discipline he delivered the correct verdict. And that spares him from impeachment of his integrity. His work is not suitable, how ever, as a source for Unity of Being, at least from theological perspective.


    Al Hallaj


    Mansur Al Hallaj will ever be remembered by his infamous utterance: I Am the Truth.

    What an evil utterance! For the Truth he meant Allah, he was imprisoned and later executed. Of course he was found guilty of apostasy. I read some of his books years ago and I do count him as a Kafir. At times, I think of him as a man who lost his mental sanity. That might have given his lawyers legal argument to spare him from execution, I gathered. Jokes aside, he wouldn’t have made in any one’s list of Friends of Allah either, I suppose.


    So to the Nomads of SOL, above are the proponents of the concept Unity of Being. A delusional assertion that man and Allah can merge and hence become One! Not withstanding Mutakallim’s attempt to cast it differently.

    Are these men Mutaqqiin? Do they seem credible enough to have a reasonable debate with their theological work? And above all did their work adhere to the Qur’an and Sunnah way of doing Ijtihad? I leave you with these propping questions so you can perhaps arrive same conclusion as I did: that these men swum against the tide of strict Islamic Law as it relates to theology and Caqiidah. And that they are in conflict with the confirmed guidelines of worshiping Allah as it is imposed by Sharia.


    I appreciate your Mutakallim's citation of Arabic Poetry and I particularly liked Hussein Ibn Ali’s qasiidah! If I were not technically challenged, I would have otherwise posted Farasdaq’s famous madxi of Hussein. It is so breathtakingly beautiful and elegant it does not only show the literary capacity of its author but it also reveals the depth from which it is delivered!

  9. Viking,


    The masses are prudent enough to distinguish between what is a Sufi gimmick or, for worse, a satanic deception from the real Caqiidah. As they know, the masses that is, that in the final analysis, with all the bewilderment, intoxication and the like, the love of Allah does not end with Unity and that perfection is not a mortal attribute.


    So masses are thankfully safe from the mystic delusions of the Sufis.


    The correct teaching of the Prophet is to excel in worshiping Allah not to be Him, but to serve Him. This simple and beautiful message, unfortunately, escaped from the besieged minds of the Gnostics. They refused to weight their tenets by the scale of the Islamic Law and evaluate it by the Qur’an and the Sunnah. Consequently, and with great sadness, they are in a futile and fruitless quest to reach a spiritual station, where sufficient tranquility of heart in the Union of God and perfect man is promised. Like I said, this is indeed a satanic deception.


    As always, exalted is He Who said:

    “There is none like unto Him; He is the All- Hearer, the All-Knower.â€



  10. Classique:


    In some Sufi circles, Ibn 'Arabi is considered as the most influential Sufi scholar of all time. His supporters called him al-Shaykh al-akbar, the Greatest Master. For me, calling him the great Sufi scholar was a mere acknowledgement of that fact, not an endorsement.


    One of his theological innovations, deficiencies one may say, that I was trying to address was the concept of Tawhiid Al-wujuud. This, I think, contradicts the sound Salafi Caqiidah to which I subscribe. That was all sxb.


    Bashi, thanks sxb.

  11. Since it is seemingly taking longer than I expected for Mutakallim to answer those two-question s of mine, let me present a bigger argument against the so-called wahdat al-wujud concept, which was eloquently propounded by the great Suffi scholar and theologian Ibn al-'Arabi.


    In wahdat al-wujud, Sufis think they are able to effect a merging of their souls with the Allah’s essence. In simple terms this means there is no deference between Allah and self.

    You see, this is where Sufis indulge in the so-called mystical experience that takes them beyond the realm of intellectual discourse. A merging occurs, they claim, but could not be expressed in rational terms.


    This concept has one fatal and serious deviant theological shortcoming as it clashes Allah’s createdness attribute. The Creator created and formed the universe. The existence of an absolute distinction between the Creator and created beings is a sound and established theological position, which Qur’an firmly supports. As Ibn Taymiyya observed, Sufi who subscribes to this concept is simply someone who is overcome by an outburst of emotions. A sufferer of excessive and extreme emotions, he diagnosed.


    So how can one accept or trust the sense of perception of someone whose weak intellectual foundation have already collapsed by onslaught of excessive feelings?


    The alternative is to let your believe in Allah emanate from a foundation of knowledge based on the Qur’an and the authentic Sunna. That, unlike Sufis and Philosophers, is reliance on divined Truth, the real Truth.



  12. It has been often related that when the Gnostics (Al-Caarifiin) leave the lowlands of metaphor and ascend to the highlands of reality, they concieve of nothing but He. Plurality is totally banished from them, and they become immersed in sheer singularity. Thier rational faculites become so satiated that they are, as it were, stunned! No room remains for the rememberance of any other than God. Nothing is with them but God. They become intoxicated with such an intoxication that the ruling authority of their rational faculty is overthrown! Hence one of them says: I am the Truth انا الحق


    Another says



    I am He whom I love,

    and He whom I love is I



    انا من اهوى ومن اهوى انا

    Allah is the source of existence. In fact Allah is the source of every thing. No question about that. But I humbly ask clarification about the meaning of ‘immersing in sheer singularity’ in your post. Don’t you believe Allah is uniquely and distinctively separate from his creatures? If you do, don’t you agree that it is Consequently impossible—Mahaal- to be unified with the Creator?

  13. U.S. Reps. Gregory W. Meeks and Donald M. Payne Joint Statement: Let's Not Forget Somalia in Wake of the Tsunami



    Contact: Mischa Thompson, 202-225-3461, or Candace Sandy, 917-714-3275 or 718-949-5600, both of the Office of Congressman Gregory W. Meeks, or Noelle Lusane of the Office of Congressman Donald M. Payne, 202-225-3436



    WASHINGTON, Jan. 10 /U.S. Newswire/ -- U.S. Reps. Gregory Meeks and Donald Payne, members of the House International Relations Committee and its sub-committee on Africa, released the following joint statement today:



    "As we come together to express our deepest sympathy and condolences to those affected by the Tsunami, we ask that the world simply not forget that in addition to the hundreds of thousands affected in Asia, the African countries of Somalia, Kenya, Tanzania, and Seychelles were also affected with the most devastation being experienced by Somalia. Yet, the devastation experienced by Somalia remains severely under reported in the media and we fear this may be symptomatic of a larger trend that may prevent Somalians from receiving the assistance they direly need.



    "Over the last decade, civil war, drought and food insecurity have devastated Somalis, leaving both a political and economic vacuum that has made it extremely difficult to assess the total damage of the Tsunami. Even so, initial reports cite approximately 200 deaths and another 54,000 affected. Homes and fishing boats have been destroyed, access to clean water cut off, and equipment that sustains the local economy has been seriously damaged.



    "Sadly, the devastation of the Tsunami is taking place as Somalia has reached a pivotal point in its history. Over the past few years, Somalis committed to their country have gathered in Kenya to form a new government. Just a few months ago, a new government was selected and plans are being made for its relocation to Somalia. However, the present tragedy of the tsunami coupled with the existing humanitarian situation may make the move and ultimate success of this government more difficult.



    "The U.S. government has committed $50,000 through USAID in response to the Tsunami, while UN reports cite a need of $13 million. There is a real need for President Bush (news - web sites) to work with the international community to ensure that a thorough assessment of the damage in Somalia takes place and that our contribution is enough.



    "Support for the people of Somalia and especially its new government is critical to our own security needs at a time in which failed states have been know to give birth to and harbor terrorists. Assisting the Somalian victims of the Tsunami only helps in establishing a more stable environment for a new government that will be more closely aligned with our needs. In our efforts to assist the victims of the Tsunami, we must be certain not to forget Somalia.



    "Lastly, while the response to relief efforts the world over have been unparalleled in the wake of the Tsunami tragedy in South Asia and East Africa and this type of response is welcomed and enthusiastically encouraged, Americans and members of the international community should not forget ongoing crises in Africa, particularly Darfur, Sudan, the Democratic Republic of Congo (news - web sites), and Northern Uganda.



    "Media coverage of Darfur has dropped off in recent months since the Congressional and subsequent Administration declarations of genocide, yet millions of people remain affected by violence and disease. More than 1 million people have been driven from their homes and an additional 200,000 have fled into Chad. Women and girls remain vulnerable to rape, children and families continue to go hungry, and more than 1,000 people die each day. In Congo, remnants of a five year war that killed over 3 million, has in the past weeks lead to renewed fighting and the displacement of over 10,000, while in Northern Uganda, a civil war has displaced over 1.6 million people and been responsible for the abduction of over 20,000 children used as child soldiers.


    "While the humanitarian crises in these countries have received less media coverage and their causes are social as opposed to natural, they have had just as devastating an impact. Let us remember and help rebuild the lives of all affected by the Tsunamis, whether they be in Asia or Africa, while at the same time keeping in mind that less visible crises need our support as well."

  14. .....community forums that involve all walks of life from the vast somali societies(e.g sheikhs, ulamaa, women, scientists, socialists, economists etc) to get a COHESIVE and FUSED public support, in response to hampering this catastrophe. I believe public awareness such as community education about the problem should be the next step in reducing the risks and numbers of infected individuals

    That is very sound strategy in-deed. The injection of religious scholars—Culamaa u-Diin –in the public awareness campaign is a crucial component that has been missing so far in the current strategy.


    I would add two more long-term steps that need to be given a thought: in the process of devising comprehensive strategy to fight and prevent Aids in Somalia, the first order of business ought to be addressing the source of all diseases, which is the border between Ethiopia and Somalia. For the last number of years Ethiopia flooded us not only with weapons but also with HIV infected folks who traverse us with ease and in the process carry the virus to the heart of our cities and little villages. Given the current political instability and the lack of government in Somalia I don’t know what the solution would be for this real problem.


    The second order of business should be, I think, to address the problem of porn movies and the indecency that comes with it, which is another source of this disease. My source tells me that in some cities in Somalia these un-Islamic and sinister materials are produced LOCALY. This shows that Somalia is not only a failed state in political and economic terms but also in social and communal as well. In the areas where there is a regional government bringing local authorities attention to the issue of pornography may help but more effective strategy is critical.


    I don’t have easy answers but I know this: unless we attack the source of the problem and dry it up, combating the demand will befutile.

  15. Taariikhda dhow iyo ta dheerba waxaynu ku aragnaa nebiyo, filosoofyo iyo halyeeyo kale oo u dhintay ama u darxumooday burburinta dulmiga.

    Soomaaliya gudeheeda waxaa ugu caansanaa raggii heybsooca ka dhiidhiiyey kana gilgishay gardarradii iyo qabkii qeyb ka mid ah qabaa'ilka geyiga ciideed ninkii la oranjirey Ayyax Maxamed Dhowre ee 1930-aadkii noola. tixdiisii caanka aheyd ee duufaanta ka kicisay carrigaas waxaa ku jirey:


    Qooraha waxaa looga simay waysku wada qeyre

    Waa qeydar low kaaga jabay hadalka qaarkiise

    Qabbaanimo haddaad iga rabtiyo iqassaal marada!

    Qaddarka Ilaah iguma qaban qoodhay xeradaye

    Ayyax Dhawre.

  16. I vehemently oppose the notion that condom usage is “key part of the fight against Aids.†And even thought I appreciate Dr. Mohamed’s work in Somalia, I can’t help but question his intent of distributing condoms had the environment was permissible—he seems to imply. The current prevention strategy of fighting against Aids is un-Islamic and can’t be applied without altering it substantially to adhere cultural sensitivity of Muslim societies.


    I also take issue with those who assert that Islamic nature of Somalis would be enough to shield the far-reaching health consequences of this epidemic. So what is the correct approach to bring about a comprehensive strategy to fight this epidemic Islamicly?

  17. This is a deep-felt expression of hope and optimism, which, I must admit, speaks to my heart.


    Let me take even further and assert that Somalia’s dark days and its misery are coming to an end. That is not because of the result of the peace process in Nairobi, but because the Somali people are beginning to understand the heavy human cost of modern warfare. They are also beginning to discover the art of problem solving through ways other than violence and bloodshed. The days when pure nomadic pride and clannish arrogance used to cause endless warfare and fighting are over. The border conflict between Somaliland and Puntland is a prime example where full-blown hostility has been managed and perhaps prevented through mutual understanding of the far-reaching consequence of tribal warfare. As gloomy as it may seem, southern Somalia is experiencing less frequency of clan fighting today than it has been. And time, it seems, is making more converts than reason in the world of ********s in Mogadishu. Even in Kismayo, warlord-turned-minister is uttering words of piece and reconciliation.


    Somalis seemed to finally value what they have in common. The lovely and interesting political activity in Puntland is case in point. Upcoming parliamentarian elections in Somaliland will as well be fascinating as it shows the level of political maturity in that community.
