Deeq A.

Berbera clan rejects oil search in its region until the clan is consulted

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It is easy to say company so and so has government permit for exploration, but the hard reality is that the clan in the area almost always has a say. After watching the video, the issue seems to be a case where another clan in the area blessed the exploration, and this particular Beel was left out of the discussions. 



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3 minutes ago, Che -Guevara said:



Unukaa leh can't coexist with statehood.  Besides, I don't think these old men care much for their clan, they need a cut.



The odayaals are useful in a lot of cases. If it wasn't for them the entire Somaliland would have been sold to Ethiopia like the Berbera port.  They act as a deterrence with armed militias.  

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9 minutes ago, Che -Guevara said:


Unukaa leh can't coexist with statehood.  Besides, I don't think these old men care much for their clan, they need a cut.


That is very true. 

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17 minutes ago, Saalax said:



The odayaals are useful in a lot of cases. If it wasn't for them the entire Somaliland would have been sold to Ethiopia like the Berbera port.  They act as a deterrence with armed militias.  

I have think they have outlived their purpose just like nomadic life is no longer useful existence. And I am sure some are sincere people but more often than not, they are someone else's tools.

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They say all politics is local. Since they have a say in who leads this country, their objections and their voice will be heard. 

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I know you folks are hussling to make up of the last 20 years lost time, but oil is still most dangerous business.

The late Ethiopian PM Meles Zenawi had this to say after drilling few samples in Somali kilil and Gambella western Ethiopia. Both places flared up. In parliament he stood and said the following:

'Where ever there is oil, is all misery and wars. If you give it to French co. British or American company goes to another tribe and starts trouble. What ever oil we have will stay on the ground until we ourselves are able to do the extraction and processes 100% or at the very least 80% ourselves without any investment or technology from foreign companies or countries"


This late in the game for oil, that is best policy. The Bedewin got lucky and used and abused oil.


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Most of u have no clue of how these things work in the remote part of the country where gov services don't reach, they are basicly parrallel gov and run things.

Markaa.odayani waa extremely important for number of reasons.


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