Che -Guevara

Speaker Jawari resigns

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I wonder what the benefits will be to the country. It will be seen shortly if it was wasting people's hopes and aspirations for protecting PM chair or speedily complete the constitutional file.

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50 minutes ago, cadnaan1 said:

Khayre nin culus waaye haduuba jawaari ka taqlusay.

It is easy to frame it that way.

In reality, Jawaari came against a formidable force consisting of the lower house (majority), executive and presidential branches. Add that to the neutral position of the upper house.

That explains why he let himself down so badly and resorted to extreme disgrace.

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Hadduu warkaan run yahay good for Jawaari. Isqabqabsi cusub dan uma aha Soomaaliya marxaladaan ee ku jirto. Waa ugu hambalyeynaayaa hadduu xilka ka degay.

Si walbaba ha ahaatee amee Farmaajo iyo Kheyre ka shaleyn doonaan berri. Kud ka guur oo qanjo u guur amee noqotaa sheekada. Soomaalideena waa jecelnahay waxa tago, feesto iyo dabaaldeg la dabaashaadnaa laakiin waxa imaanaayo kama fikirno. It happened again, again and again. Marar badana waaka shaleynaa.

It could be that in this case. When pro-Xabashi, pro-Imaaraad, pro-Shariif Xasan, pro-Damjadiid guddoomiye baarlamaan loo doorto balaayo iyo qash qashaad eynan filaneynin Kheyre iyo Farmaajo imaan doonto. Waa arki doonaa.

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Any other president would have completed the rights and killed swiftly within a week but for it to go on for a month shows one thing - Cheeseman is an indecisive and weakling.

Now, there is blood in the waters and the opposition forces in Mogadishu are circling. 

One thing is for certain, Cheeseman has lost a lot of political capital and from now on he has to push hard in order to achieve things. Things that will only get tougher and much more complex. 


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Oh, if the wishes, hopes and habaar iyo inkaar of dying secessionists were only accepted. Keep up the crocodile tears, Farmaajo is here to stay. Even if he leaves tomorrow, united Soomaaliya is here to stay and gets more stronger.

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6 hours ago, Che -Guevara said:

It's over for now.

That is not a vote of confidence, just for now.

Hopefully this is not what the Sudanese call "Halima effect or Halima Habit" for a system or person wanting to stop a bad habit, but can't. The Sudanese use this on president Al Bashir when he signs agreements with rebels and then does not fulfill the whole agreement repeatedly.

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2 hours ago, Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar said:

Hadduu warkaan run yahay good for Jawaari. Isqabqabsi cusub dan uma aha Soomaaliya marxaladaan ee ku jirto. Waa ugu hambalyeynaayaa hadduu xilka ka degay.

Si walbaba ha ahaatee amee Farmaajo iyo Kheyre ka shaleyn doonaan berri. Kud ka guur oo qanjo u guur amee noqotaa sheekada. Soomaalideena waa jecelnahay waxa tago, feesto iyo dabaaldeg la dabaashaadnaa laakiin waxa imaanaayo kama fikirno. It happened again, again and again. Marar badana waaka shaleynaa.

It could be that in this case. When pro-Xabashi, pro-Imaaraad, pro-Shariif Xasan, pro-Damjadiid guddoomiye baarlamaan loo doorto balaayo iyo qash qashaad eynan filaneynin Kheyre iyo Farmaajo imaan doonto. Waa arki doonaa.

We need a credible person who  really care the welfare of the nation.  We need new faces. I agree, it should not be any person close to Sharif.

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8 hours ago, Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar said:

Oh, if the wishes, hopes and habaar iyo inkaar of dying secessionists were only accepted. Keep up the crocodile tears, Farmaajo is here to stay. Even if he leaves tomorrow, united Soomaaliya is here to stay and gets more stronger.

Secessionists always hoping for chaos are again disappointed. Somalia will keep moving forward, albeit sometimes self inflicted wounds. Jawaari functioned very well under the corruption of Hassan Sheikh but the new team Farmaajo and Khyre will not do business the old way. 

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Khalad kasta oo dhaca waa furaha barashada iyo khibrad soo korortay.

Jawaari waxay ahayd inuusan ku daahin iska hor-imaadka,markuu arko in qayb barlamaanku la socoto waa inuu fahmaa kuwa kale yaa gudoomiye u noqonaya?

Waxa kaliya oo laga bartay khaladkaan waa xagee u noqonaa haddii laysku dhaco.

Dhowr boqol oo soomaaliya oo kala masaalixa, qabiilaysi iyo isdaba maryayn horay loogu bartay meel kuma wada xaraysnaan karaan baqdin sharci la'aantiis.

Waxaa haboon in sida ugu dhaqsaha badan loo sameeyo maxkamada dastuurka oo cid ka sarayn kartaa aysan jirin alle mooyaane.

Mushkiladda wiilasha ilmo snm haysata, waxaa weeyaan, waxaysan kala saari karin farqiga u dhaxeeya shakhsiga iyo nidaamka

farmaajo khayre jawaari way tagi boqorooyo kama jirto soomaaliya balse waxaan tagayn nadaamka ku dhisan jiritaanka midnimada soomaaliya hees iyo geeraarna laguma badeli karo.

Haddaad badda gasho biyaha milixaa isaga reebto kuwo macaan, maro cagaaran huwato galgalato waxba is badeli maayaan jimicsi unbaad samaysay.

Awoodu waa qaanuunka 60kii la saxiixay, aftidana waxaa xaq u leh qofkastoo soomaaliya ,

Reer waqooyiguna xaq bay u leeyihiin inay sanduuq soo dhex dhigaan soomaalida kale si aan laysugu dhicin mar kale, ayadoo maskaxdoodu deggan tahay wax xumaana aysan ku jirin, wixii kasoo baxana ay ku qancaan.

Intaa wixii kasoo hara waa jamhuuriyad iskeed isu magacawday cinwaan fiicana ma'ahan.

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18 hours ago, Che -Guevara said:


Xuseen Maxamuud Sheekh Xuseen is the biggest Shariif Xasan stooge. I don't think he has any chance. The other two are close Shariif Xasan allies too, so their chance isn't that high, either. There is Aaden Madoobe, though, who was very anti-Jawaari in the past few weeks and in the central figure in the opposition because he wants to get back to his seat. But he and Shariif Xasan don't see eye to eye, plus he is a former macalin dugsi from RRA leadership. From a barfasoor to a macalin dugsi (not that anything wrong with macalin dugsi), but it isn't good.

There are also other intellectual men from Koonfur Galbeed, but they are not xildhibaano because Shariif Xasan made sure of that in 2016. Men such as American Fiqi, erstwhile defence minister and Farmaajo ally; Australian Fargeeti, the immediate recent ex-finance minister.

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