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Gheelle.T;923889 wrote:
^Federal bay kaga dhagtay baan filaayaa. Dadka ku dooda 18 gobal ha loo soo magacaabo governors, waxaa moodaa inay hurdo ku jiraan. Haddii Federal is qab qabsi buu keenayaa ay leeyihiin, sidee 18 kii gobal sidee loogu heshiin marka dhanka qaybsiga qabiilka. Bal Mudug, Hiiraan, Sanaag, Bakool, Jubba, iyo gobalada la wada dago qofka loo soo magacaabo soo miyuusan qabiil ahaanayn. Wakhtigii nin Waqooyi ka yimi Gedo gee, Galgaduudna Baki gee waa dhamaatay.

Actually, things are changing. The new governor of Waqooyi(Hargeysa) is from Sool. And the governir if Awdal is from Toghdeer. Sanaag governor from Awdal, Toghdeer governor is from Hargeysa.


Cant see why same cant be done in Somalia.

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Carafaat;923958 wrote:
Actually, things are changing. The new governor of Waqooyi(Hargeysa) is from Sool. And the governir if Awdal is from Toghdeer. Sanaag governor from Awdal, Toghdeer governor is from Hargeysa.


Cant see why same cant be done in Somalia.

What about Saaxil? :D


Xiin, I use proxies nowadays :D

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MMA, is toorasho ma ka dhici karto iyada oo Federal la yahay?

What makes you think the old 8 provinces system will not create even more divisions. Runta jirta waxaa ah wixii horey u shaqayn waayay, din ha loogu noqdo in la qaato waa adag tahay.


kiinyadan lagu wada waashay, maxay uga duwan tahay Ethiopian ka Bay, Bakool, iyo Hiiraan fadhiya. Waa tiresome to repeat the same thing again and again. Marka reality ha la aqbalo, saaxiib.

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Gheelle.T;923972 wrote:
MMA, is toorasho ma ka dhici karto iyada oo Federal la yahay?

What makes you think the old 8 provinces system will not create even more divisions. Runta jirta waxaa ah wixii horey u shaqayn waayay, din ha loogu noqdo in la qaato waa adag tahay.


kiinyadan lagu wada waashay, maxay uga duwan tahay Ethiopian ka Bay, Bakool, iyo Hiiraan fadhiya. Waa tiresome to repeat the same thing again and again. Marka reality ha la aqbalo, saaxiib.

Duqa, I am against federalism, particularly clan federalism. It is you guys who are advocating it. But for a clan reason, apparently. Those regions were administrated as a one, without the need for federalism. But they are not anymore. No problem. Let each region rule itself with its own guddoomiye. No need the creation of unnecessary and controversial new regions out of the blue purely for a clan reason, even though a considerable people who live and are native in those regions are against it. Let people live in harmony in each region of the last 18 gobolo pre-civil war. Why loogu soo horjeedaa inay Jubbada Dhexe ismaamusho itself, why loogu soo horjeedaa inay Jubbada Hoose dadkooda deegaanka ah ismaamulaan, without faragalin from anyone, especially from foreigners cadowga ku ah midnimada Soomaaliyeed.


Haddaa diideen, history hala raaco. Haddaa taasna diideen, well then meesha dhib iyo ibtilo loo soo wadaa, dadkaas dagaalada sokeeye ka daalayna balaayo baas loo horseedoyaa.


As for Xabashada, my stance against them is all known on here SOL in the last decade and so. Waligey Xabashi ma taageerin, mana taageerisani, mana taageeri dooni. Xabashi iyo Kiinyaatiga waa ii simanyihiin, waa dowladdo cadow ku ah midnimada iyo jiritaanka Soomaaliya, dhul balaaran Soomaaliya leedahayna xoog ku heystaan. Laakiin idinka ma idiin simanyihiin labadaan cadow?

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The Zack   

Are we going back to the roadmap discussions. Somalia should or should not be federal? I thought that was so August of 2012.

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Soomaalis did not vote for federalism in an afti. Dowlad kumeelgaar ah ayaa soo dhoob dhoobtay axdigaan cusub and some nominated 800 people, who were perhaps paid to approve, of course.


Markee Soomaali isku raacdo oo afti balaaran la wado qaado ka hadal federalism. Xataa baarlaamanka ma approve gareynin yet.

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Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar;924004 wrote:
Soomaalis did not vote for federalism in an afti. Dowlad kumeelgaar ah ayaa soo dhoob dhoobtay axdigaan cusub and some nominated 800 people, who were perhaps paid to approve, of course.


Markee Soomaali isku raacdo oo afti balaaran la wado qaado ka hadal federalism. Xataa baarlaamanka ma approve gareynin yet.

There's no point sxb. These people don't know what due process it. Cudur Faroole la dhaho baa ku dhacey i.e. their way or the highway.

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Haatu cudurka faroole. xita Zack oo qabridahare ka yimi may ku dhacday


By the way this is what i believe let Somalia try clan federalism for the next 3 years if it doesn't work out than it should be changed into a decentralized system.

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The Zack   

Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar;924004 wrote:
Soomaalis did not vote for federalism in an afti. Dowlad kumeelgaar ah ayaa soo dhoob dhoobtay axdigaan cusub and some nominated 800 people, who were perhaps paid to approve, of course.


Markee Soomaali isku raacdo oo afti balaaran la wado qaado ka hadal federalism. Xataa baarlaamanka ma approve gareynin yet.

That is a fair argument. Shacabka will vote for the dastuur, taas hala sugo hadaad leedahay waa hadal macquul ah. The question is do you see that hapenning? I dont. Wax xun baa wax wanaagsan lagu gaadhaa.

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The Zack;924023 wrote:
That is a fair argument. Shacabka will vote for the dastuur, taas hala sugo hadaad leedahay waa hadal macquul ah. The question is do you see that hapenning? I dont. Wax xun baa wax wanaagsan lagu gaadhaa.

The Zack, instead of robbing people's rights to govern some areas with the help of outsiders why can't we work on this? In afti dadka laga qaado. Soomaaliya laguma xukumi karo wax Faroole and co ay hoosta ka dhoodhoobeen. Bilihii July iyo August markii arrintaan la isku qabtay ayaa la is afgartay si dowlad loo dhiso, waxaana lagu heshiiyey in la beddelo markii Baarlamaanka la doorto ee laguma heshiin in dadka si khaldan loo sii kala googooyo.

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MMA, dowladdaan hadda joogto waxay ku timi constitution federal ah. Sida ku cadna waxaa waaye, in 4 sano ka dib dadka u codeeyaan. Inta laga gaaraayo taas, system-kan ayaa meesha soconaaya. 18 gobal ee aad leedahay iskood ha isku xukumaan, yaa hadda ka horjeeda. Jubada dhexe iyo mid hoosaba hadaa leedahay dadkii lahaa aa loo diidanyahay, taas waa sheeko kale.


The reason why most of southern regions have been in turmoil is because of the tribal in fights that you're tiring to ride under the rug. Saaxib, I dont think federalism was what has been stopping people to live in harmony in the past 22 years. And federal or no federal nothing has been solved yet. Just give this system a chance and see if it works. Qofka aan rabin federal-ka ha sugo inta laga codaynaayo.

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