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Would You or Would You Not????

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Man n woman can never be freinds! one of them surely got the things for the other.the term we r freinds is just the transit stage. Eventually, they end up 2gather or depart. they cant be lifetime freinds!


Trust me, i went thru


Adna go for where ur heart takes u.

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War ninyahow Bilcaantu waa belaayo baroor badanoo hadana beer naxa laheyn billaawaha bogga kuu dhigi..buur dahabna hadaad siiso bes waaye ma baratoo barqadaad badar uweydo ama baabuur lagu qaado banaankey kuu tuuri boolisna wey kuugu barakeyn bacaadkana afka kuu galin..

buufis intee kugu ridee bilcaanta kale ugu faani baqay inaa tahay iyo baac aan wax garan bey meel walba ku sheegi...bacmadoowna lagali maayee banaankaa haiga joogaan beentaan ku nacay iyo ballan xumada ay noogu buraanburaan...



Peace, Love & Unity.

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War Boboow bilcaan hadalkeeda inaga daa intey badhida bilic ka siiyaan bey beerka banneestaan si ay dabin inoogu dhigaan, booramahey tumaan baa been usheegoo markaas bey baaba'eena usoo xuubsiibteen, been iyo boodboodkoodi baa ka batey meel kastoo, bini aadam ma moodid markaad kor u dhowrto ayagoo baruur darteed la socon la' bey isha kaa dhawraan markaas baa adoo baarqab ka daran intaad kor u boodo is tiraahdo beerka kaga fariiso ayey birqabata kuu dhigaan, buuqoodi baan bannaanka ula soo bixi la'nahey beesa isii badanka iga taabo ayey dhahaan intey bagash xirtaan bal maxaan ka dhowraneenaa maan bikoorad la dhacno oon dhafoorka kaga istagano bassar xumadooda ayaanba la joogi la'nahayee bismillaahi baan ka dhahay bilcaan.

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Men and Women can be good friends, I don't know about best friends (too close for comfort)But I assume if they are good enough to be your best friend then you can have a relationship, not a smart move mind you, because if it goes south, you not only loose two things and it could be more hateful.

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adna, hadii kii aad ukaashaneysid uu KULEEL KUGU DILO MARKA AAD INDHA ISKU QABATAAN, oo hotflush KUsiiyo, wax laga doodo meeshaan ma jirto. haba kafikirin, ee inta aad waqtiga hayso, sida laguu kululeyo waaye, qaboow aa soo dhacaya, and lafaha uu adkaana, jirkana wuu dilaaca, ee ka faa ideyso aan kudhahay, and cunitaankana biloow, barako kuu rijeynayaa, iska dhaxmara, and shaqshaqley aan kudhahay.

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The tomboy above me calls spade a spade. Qandac ay ka wadaa hee la garo.


As to the topic, go for it qallanjo. Why, you asked.


You know him, he knows you. Courtship is an art. You two have already rehearsed the play without even knowing it. The usual and difficult, at times, icebreaker is not necessary in this case. No player worries. No camel toe hunter xarfaan bent to play on ur emotions. You cut a lot of crap out of the courtship process not to mention the decision time is shortened.


Be very selfish on this one. If the dude is Mr. Right, snatch him before that other bajaq takes him to her mundul. The pool of responsible dudes is shrinking nowadays -- at least that’s what I heard from Muxubo muuno-beeshayee, moosinkeed waa la moodayee crowd.


Downside: rejection. If that were to happen you are busted. Expect a lil ego bruising if not down right depression. But remember taking risks on the stuff that matters is what makes the world round.


Trade-off: Losing a “best” friend vs. gaining a reliable lifetime partner you know you can raise Gallad iyo Maandeeq with. Ileyn talo iskuma kaa sheegto.



Phew! *Awoowe moment*

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^I really love sidaa u kala dhig dhigtay...Well said...


I've always said a guy and girl could not be just friends...It just so always happens that one starts to have feeling for the other, Whether they let them know or keep it inside to one's self...I used to have male friends and still do...I just watch myself around guy friends, cuz I never want to give them the wrong idea, should they start having feeling for you...


As for when I was single, if there was a guy that I liked, and happened to be friend also, I made sure he was the first one to make the move...I guess you can say I had special *powers*

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How could you have a male best friend,there are sooo many things you could not talk to him about. I think one if not both would be thinkin along marriage lines after a while, and if you tink it's right go for it.


And if not what do you need a guy friend for?

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they end up 2gather or depart. they cant be lifetime freinds!

Been there, done that. Once you try it and get the tension and heat out of the way. Attraction ka meesha ka baxo. And you just realize you're better off as friends, only then you can call it a real friendship. My special friend and I are so close to the point where he's like one of my girls LOL. He even ended up breaking up with couple of girls uu la sheekaysan jiray b/c anigay iska kay dhax arkeen. Ohh bless his heart.. :D . The point being markaa isa soo martaan oo aragtaan inayan waxba iska cuneeynin, it's easier..

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You'll have a relationship stuck in a perpetual chillin' zone. Or a marriage without passion and romance. But if your low maintainance all you need to hear is he responsible or he works ;) In which case there is nothing better then getting deeper with your close friend.

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Originally posted by Adna:



I Was just wondering If you had a very close friend she/he, and you would consider them as a best friend would you start relationship with them or not and Why?. However, the person is an ideal lifetime partner that you would consider, but then destroying friendship would be terrible too. so, Would you or would you not?..

There is a reason why he/she is in the freindship zone,maaha? What could have changed in the course of time to make it any different from say when you first met him/her? Really?


Lets face it, Desperation must have forced the sudden "change of course". Wax kaloo faida leh aa la waaye camal nooh? Thats not fair to the partner.In reality,there is always no true freindship between man and woman. There is always one person,who has been attracted to the other one at one point.


Waa bila freind,meesheda haa iga joogto :D

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Originally posted by Nephthys:


My special friend and I are so close to the point where he's like one of my girls LOL. He even ended up breaking up with couple of girls uu la sheekaysan jiray b/c anigay iska kay dhax arkeen. Ohh bless his heart.. :D . The point being markaa isa soo martaan oo aragtaan inayan waxba iska cuneeynin, it's easier.. [/QB]

^^You got the power girl! smile.gif


Off topic here,once upon a time during my blissfull teenage years I had a male best friend,whom we share almost every infomation..especially about the dudes he shared a household with,oh how we longed to see Abdulle without his shirt on..Lol anyway it never daunted in me he was anyhow gayish in his mannerism,untill many years after we all parted company and become responsible adults blah blah only to find out he was gay all the time..Markaa I dont know about staying best of friends with a dude without one of you having the hots for the other one..I have male friends,but they are more like brothers now then friends,they care far too much for me and I for them for us to even contemplate the thought..Ofcourse hubby wouldnt allow it! smile.gif

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Nephy hadaba i dhagayso, if ur freind is not GAY n ur not damn waaaaaaaaay tooooo UGLY, then he would never dam Girlfreinds, not 1 but 2 becouse of you n ur happy with it, bless his heart ku teh.


I think the dude has hots for u and hopes that one day quruxleey nephy wuu helaayaa, and that its damn too easy for him 2 dam than risk loosing U! woohoooooooooow wallahi ceegaad ku haysaa. Alla yaa wiilkaa qalbigiisa ogaada or may be urs!

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