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Everything posted by Mooge

  1. oo, Martin is influential community leader don't forget. niyoow his clan is fully behind the man so for Gaas to ignore him is not alliance building. jeegaanta are big supporters of terrorism in puntland and they fund all the shababi activities so it if gaas meets with exiled President of Somaliland then it is actually honor. it makes sanaag people happy niyoow. gaas did the right thing niyoow by sending a message that he is for peace and that he has nothing against non-jeegaan clans in Somaliland. they are good people and are to be respected.
  2. His Excellency, President Martin is the Mandela of Somaliland. He is a man of peace. niyoow he is touring areas affected by the clashes on both sides. Somaliland is currently ruled by a junta known as jeegaan. he is building resources to bring peace to his homeland and remove the junta from power. good for him niyoow.
  3. haha. niyoow Taani is so confused. no begging for fake peace will accomplish anything. jeegaan must leave SSC. their game is over niyoow.
  4. That is guul iyo gobanimo niyoow. niyoow next stop for Biixi is to kill puntland civilians in Awdal and Hargeisa after the jeegaan lose everything in SSC. mark my words, these people will do anything.
  5. in the mean time, development continues ... multitasking on many fronts niyoow.
  6. niyoow SSC is energized district by district. ninkii dhoofku yimidba geeridu dhibaysaa.
  7. Desperate biixi is willing to do anything. Fiqi and abdishakur will not deliver victory. Leave laascanod or you will pay heavy price.
  8. Jeegaan can cry and beg all day about wanting peace. niyoow this war will not stop until LA is freed. it is way beyond Tukaraq now niyoow. even Faheema Yuusuf from sandulle's clan is seeing the light. Somaliland's time in SSC is over.
  9. Quraanjecel is masiibo niyoow. haha. He knows how to talk. Xudun, Taleex, Buuhoodle, Boocame are all free lands niyoow. Laascaanood is the last bastion of jeegaanta and it will be freed soon.
  10. it is a light hearted moment niyoow. Farmaajo is a known suufi but he is honest guy. so who cares if Kikuya laugh at him. he is back to serious stuff niyoow.
  11. I think the Tigray asked him to say that.
  12. woow. guul iyo gobanimo. Reer Buuhooodle are not joking around niyoow.
  13. well said Galbeedi. Your analysis is always on point niyoow. the end is near for the secessionist project if they don't change course real soon niyoow. Biixi only knows how to make women cry. he has no strategy whatsoever for Somaliland. his policy is qariskaxoor.
  14. Tillamook, gabadhu weli waa walaasheen. Barwaaqo is misguided in her support for Somaliland secession, but she is not ducaale oo wasakhda iyo nacabka umad soomaliyeed la waashay niyoow. dadku isma laha niyoow.
  15. niyoow Reer Barigu waa fun. War belo kulahaa. Calmadoow is Puntland's treasure. Hafidulaah.
  16. hahaha. walahi wakaas jeegaan caqli. no thinking. just spew nonsense and see if it sticks. looool. niyoow if the guy sneaked in, then why don't your go and chase him and arrest him. loooool. for 4 days everyone knew he was heading to buuhoodle and yesterday I posted video of him stopping over other towns on his way to buuhoodle. walahi wakaas jeegaan caqli. the organizers were organizing for days to welcome him. go and arrest him or all the people hiding their faces like alshabab in the video. hahahaha. niyoow buuhoodle is not like Lasanod oo inacambaashe is arresting his own clan on your behalf because of the dollars you gave him. this is a city that still holds on to the old Darwiish tradition.
  17. no clan names niyoow. don't be baacle niyoow and ruin the forum with clan garbage. isku xishood ninweyn ba tahee. you are pushing limits of sol with your nacasnimo qabiil talk.