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Xaaji Xunjuf

Breaking news fighting inside Kismayo the moment of truth

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Yunis;875038 wrote:
already - waa bilaabatay miyaa? I assure you this is not Qardho sxb...

riyadu idinkama dhamato ninyoow. ma hiirale stories ba weli wadan waxan moday inay shekadas iska dhamataye?


the only change that happened in kismayo in the the last 20 years is that the city is now controlled by alshabaab, population is less than it was 60 years ago, the same buildings are still standing, warlord seeraar is dead, warlord moorgan lives in nairobi, and warlord hiiraale is running around gedo in and out of Ethiopian jail.


sii wado shekadada. lool.

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@Mooge - the city and region are at behest of foreign invasion and yet you start this none-sense of reer Caanoole and reer caluula…..Wax isku fal & Pray for the civilians whoever they may be…


Update: no gun shots, every thing is quite now......civilians aren't fleeing yet which is a good sign...

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Ciidamada huwanta ayaa caawa ku gabal dhacsaday labo jiho oo ku beegan magaalada Kismaayo, iyadoo xiisad dagaal magaalada laga dareemayo iyo rasaas goos goos mararka qaar la maqlayo.


Guuxa diyaarado dul heehaabaya ayaa magaalada laga maqlayaa, waxaana mararka qaar cirka ka ifiyay dhimbil rasaas qoriga lidka diyaaradaha laga ridayay oo lagaga gaashaamanayay diyaaradaha mararka qaar duqeynayay.


Ciidamada huwanta ee maanta dhanka Badda ka yimid ayaa waxna xaalkooda iska bedelin, iyagoo difaacyo ka sameystay goobihii saaka soo galeen oo ku dhow dhow dhinaca xeebta, iyagoo magaalada u jira ilaa 6-KM.


Sidoo kale Ciidamada dhulka joogay ee aagga Janaay Cabdalla ayaa soo gaaray halka lagu magacaabo Xaar Xaar oo galbeedka magaalada ku yaal, kaasoo qiyaastii 20-KM u jira Kismaayo.


Labada dhinac ayaa isku horfadhiya dhinaca waqooyi ee magaalada meel ilaa 6-KM u jirta, halkaasoo caawa laga dareemayay xiisado dagaal.


Inkastoo Afhayeen u hadlay Kenya uu sheegtay inay heystaan qeybo ka mid ah magaalada, hadana waxaa magaalada si buuxda u maamulaya dagaalyahanada Shabaab oo ku sugan xarumahoodii, iyadoo ay shaqeyneyso Idaacada Andulus oo wararka dagaalada tabineysa.


Kenyanka ayaa isticmaalaya baro-bagaan dhinaca dagaalka, iyadoo gelinkii dambe maanta lagu daadiyay waraaqo ay labada dhinac kaga qornaayeen dad beeraha tacbanaya oo barwaaqo iyo dhinac dad hubeysan oo lagala jeeday Shabaab iyo dad macluulsan.


Sawiro la qaaday bishii Febraayo ee sanadkan iyo bishii December ee sanadkii hore ayaa muujinayay horu dhaca duulaanka Kenya, iyadoo Askari ka tirsan Ciidamada Kenya uu koofidiisa ku qortay in Kismaayo uu shaah ku cabi doono.


Laakiin mudadaas iyo wixii u dhaxeeyay ayaan magaalada si sahal lagu imaan ama lagu soo gaarin, waxaase lama filaan ay noqotay markii Ciidamada huwanta ee Kenya iyo Soomaalida ay ku dhiiradeen inay badda ka soo galaan magaalada, iyagoo ilaa afar markab ka soo degay.


Wasaarada Gaashaandhiga Kenya ayaa soo bandhigay sawiro iyo muuqaalo la xiriiray inta diyaarinta howl galada ku wajahnaa Kismaayo socdeen, sida xeebaha looga daabulayay Ciidamada huwanta.


Xaalada magaalada oo maanta oo dhan aheyd mid jahwareer ka taagnaa, ayaa hadana mar kasta ay suura gal tahay inay wax iska bedelaan, maadaama dagaalka haatan ku sii socda, warbaahinta iyo aduunkana ay isha ku hayaan hadba xaaladaha ku soo kordha xeyndaabka dagaalka ay gashay magaalada.

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Apophis;875048 wrote:
I doubt the Ugandans have the T-90 tanks (you maybe confusing it with the T72s which most African armies have, even the Ethios) but that is irrelevant because the Jubba terrain wouldn't be ideal for any heavy tank warfare plus they don't need tanks since their enemies posses none; they only need enough fire-power to knock out shabab technicals and they have light armoured fighting vehicles for that. The KDF is highly trained and specialised unlike the UPDF and the Ethiopian army. That's why they cannot absorb the same amount of casualties as the a other two, especially compared to the ethio army with it's trench warfare mentality. It may have taken them a year but the territory they have captured is a lot more secure than those captured by the Ethios. I'd rather a good job was done over a year than a shody, half hearted one in 2 weeks. I support the KFD.




Patience bro; I know you wanted the long bearded ones to win but accept they have lost and their time is up.

You are right, they haven't got T-90 but T-90 is an upgrade of T-72 anyway so therefore small armies do not see the need for it and opt for the T-72. Algeria is the only African army with T-90.


A military thread should be created! :cool:

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Yet according to hiiraan, the shabaabs left with everything intact even though the city was surrounded. Chasing these guys from one place to another I ******, they need to disarm them, otherwise it's a repeat the ethios actions

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Latest: Shabaabs entirely abandoned city before dawn, headed the road towards Afmadoow. May be a tactic to lure in Kenyans or it could be their usual cowardly manner to flee when they are contested by a real foe. Not a single civilian hurt or property damaged. Kenyans haven’t moved in to town yet….

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Yunis;875205 wrote:
Latest: Shabaabs entirely abandoned city before dawn, headed the road towards Afmadoow. May be a tactic to lure in Kenyans or it could be their usual cowardly manner to flee when they are contested by a real foe. Not a single civilian hurt or property damaged. Kenyans haven’t moved in to town yet….

I might get a lot of criticism for saying this, but Inshallah a US Drone spots them, and bombs them when they're on the highway towards Afmadow :)

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DoctorKenney;875245 wrote:
I might get a lot of criticism for saying this, but Inshallah a US Drone spots them, and bombs them when they're on the highway towards Afmadow

Waad igaga hormartay. Anigaa doonayey in aan intaas meeshan ku qoro.


What was the latest update of Jowhar? Yaa gacanta ku haya iminka?

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A bit of lawlessness, not sure the exact numbers but few prominent individuals were shot dead by an unknown assailants...AUN. Those looting were confined mostly to the shabaab bases. The city is now surrounded by AU / Somali army on the Jamaame side and KDF / Ras Kamboni forces on the Afmadow side.....

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