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Ahmed Samatar On the New Somali Ambassador to the US

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Ahmed Samatar: James Wallace Professor of International Studies at Macalester College

President Barack Obama has officially welcomed Somalia's new ambassador to the United States - the first since 1991.


Omar Abdirashin Ali Sharmarke served as Somalia's Prime Minister in 2009 and 2010.


His arrival in Washington comes as the State Department prepares to announce a new U.S. ambassador to Somalia.


Macalester College Professor of International Studies Ahmed Samatar, a candidate in Somalia's 2012 presidential elections, joins The Daily Circuit to explain what difference this diplomatic fresh start could make.

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Very Interesting to listen to And Also Agree with Professor Samatar in his view of the situation in what use to be called Moqadishu-Italian somalia and The independent Republic of Somaliland . Also agree with him on the political corruption of moqdishu crooks who have zero future leadership or goals for themself or their nation. These politicians are only in MOQ seeking power to enrich themselfes .Very well presented and infomative piece .

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Moronic drivel from a failed wannabe politician aka Political Prostitute of 2013. Little in the way of unbiased analysis or solutions offered. Ultimately, whatever happens in Mogadishu and most of it is bad - this appointment is another building block to the reconstitution of the Republic of Somalia whose territorial integrity and international borders are not in dispute.

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Moronic drivel from a failed wannabe politician aka Political Prostitute of 2013. Little in the way of unbiased analysis or solutions offered. Ultimately, whatever happens in Mogadishu and most of it is bad - this appointment is another building block to the reconstitution of the Republic of Somalia whose territorial integrity and international borders are not in dispute.

Sending a failed politician to Washington will not reconstitute the failed and abandoned erstwhile republic for you. What makes a nation is its people, and the bitter reality for you is half the people of the failed former republic want that entity to remain in the dustbin of history.

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^Poor fellow! It's ok to be mad. I noticed how you used the word 'failed' three times in one paragraph. Talk about projecting - failing for over 20 years is pretty tough to take though - I'll grant you that. 'Abandoned erstwhile republic'? - wasn't a certain Somalilandish first lady opening a hotel in Xamar a few months back? Even with all the insecurity can't keep you away. 'Half the people' of the republic are now Somalilandish eh? It's ok bud - I get it - it will take sometime to get deprogrammed.



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Badweyn nin kaluun kasoo waayay bali yar oo reer ilaashado waxba ka keeni maayo

Waxaan moodi jiray cilmigu inuu maskaxda galo ama kobciyo ileen marmar buu surweelka kaa siibaa?!!


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you are second class citizen in the north while you are first class citizen in mogadishu .



Prof Samatar has lost his reputation among Somalis, and now he is losing it again internationally. Two years ago, he was competing to be the president of Somalia, and after he lost, he could not take it. Its really shame to such personality to not be able to take a lost , you are second class citizen in the north while you are first class citizen in mogadishu .



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Pro Samatar waxa uu ka mid yahay 3da million ee go'aansaday inay gooni isaga taagaan jamhuuryaddii saqiirtay ee reer koonfurku sadqeeyey. Aan kuugu daro'e maanta waa sanadguuradii 25aad ee ka soo wareegtay maalintii 17/07/1989 ciidankii arxanka daraa xeebta jasiira ku dilay dad rayid ah kuwaas oo dhamaantood ka soo jeeda Somaliland. Ha ku fekerina in jamhuuriyaasi soo noqoto ama Samatar caaya ama cirka soo gujiya.

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What I don't get is why is he attacking The Ambassador and Somalia ?


He should have not accepted the interview since he claims not to be part of Somalia ?


Somalia is dead - it's finished lol , And so on will not bring recognition someone tell this sor looser Samater .












God bless the strong people of Somalia Somalia never dies kkkkkk


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Aqoonsigana wax haka raadiyo sanad guurada tacsidana haka qayb galo mushkilad maahan


Dhibka haysta professors’ku waxaa weeyaan koonfurtu waa dal balaaran iyo qabiilo kala duwan markuu dhex galo siduu doono ayuu ula hadli karaa talo fiicana ugu yeelan karaa, isu sharixi karaa asagoo isku kalsoon.


Hadii uu soo hor fadhiisto labo mujaahid oo snm ah, weligaa oran maysid ninkaanu waa professor axmed samatar korantadaa adoo u jeeda ka tagaysa, labo kalmadood oo uu is raaciyana markaasaa ugu dambaysa,sababtuna waa iska cadahay.


taasi waxay ku tusinaysaa inuusan han iyo sabur lahayn,reer galbeedka haday fashilaan way gar qaataan isla markiina jaranjar dheer bay iskasoo tuuraan intaas ma ka baran waayay maraykanka.


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Its obviously that alot of reer koonfureed hate Professor Samatar why because of one single reason He is telling the truth and for sm southernes the truth is too ugly for them to accept thats why they busy putting picture in here and calling him ugly words to those peoplr I say BUHuu . For those of us who stand for justice and truth we support Professor SAmatar he is a first world citizen of america you donkey get that in your thick skull.

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I think, Gooni and others have certain view of the Somaliland political landscape. Those who believe the Somaliland project, and work everyday to achieve that goal, have every opportunity to hold any office they wish in the land of Somaliland regardless of their tribe.


Rayaale ruled eight years, but also others who have the ambition and the organizational skill to gain the power, have a good chance to be the leaders. It is certain Awdal elite who are holding back. In a peaceful democracy, those who are well organized could achieve a lot.


Actually we, some of Awdalites are the ones who are skeptical of Somaliland and are yearning for the greater Somalia. THe Duriyada community, will not only embrace, but welcome with open arms those of us who are genuine about Somaliland. Prof. Samatar hails from two of the largest communities in Somaliland, if he wishes to run , he will be welcomed with open arms. Of course there will be some opposition groups who denounce him or use his past as thorny issue.


I repeat it is some of us who are holding back from Somaliland , not the other way around. It is our home. Believe me you, I could go tomorrow, join one of the parties, and I will be welcomed with open arms. I think the Somalilanders are not hypocrites. If they love you it is probably a genuine love.

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Galbeedi, are you convincing us or convincing yourself?


It's clear that he is trying hard to convince himself that Beesha snm love him, when they snm just less then a decade ago slaughtered his people and still continue to do so.


Snm will love you until recognition comes, then you will see their real face they even released in the 90's a plan of how they after gaining recognition will wipe out the other tribes that aren't from habar snm's from somaliland.

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my argument is you can blame or denounce Samatar for abandoning the Somalia that he was campaigning just two years ago. As I said before , people are right to be angry, because he betrayed their trust.


What I distaste is some people saying" reer hebel baa iska leh meeshee Maxaad ka doonysa". News flash he is the reer hebel. He is attached to that community. please attack his policies or his short sightedness. Reero madaxa la iskugu dhifto siyaasad ma ahan.


Mida kale nabada Soomaali laga raadinayo , miyaanay ka bilaabanayn in aad deriskaaga xidhiidh wanaagasan marka hore la samayso.


Having the Somaliweyn principle doesn't make me hate my neighbors or those I live together. Dalmar, please the ball is in your side. stop killing your neighbors and stabilize your immediate sphere of influence. Hating Somaliland adherents will not help me achieve my Somaliweyn agenda. Also keeping communities together will make it easier tomorrow to unite them under the Somaliweyn banner.



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