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  1. 3 points
    Very much reflections of what I would expect from a bloody foreigner on a hushed visitation to a war zone marinated with a toss of mislaid Somalinimo flavour to balm chapped cavities of the forlorn diaspora hordes. Take you seriously, I shall not, till you have taken a crowded bus, with tiny seats not fit for a tall, burly gentleman of a certain age, from Adam Adde airport, paid the $5 fee to stride to the taxi rack, fight your way through rows of poor beggars to find a taxi or a bajaj to your destination; then at dawn, take a stroll through Bakaraha market for a homely breakfast in one of the low end shacks-turned-restaurants competing fresh "laxoox / canjeelo" flying off the pan with builders / workers in the morning rush, and get a sodden whiff of the rubbish, from the day before, still stacked up in the streets. With that, you would be a local lad back at home. But with you fancy bulletproof limo, VIP reception, backdoor exit to the city, and trotting between blue beaches and fancy hotels, mate, you are a bloody foreigner on tour. Now, tell me, is Awdal safe? Is Lughaya secure? Is Ceel Sheekh off limits?
  2. 3 points
  3. 3 points
    LOL...it's late for me. I joined the' I like shaving my head' community.
  4. 3 points
  5. 3 points
    One of my relatives was killed by the French for assisting the liberation struggle.
  6. 3 points
    I don't understand why anyone needs to blame her for a mere speech. The United States along with pretty much everyone on this planet already made it clear to the Xabashis that Ethiopia has no right to buy cheap land and sea from the despot in Hargeisa.
  7. 3 points
    This guy is right. If the mad man goes ahead with this destruction of our existence as free people, anyone who cares about their future should join any armed resistance movement to fight the tyrant and the criminals around him.
  8. 3 points
    War yaa Facebook algorithm yaa iga ceshto. Waxaan camal isoo hor dhigaa, aniga 'not interested/block' ku haayaa maba joojinaayo.
  9. 3 points
    For those interested to learn from another example, of a major and more powerful neighbour leasing military ports and coastal lands, should read about the Kharkiv agreement between Ukrainian and Russia on Crimea Ports and what happened eventually to all of Crimea. Powerful countries do not just give up coastal areas and military ports, even if they initially agreed to a lease, and if needed they even annex the whole region, as happened with Crimea. Kharkiv Pact - Wikipedia EN.M.WIKIPEDIA.ORG Putin tears up lease for Sevastopol naval base WWW.FT.COM
  10. 3 points
    The ‘ictiraaf’ thing has really confused some, Ethiopia already enters agreements with Somaliland, has a diplomatic mission that reports directly to Addis, has direct flights to Hargeisa. What more ictiraaf than that will Ethiopia bring you, changing the sign board of its Consular Mission to Embassy is that worth selling your land for it.
  11. 3 points
    The stip of land probably bigger than Gaza which warlord Muuse is giving away to Ethiopia will quickly be flooded with millions of Oromos and Afar, creating a de facto Ethiopian province in our own country. This new foreign region will cut off the Somalis in Djibouti from those of Somaliland and Somalia, completely isolating them. This isolation will weaken them and enable Ethiopia to help the Afar take over Djibouti. After getting access to the sea, Ethiopia will then be even more aggressive in pushing the Somalis in Ethiopia off their land and threaten every other region from the sea. This disaster waiting to happen must be stopped before it is too late.
  12. 3 points
    It was clear from the beginning, that the Oromo narrative was pushed by Ethiopia as the precursor for voluntary and indirect annexation. Ethiopia has for decades used a politics of Oromisation in Somali region solidify its government grip on Somali’s and expand its territorial hold, so this wasn’t anything new, what is new however is this politics being applied or expanded to inside sovereign Somali territory.
  13. 3 points
    Carfaat Layskuma hayo in afrikaan iyo amxaaro maamulaan koonfurta, xoogna ku joogaan markaan dhexdeenii is dilnay oo daciifnay. Gaalo kale oo walaalahood ah yaa koofiyad cagaaran u xidhay nimankaasu waa sharciyaysan yihiin. Meesha kaliya oo aan islahaa waa lagu faani karaa waxay ahayd waqooyiga oo aan askari ajnabi ah joogin marnabana aan lagu arag. Laakiin snm waxay noqotay ninkii boqolka soomay oo bakhtiga ku afuray Baqdinta aan iminka qabaa waxay tahay in la arkay meesha aad ka jilicsan tahay oo ah "tol" la'aanta. Taasina waxay keenaysaa in amxaar kuul leh lagula walaaleeyo, dadkaagii soomaaliyeedna cadaw kuu noqdaan. Ugu dambayn Adeer hashaasu waa jabtay, waliba si sahlan geelu haduu jabo ma kabmo waa la qashaa, Hashaas jabtay cuna oo karsada intuu amxaar ceeriin ku cuni lahaa. Afeef Hadaad luuqadayda garan waydo raali ahaw, jiilkii hore yaan kasoo jeedaa. Ogowna aduunka waxaan ugu necbahay caadifadda ka sakow, inaan arko soomaali, soomaali kale maydkiisa kor taagan xataa haduu shbaab yahay.
  14. 3 points
  15. 2 points
    Well I have never liked the idea of giving territory to Ethiopians they have a track record of claiming things that aren’t theirs . The other issue I have with the deal is with the galla becoming more fierce and more belligerents even their beggars in hargeisa are talking with so much kibir I never really endorsed the idea just entertained the benefit of the doubt since I trust bixii to the nation right but I don’t trust abiye and the gallas one bit the fact and the disrespect is that they even go to Ankara and talk about it with Somalia is a disrespectful to Somaliland . All in all somaliland should just help Somalia with this issue and stop the whole thing . And negotiations with Somalia and somaliland should begin imediatly I think we have shown good will with this but they should then stop stalling and. Agree with a 5 year plan to come with a solution for our conflict . Now they don’t have to sell any more of their resources with military treaties with foreign countries it’s a win win
  16. 2 points
    Hawd is usually included in the Waqooyi political sphere even though it is geographically situated in the West, but then again, you would have known that had you been a bona fide native. By the way, it is "Waqooyi => origin 'Waaq hooy [Waaq's lair], pre-Islam idol' ", and not "Woqooyi". It follows the same naming convention as the days of the week, and months of the Gregorian calendar. Again, aan kuu ducaynee maandhow, afka & dhulka noo daa!
  17. 2 points
    Early results for the 3 remaining districts in Nugaal. Garowe: 33 Kaah 12 SinCad 5 Horseed 6 Mideeye 2 RunCad 2 Shaqaale 2 Ifiye 2 Mustaqbal 2 Dangorayo: 27 Kaah 9 SinCad 6 Horseed 5 Mideeye 3 RunCad 2 Shaqaale 1 Ifiye 1 Godobjiiraan: 21 Kaah 7 SinCad 2 Horseed 6 Mideeye 5 RunCad 0 Shaqaale 0 Ifiye 1
  18. 2 points
    Hassan ma xishoodo maantana sheekada ina geeele ayuu la yimid. Allow na astur yesterday he was bending for the Kenyans today for the Djiboutians
  19. 2 points
    Kooxda 'Anaa Carab' Soomaali maryooleey will not like sawirkaan dadka wada diir madoow soo saaraayo.
  20. 2 points
  21. 2 points
  22. 2 points
    I know, I was being facetious, and intentionally jabbing you for your Kacaanist predilection. Just pulling your good leg. It dispirits one's soul. Now, consider this: 100 years from now at this rate and to this direction. Allah may save us all.
  23. 2 points
    Usefull idiots or should I say stooges from the native colonised population are very precuous to the whole colonial state of soomali-galbeed. According to the Franz Fanon Ibrahim theory on colonialism or should I say settler colonialism is that only brutal struggle or a show of power is all thar is needed to liberate a colonial state. Cabdi Iley, If I am not wrong was colonial master piece that Menelik dreamed of, an assimalated somali that speaks amharuc and that has accepted the colonial view of self hatred of oneself. The guy became viral for crying at Meles grave and claiming that he was not dead, as if god forbid the prophet had died. He was also the most brutal stooge that the xabashida could get their hands on. Never in the history of soomali-galbeed have they had a stooge that implemented and created blood thirsty somali militia killing other somalis. I would say what he did was unprecedented. His legacy continues with the intellectual Mustafa Cagjar embracing ethiopanism and giving a chilling speach Gondar , praising the Menelik. In summary, Abdi iley the stooge and a former electrician created the feeling of Somalis embracing the concept of -"ethiopian somali". From 1940 -2008 the avarage somali maxamed had the political incliination of how the hell they coud liberate soomali-galbeed. I have been told that in the 1959 when Haile Selassie needed judges in Soomali-galbeed th qadis would rather flee to Somalia then become a stooge under Xayle Selassie. Even the thought being a judgewas bizarre in the somali psyche in those days. Even the ethiopians did not accept Somalis as fellow ethiopians and not a single somali was never made a miniser despite being the third largest ethnic group in Ethiopia. Maakhir , I was also suprised why he was released and the reason is that he was indeed the best stoorge. Now that Abey Ahmeds boat is sinking in a existential war with Amharas Abey Ahmed needed a stooge who cemented the somali psyche with "the amaharas are gone, the TPLF cea6ed federalism. As if xahashoda in ey kala fiicanyihiiin. Abey ahned needed a monster stooge against the Amhara,hence fort he cane out,
  24. 2 points
    I think included should be sycophants and sympathisers of war crimes and criminals the likes of Oodweyne, XX, hordes frothing and chanting "Muuse ciidanka fasax", online trolls.
  25. 2 points
    It seems the real land deal with the Habesha’s isn’t about a recongnition but military muscles to take revenge.
  26. 2 points
    He would like to see the details first
  27. 2 points
    well the era of Somaliweyn under one group or goverment that ship has sailed. The only way there can ever be a Somaliweyn or union of Somali republics is if there is equality and justice for all 5 equal not one above the other not one better then the other equality is the only way. The closest Somalis ever got or agreed on one thing was that at point the blue white star flag was a sort of ethnic Somali flag. Even that narrative has died in parts of the Somali peninsula in particular in Somaliland. Though some in Jabuuti might still subscibe to it. Now as for the NFD region kenyas north eastern and Somali kilil region this is even more complex the region is so divided after Abdi Ileey, though abtigiis has created some sort of harmony between the various communities and clans there. And as he stepped in in the whole sitte war with affar that has shown some sort of Solidarity between the 2 major clan groups in that region. How ever we still not there. Now the way it is precieved i am not sure how the Somalia government in the bunker now views these region what their so called constitution says about those regions . Though since Abiye Ahmed and Muse biixi signed the MOU hassan sheikh has been calling the border between Ethiopia and Somalia xuduuud beenaaad , something he never uttered before. So not sure maybe he is trying to find another angle there because he is now cornered by Abiye and Muse on one side he him self on the other side of of the equation. The only way for Somaliweyn ever to materialise and i will say it again have said it before is in a sort of a union they feel happy in the french the belgium the dutch the germans fought a brutal civil war but they understood that together they can be stronger which is fine Militarily Economically Financially Socially Geographically . Despite them killing each other butchering each other. If this was to happen and there could be a sort of union between Somalis. It has to be based on trust i am talking about not in our life time ofcourse but maybe in our grand childeren life time .it can be achieved. The Somali state Somalia and Somaliland existed for 30 years. They have been totally separated in over another 33 years and counting the Union that they enjoyed can be broken down in two two era the first part 1960 untill 1969 the honeymoon which was very good dawladi rayidka. Then came afweyne 1969 until 1979 those first years were about all right. After 1979 until 1991 The people of Somaliland were in war with the goverment of Somalia so of the 30 years The Somali republic existed only 19 years were about oke. the other 11 years there was a war. So this doesnt end well most likely . For Somalis to find a way for the future and to think for the Future. They need to cooperate on equality justice and respect equal respect for each other as Sovreign states not one side claiming to be superior or being an integral part of the other this doesnt work and cant work. And we have seen that it cant work. In order for a union to come ,first we need to take a few steps back the European union didnt came just because Germany or France or Britain tried to enforce the others to be under the other First yes The great German Reich was defeated but equally they saw that Germany first had to exist as Sovreignt equal nation and that east and west must unite be as one in order for the rest of the European countries to flourish. The sam way Djibouti Somalia and Somaliland can agree to live side by side and then talk about maxa ina mdiideye maxa isku diidayna can we create one currency maybe yes freedom of movement why not. Can we create a common parliament maxa diidaya hadanu is xaqdhoowrnay. can we create a joint Military union why not inago marka is xilqaamayna oo jaar ah oo walaalo ah oo is ogol oo is ximinayn oo is xumayneyn we can fight for Somali galbeed to be free from Ethiopia NFD TO BE free from Kenya they themselves to become Separate countries and then join the bigger family of cooperation i would have suggested maybe we can call it The UNION OF Somali Republics. U S R . no real borders maybe some political borders to manage it we can even create one passport hada la isla qaato,the sky is the limit how ever first thing first we need breathing space if fahan is ixtram is qadarin is ogalaansho mutual respect side by side no xad gudub no xumaan. One can only dream but we shall see if our grand childeren can do better indeed
  28. 2 points
    Xasan Socdaal waala wada ogyahay qolo gaar ah ayuu necebyahay, mainly because he thinks they might interfere his dreamy grand ambitions. He also thinks qolodaas bas inay degaan Soomaali Galbeed iyo NFD, which is incorrect. Deep down, he really doesn't care dalka la sii kala gooy gooyo. Wants to be a big fish in a small tank. Saas u maangaabanyahay. At 72 years old, he thinks he can be another Carab strongman under the advice of Imaaraadka amd Masar. The very first few months of his second selection, it was revealed he wants Soomaaliya to be a government led by a strongman.
  29. 2 points
    So you will exchange a vast section of our country for ictiraaf from chaotic Ethiopia? If no country follows Ethiopia, will you be OK with selling other territories to a second and third countries for ictiraaf? Do you know that Palestine is recognised by the entire world except by some zionist controlled Western countries?
  30. 2 points
  31. 2 points
  32. 2 points
    Cimraaga raago geel dhalaayo aas ku tusinaa. Maanta, aniga iyo Xabashi agree with defending Soomaaliya's lands and seas from a Soomaali ku sheeg. Nin nooloow maxaa aragti kuu laaban.
  33. 2 points
    Cabdikariin Guleed: Heshiiska Muuse Biixi iyo Abiy Axmed waa lagu fashilinayay wada hadaladii Jabuuti ka dhacay Khamiis, January, 25, 2024 (HOL) - Ergayga gaarka ah ee wada hadalada dowladda Soomaaliya iyo Somaliland, ayaa sheegay heshiiskii dhexmaray Abiy Axmed iyo Muuse Biixi inuu ahaa mid lagu majo xaabinayay sii socoshada wada hadalada labada dhinac. Cabdikariin Xuseen Guuleed ayaa sheegay dowladdu inay rajo wanaagsan ka qabtay wada hadalada mar kale dib u bilowday iyo qodobadii kasoo baxay shirka ka dhacay dalka Jabuuti. Hase ahaatee, heshiiska Ethiopia ay la gashay Somaliland ayuu sheegay inuu Soomaaliya ku noqday arrin laga fajaco oo aysan dowladdu marna filayn inay ka suurtowdo Somaliland. “Waxaan aaminsanahay in heshiiska dhacay uu ahaa mid ay dowladda Ethiopia ku fashilinaysay isfahamkii labada dhinac, waana ayaan darro in arrintaas dhacdo,” ayuu yiri ergayga dowladda Soomaaliya u qaabilsan wada hadalada Somaliland. Guuleed wuxuu sheegay, dowladda Soomaaliya inay qadarin weyn u hayso Somaliland ayna diyaar u tahay in mar walba laga shaqeeyo sidii ay wada hadaladu usii socon lahaayeen. Wuxuuse sheegay in dowladda Soomaaliya aysan raali ka ahaan doonin tallaabo kaste oo wax u dhimaysa qaranimada Soomaaliyeed.
  34. 2 points
    It’s also I realization that he can not do in another way. The Habashi already tried to help him by showing up in Garoowe. But it is different days,. Zenawi tactics are not working anymore for the Xabashi. Also Muuse tribal supporters don’t trust the opposition and do not want to transfer power to them. They will rather have Muuse than Ciro for the example. The economic corridor between Berbera to Wajaale is controlled by Muuse people. That is their problem. Unless they find people they can control or trust like Siilaanyo and Riyaale. Muuse tribal base do not want change and they want xabashi for many reasons
  35. 2 points
    yes, we knew , the guy is solely driven by humiliation of the century, 25th of August He will indeed get another "Waxbaa baa lahayga YAACAY" The problem is,impunity , he got away with it, helped by his community, instead of asking real questions, why he drove 100s of their boys to certain death and imprisonment . Same faith is waiting for him in Awdal
  36. 2 points
    If the debacle in Goojacadde ka faa'ideysan waayeen politically against a very weakened, defeated and demoralized Muuse Muqayil and population, so-called Wadani never will. Cirro asaga naftiisa ayaaba isaaminsaneen. The mucaarad in Garoowe and Baydhabo do much more damage than Cirro in two decades as an 'opposition leader.' Feysal Dhurwaana warkiisa ha sheegin - he is just there to weaken the already feeble Cirro by dividing their clans. Muuse pays him, I think.
  37. 2 points
    One small step at a time till gradually the nation is strong enough to assert itself regionally. We are at the lowest point in our history, and shall need to trot slowly to rise up from the ashes. We are in no position to do much except advocate, lobby through organisations like the Arab League, and through legal pressure to slow Habasha's grand plan down till we could challenge them.
  38. 2 points
    To be fair, our friend, Xaaji, is still recovering from a traumatic event. I doubt he wants his people to live in Oromo-led Ethiopia.
  39. 2 points
    Wali war sugan ma'aha, but I have no reason to doubt. Iskiisa u baxay, una soo noqday.
  40. 2 points
    After decades of indoctrination, it's perplexing to witness the unwavering support many in Somaliland offer to a deal that seems destined for failure. For anyone raised in Hargeisa over the past 45 years, the narrative ingrained is that "Somaliland-hood is sacred," coupled with the belief that "Somalia is the enemy." This entrenched mindset is the guiding principle for the people of Hargeisa – the pursuit of recognition (ictiraaf). However, those in the South often struggle to comprehend this perspective, naively asserting Somalinimo to a crowd that eyes the concept with suspicion. This has culminated in a situation where a significant and misguided decision, like establishing a military base along the Somaliland Red Sea, encompassing an area larger than the entire state of Malta, is perceived as a positive development, as long as it inches closer to the cherished dream of recognition (Ictiraaf). My concern lies in the uncompromising approach of Biisi, potentially leading the country into instability if we continue to proceed without a clear direction. Unfortunately, I haven't observed any rational leaders in recent days who are willing to voice sensibility amidst the prevailing madness and hatred (Wixii Somalia dhibiya waanu ku faraxsanahay). If there's a possibility of ceding Lughaha or the Saylac Territory to the Habeshas, I fear that this could be the tipping point, igniting another confrontation. Biixi seems confident that he can suppress such unrest, but we all know how that turned out recently.
  41. 2 points
  42. 2 points
    Xaaji, Bihi's desperation is not out of concern for Somaliland. It is a political survival. He could have held elections and let the next admin with a full mandate decide.
  43. 2 points
  44. 2 points
  45. 2 points
    Nothing Somali politicians do ever benefit the people. Muse Biixi should have been forced to hold elections long ago or resign. He is lucky in that he has a weak opposition who seems obsessed with kursiga instead of the interest of the people.
  46. 2 points
  47. 2 points
    Xil Ahmed Khaliif pointing to the shameless charade performed by a desperate regime and its supporters.
  48. 2 points
    Ka daroo dooli dhal. Ma baadariyaa kuwaan? Acuudi bilaahi mina shaydaani rahiim.
  49. 2 points
    Baydhabo: Streamable Video STREAMABLE.COM Watch this video on Streamable.
  50. 2 points
    This is a scenario that very few of the narrow minded Somali leaders have held for possible, that a day might come in which external military could pose a threat against their sovereignty. As they made it quite easy for Ethiopia to potential capture without effort any part of the country. As they have welcomed Ethiopia military bases and presence across the country, and worst of all they have created a politics of enmity between one another, making it very difficult to come together as they have started seeing eachother as political enemies instead of political opponents that can set their differences aside under certain circumstances. Abiy’s call might be a wake up call for Somalis and their leaders, and so we reverse this politics of enmity and extreme polarisation, for tomorrow might come a day one might need on another.
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