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Everything posted by Mooge

  1. niyoow Bohol people are the most peaceful walahi. I have relatives from Bohol who visit garowe and bosaso for business all the time. they are honorable people and very kind who always mind their own business. I don't why jeegaan are targeting them all the time. the jeegaan broke every peace treaty, every government threat, everything. all the jeegaan people know is to ambush geeljire xoolo la jooga, and travellers. but they can't face organized militia and they always run away.
  2. haha. when oodweyne tries to equate Water-boy Horgale Sare Koore with respected VP of Puntland Dr. Camey, then you know he has become desperate. even biixi named koore the Waterboy minister. it is not a joke. that koore guy is so shameless niyoow he said his father drew the border between Somaliland and Puntland as if there is such thing in anyone sane's imagination. wuxu noqday qof laga shactiraysto maqaxiyah burco and garowe. waa iska alwaax niyoow.
  3. niyoow oodweyne is quoting the guy out of context as usual. che said ... One of the ........
  4. niyoow clan wars are never good for anyone but if biixi and his jeegaan are funding this civil war and are trying to punish unloyal clans by arming these ambushers, the jeegaan must be karbaashed as usual. peace is good for everyone niyoow and everyone must respect and live life. Bohol people are peaceful but everytime they are ones ambushed for no reason and the clan war comes back. these ambushers are doing this because they are gardaro garab og. they think government will side with them. i can honestly say Bohol people are defending themselves and are fighting for survival in their own land. live in peace and defend with honor against aggression.
  5. at this point, he who invests in the land with that kind of money deserves to lead.
  6. we are in this situation niyoow because like other SOL people said Khayre want to stay PM desperately. the problem is khayre thinks mps will remove him sometime in the future so he wants to build his own loyal parliament kind of. he is killing the whole TFG if he doesn't survive weeye sheekadu niyoow. odaygan jawaari muxu u carysanayaa niyoow. if enough mps want to keep kheyre, why is he afraid of that? instead of governing he is rampaging through whole system. khayre is shameful person walahi. reerka Dayniile kursi jecelaa bismilaahi. we have never seen anything like this niyoow.
  7. more than shameful niyoow. they destroyed the nation in order to save their seats. nobody cares about somali people.
  8. Ilaahow u gargaar. dignity ba kamuuqata despite all the hardship.
  9. well done niyoow. we need people who can walk the walk niyoow and take action. Guul iyo Gobanimo.
  10. GUDIGA DHISMAHA WADADA CEELDAAHIR IYO CEERIGAABO OO LA WAREEGAY LACAG DHAN($50,000) DOOLAR Bosaso[Puntland Post] - Eng Maxamed khaliif Jabiyey oo u u taagan xilka Madaxweynaha Puntland ayaa lacag dhan ($50,000) doolara ugu deeqay dhismaha wadad xiriirisa Ceeldaahir iyo Ceergaabo oo hada dhismaheedu marayo meel wanagsan. Wareejinta lacagtan ayaa ka danbeysay xili uu booqasho ku tagaya halka ay ka socoto dhismaha wadada Ceeldaahir iyo Ceergabao waxana ku soo dhaweyey gudoomiye ku xigeenka dhismaha wadada Sheekh Fu,aad Xaaji Nuur isagoona uga mahad celieyey Eng Maxamed Klaiif Deeqada lacageed ee ugu talagalaya dhismaha wadada. Eng Aadan Yuusf Bare oo enjineerka guud ee wadada Ceeldaahir iyo Ceerigaabo ayaa uga waramaya waftiga tayada iyo sida aya u socdoto dhsimaha wadada isgoona cadeeyey in had iyo goor si wanagsan loo ilaaliyo tayada dhisme ee wadada. Maxamed Mahada Ciise oo aha Maareeyaha Mashruuca wadada Ceeldaahir iyo Ceergaabo ayaa ugu horan waftiga uga warbixyey halka uu marayo dhismaha wadada xiriirisa Ceergaabi ilamaa Ceeldaahir ee gobalka Sanaag. ‘’Dhismaha wadadu waxa uu marayaa heer wanagsan waxa uu u baahan yahaya in inta hadhay meel looga soo wada jeesto. Waxan aminsanahay in hadii dhexda loo xidho aya si wanagsan u dhamaanayso wadadan oo mihiim u bulshada Reer Puntland Sidaas waxa yiri Agaasimaha wadada Ceeldaahir iyo Ceergaabo Maxamed Mahad Ciise. Ganacsade Maxamuud Khaliif ayaa amaaney guddigii isu xilqaamey mashruuca weyn ee dhismaha Ceeldaahir Ceergaabo, waxaana uu sheegay in uu kaga qaybqaadanayo 50,000 oo dollarka Maraykanka ah. Dhismaha waddada Ceeldaahir-Ceergaabo ayaa hadda ku dhaw degmada Badhan, waxaana dhawaan gaarey CeelDaahir qalabkii la saari lahaa daamuurta iyo laamiga. Gudiga gacanta ku haysa dhismaha wadada Ceeldaahir iyo Ceergaabo ayaa sheegaya in loo baahan yahay sidii meel looga soo wada jeesan lahaan dhameystirka wadada oo la sheegay in ay wax yar ka harsan tahay.
  11. maashalah. people need rain and barwaaqo. Inshalah it will continue.
  12. haha. nin waalan. now he is talking about Tukaraq. niyoow walahi you are man-child. like I said to you the other day, there has never ever been a day or a night where your Jeegaan ever defeated the Eagle clan in battle. It has never been recorded in the history of minkind niyoow. Lascanod and Tukaraq story is Sool Clan story. these are my cousins and are part and parcel of Puntland but some of them are paid by the secessionists and have take land from their other cousins. The Eagle clan has its land. we are proud people. we are the only people you fear in Somalia. all your politics in hargeisa is all about how to defeat the Eagle clan because that is the only clan that is standing in the way of you wagash boys achieving your dream of dismembering somalia. talk is cheap niyoow. As for Yeey, listen to me carefully niyoow. Yeey resigned to make way for others like a proud man. did you read that? He did the honorable thing to let others lead. Position was never a bid deal for him niyoow like it is for your jeegaan siilanyo who kept extending his term till he was 120 years old. Yeey was a proud man. the day he was elected, he told parliament MPs that if he doesn't get things right within the time frame he had in mind, he would GIVE THE PRESIDENCY BACK TO PARLIAMENT. it is all in youtube niyoow, recorded. it is history. That is exactly what Yeey did. That is Somali honor. he could have resisted, fought back, complained, blah blah. He did none of that. Woooof. He was gone like gob. That is the first time in Somali history that a President resigned in a country where the likes of Siilanyo from your clan enclave extend their time year after year until they become senile. have some shame niyoow. isku xishood and leave the dead alone.
  13. oodwyene, there are no better stooges than the ones who are dismembering the country and would do anything, I mean anything (UAE, Ethiopia, Jinni, whatever) to realize their goal of a divided Somalia. niyoow it is no secret Yeey's govement was helped by IGAD army which Ethiopia was the backbone at the time. he brought the Somali national government to Mogadishu and the rest is history niyoow. you see its fruits today. he wanted somalia to rise from the ashes and it is his legacy that we have a government functioning in mogadishu today. he was a somali nationalist of the highest caliber. Yeey never wanted to give an inch of Somalia away to anyone. never. ever. Watch why Yeey never made alliance with the SNM during siyaad barre's time. he believed in a united Somalia deeply. the worst stooges in somalia are the ones who say wiil addis jooga ayaa iiga dhow kan muqdisho jooga. don't get me started wagash boy.
  14. OO is ok nimanyoow. iska daaya ninka. he is our guest.
  15. Haha. i know the feeble secessionists never recovered from their idol biixi crying on live video in front of women, but can you provide a video of the uncle Yeey crying at the airport? hahaha. Yeey had more honor and self worth than all your past treasonous secessionist leaders. you are doomed forever niyoow if all you can fabricate is this about a dead man. you have no honor niyoow ee leave the dead alone and stop the fake propaganda to score political points. focus on what MMA posted niyoow which is that US senator is meeting with President of Somalia. Toloow maxay ka wada hadleen. lol. UAE?
  16. niyoow and walahi I cringed. there are times to I feel sorry for Somaliland. lots of idiots support the Somaliland cause. they have no idea of what to say and when to say it. this idiot racist EDL moron doesn't care about what location of the Somali peninsula you mother was raised. lol. he looks at you all like animal parasites niyoow. lol. intaasay garan la'yihiin qaarkood.
  17. lol@Ahmed. Even the name is stolen. what a fraud. well played Tigray. you made it again.
  18. niyoow walaahi waa arrin laga murugoodi in ciyal suuq minister ah la fire garayn wayo just because he is related to the president. ninka Afbarwaaqo qabiil dhan oo taarikh iyo mamuus iyo sharaf leh ayuu nacsnimo la soo shirtagey anu waxba ka garanayn markasu dumarki ciil iyo caloolxumo ku riday. doqon ka weyn Somaliland ebidkeed kama dhalan niyoow. jeegaankan foosha xun walaahi waa gun awood is biday.
  19. qatar is always cheap niyoow. that school looks like it was funded and built by poor ladies from the neighborhood. either the money is stolen or that building can't be more than few thousand dollars.
  20. If true, i feel sorry for the Oromos. niyoow they fought hard to win something and they may end with nothing.