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Everything posted by Tillamook

  1. Lol See, what did I tell you. His tune is already changing…ha ha ha “After all, if things take the way the opposition are projecting, then president Farmaajo could be an expired cheese, as our vulgar resident Tilamook calls him” Galbeedi, lacagtaa been kuu sheegtay. We’ve always known Farmajo was useless, incompetent waste of space, from day one. Haye hadee, ka xaaxaabi maanta.
  2. lol Saaxiib, Galbeedi, calm down. It’s understandable that these recent actions by PM Rooble —to mess with N&N’s illegal access to public monies, which also happens to be a threat to Adeer Beyle’s Job— has brought about in you an onset of effeminate emotions ranging from grief, fear, and even helpless rage, and that this latter state of mind gives rise to hapless threats over the internet toward me. You want to punch me, huh? lol You need to chill, relax and stop this nonsense, saaxiib! We all know you couldn’t punch your way out of a paper bag even if you life depended on it, you miserable buffoon.
  3. Lol But all jokes aside, Galbeedi iyo caaqilnimo waa kaaf iyo kala dheeri.
  4. I wonder how N&N’ will pay their Cayayaanka Baraha Bulshada? Galbeedi, we hope you won’t change your tune in the coming months.
  5. Since you insist on chasing your own tail in here like some rabid mutt, you tell us… are you wrong?
  6. You are indeed a funny curious creature. But why should I be surprised: Like a cornered wretched vermin in a dark alley, it is typical for a delusional N&N supporter such as yourself to try to change the topic at hand by using a futile array of pointless evasion and obfuscation to hide the increasingly untenable and absurd situation that Useless Farmaajo finds him in. Saaxiib, when will you see Useless Farmaajo for what he truly is?
  7. You are right to some degree. The disappearance of the girl is indeed a criminal matter, but it is Useless Farmaajo who politicized the issue by attempting to give political cover to the main suspect in the case. In any case, I do pity these fools on SOL who are desperately and furtively optimistic about the future political prospects of the Expired cheese in Villa Somalia.
  8. I beg to differ. To hold the culprit behind Ikraan Tahaliil’s disappearance accountable is very necessary. No one is above the law!
  9. Mudane Gudhuu-Gadhaa, Useless Farmaajo’s proclamations are about as useful as an ashtray on a motorcycle.
  10. So all these cackling monkeys in this thread want us to believe that Useless Farmaajo will somehow find a way to outmaneuver Roble on this issue…tsk, tsk,tsk. Sagaaro, midhaa ima barato?
  11. Siyaasiyiinta Goboladda Waqooyi oo heshiis ka gaaray Doorashada Siyaasiyiinta Gobolada Waqooyi ee Somaliland ayaa heshiis ka gaaray khilaafkii u dhaxeeyay ee ku saabsan Guddiga maamulaya doorashooyinka Xildhibaanada Waqooyi. Guddoomiyaha Aqalka sare Cabdi Xaashi C/laahi iyo Ra’iisul Wasaare ku xigeenka Xukuumadda Mahdi Maxamed Guuleed ayaa heshiis ku gaaray in khilaafkii la xaliyo isla markaana la guda galo Doorashooyinka kuraasta Gobolada Waqooyi. Qodobada la isku afgartay waxaa kamid ah in la isku dhafo guddiga Maamulaya doorashada Gudoomiye kuxigeen iyo Madaxa amniga la siiyo Gudoomiye Cabdi Xaashi si wadajir ahna ay uga wada shaqeeyaan doorashada. Hoos ka akhriso heshiiska Siyaasiyiinta Goboladda Waqooyi oo heshiis ka gaaray Doorashada - Horseed Media • Somali News HORSEEDMEDIA.NET Siyaasiyiinta Gobolada Waqooyi ee Somaliland ayaa heshiis ka gaaray khilaafkii u dhaxeeyay ee ku saabsan Guddiga...
  12. Once again, you are full of shit. No one politician can give any Somali territory away. So please bleating nonsense in this forum. Those towns and villages in the borderlands must be defended and will be defended.
  13. You are full of shit, Galbeedi. There are NO Somali enclaves in Afar territory. The land in question where innocent Somali women and kids are being massacred is Somali territory, so get your head out of you ass for once in your life and desist from propagating cheap propaganda!
  14. The audacity of an insect such as Dubbe to dare think he would get away with selling parts of the National Theater for personal profit amazes the mind of any right thinking individual. That S.O.B should prosecuted for blatant corruption as soon as a competent government is elected.
  15. The massacre of Somali civilians and the concomitant demonization of Somalis by the Ethiopian media is a deliberate ploy to drag Somalis into the Ethiopian civil war. The Afar are too weak to prevent themselves from being used for this purpose by the warring Xabashi in the highlands. The authorities of SomaliGalbeed must take all necessary measures to beef up the security of the Somali people in those borderlands and assume a posture of strategic defense.
  16. Deni will not run in the upcoming elections.
  17. WARMURTIYEED: Shirka Golaha Wadatashiga Qaran Golaha Wadatashiga heer Qaran ee Soomaaliya oo ka kooban Ra’isal Wasaaraha Soomaaliya iyo Madaxda Dawlad goboleedyada, ayaa shir uga socdey Muqdisho kasoo saaray Warmurtiyeed lagu saxiixay habraaca Doorashada Golaha Shacabka ee Baarlamaanka Federaalka Soomaaliya. Qodobada kasoo baxay shirka ee ay isku waafaqeen Madaxda ayaan wax badan uga duwanayn kii ay hore usoo saareen Gudiga hirgelinta Doorashada Heer Federal ee Soomaalia (FEIT). Ergooyinka oo ay xulayaan Madaxda dhaqanka ee Qabiilka iyo 2 xubnood oo ka socda bulshada rayidka ah ee qabiilka Kursiga leh, Gudi gaar ah oo maamulaya lacagta Doorashooyinka ku baxaysa, Khidmad laga qaadayo qofka Ergo noqonaya iyo habraaca amaanka ayaa kamid ah qodobada kasoo baxay shirka. Hoos ka akhriso dhamaan qodobada ay soo saareen WARMURTIYEED: Shirka Golaha Wadatashiga Qaran - Horseed Media • Somali News HORSEEDMEDIA.NET Golaha Wadatashiga heer Qaran ee Soomaaliya oo ka kooban Ra'isal Wasaaraha Soomaaliya iyo Madaxda...
  18. WARMURTIYEED: Shirka Golaha Wadatashiga Qaran Golaha Wadatashiga heer Qaran ee Soomaaliya oo ka kooban Ra’isal Wasaaraha Soomaaliya iyo Madaxda Dawlad goboleedyada, ayaa shir uga socdey Muqdisho kasoo saaray Warmurtiyeed lagu saxiixay habraaca Doorashada Golaha Shacabka ee Baarlamaanka Federaalka Soomaaliya. Qodobada kasoo baxay shirka ee ay isku waafaqeen Madaxda ayaan wax badan uga duwanayn kii ay hore usoo saareen Gudiga hirgelinta Doorashada Heer Federal ee Soomaalia (FEIT). Ergooyinka oo ay xulayaan Madaxda dhaqanka ee Qabiilka iyo 2 xubnood oo ka socda bulshada rayidka ah ee qabiilka Kursiga leh, Gudi gaar ah oo maamulaya lacagta Doorashooyinka ku baxaysa, Khidmad laga qaadayo qofka Ergo noqonaya iyo habraaca amaanka ayaa kamid ah qodobada kasoo baxay shirka. Hoos ka akhriso dhamaan qodobada ay soo saareen WARMURTIYEED: Shirka Golaha Wadatashiga Qaran - Horseed Media • Somali News HORSEEDMEDIA.NET Golaha Wadatashiga heer Qaran ee Soomaaliya oo ka kooban Ra'isal Wasaaraha Soomaaliya iyo Madaxda...
  19. Although Coldoon is a political hypocrite, like most politicians are, who hide behind the Muslim faith, I believe what he postulates to be true…. that is, the attempted mass Christianization of the H@bar clans by Biixi & Co who have sanctioned and profit from the building of Christian missionary schools throughout somaliland. At the end of the day, the H@bar clans must choose between, on one hand, Biixi’s mass Christianization program and Coldoon’s hypocrisy (which he hides with his cimaamad); and on the hand—their Islamic religion, Somali customs and culture.
  20. I see, well I’m making it business you dry piece of excrement. What will you do about it besides complain and moan like some ill-used slattern, huh?
  21. If the “constitution” of somaliland prohibits the propagation of any religion other than Islam, then it is indeed a grave injustice and theft by Biixi and his family to use somaliland government funds to finance a private business regardless of whether or not it is a missionary school or any other private business ventures for that matter. On the other hand, if the “constitution” of somaliland allows such missionary schools then Biixi and his family can preach the teachings of the Bible, as avid born-again Christians would say, until kingdom come …it’s a free world after all. As for Coldoon, I don’t think he should have been arrested whether or not he is correct about the state of affairs of that particular misssion school. His right to free speech under the “constitution” of somaliland should be protected just as much as Biixi & Company’s right to own and run a Christian missionary college in somaliland. Live and let live, I say…
  22. The pathetic centrist supporters of Useless Farmaajo’s defunct government have now all of sudden become proponents of anti-corruption and good governance, huh?