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Posts posted by xiinfaniin

  1. To correct brothers Malistar2012 & Daqane aka Liqaye's interpretation of Mogadishu conference, Jubbaland Administration issued clarification of the conditions under which they admin will participate in Mogadishu conference


    Kismaayo[RBC Radio]Maamulka Jubba-land ee dhawan lugu dhisey magaaladda Kismaayo ee xarunta gobolka Jubbada Hoose ee uu hogaamiyo madaxweyne Axmed Maxamed Islaam “Axmed Madoobe”ayaa marki ugu horeysey ka hadley shir ay dowladda faderaalka Soomaaliya ku baaqdey in lugu qaban doono magaaladda Muqdisho logana hadli doono arrimaha ka dhex taagan gobolka Jubbooyinka iyo Gedo ee salka ku haya dhismaha maamul.


    Afhayeenka maamulka Kismaayo Cabdinaasir Seeraar ayaa sheegey in maamulkoda aysan tagi dooni shirka Muqdisho dowladdu sheegtey inay ku qaban doonto.


    Seeraar ayaa sidoo kale sheegey inay shirkaasi ka qeyb gali doonan oo kaliya haddi ay dowladdu aqoonsato maamulka Jubbaland iyo madaxweyne Axmed Madoobe.


    “Anagu shirkaasi kama qeyb gali doono,waxan kaliya shirkasi an uga qeyb gali doona markii dowladda sheegto inay aqoonsan tahay maamulka ay dhisteen shacabka gobollada Jubbooyinka iyo Gedo ee Jubbaland” ayuu yiri afhayeenka Jubbaland Cabdinaasir Seeraar.


    Sidoo kale waxaa uu sheegay Seeraar in maamulka ka dhisan Kismaayo uu yahay mid si sax ah lugu dhisey aysan jiri karina ciid arqaladeen doona,maadama sidaa uu sheegey shacabka gobaladaasi iyagu ay dorten.


    Axmed Madoobe shir jaraaid oo uu ku qabtay magaalada Nairobi ku sheegay in uu maamulkiisa tagi doono shirka Muqdisho lagu qaban doono isaga oo sharuud uga dhigay in shirkaas maamulkiisa iyo dowlada fedraalka oo kaliya uu quseyn doono uusan ogalaan doonin wax aan taas aheyn.


    “Waxa wada hadlaya waa Dowlada Fedraalka iyo Maamul Goboleedka Jubbaland laakiin kaalay isku kalaya oo dad suuqa laga soo ururinayo isku kaalaya jirimeyso waxyaabaha Madaxweynaha aanu kawada hadalnay ayey kamid aheyd IGAD beyna u taalaa ” ayuu ku yiri Madaxweyne Axmed shirkaas jaraaid


    Halkaan ka akhriso


    Hadalkaan ayaa imanayaa kadib markii dhawaan madxaweynaha Soomaaliya Xassan Sheekh Maxamuud uu sheegey in dhawaan Muqdisho lugu qaban doono shir la doonayo in lugu xalliyo khilaafka Kismaayo,balse hadalkaan ayaa waxaa liid kunoqonaya midka kasoo baxey maamulka Kismaayo.


    Arrimahaan ayaa ku soo adeya iyadoo wali dowladda faderaalka Soomaaliya aysan aqoonsan maamulka Jubbaland ee Axmed Madoobe sheegtana dowladdu inuu yahay mid an sidii saxda ahaa lugu dhisin.


    Waxa Jubbaland ay qoonsatay ilaa hada banaanka uma soo bixin.

  2. Somalia: Jubaland's successful electoral process

    12 Jun 12, 2013 - 12:54:03 PM


    By WHITNEY GRESPIN, UPI Outside View Commentator


    ARLINGTON, Va., June 7 (UPI) -- The establishment of the new semi-autonomous Somali Jubaland state is a step in the right direction for a stable Somalia but the region isn't in the clear yet.


    Three weeks ago saw the turning of a significant corner in modern Somali history: a vote for the transparently elected leadership of the newly declared Jubaland state. On May 15 hundreds of clan representatives from throughout the region voted Sheik Ahmed Mohamed Islam -- aka "Ahmed Madobe" -- to serve as president, with a General Fartag reported to have been selected to serve as vice president of Jubaland.


    As it turns out, though, around the corner laid a number of hurdles for the newly formed state government.


    Mere hours after the announcement that Madobe had won the presidency, a rival clansman, militia commander and former Somali minister of defense with the Transitional Federal Government named Barre Adan Shire Hirale declared himself the electoral victor.


    While the conflicting claim was quickly rejected by designated clan representatives, it has been reported that some sources accused the Somali Federal Government of secretly backing the surprise self-declaration.


    Although the electoral process itself can be seen as a victory, caustic remarks challenging the legitimacy of the election process were made by SFG President Hassan Sheik Mohamud at an orphanage opening May 19 in Mogadishu. His statements indicated that his government recognized neither the process nor the outcome of the election as adhering to requirements outlined in the Provisional Constitution of the Federal Republic of Somalia.


    Although the outcomes have been rejected, the process and affiliates of the Kismayo Convention, as the governance design process has been dubbed, were well known to SFG members since its activities began under the regional Inter-Governmental Authority on Development.


    In order to understand the motivation of the interested parties, it is important to appreciate the setting in which these disputes are occurring. The newly branded Jubaland state, which shares borders with Kenya to the southwest and Ethiopia to the north, is Somalia's southernmost territory and is composed of the three administrative regions of Gedo, Middle Juba, and Lower Juba. Though these are potentially rich agricultural regions with regular seasonal rainfall, reliably flowing rivers, relatively preserved forests and fertile land for farming and herding, it is the port city of Kismayo that is the jewel in the crown of the nascent Jubaland state.


    Just more than 300 miles southwest of Mogadishu, Kismayo has long been the prized possession over which opposing factions vie for control. Kismayo's status as a regional transportation hub is critical to commerce and transit. Three main thoroughfares connect Kismayo to other parts of the country and Kismayo is home to two of the country's airports. Perhaps most importantly, though, is Kismayo's deep-water seaport, which could allow for the reinitiation of profitable domestic and international trade as security in the region improves.


    Access to the port played a major role in the development of southern Somalia in the latter half of the 20th century but the docks and surrounding infrastructure fell into disrepair until they were jointly refurbished by the U.S. and Somali governments in 1984. Three decades of neglect and war have rendered the port unusable for large commercial and naval vessels but control of and access to the site remains vital as prospects for renewed trade begin presenting themselves.


    Beyond the in-fighting amongst recognized stakeholders to maintain power over resources and critical infrastructure sites, the activities of non-state actors continues to threaten the tenuous gains.


    Although the Kenyan Defense Forces under leadership of the African Union Mission in Somalia and alongside local Somali militias were successful in crippling al-Shabaab's hold on the region, the militant group still maintains a notable presence across southern Somalia. Their occupation limits freedom of movement throughout the region, including control of multiple checkpoints on a critical road between Mogadishu and Kismayo.

    Clan affiliations remain primary sociopolitical constructs in the region and they are the basis from which representatives pooled to form the voting council for last week's Kismayo Convention presidential elections.


    On a national scale it is widely thought that Jubaland's allegiances are divided between pro-Mogadishu and pro-Kenyan movements, which may lead to local elections having wider repercussions than might initially be expected.


    Reconciling these differences to collaborate on building a secure state with a respected legitimate government to impose rule of law will be vital to the durability of the Jubaland state and the wider Somali nation. While there are substantial obstacles that both the state and the country will have to overcome, not least of which the interpretation of the wording of the Provisional Constitution, the international community should be supportive of the transparent election process initiated by the regional Intergovernmental Authority on Development body.


    If grassroots processes can prevail in the former militant stronghold only months after the fall of al-Shabaab, then perhaps the clouds will part on a new era of economic and sociopolitical stability for the inhabitants of Somalia.



    (Whitney Grespin has overseen education and security sector capacity building programs on five continents. She is a research fellow with Young Professionals in Foreign Policy and a member of Women in International Security and the 2012-13 inaugural class of the Eurasia Foundation's Young Professionals Network.)



    Source: UPI

  3. Jubaland: Kenya Defence Forces not supporting us

    13 Jun 13, 2013 - 3:09:03 AM


    NAIROBI ,Kenya 13 June,2013 (SD)-The simmering tension between the Government of Mogadishu and that in Nairobi over the establishment of Somali’s breakaway State of Jubaland has gotten intervention from a likely source.


    State of Jubaland President, Sheikh Ahmed Madobe, has said Kenya is not behind the establishment of his newly breakaway state.


    Madobe, who was recently elected President of the semi-autonomous region, defended the Government of Kenya and the Kenya Defence Forces (KDF) from claims of backing his administration. In an interview with The Standard, the Jubaland leader said the establishment of a federal state in the South of Somalia was in line with Igad’s four-year marshal plan of restoring stability in Somalia.


    He said the creation of a strong administration based on federalism was mooted in Addis Ababa four years ago during an Igad meeting that was attended by the then Transitional Federal Government (TFG) of Somalia and presidents from the region.


    “The only role that Kenya and Ethiopia have played is the provision of troops who have helped in flushing out the Al Shabaab elements from Jubaland,” he said.


    The Ras Kamboni brigades’ Commander, who was Kenya’s key ally during the incursion against Al Shabaab by KDF, also denied allegations that Kenya’s military was abusing and mistreating his people.


    “KDF transited into Amison and there have been no incidents of human rights abuse by either KDF or Amison,” Madobe said while accusing some elements of the Somali Government of working in cahoots with remnants of Al Shabaab to taint the soldiers’ image.


    Madobe denied allegations of secession from Somalia and said external donors who include Kenya did not fund his election at the Kisimayu University.


    Kenya has repeatedly denied being behind the creation of a semi-autonomous state to act as a buffer zone against the Al Shabaab militants who threaten regional stability through their terrorism activities.


    An MP recently went to the Somalia Parliament and displayed pictures of what he claimed was proof of KDF’s abuses on the people of Jubaland, but Sheikh Madobe distanced his administration and KDF from the photos.


    Madobe said he is looking forward to working with the Government of Sheikh Hassan Mohamoud (Somalia President) through a federal regime system.


    Source: Standard Digital (Kenya)

  4. KISMAYO, Somalia Jun 12 2013 (Garowe Online) – Jubaland state President Sheikh Ahmed Mohamed Madoobe returned to Kismayo on Wednesday where he held a press conference stating that he didn’t oppose President Hassan Sheikh but that Jubaland would continue forward, Garowe Online reports.


    The President elect, Sheikh Ahmed Madoobe arrived at the port city of Kismayo on Wednesday where he was welcomed by Jubaland officials at the Ahmed Gurey International Airport. Shortly after his arrival, the Jubaland president held a press conference discussing his meetings with Somali Federal Government (SFG) President Hassan Sheikh Mohamud.


    “President Hassan and I met; I reassured him that he did not need to be concerned and that he [Hassan] is our President and that there would be no problems from our [Jubaland] side,” said Jubaland state President Sheikh Madoobe.


    He continued to say that Jubaland would continue forward despite the setbacks. “Jubaland state has reached great success and we cannot afford to backtrack, we want to be an example for the Federal [states] Somalia.”


    Earlier this week clashes in Kismayo by what Jubaland officials alleged were Al Shabaab forces funded by SFG officials led to over 15 people being killed on the fighting sides.


    President Ahmed Madoobe sent his condolences to the Jubaland forces and civilians that died in the clashes.


    The SFG has stood firmly against Jubaland state, refusing to recognize President Ahmed Madoobe who was elected last month. Although the two met in Nairobi earlier this week, it is unclear what came out of the meeting.

  5. Carafaat the SOL kid,


    The conference in Mogadishu is nothing more than a face saving exit for the federal government to step back and let Jubbaland be. Ahmed Madoobe will participate in it as a the dully elected president of Jubbaland , Faroole will be there as well :D . So if there is any disappointment with respect to this, it is NOT mine :D . I am content with with Jubbaland status under the circumstances.


    The political conflict between Jubbaland and Mogadishu was never about opposing Hassan's government. It was about defending the federal political framework ...and on that account , the president has been humbled.

  6. It has been a long journey for Carafaat to finally accept the reality that is Jubbaland. The liberation of Jubbaland cities is a work in progress ---naturally the political legitimacy should precede the imposition of authority over Jubbaland territory

  7. Fiqikhayre;961337 wrote:
    I took it too far

    You sure did


    But Abtigiis should've known it coming. Despite his talents and creativity, he at times chooses most sloppy of titles , which in this case attracted the wrong crowd :D

  8. Fiqikhayre;961326 wrote:
    Ilma Saleeye waa hore hadii ey curadkii Saleebaan xukun ka boobeen maanta waxay isku urureen in qaarkood adeegyaal u noqdaan Ugaaska cusub gar iyo gardaro ba. Ugaaska cusub oo caan ku ah inuu dal saa u weyneen gacanta ugu jirin halka u ka talinayo tahay meel aan ismaqal iyo kala dambeyn ka jirin. Taasna ayaa keentay in Ugaaska cusub lagu xanto nin waxba maamuli karin isaguna ismaamuli karayn.


    Saleebaan oo farsamooyin badna marku arkay xaalku u duulka ku sugayiin ayuu garowsaday inuu samatabixiyo ileen weligii isaga ayaa aha qaran dhisaha ummada laga soo bilaway Leegada. Wuxuna hiddo iyo dhaqan u leeyahay saldamo iyo boqortooyo caan ku aha oo u xita Ugaaska cusub reerkii qaarkood ku gumeesan jiray.


    Iyadoo Saleebaan ka maqanyahay dadkii intiisa kale oo u gurigiisa ku nagaaday kuna mashquulsan ayuu is yiri bal inuu yegleelo wax uun dadku intiisa kale isku fahmi karaan. Wuxu isugu yeeray dhamaan guriigiisa dadka intiisa kale ka dibna ka saxiixay dastuur iyo sharciyo adag ey wadaagi doonan oo kala qeexaya nidaamka ummada yeelan doona.


    Waxyar ka dib markii Ugaaska cusub la doortay ayaa soo ifbaxay in nidaamkii lagu heshiiyey la baalmaray. Ugaaskii cusba oo lagu xaman jiray inuu ismaamuli karina bilaway howl u guryaha kale ku mashquulo oo doonayey inay sida Saleebaan oo kale dhisaan guri u gaar ah. Ugaaska cusub oo ka xun in Talaabo dheere iyo Saleebaan oo isku reer ah sameesteen laba guri oo nidaam iyo kala dambeyn leh ayuu aad ugu carooday dagaalna is biday.


    Qeylada Ugaaska cusub wuxu gaaray dalalka dariska laakin nasiib wanaag Talaabo dheere iyo Saleebaan baa kolka uu booqdo dalalka dariska ahi ku qaabilayey.


    Saleebaan iyo Talaabo dheere oo ku faraxsan inay sharci adag oo dastuuri ku taaganyahiin ayaa sidaa ku walaaloobay ilma Saleeye’na u gacan haadiyey.


    Ilma Saleeye oo rafaad,dib-u-dhac iyo jah-wareer siyaasadeed ku jiray muddo ka badan 22 sano oo lagu xanto in qaarkood isir guureen ayna yeeshen tol kale ayaa ah fursad ey kaga bixi karaan ku biirida walaalahooda Saleeban iyo Talaabo Dheere dhibaadada ku habsatay gurigooda kuna soo ceshan karaan heybtooda sharafta leh.

    You missed Abtigiis's disclaimer waryaa :D

  9. Abtigiis;961323 wrote:
    That is not the gist of the story, Xinny. The gist is Saleebaan's intriguing ingenuity in finding infinite number of holes to wrongfoot enemies. It is about the fate of the perennial wayfarer who is now in the same hole with Saleeban.

    ^You are saying the same thing, Abtigiis.


    The old prince is still relevant.

  10. Gabbal ,


    Forget about what a neocon establishment writes about Kisamyo (remember neo conservatives have been in the dog house of American foreign policy for the last five years). Tell us what happened to the government's elaborate policy you so eloquently articulated on these pages regarding how to contain Jubbaland state :D


    I think you owe us an explanation here

  11. NGONGE misses the point in Puntland's involvement in this Jubbaland initiative.


    The Jubbaland case has already been won. The Mogadishu meeting is nothing more than a face saving exit for Hassan Sheekh. Despite internet reports, there is an understanding between Madoobe, Faroole and Hassan when they met in Nairobi.


    Jubbaland will only go forward, and Faroole's involvement has been crucial with respect to pressuring federal government to step back.

  12. ^^:D :D


    The gist of Abtigiis's poorly constructed story is an old prince who refused to go away and quit after an elaborate coup has been executed against his throne and deposed him. The old prince had many skills on top of the obvious leadership ones. Though he lost the symbolic throne, he did not lose or so it seems the political machinations that comes with being a prince. He is still the talk of the town, his moves are closely watched including whom he chooses to befriend...even governance (the proverbial girl in my little writeup) seems to function well when he is around :D


    ..take it from there ya NGONGE

  13. NGONGE;961260 wrote:
    I don't understand every part of the story (though I get the hint) lakin waxaan huba inuu Xiin
    khalad iska galay.

    Waa intii Abtigiis kuu sheegay.


    Abtigiis and I understand each other. The rest dont matter :D

  14. ^^:D :D :D


    I knew you was joking.


    EDIT: speaking of presidents , one is presidential and is being courted in Nairobi with UN, EU, western embassies , and regional bodies, and to top the Somali president himself while others icluding your beloved warlord Barre is holed up in a house in a city controlled by president Ahmed.


    The question is when will you learn matters of governance and the fine prints of political schemes. Like we said VOA interview does not equal power :D