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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/15/2022 in all areas

  1. 3 points
    Farmaajo pushed the dictatorial limits and that was most likely his downfall. He was truly convinced of his own invincibility till the end. People were also tired of the continued corruption that never went away even though Farmaajo campaigned on a promise to end it. I think this was anti-Farmaajo vote than anything else. Anyways, the country needs prayers and all the help it can get because the new guy was far worse on corruption than Farmaajo. Hopefully HSM learned his lesson and comes up with new ideas to govern the country because he was truly unable to deliver anything meaningful the last time he was given the chance.
  2. 2 points
    May Allah give him Towfiq and guide him to the right path, Aamiin.
  3. 1 point
    Meel Mahad Salaad iyo co. wasiirro ka noqon doonaan, Eebboow xaalka sahal. Intii yareyd maalin cad gadan doonaan.
  4. 1 point
    Ahmed Madoobe's Jubaland was an open conflict with last 3 presidnets - that will continue regardless if H.SH.M or Farmaajo returns. A Somali President can't work with a Jubaland entity that is designed and set-up for the interests of Kenya against a sovereign nation...
  5. 1 point
    He is biggest empty talker, he literally did nothing in his term except personalty PR, if you ask people what he did they will count everything that was started/build by Xassan Shekh. I celebrated his victory in 2017 but after 2 years of no new major/important institutionell or state building i abounded him seeing the igu-sawir/poser man he really is.
  6. 1 point
    This business of replacing people must stop. Let people select their own. There are bigger problems than Madoobe. That what Farmajo could not comprehend and concentrated on narrow goals. If he manages taking care of the bigger stuff like annihilating Al Shabab and building strong army, everything else will fall in place.
  7. 1 point
    Reer Jigjiga watching the selections. Many maqaayado iyo biibitooyin are making a killing caawa in Soomaaliya iyo magaalooyinka kale caalamka. This Soomaalida's version of World Cup final every four years.
  8. 1 point
    Money sways, saaxiib. Xildhibaannada Reer KG wey jala jabeen, each for their own interests. I think Farmaajo did not pay wixii laga sugaaye, I don't know whether it was arrogance or kalsooni weyn inay ka ahayd. He gambled badly, but he still has a chance to pay now.
  9. 1 point
    Farmaajo is done my count is he got less than 70. even if Farmaajo and Khayre join they can't beat the opposition. In cabdishakur got 14, cosoble almost 13, add that to Dani who got almost 70 and hassan shikh. I think the opposition might win. One more thing , it seems like 5 to 7 % of the ballots are spoiled.
  10. 1 point
    Hal xaaraaan ah ilmo xalaala ma dhasho!! A man stealing public money to stay in power, have no khayr for Somalis. Waxba ha isku daalin! There is one thing we could agree if you have in Somalia's interest. Say " May Allah guide the Somali MPs to select for us the one that he knows is best for the country and people even if that is not the we support. Come on say that after me, will ya?
  11. 1 point
    Dadkaas ku faanaya xoolaha dadoow baa in laaluush lagu bixiyo baa wadan inay badnaadiyaan laga sugaa!!!! Laa Xawla Walaa Quwata Ilaa Bilaahi.
  12. 1 point
    I couldn't find any Somali private citizen praying for c/laahi Dani or Hassan Sheikh, nor any video of support. That tells something. Here in the nation of poets, a by stander in one of the streets in Boosaaso had called for the expulsion of C/laahi dani. You can't find a Hassan Sheikh supporter in Boosaaso or Baidoa, why?
  13. 1 point
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