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My Recommendations to Somaliland

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The local governments in Somaliland (Dowlada Hoose) should ban those khat transporters from using sirens and set a limit to speeding for all vehicles.


The sirens should only be used; ambulances, traffic police, presidential and foreign dignitary convoy.


The khat drivers and their vehicles act and seem to be above the law. They blast their sirens and have no regard for public safety and to be honest all they are carrying is some useless narcotic acting like they transporting a sick patient.


All khat transporters should not travel more than 60 km/h in urban places. They are not special. In fact they are biggest killers (roads, health, family, pockets).


If khat drivers all have sirens then watermelon (xabxab), apple, guava and other agricultural growers, venders and transporters should all have sirens Somaliland haysla wada walatee (dhudha dhudha, biba biba, whoob whoob).


The current mayor of Hargeisa is not only a youthful and visionary leader but very pro-active man. I hope he will be the first to introduce such bill and the rest will follow. Road accidents are becoming major killers in SL.


Removing their sirens, setting a nationwide speed limit (both central and local governments) and educating the public should send a strong message to all that Somaliland is serious about road safety and public well being.


Silanyo needs to establish a new commission (Somaliland Accidents Commission (SAC)) their job should be to investigate road accidents, take reckless drivers to courts and educate the public through once weekly "Roads education" classes to all high school and university students and commercials.


Through these education classes, road signs should be introduced and driving laws...giveways, round about, etc.


Education should include targeting nomads in collaboration with future mobile education units. If we don't educate the pastoral communities, I am afraid they going to fall back even further. Visiting towns will become a nightmare and a daunting task. As a result many might abandon the towns all together meaning vital interruption to their lives and essential supplies to and from major towns.


By teaching them the rules and how they can navigate, they would be more comfortable to visit and know they are safe.


Right now Hargeisa is small but in 20, 30 years time it could be a big city with complex roads and transportation system.

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Banning khat is going to be a challenge and complex issue but we can reduce it. The banning of its siren will greatly contribute to its reduction.


When kids from small villages, outback and even big towns see their vehicles travel at such speed with the siren on full blast, it brain washes them into thinking the "khat people are cool" and heroes. Kids love noise and speed. That's the image and culture the siren portrays.


That's why banning it will be a good start.

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magicbird;988271 wrote:
Khat should be completely banned, it has made all Somali men lazy and useless,
and its haram the same way alcohol is haram

What???? Are you prepared to stand before Allah and say this? What proof do u have to make such a bold statement? Kulahaa qaat is just like khamri, acuudu-billaahi-minashaydaani-rajiim.

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1. Is Khat addictive?

2. Does it impair your judgement?


If the answer is yes to either of these questions then I support banning it.



P.S. Moderators should move most of the threads in politics to the general category.

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Homunculus;988355 wrote:
1. Is Khat addictive?

2. Does it impair your judgement?



Qaad is not physically addictive but it is psychological addictive. The answer to your second question is :YES, qaad does impair your judgement, not only that but it also alters your present sense of reality, as well as your perceptions of both the past and of the future. In short, it is hell of a drug, that has cause enormous damage to somalia, both socially and economically. Plus it is both an exceleratent and a catalyst for civil conflicts.

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Kaluun;988240 wrote:
The local governments in Somaliland (Dowlada Hoose) should ban those khat transporters from using sirens and set a limit to speeding for all vehicles.


The current mayor of Hargeisa is not only a youthful and visionary leader but very pro-active man. I hope he will be the first to introduce such bill and the rest will follow. Road accidents are becoming major killers in SL.


Removing their sirens, setting a nationwide speed limit (both central and local governments) and educating the public should send a strong message to all that Somaliland is serious about road safety and public well being.


Silanyo needs to establish a new commission (
Somaliland Accidents Commission
(SAC)) their job should be to investigate road accidents, take reckless drivers to courts and educate the public through once weekly "Roads education" classes to all high school and university students and commercials.





^ date for your diary?


it was xuska maalinta ''World Day of Remembrance for Road Traffic Victims'' on the 17th of this month. a huge and aesthetically unappealing placard was erected near Immigration HQ for passersby to notice in the nation's capital. it was too big not to have been seen but i suspect it went unnoticed. sadly NGOs are running this country as our officially elected government slumbers. lakinse, i'd prefer NGOs to continue their 'capacity building'' mashruucs on commemorating ''WORLD DAYS'' than for this incompetent Zionist criminal regime to dip it's fingers into the dawarsiga calamiga begging-bowls. anti-Kulmiye sentiments are spreading like wildfire across the country and this view is not surprising.


less than 10 days before the next important ''WORLD DAY'' commemoration, we understand the Kulmiye Zionist Regime is getting its books in order to mark ''International Anti-Corruption Day'' earlier next month. i wonder if the commemorations will reveal what we already knew?

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Wadani;988348 wrote:
What???? Are you prepared to stand before Allah and say this? What proof do u have to make such a bold statement? Kulahaa qaat is just like khamri, acuudu-billaahi-minashaydaani-rajiim.

- Qaadka waqtiga miyuu dhumiyaa(duhurkii saad u fadhiisato habeen kala badh ayaad kacdaa), jawaabtu waa haa

- Qaadka maskaxda miyuu badalaa(kolkaad cuneyso daara dhaadheer ayaad dhistaa iyo diyaarado), jawaabtu waa haa

- Qaadka maalka miyuu u daranyahey(caruurtoo u baahan caano iyo hilib ayaad marduuf siisani), jawaabtu waa haa

- Qaadka bii'ada iyo bulshada miyuu wasakheeyaa(qashinkiisa la tufayo marka la cuno etc), jawaabtu waa haa

- Qaadka reerkaaga miyuu ku seejiyaa(xaajiyadoo ku sugeyso inaad la caweyso), jawaabtu waa haa

- Qaadka cuntada miyuu kaa xidhaa(dheecaankiisood liqdo xiidmahoo ku istaago), jawaabtu waa haa

- Qaadka nafsadaada miyuu halaagaa(ilkahoo casaan ku noqdo, bishimahoo mariid noqdaan etc), jawaabtu waa haa



Hadaba, jawaabtu hadey wada tahey haa, dhibkiisana bato, sidaa darteed ...(isug aan farta waaweyn kaaga dhigee) waa XAARAAM qadcan ah.

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waxii Xaaraan Ah Qurqqnka ayaa Hore Loogu Sheegay. Sida Khamrada, khansiirka iyo Khamaarka. Waxii kalo oo dhani waa "bad habit" aan qofka u fiicnayn. Shuruudahaas uu Nuune tirinayo kama dhigayaan Xaaraan. Culima tidhi iyo Waxaasi qiil ma aha. I will even go further, the local governments should introduce higher taxes to claim and keep some of the hard currency enriching our neighbors. Here in Canada more than 60% of the price of cigarette is taxes. Since it is legal product they should tax it. They can also designate certain area that Khat can only be sold. Those who sell must be also licensed.. Banning will create underground dealers just like the drug dealers in the west, which will put law enforcement and the people in dangerous terms. Hadaad maqasho qof wax mamnuucaya, ama waa Gadheere diinta ku cusub ama waa bayd gaab.

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khat isn't good for your everything, i wouldn't ingest that shit, don't even know what is inside, there are a lot of cayayaan inside like amoeba, and many other diseases both mentally and physically. people better keep their eyes what they eat.. you eat khat plant by your self and clean with vinegar and don't eat excessively.. waa iga talo caafimad ;)

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I'm not sure how my road and siren article turned into a battle field between salafists, qadriya and wahabists. You don't only ban things because they are Haram. You have a mind of your own too to come up with a solution for problems.


Not all problems fit into the Haram category.

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