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Everything posted by MoonLight1

  1. Kashaafa amuu ku jiraa qolada wabxo loogu madax xiiray. you never know.
  2. Kashaafa amuu ku jiraa qolada wabxo loogu madax xiiray. you never know.
  3. Some people are saying that ATHEER or shall I say Adeer has got bullit wounds on the ribs and its badeged. but this pic could be a proof of that or it could just be an admirer getting some barako from touching the sheekh.
  4. Some people are saying that ATHEER or shall I say Adeer has got bullit wounds on the ribs and its badeged. but this pic could be a proof of that or it could just be an admirer getting some barako from touching the sheekh.
  5. No, its not two wrongs, just pionting out the difficult situation this guys are in. if it was me, i would line all the shababs up, gather few blinded solders and let them shoot. no questions asked. the greater evil would to let these brain washed lunatics loose among the innocents. yet i lament that fact that such actions will forever change the outlook of these former pious muslims who shunned all things worldly, let alone violence. some one needs to advice the culima of these guys to be humane even when they have to execute and to drop their weapons and return to their ways when they are done defending the defenseless. Somalis have said a long time ago, waranle and wadaad, their mixing is a dangerous thing. NN your first part of this statement controdicts your last part, you want these suufis to do the dirt but at the same time remain clean, how can you reconcile between these two.
  6. NN I know, but the guy came up with this s1lly idea of some tribes can get asylum seeking permission in Puntland, and others can' that p1ssed me off.
  7. NN I know, but the guy came up with this s1lly idea of some tribes can get asylum seeking permission in Puntland, and others can' that p1ssed me off.
  8. Anybody seen this man There are increasing roumors that he also was injured in WABXO area The "Graveyard of Alshabab", The guy was not seen for weeks since the conquare of Jowhar.
  9. So two wrongs can produce right, is that what you're saying NN?.
  10. specifically kismayo, gedo region, parts of jubba, and area's inhabited by majority of our clan federation through peaceful way and cooperation. You mean the *** tribe, what a sad notion, so if I am refugee from *** tribe am I excluded from Puntland, will I need a visa, or I'll be thrown over the boat somewhere in the gulf of aden, since when did other tribes became "other" aliens in their own country SAD SAD SAD. :mad: :mad: :mad: [ June 08, 2009, 12:12 AM: Message edited by: Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar ]
  11. specifically kismayo, gedo region, parts of jubba, and area's inhabited by majority of our clan federation through peaceful way and cooperation. You mean the *** tribe, what a sad notion, so if I am refugee from *** tribe am I excluded from Puntland, will I need a visa, or I'll be thrown over the boat somewhere in the gulf of aden, since when did other tribes became "other" aliens in their own country SAD SAD SAD. :mad: :mad: :mad: [ June 08, 2009, 12:12 AM: Message edited by: Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar ]
  12. What the hell is this? cock wailing and a sadistic Korian film, what's the link with xamarjajab?
  13. What the hell is this? cock wailing and a sadistic Korian film, what's the link with xamarjajab?
  14. Topgir we should have kickd them out long time ago And kick them to where?
  15. the guy on the first pic sitting on the armoured vehicle looks like Roobow abuu mansuur, we did not see him since he was demoted.
  16. Libaax your right, as I said before these sufis will become as ruthless as Alshabaab once they test victory, its a Somali thing, we are not good with victory, it fires us into arrogance and ruthlesness.
  17. Somali politics is getting more cartoonish by the day. I thought the guy was in intensive care in a German
  18. Hogaamiye Yusuf Mohamed Siyaad Indhacade ayaa shacabka gobolka Shabeeladda hoose ugu baaqay inay u diyaar garoobaan jihaad degaanadooda looga sifeeynaa ajnabiyiinta huwan calool u shaqeeystayaasha Somalida ee tacadiyada baahsan ku hayo Yusuf Indhacadde oo khadka telefoonka kula soo xiriiray Waagacusub wuxuu beeniyay wararka sheegayo inuu dhaawac yahay oo dibadda loo dhoofinaa. "Xaaladeeyda Caafimaad waa boqolkiiba boqol,waxaa jirtay in dagaalkii Yaaqshiid anigoo gaari darawalkiisii shahiiday kaxeeynaa uu wejiga iiga dhacay faniin derbi,xabad ku dhacday,waana garaafa yar oo aysan faashad saarneeyn ,hadaad u baahan tihiin waxaad ii soo diri kartaan sawirqaadayaashiisa, hada waxaan ku socdaa Shabeeladda hoose"ayuu yiri Yusuf Indhacadde Indhacadde wuxuu tilmaamay inuu ku jiro Jihaad xaqa oo uusan kala jecleeyn nolosha iyo geerida. Xiliyadda dagaalka waxaa inta badan jira warar kala duwan oo laga helayo ila wareedyo is khilaafsan taas oo mararka qaar ay dhacdo in la baahiyo war heer dhigaalkiisu ka yar yahay sida uu yahay ee saxdaa.
  19. Wallee Alshabaab balaayey isku taataabteen, bal maxaa u geeyay nimanka qabuurahooda.
  20. Ahlusunna oo Goowracday Saraakiishii beebaha ku qabteen Galgaduud 07 June 2009 Waagacusub Media. Mujaahidiinta Ahlusunna Wal Jameeca ayaa degaanka Walxoolo ku goowracay 11 ka mida Saraakiisha kooxaha taabacsan Xasan Dahir iyo Axmed Godane ee la kala baxay Al-Shabaab iyo Xisbul Islaam. Saraakiisha oo lagu qabtay dagaalkii Wabxo ayaa intaan la goowracin ka hor waxaa la saaray gaarigii beebaha ee godka ku dhacay,ayna hore u qabsadeen.waxaana kadib la geeyay meel fagaaraa oo ay daawanayeen boqolaal ka mida dadweynaha degaanadaas oo aad ugu faraxsanaa xukunka lagu riday. "Ragga seefta Mujaahidiinta madaxa looga jaray waxaa ka mida Ninkii ay lahaayeen Sandheere ee Khawaarijta Hiiraan ugu caansanaa,waxaa ka mida Tima Jilic Diga Xeroow oo ah ninkii ku caam baxay goowraca maatida"ayuu yiri Afhayeenka Ahlusunna Wal Jameeca Sheekh Cabdi Raxmaan Sheekh Cabduqadir Abuu Yuusuf Al Qaadhi oo Waagacusub kula hadlayay Walxoolo. Waa markii ugu horeysay taariikhda ee nolol lagu qabto hogaamiyeyaal sare oo ka tirsan kooxda la baxday Shabaab ee Culumaa'udiinkana ay ku sifeeyeen khawaarijta qarniga marka la miisaamo hab dhaqankooda . Weriyeyaasha Waagacusub ee dagaalkii Wabxo ka qaaday sawirada ayaa soo sheegayo in dagaalkii dhexmaray labada dhinac uu ahaa mid aan la isu aabiyeelin,waxayna sheegeen in dhimashada iyo dhaawacuba ciidda ka badan yahay.
  21. Well cigaal was elected in borame in 1993 some people with in somaliland refused his rule so they where wrong the Somaliland civil war was also in hargeisa not only in burco also in berbera. But then again cigaal did not order for the bombings of burco. Matter infact his family was from burco.. but even if we where fighting siyaad and his government we believe the land belong to us the country belong to us , and he was wrong . and the airport is named after cigaal.. What do you mean the land belong to us, if anybody can take control of his peice of land then expect the central government to just standby so why when the people of Laascaano took control of their "peice of land" somaliland interfears, and at the same time if the people of Boorama decide their "peice of land" does not belong to s'land but to them, then will you fight them to capture AWDAL or will you just standby and watch?
  22. Well cigaal was elected in borame in 1993 some people with in somaliland refused his rule so they where wrong the Somaliland civil war was also in hargeisa not only in burco also in berbera. But then again cigaal did not order for the bombings of burco. Matter infact his family was from burco.. but even if we where fighting siyaad and his government we believe the land belong to us the country belong to us , and he was wrong . and the airport is named after cigaal.. What do you mean the land belong to us, if anybody can take control of his peice of land then expect the central government to just standby so why when the people of Laascaano took control of their "peice of land" somaliland interfears, and at the same time if the people of Boorama decide their "peice of land" does not belong to s'land but to them, then will you fight them to capture AWDAL or will you just standby and watch?
  23. Moonlight hadaan ku yidha Siyad barre haba dhisso cigaal international airport laakin wuxu aha isla ninki yidhi the same airport ka duula oo shacabka reer hargeisa diyaarad iyo madfac la dhac diyaarado airportka hargeysa ka kacaysa.. wa sabbabta aan lugu bixiin siyaad barre airport..waad ku qanacday baan fiilaya.. Xaajigow your right, he ordered his MIGs to fly from hargeysa, but at the same time isn't Cigaal the one who distroyed BURCO in mid 1990s, if Siyaad distroyed Hargeysa then Cigal distroyed Burco and people are still suffering the mines he planted. or are you saying Cigaal was fighting rebels, So siyaad was.
  24. Moonlight hadaan ku yidha Siyad barre haba dhisso cigaal international airport laakin wuxu aha isla ninki yidhi the same airport ka duula oo shacabka reer hargeisa diyaarad iyo madfac la dhac diyaarado airportka hargeysa ka kacaysa.. wa sabbabta aan lugu bixiin siyaad barre airport..waad ku qanacday baan fiilaya.. Xaajigow your right, he ordered his MIGs to fly from hargeysa, but at the same time isn't Cigaal the one who distroyed BURCO in mid 1990s, if Siyaad distroyed Hargeysa then Cigal distroyed Burco and people are still suffering the mines he planted. or are you saying Cigaal was fighting rebels, So siyaad was.