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Men Who Do More Housework Have Less Sex

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Clearly a warning to the married ones. Don't wash the dishes.


Men Who Do More Housework Have Less Sex


Scientific American

Conventional wisdom suggests that women are drawn to men who help out around the house. Yet new research indicates that some divisions of labor may be sexier than others. A February paper in the American Sociological Review reported that married couples in which men take on a greater share of the dishes, laundry and other traditionally female chores had sex less often than average, which in this study was about five times a month. Yet couples in which men confined themselves largely to traditionally male chores such as yard work enjoyed sex more frequently than average. Taken to the extreme, men who performed all the traditionally female chores would have had sex 1.6 times less often than men who did none of them. The study authors, from the Juan March Institute in Madrid and the University of Washington, arrived at the correlation by crunching data from the National Survey of Families and Households (NFSH), which gathered survey information from 4,500 U.S. married couples. The researchers ruled out any kind of coercion on the part of the “manly” chore-performing husbands by looking at data from the same survey on sexual satisfaction: they found that women from households with more traditional divisions of labor felt no less happy with their sex lives than women in more gender-neutral ones.


The study has its skeptics. Its data were gathered between 1992 and 1994, making demographer Sharon Sassler of Cornell University wonder about their relevance today. “In the past two decades,” she says, “who gets married has changed considerably.” Today most couples cohabit before marrying, and a large proportion of the women in those couples, Sassler argues, are not satisfied doing a disproportionate share of so-called women's housework. According to Sassler, frequently those couples do not marry, making the set of couples who would qualify for the NSFH today profoundly different from the set in 1992.


Study co-author Julie Brines, a sociologist at the University of Washington, says men and women have deep-seated ideas about what is masculine and feminine. Displays of masculinity may evoke feminine displays in women, which activates or intensifies sexual charge. Put the man on a rider mower, in other words, and boom—fireworks. Stand him at a sudsy sink, and it's a probable no go.


This article was originally published with the title "Of Lust and Lysol."

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Holac, This study could be true. The more the guy stays in the kitchen and intermingles with kitchen issues, he will have less appetite for bed. Real men work outside, act like father figures at home, but always show compassion.




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Slate calls BS:


Couples Who Share Housework Don't Actually Have Less Sex


Today, the Council on Contemporary Families released a big report assessing the state of American attitudes about marriage and women’s equality within it. Its researchers found that despite “a seeming stall in markers of progress toward gender equality,” particularly in regard to women’s access to jobs and equal pay, “there has been more motion behind the scenes than previously recognized.” Americans have become markedly more progressive in their beliefs about equality in marriage, with an all-time high of 68 percent of Americans disagreeing that men should make more money than their wives, and 65 percent of Americans disagreeing that preschool children are harmed if their mothers have jobs.


Of particular interest is a paper by Sharon Sassler of Cornell University debunking the widely publicized claim that men who do more housework “get” less sex. Research showing that couples had less sex when they split chores equally was “based on data gathered over a quarter of a century ago,” Sassler found, and “was focused on the sexual behaviors of married couples in the late 1980s, many of whom had met and married in the 1960s and 1970s.”


When Sassler and her colleagues turned to newer data from 2006—data that examined married and cohabiting couples that formed in the '90s or later—they found much different results. “Couples who shared domestic labor had sex at least as often, and were at least as satisfied with the frequency and quality of their sex, as couples where the woman did the bulk of the housework,” Sassler writes. So good news for people who like fairness, cleanliness, and sex.


This study is a useful retort to people who are still clinging to the pathetic hope that women don’t actually want equality—see, they turn limp and frigid at the sight of a man pushing a broom! It’s also a much-needed corrective to the unfortunate narrative that’s arisen to try to establish a link between sex and housework in romantic relationships. Too often, sex is treated like a reward that women dole out to men for performing their chores well. Women are expected to perform housework because it needs to be done, but men ostensibly need an extra incentive, such as sex, to be bothered with it. Sassler’s research shows that, really, there’s not much of a relationship between sex and housework at all. In real life, women might have sex because they want to, and men might do their fair share of housework because taking out your own trash is the right thing to do.


Sadly, Sassler found that the number of men who do the right thing is still pretty low. Only “about three out of ten couples in our sample reported that housework was equally shared,” she writes. For 63 percent of couples, “woman did approximately two-thirds of the housework.” Perhaps if we stopped talking about housework as something men need extra goodies to perform, then those numbers would shift more rapidly.

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Saffers lol good luck


Am I only guy who pays other people to do cleaning at his place? I gave up long ago



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Hahaha I'm gonna make sure I defy that trend


what do yo mean i will defy the trend.


Why do they always play up this disgusting act of necessity & procreation i never get it.

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Tallaabo, Inaar dandansiga maad naga daysid. Adiguna maxaad noogu biirtay xagjirayaasha dabka caabuda. . Please do not give ammunition to the secular humanists who have no morals.


Mida kale Xabadkan tolow xagee laga soo daayey. Beryahan waxaad moodaa waxii Diin iyo dhaqan ku saabsanba wuu dhex fadhiyaa oo koox xagjirayaal dhinaca bidixda ah ayaa soo dirsatay baan u malayn.


Waxaa la yidhi " bacaluul is qad qaaday", kolay gabanadani macnaheeda garan maayaane, beryahan madaxy la soo kaceen oo mawduuc walba way ku jiraan, Apophis kii aan islaahaa waa xag jir, ayaad moodaa in uu ugu roon yahay kooxdan. Waa nin Soomaalida dhaqankeeda garanaya oo difaaca.

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Tallaabo, yes -- the study and its follow up studies are based on data from heterosexual married couples. I'd be curious to see how things look with data from non-heterosexual couples too, as well as unmarried cohabiting couples.



Hahaha I'm gonna make sure I defy that trend


The trend is in fact the opposite, couples who share housework have more sex and report more satisfaction in their sex lives. The data above comes from the early 1990s and couples who met and married in the 1960s and 70s, whereas the more recent study that debunks it surveys couples in 2006.

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Tallaabo, yes -- the study and its follow up studies are based on data from heterosexual married couples. I'd be curious to see how things look with data from non-heterosexual couples too, as well as unmarried cohabiting couples.




The trend is in fact the opposite, couples who share housework have more sex and report more satisfaction in their sex lives. The data above comes from the early 1990s and couples who met and married in the 1960s and 70s, whereas the more recent study that debunks it surveys couples in 2006.



Ohhh okay :D Fine by me. I see no reason why a man shouldn't get involved in shouldering his share of the burden of housework.


And if this helps lead to "more satisfaction" as you say, then I guess it's a win-win for the husband and the wife :D

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lool. doctor niyoow, don't be fooled by feminazi saffers. hahaha. she is very smart. she wants to make sure she any farax she deals with is castrated enough that he has a lifelong fetish for cooking her desired meals while licking her feet after she arrives home from work everyday. men will be unrecognizable around saffers.


look at the unhappiness on the face of this "man" niyoow. does he look a happy guy to you niyoow?



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LOL Mooge, there's a certain balance with everything you do in life.


So vacuuming the house is one thing, but carrying around her laundry and painting her fingernails with an apron on....I can't do that :D


That man looks like a docile housecat....Miskeen wallahi. The pain must be real :D

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lool. doctor niyoow, don't be fooled by feminazi saffers. hahaha. she is very smart. she wants to make sure she any farax she deals with is castrated enough that he has a lifelong fetish for cooking her desired meals while licking her feet after she arrives home from work everyday. men will be unrecognizable around saffers.


Sounds ideal to me...

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