
A sickening case: A man from North Galkaio raped his 9yr old step daughter & she succumbs to injuries inflicted dies

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abti, Feberaayo, 24,  2018 (HOL) – Gabadh yar oo sagaal jir ah ayaa u geeriyooday kufsi uu ku sameeyey ninkii qabay hooyadeed. 

Gabadhan yar ayaa magaceeda la odhan jirey Xaleemo Cabdisaaq Salaad, waxaana falkani ka dhacay magaaladda Gaalkacyo ka dib markii ay inanta yar aad u xanuunsatay ayaa loola soo cararay cisbitaalka Burco, kaasi oo cadeeyey in gabadha yari kufsi u geeriyootay.


Badhasaab ku xigeenka gobolka Togdheer, Eheladda dhashay Inanta yar iyo hooyadeed ayaa ka hadlay dhacdadan naxdinta leh ee loo gaystay inantan yar ee sagaal jirka ah, waxaana muddo laba iyo toban cisho maydkeeddu yaalla cisbitaalka oo lala sugayey eheladoodii oo ka imanayey Muqdisho.

Eheladdda inantan yar ayaa sheegay inay ka yimadeen magaladda Muqdisho, waxaanay sheegeen in inantaasi yar uu kufsaday ninkii hooyadeed qabay, kaas oo hadda ku jira xabsiga dhexe ee magaalada Burco.


“16,2,2018 ayaa dhacdo fool xun la noo soo sheegay, waxaanu ka nimid Muqdisho, waxaana Burco u nimid inantaasi yar ee aanu ehelka nahay oo 12 cisho maydkeedu ku jiro qaboojiyaha cisbitaalka, waxaana xukuumada Somaliland ka codsanayna in inantar na loo aaso oo sharciga la hor geeyo cidii falkaasi samaysay”ayuu yidhi oday sheegay inuu inanta yar adeer yahay.


Gabadha uu qabay ninkan kufsiga loo haysto ee Fadxiya Maxamed Salaad oo gabadhan geeriyootay dhashay ayaa sheegtay in dhakhaatiirtu u cadaysay inay kufsi u geeriyooday, waxaanay tidhi “ waxaan cadaynaya in aan gabadha aan dhalay ku geeriyooday Burco, gabadhaasi oo aan u keenay kaadida oo haysa, dhakhtarku wuxuu cadeeyey in kufsi ku yaallo, dawlada Somaliland waxaan ka codsanayaa in falkaasi cidii gaysatay talaabo sharci ka qaadaan.”



Badhasaab ku xigeenka gobolka Togdheer Maxamed Diiriye Xayd ayaa sharaxay waxa uu ka og yahay dhacdadan naxdinta leh, waxaanu yidhi “Mucsji aynaan maqal oo dunida maqalkeedu ku yar yahay ayey niman la soo galeen Burco oo nin Kaalkacyo ka yimid uu kufsi ku sameeyey inan yar oo uu hooyadeed qabo, inantoo sakaarad ah oo uu maydkeeda soo fogaynayo ayuu keenay Burco, dhakhtarkii wuxuu ogaaday in kufsi iyo garaacis la iskugu daray ay sabab u ahayd xanuunkeedda, dhakhaatiirtay way ku amreen in inanta yar cidii dhashay ay keenaan, ninkii kufsiga loo haystay intuu nootaayo soo qortay buu yidhi aniga inanta dhallay, dhakhaatiirtii way ku qanci waayeen inuu inantaasi dhallay, arrintaasi sidaas ayey ku fashilintay waxaana imika inanta kiiskeeda gacanta ku haya C.I.D iyo dhakhaatiirta, maydkeena mudadaasi ayuu yaallaa, inankii kufsiga loo haystay wuu xidhan yahay, Gabadha inanta dhashay waxay tidhi inantan yar nin kale ayaan u dhalay gabadha lafteeda dhaawacyo ayuu u gaystay marka arrintaasi maxkamada ku jirta”


Badhasaab ku xigeenku waxa uu sheegay in arrinta ninka xidhan loo haysta tahay fal uu Kaalkacyo ku soo sameeey iyo been abuur uu sameeyey oo uu sheegtay inuu inanta yar isagu dhallay si uu si fudud iskaga aaso.

Barkhad-ladiif M. Cumar, Hiiraan Online

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Since the crime was committed in Gaalkaio, not too sure if Somaliland can try the man, who remains in custody. Or whether the man and the case can be transfered to a court that has jurisdiction over Gaalkayo town.

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Elders will get involved because af-huuroyaalka that is all they do. But I think this may be different this time because the rape victim is dead. Good job Burco doctors. Allahu nahariisto. 



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It was yesterday that I was reading on another case of a sick man trying to kidnap a 5 year old girl with his bajaaj. Alhamdulilah the police caught him before he could do anything.  




Isniin, Feberaayo, 26, 2018 (HOL) – Ciidamada Amniga ayaa gacanta ku dhigay mid ka mid ah darawalada Mooto Bajaajta oo la baxaday gabar shan Sano jir ah sida uu Hiiraan Online u sheegay Afhayeenka Wasaaradda Amniga Cabdicasiis Xildhibaan.


Gabadhan oo ay wada socdeen Abaheed ayeey u suur-tagashay darawalka in uu la baxsado gabadha yar kaddib markii uu Odeyga isku dayay in uu lacagta siiyo kaddib markii uu soo gaarsiiyay goobtii ay ku socdeen, hasse ahaatee inta uusan lacagta bixin Odeyga Darawalkii wadey Mootada si deg deg ah ula dhaqaaqay gabadha oo wali saaran gaariga.


‘’Abaare saacadu marey aheyd 6:00PM Maqribnimo xiligii Salaada ayeey u suur-tagashay ciidamada Amniga in ay muddo gaab ku soo qabtaan darawalka iyo Gabadhii uu la baxsaday Agagaarka Ceel-Gaab, waxaana hadda gacanta ku haya laamaha Amniga’’ ayuu yiri afhayeenka Wasaaradda Amniga’’ Cabdicasiis Xildhibaan.


Magaalada Muqdisho ayaa waxaa beryahaan ku soo badanaya falalka kufsiga ah ee lagula kaco dumarka, waxaana degmooyinka ugu badan ee kiiska kufsiga uu ka dhaco ka mid ah dagmooyinka Kaaraan, Kaxda iyo Madiina sida ay HOL u sheegeen hay'adaha baara falalka kufsiga ee ka dhaca magaalada Muqdisho.


C/raxmaan Diini, Hiiraan Online

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saqiirta ALAHA unaxariisto.  niyoow this is sick man and must be brought to justice without delay. rape is becoming something common in last 5 years. niyow ma garanyo why society changed so quickly but the culture is changing and recently garowe banned Beijaj drivers because they would take customer and scape with them to try to rape them. they would steal girls phones and attack them sexually inside but girls fought back and the perpetrators were caught. garowe which has lowest crime in all of somalia saw cases of phone being robbed, girls being sexually assaulted at night using beijaj taxi and reer garowe got so shocked they gave goverment few days to solve the problem or hell will break loose. it is tribal society and if you try to rape someone's daughter, it is a war.  abdiweli and police got scared and ordered ban of beijajs. government is taking big steps now banning the idiots from ever driving to make living. the beijaj drivers are from every region of somalia and they all want to make a living but some are bad apples niyow and don't understand basic decency. they want to get rich quick and they want to satisfy their sexual urges quick too.  waa sick people niyoow. 

  • That is really sad! 2

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AUN. This is why men should not trust step fathers with their children. When you divorce you take them with you if your ex wife remarries (specially to a another clan).

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5 hours ago, Ducale said:

 They should deal with the rapist  in Galkacyo and maybe take a leaf from djibouti's torture book and.... Dhalo afka laga jabiyay inta xaydh loo mariyo ha lagu fadhiisio. A message need to be send to future rapist. Burning people is not in our culture, but I'll make an exception for this one. 




No matter how angry, no matter the level of shock, never ever make an exception. Its all downhill.

Death is death, but the method is for the living. This is the highest manifestation of culture it affects even the way you wage war.

Better stick to punishments that have served society in past and present.


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Waa dad jiran oohadana cuqdadeeysan.  Dhibta meesha taal iyo wuxuukuhadlo arag.  0:48 "colaad aa réer ama qooys ama région uqabto".    

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Exactly. "When you go for revenge killing, dig two graves one for the one you kill and one for you, bacuse you will be killed as the revenge continues"

There is always of ways of sweet revenge that stops the crude revenge of eye for an eye.




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10 hours ago, Saalax said:

AUN. This is why men should not trust step fathers with their children. When you divorce you take them with you if your ex wife remarries (specially to a another clan).

Your ex marrying from your own clan makes no difference if the man she is married to is a sick rapist. Evil knows no clan. 

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5 hours ago, Ducale said:


They are even claiming all the wounds found on her body was inflicted by her mother.  

If am not mistaken, the girl is H block. Her stepfather is MJ and the case is in the hand/court of the "occupying force of Tukaraq"...I.e...somaliland.

So it's no longer about finding justice for a brutaly raped  9 years old girl who died, but qabyaalad iyo colaado aan toos carabka loogu dhufan laakin la fahmi karo. Walee Soomaali waa cursed people. 



The first guy in the video implied that the accused is in prison because of "colaad loo qabo dhulka uu ka soo jeedo". The accused man's relatives will say anything to get out of trouble but they also have a case against the so-called police chief. The police chiefs have a nasty habit of talking about cases not yet resolved by the courts. They should be instructed to stop commenting on active cases not resolved by the courts and any who does so should be disciplined. 

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hadaysan somaliland waxba ka qaban karin arinta waa inay galmudug kusoo werijiyaan si gabadha yar cadaalad u hesho,,,waad ogtihiin gabadhii boosaaso lagu kufsaday weliba xabad  qeybta taranka loogu dhuftay ee hada jiiftay hospital turki ku yaalo inaysan weli cadaalad helin.

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