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Everything posted by MoonLight1

  1. CIGE: anigu waanba kugu wareeray e maxaad u taagantahay, mar magac diin baad wax ku amaanaysaa, mar dad baad wax ka sheegaysaa, gabdhaha aad leedahay magaalada ayay dhexmaraan ayagoo saqraansan miyaadan ogayn hadii ay arintaa been tahay in aad ku dhacday danbi ka mid ah danbiyada kabaa'irta ah ee aadka u waaweyn, kaasoo ah "QADFUL MUXSANAAT ALQAAFILAAT" Walaalow ka feejignoow inaad soo guuriso wax walba oo ay soomaai iska qorato.
  2. I have a solution between the border problem of P'land and S'land, why don't they start organizing the border closing ceremonies which is a funny, chauvinistic daily ritual between Pakistan & India. The lascanood residents would be impressed and entertained. Please watch this. The two Pakistani guards look like Mintid and Xunduf, and the Indian two could resemble Duke and Xiin. ooh I'd love to watch it.
  3. Geel_Jire ha isku daalin xaajiga, wuxuu ku oran KOORFURIANS-ka waa in a laayaa.
  4. oo maanta AFJINNI baa la isugu jawaabayaa miyaa Hunguli hangali bangali :eek: . Bisinkoow.
  5. I heard he visited Israel a while ago, so if true could the $80m he is talking about be an Israeli donation to have a foothole in the Horn.
  6. Geel Jire & Zaylac don't go too far guys by judging things in a rush, give the guys a chance, a muslim should not be suspicious about the intentions of another muslim, its haraam in Islam to suspect your brother and always twist his intentions and predict his coming deeds, Shariif and co said they will implement sharia, so why can't you wait guys, why don't you look at the bigger picture and be merciful to the innocent civilians who want to come back to their houses and live normal lives, Sharia is not only Huduud although its part of it, Bringing back the millions who fled to their homes is part of sharia, bringing back law and order is part of sharia, rebuilding the destroyed institutions is part of sharia,giving peace a chance is part of sharia, respecting the Ulamaa is part of sharia, reconciling the nation is part of sharia, sharia is a whole package and a way of life, why do we always think cutting the hand of a thieve is the only sharia, this is distorting Islam and making it something it is not, look at the history of Islam, in the first hundred years of the Hijrah how many people's hands were cut, very few.
  7. Guys why critisize the gunmen and their leaders what ever name they have if you can't agree on whats good for the Nation, Thats why the war is still going on, because no Somali can agree with another Somali on what the cause of the problem is, and what is the cure for it. I think we are the most devided nation on earth, every where you go there is this blame game going on, and while they are argueing on another generation has been growing up not knowing what a marvelouse country they have. The other day I have been told a young girl whom I know and who was born in Otanga refugee camp in Kenya had her own child last year, imagine that girl and her baby they know nothing about their country. A second generation is growing up while Jamac is blaming Qawdhan, and Fiidow is blaming Mocow. be constructive guys.
  8. Sad story. Blood became cheaper than tomato as AWKOOMBE said once.
  9. Thanks Mintid, we now know there are compassion people in S'land, I am not from Balatweyn, and I am not even from the H tribe, but it hurts me whenever there is Somali/land blood spilled carelessly. Oh Allah bring peace to us.
  10. THis is very good news so who is wining the maxakiim ama kooxda ka so hor jeeda Sickness beyond believe. Recognition on the back of dead civilians, that's what I call Narrow minded, with capital N.
  11. Have you seen what happened in Beletweyn today ?? ,, Maxkamadaha fighting against each other ,,, See JB this is exactly what I was talking about, you are almost celebrating whats happening in Beletweyn, your tone is excitment and careless grin, I don't think you would've even mentioned this fighting if it was in Gabiley or Gaashaamo, this is what I am talking about. Feel for the masaakiin cougt up in Beletweyn, or are they less human than your cousins in S'land. War isku xishoo JB. If that is naivity, so BE IT.
  12. Well Shariifka is not a prophet sent to Somalis, if he wages unnessecery war and people lose their lives, thats between him and his LORD, I believe that politics does not have to be dirty, you can be a frank, honest, and possitive politician. No need for dirty tricks.
  13. You were even part of the game you're talking about. I can see your posts in other threads. You're watched man ,, Now your trying to drag me into your muddy world, show me where my posts say bad things about anyone. Bro politics doesn't have to be dirty and dodgy. If that is the general assumption, you don't have to follow it.
  14. As for your question, No Muslim would be happy about bad things happening to another Muslim. But your topics and posts say different about what you just said, The JB we know always posts about S'land possitives and brags about others negatives i.e Puntland, Sh.Shariif government, and the South general. On the naivety comment, its always save to be a naive but honest rather than a lion but suspicious .
  15. JB, explaine how am I naive? since when being possitive became naivety? Let me ask you a direct quesion, When you hear a bomb has gone off in Mogadishu or Bosaso or Baidoa do you feel as it has gone off in Hargeysa? please be frank.
  16. I have been observing SOL for the las few years, but have been a member for only few days. I was hurt and saddened by the negetivity, name calling, and somitimes childish comments thrown at each other, especiaaly guys from S'lad and P'land. People ae spending many minutes if not hours google-ing on the other ones weaknesses and negatives, then the other ones will hit back on doing the same, WHY? I really don't understand why some people are enjoying the others missfortune. If you are a S'lander why can't you celebrate and be happy about what Puntland achieved, and if Youre a P'lander why can't you be positive and feel good about what S'land achieved, are we bunch of envious, bitter, selfish lot. Look at the topics and its really sad what people are thinking about each other. If your a S'lander why can't you post a topic about forexample the opening of a "New School in Garowe" and if you are a P'lnder why can't you do the same about for example a "New health clinic being opened in Hargeysa" Why on earth focus on negatives and childish comments about each other, 19 years and we still did not learn from our mistakes. You could call me a naive or a newcomer but please treat each other at least as human beings, don't Brag and Grin about the other ones failiurs and problems, On saturday one brother posted a comment which he was lol-ing about the murdered MP in Mogadishu, this was sheer nonsence and heartlesness, where was his humanism and compation? We should critisise each other when appropriete, but please do it so in a brotherly, civilized, possitive way. The prophet PBUH said "“The one who does not care about the Muslims is not one of them.” Reflect on this hadeeth and try to feel any problem in Hargeysa, Garowe, Xamar, Baidoa, Kismayo is your problem. Sorry about my ranting, I just wanted to say the truth.
  17. Each one says the same thing and how many times do i have to hear this ?? ..... JB brother I can understand you frustrations, we are all are frustrated and dissappointed many many times, but tell me what is th alternative? I know you would say start from the bottom and solve your problems under a tree as we did in S'Land, but what worked for S'Land is not gurenteed to work in the south, the south problem is multipe and mingled with with politics, wealth distribution, religion, many many tribes,distrust, differen cultures and approachs, piracy, and so on, this list is only the tip of the iceberg. Where in S'Land you had three clans from the same mother tribe fought breifly and then solved heir problem under a tree, but will that technique work in the south, here is some of the problems you'll face. 1) Where will that conference be held. 2) Who will organsie it and chair it. 3) Who will mediate these people. 4) Who will impliment what comes out of this conference. 5) TRUST. WHO CAN TRUST WHO? I think these are problems which you can't ignore, trust between Somalis is gone with the wind, and if we pass all these obsticles the question is YAA QANCIN DOONA JB and Co? lol and the only hope we have now is to support the Shariif, at least give them a chance.
  18. am sure she was Somali, 100% NUUNE maybe she was the cultural minister, and she was practicing multi-culturalism, or maybe she attended the Nigerian carnaval. lots of possibilities
  19. I still can not figur out what interest Turkey has in Somalia, there has to be something bothering the Turks. I think its one of these. 1) They witnessed how the Arabs dissappointed Shariifka, so they want to fill the vacuum left by the Arabs, as they did in the late Gaza war. 2) They have sympathy with this young Islamist president since the AK party is accused of hiding an Islamic agenda. 3) Nato asked Turkey to be their Somali case worker since its the only Muslim country in Nato, Nato is getting involved in Somali politics slowly since it has a problem with piracy in their oil supply routs, Italy used to occupy this possition, but the Somali politics these days can not be understood by Italy as its too Islamic. I think its one of these, but don't know whichone.
  20. waxey xirneyd dharka traditional of nigerian women, ma moodeeyn Soomaali, yaab LoL,Nuune Are you sure she was a Member of Somali Parliement, or was she a member of Nigerian Militery Police. Nuune miyey isaga kaa darsameen labadaas. Yaabka Yaabkiis.
  21. JB no need to be opposition for the sake of just opposing things. I can understand your fear when the nation comes back to life, but no need to worry about your Somali brothers coming back, I beleive Somaliland will benefit from a great Somalia, it will strengthen Puntland as well. Guys lets be possitive for the sake of future generations, no need to fear progress, I disaagree with Sh.Shariif with many issues, but there is no other alternative. We need to support him 100%.
  22. Do we really mean it?? The reason I am asking is, I have seen lots of Somalis who say they love their country, and sing Soomaliyeey toosoo all the time, but at the same time, they plan its distruction all the time, some times unconciously by supporting tribalism, clanism, and every distructive action. Its easy to say I love my country but its hard to impliment that love. Go back to 1991, Ethiopia and Somalia overthrew their regims at the same time, look what happened in both countries, one was looted, distroyed, disserted, vandelised, and spat on. The other one was kept in order, no government building looted or distroyed, no vandelism, not becuse they couldn't, but because they knew what true WADAN JACAYL means. Look at us Somalis after 19 years the distruction is still going on and on, the Toxic dumping, the charcole desertation, the aimless wars and so on. So please look deep into your heart and think DO I LOVE MY COUNTRY?? TRUELY.
  23. Please Nomads listen to this short talk about Wadan jaceylka, it really touched me and chanaged my prespective about the love we should give to our country. 100% true about what he is saying about us SOMALIS, 100%. enjoy it.
  24. Xaaji Xunduf Last week one of his mp was shot dead in mogadisho. No trip to Ankara with prime minister abdullah gull can solve that lol . Dadkani cilmi yara. Xaaji Seey kaa noqotay saaxiib, Waxaadba ku qoslaysaa nin xaq darro lagu dilay, heh, war isku xishoo ninyahoow, You wouldn't be lol-ing if the victim was from your Habar Hebel triangle.