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Everything posted by Mafia

  1. Mafia


    I'm very proud of him! Hope many of of our youngisters will follow him.... 5-10 yrs from now, we will inshaa-Allahhave quite good number of somali disginguished students.....
  2. For those of you who like bad news,expect anything between $60-$100 per barrel this summer (more expensive than last year). For the gas station, that would mean $3+/g in Minnesota. I traded my loved-SUV for a small Toyota (you won't believe it, but I save $30/per week now on this small car). BTW my neighboring gas station sells it $1.90/g. I suspected if they sell water, but I save $$$.
  3. I watched this coverage on's very disgusting (did anyone see her running away from the reporters? a crazy scene). Walaahi waa na ceebaysay tani. Madax adayg iyo reer baadiyo nimo ayay isku darsatay....... Laga yaabo inuu ninkeedii iskaga tagay markuu arkay inay naag wareersan tahay.
  4. and even if I were to commit armed robbery, I'd get a 10-year sentence with a chance of parole at the 5-year mark. That's a much better legal system than cutting people's heads because they supposedly sowed "corruption in the land Windtalker, I do share this sadness with you, but if you say that you prefer imprisonment over cutting hand, then you are saying you prefer Western laws over Sharia Law. I hope your frustration wouldn't get you off the clif. Our frustation grew out of the way Sauidis overlooked Sharia Law by subjecting those brothers to inhumane murder in the name of Sharia Law
  5. Shyhem,I couldn't agree with you more: These brothers had been executed for just three reason: 1)they were African Monkeys 2)They are poor, and therefore make Saudi lives tight 3)The Saudis know they won't be held accountable for their injustice.... Very troubling indeed
  6. Hadaad, the point is do you feel the injustice served to those innocent Somalis.....You shouldn't be reminding people when is the best time to use a dictionary by correcting their words...
  7. What a tragedy for us, Somalis. I don't defend gangs or anything that unrests society, but I have felt deeply the injustice servied to those brothers, today! I don't know if those wounds would ever heal.... I haven't myself lived in the Kingdom, but Saudis actually "import" women from Africa and Asia for the name of "domestic helpers" but actually for the intention of raping them and for many instances beating them to death. Where does Islam honor this? For those of you who speak arabic, read cadadka today, Alsharqi Al-Awsat. If you Prefer and still want to convince yourself that we are not being biased against saudis, clik here: Arab News *Those so called Maxaakims address the execution, as though they have killed donkeys!!!
  8. What the Saudis had done doesn't conform to Islamic Sharia law. As you all know, stealing is punishable by mutation of hand, not by cutting the of head. And what is even more intrigueing is that those Saudi laws are only applied to Blacks and Poors around the world. Look up the nationalities of those excuted, not even a single one of them is of Saudi nationality!! The very basic principle in ISlam is "fairness". is what Saudis are doing fair??? Absolutely not!! all the 36 people executed this year, and all the ones executed the years before are foriengers (Mostly Africans and Asians). SO, be assured of onething, these so called "Saudi laws" are very unislamic. If those six guys were American, the thoughts of imprisonment wouldn't have even come to mind to those Saudis, let alone execution! I guess, there isn't much we can do. ca we??
  9. What a beatiful day! Hope everyone gets a share of it today. one of those days love hangs in the air... Qac QAc , mahadsanid saaxiibow and to answer your question, that wasn't a proposal, howeve strong enough to send Wiilo to Mars or somewhere? Mss Sweet , I don't have a bad history of rejecting sweet things either, so pass on your resume, as well.
  10. Cograt. OG. We wish you the best. Hope you will be great wife. As for me, I will be working 70+ hrs. a week in an internship (3rd straigh summer I've been doing so), Inshaa-Allah. I thought all Malis are doomed this way, where the heck you guys got the money to vacation into 6 different countries? Just a joke... have a happy vacation/study/work/aroos-every one.
  11. Saaxiibayaal, waad mahadsantihiin dhamaantiinba intiina ra'yigooda kusoo tuftay bogan. Maah-maah hore oo soomaliyeed ayaa oran jiray, "Nin naagi eryi iyo Awr Awr eryi midna ma leexdo." Gabarta Wiilo ah aad ayaan ugu bogay, marka sidii nafi orad bay kugu aamintaa, waanigaa banaanka iskeenay! Midda kale, xoogaa waan ku cusbahay Nomad Land, wali si fiican ulama socdo sida safka loo kala horeeyo(aar gabartu qaalisanaa), marka xaal qaata intiina aa "ciriiriga" jeclayn. To Willo, Muhiimadu waa inaad liiska igu darto uun, meel umbaanu iskala soo dhici aniga iyo waxa i' eryayaaye. Wiilasha soomaaliyeedna anagaa rag isla ah oo isciriiryan, marka waxba u nixin kuwa laynka muddo kusoo jiray. Dhabcan, I'm not a big fan of Under the table deals, marka waxba ha didin walaashiis mar-mar hadaan duu-duubka waxayga kusoo gudbiyo! ---Nasiib Wacan.
  12. Here is my Princess: 1-Humble and Devout Muslimah>faithful lady who enjoys Islam as a way of life> 2-Intelligent and Capable>a girl that can reason well and have the heart to acheave> 3-Happy and romantic lady> the romance part comes after marriage> 4-Extremely hygienic and clean> I cannot stand a dirty creature-a complete turn-off> 5-Dhabcan, reasonable look> I love a lady that you forgot your problems when you glance at her, but ofcourse very few of them on the planet. So, given conditions 1-4 fullfilled, I am not extremely demanding this part (huge BONUS though> She who needs to stay away: *1-not religious (western-minded, particularly) *2-Basari(baali) ama marjo 3--Mid aan dambigeeda la qorayn (IQ problem) 4-MissUgly 5-Mutuxan (qof aan waxna galin waxna ka bixin)
  13. Girls, be strong and nice, so your guys don't drive you nuts.
  14. wiilo, abaayo gabar akhyaar ah ayaad tahay, telephonekaaga iyo cinwaankaaga ii soo raaci qoraalka dambe. Mahadsanid..
  15. Maashaa-Allah! It's such a great think to see so many brothers/sisters committed to their faith and taking their prayers seriously. Not being able to attend Friday prayers b/c of work or not having designated area for Sallah was, by far, the most depressing issue I've ever faced in the Qurbaha. But, Alxamdulilaah, that is over now, as I have my own office. I don't know about other countries, but in the States where I worked for a number of different companies, "salaad" isn't a very strange thing to them. Despite that they might see it weird when they see you praying. But if you prove yourself as work-material(competent), they will get over with it. Infact, in my experience, if they see you committed and dedicated to your faith (not compromising it, or not letting one prayer slipp from you), they will REALLY do respect you for that.
  16. Sheekooying Cajiib ah ayaad soo bandhigteen akhyaarta, gaar ahaan wiilo. Wiilo, Kaba-Calaf, doqon ma'ahayn. waxaan filayaa wuxuu ahaa nin rageed "casilan." Nin fiiro dheer oo garasho badan ayuu ahaa. waxaan ladhacay marka uu isku walaagay subaga iyo caanaha. Gabadhuna waxay ahayd xigmad socota. siday ugu sheegtay ninmakii soo doonay inay caanaha cabaan oo ay kusugaan geedka. Midaas oo kale ayaan kuwada fiicnaan Fadlan soo badiya sheekooyinkan xiisaha leh aniguna waan soo raadinayaa, inkastoo dhowr sano aan ku noolahay Maraykanka oo ay maskaxdu igu gabaabsi tahay (dhamaanayso).
  17. Fariid, I gues if you are Fariid, you would have figured this out by now, but anyway, you made me laugh when you said you take your sleep seriously! I am not expert on this, but the idea of playing with time has to do with "energy" saving (electricity). sounds funny, but that is the essence of it. And as you are aware, there are many countries that do so and, and it started awhile back. By taking you 1 hour backward, they are exposing you to more light (day light)in the evenings, so you cut your electricity consumption by 1 hour. By taking you forward 1 hour, they are exposing you to light earlier(in morning) than you should, and thefore you save 1 hr energy consumption. I think that is the big picture.
  18. My childhood fantasy has always been living in a big mansion somewhere in the States or Europe. However, living in the States for a while, I now completely lost appetite for that fantasy. The so-called American Dream represents a tasteless life for me in this hemisphere. You drive an SUV and own a big house, so what: Social life, trivial; family time, nonexistent; quality life, rare. Is any body in this boat, with me?
  19. You are all familiar with the Somali saying, "ninkaan waxa soo socda garan, waxa joogana magarto". The essence of it, I believe, is to plan ahead & understand the consequences of your decision. With that in mind, I'm curious to hear where threaders are considering to live in the future: 1)Xamar Caddey/Somalia 2)Somewhere in East AFrica 3)Qurbaha 4)Retire and move to Florida 5)Depends on.....
  20. Good Afternoon, Ngonge. I hope you are more settled now as you are through your holiday romance. Friend, while you may not feel pain out of the "religious stick," as you put it, the thing is that I have never seen, but black and white when it comes to fundamental aspects of Islamic teachings-like Zinaa, and such. Unfortunatley, it seems that your "Reclaiming-Musculinity-thing," of which you are tenacious about,doesn't harbor you from wrong. As I came across this thread,my exasperation with you hadn't grown out of your affair but out of the fact that you overlooked the moral obligations and values that guide a genuine husband. Pardon me if I sound too harsh, but you should at least,some how try to make sense of what I'm saying, perhaps in a softer way. The essence of my response wasn't to grant you a one-way ticket to hell (subxaanalaah), but to awaken you to the ugly concepts that stand beautified in your mind. Why would you feel "good" about an affair? Besides, you keep saying that many husbands/wives cheat on their spouses. That is true-in fact, there has been one old man over 100 yrs old in Cuba, when asked what contributed to his health, he replied "a good share of women." I hope your holiday romance scheme wasn't to join the 100+ club(still long way to go), but if your temptation is driven by the follow of current,my advice would be try to change your sense of direction-east becomes west,Zinaa becomes Xaaraam, and so on. (not so good of an advice, but it's hard to find a middle ground when we are that much apart, in principle). As to whether "clouds" of of tear fill my eye, Brother, you have disappointed me more than that! There may be a good side of you, to which I'm oblivious, but Inshaa-Allah let's keep our debate open. Take care Bro. and leave the ladies alone!
  21. It's to my dismay that the Reclaiming-my-musculinity disoder has taken hold of some Malis. I could hardly imagine that a gentleman whom Allah blessed him with a Halaal wife would taunt of having an affair! Ngonge (whatever your name means), did you think you were telling us good news? As a good Somali saying says "ninkii noolaada geel dhalyna wuu arkaa", right now I'm appaled by a man setting himself a "goal" of cheating his wife! You are free to interpret my comment however you want but be assured of onething: you will be hold accountable of your deeds. "Ina laaha Yaclam Khaa'inatal Acyun," and He is just & fair in judgment. Of course, Allah forgives and likes those who seek forgiveness, but you described yourself as a complete looser surrounded by morons. Get out of the garbage Again, I will advice you to to think little bit more deeply and be conciouss of your deeds. For the good people who advised Ngonge ...let's just hope Allah shows him the right path. (By the will of Allah you may become a loving, husband/father who can be a role model for his children)
  22. This is hard to believe, but I don't wanna say anything is impossible! BTW, interesting event (if any). Plz more info!
  23. Very well said Wiilo! I'm glad your prioritized his religiosity. I wonder what other girls have in mind, as well? Ay Kutubeey forgot about those Gorgeous men: They have been recently placed on the "Endangered Species List" I Joined Nomad when my name appeared on that report!
  24. Happy Birthday, Besbaaso! Why are so many bro/sis going negative on this? There is nothing wrong with wishing people good as long as it's done in a manner that is consistent with the Islamic values and doens't conform/characterize a non-Muslim celebration. How should you celebrate your birthday: Arab News I hope you guys are happy now! and to Besbaaso...sister, jump up and down as you wish (so long you don't break those bones).
  25. What a courage, brother! Keep up the good work