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Ladies going to University?

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Why are you surprised by Wadaads dissuading Muslim women from attaining self-actualizing and education? In fact, Wadaads in general, there are some exceptions of course, want all their followers women and men alike to be as beninghted and ignordant as possible. Knowledge is power; an enlightened citizen is not easy to control. Wadaads are always after control because they know their whole game, chiefly that they know what happens after we die, is based on a pack of lies. Like autocratic regimes build on lies, Wadaads of all stripes try to control information available to their followers for fear that once their followers get the truth they'll become irrelevant.

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^What's life after death got to do with this topic? Must you insert your atheism garbage to stay relevant in every discussion and feel important? Unlike a lost soul like you, wadaads at least don't deny the existence of their lord and know there is a purpose to life.

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Jacpher;812242 wrote:
^What's life after death got to do with this topic?

Everything. Wadaad's raison d'etre is the claim to know what happens after we die and how we can get the best deal. Why else do people lend their ears to Wadaads besides that? Their infinate wisdom and knowledge?

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^Everyone on this earth who believes in religion would claim to know what happens after life, minus people like you atheists. Not just Muslims, Wadaads and Somalis. So what's your point?

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I think Raamsade is mixing Islam up with christianity. Islam and the Quran encourage the seeking of knowledge and so do most wadaads.The next world is no big secret. However, there are some who confuse their geeljire Social codes with the teachings of our beautiful and that does cause much confusion and unnecessary limitation on individuals.

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Samafal;811006 wrote:


I think the simplest way to debate about this is 'Would you send your own daughter to university away from home'? and what would do about your own responsibilty as a moslem to foster good god fearing, modest moslem girls? and Where does the balance lie?

YES! and I dont only expect her to only be a graduate, I want her to conquer the world with her I am fully aware of the challenges laying ahead of her path - but I hope I have equipped her with the sense of self worth that will lead her to make right decisions.

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Samafal;811654 wrote:
^take who?


Dadka qaarkiis xikamad daro inaan lala hadlin baa la qaata, marka waan isaga aamusi.


Aaliyah OK ayeeyo baa waxaas oo dhan ka fiican
I hope we settled that bit

walaalo..I am only a persona don't go far as to question my xikmad (xikamaad) or lack thereof...I am responding to the 2nd point. I am not sure what made you jump to that conclusion but in any case raali ahow if i offended you as i was merely responding to your question. Xal qaado.

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This is an example of what non believers and athiests mean when they say religions are manmade ideologies used to control people. Even though there is no doubt that Islam is a divine religion sent from Allah to guide mankind, there are unfortunately many wadaads who use and abuse their powerful positions by interpreting the deen to suit their myopic and parochial worldviews. These same wadaads who say women shouldnt attend uni will never in a million years be able to bring forth a shred of evidence from the Quran or hadith to back up their claims. Their views are just their own whimsical interpretations of general texts that in no way have anything to do with women seeking higher education. And its the same for a whole host of other issues that directly impact ppls lives, yet ppl r so blind that they eagerly follow everything that the local imaam dresses up as authentic Islaam, when in fact all it is is his own Wahhabi influenced opinion.


But non of this will change until people educate themselves and emanicapte their minds from being controlled by Imaams and Mullahs. Worship Allah, and Follow the Prophet (P.B.U.H.) people, not every Abu this and Abu that with a beard and khamiis.

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raula;813119 wrote:
walaalo..I am only a persona don't go far as to question my xikmad (xikamaad) or lack thereof...I am responding to the 2nd point. I am not sure what made you jump to that conclusion but in any case raali ahow if i offended you as i was merely responding to your question. Xal qaado.

Raula walaashiis that comment was not intended for you, it was for the person above you, who was trying to change the topic and make it an urgument between her and myself rather than debate about the issue on hand. My apologies, I should have made myself clearer. Cafwan, you are one of the old nomads here and I have the utmost respect for you.

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Mario B   

It's paramount that we educate our women if we are going to raise a literate and educated society. Women are also best equiped to pass knowledge to the next generation.


P.s Around 25% of sharia comes from Aisha [RA] who was a brilliant muhadith and a faqih. :D

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Samafal..huuno neef baa iga soo baxde. walahi i didn't know how to respond even. In any case-adna cafwan & accepted.

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Jacpher;812251 wrote:
^Everyone on this earth who believes in religion would claim to know what happens after life, minus people like you atheists. Not just Muslims, Wadaads and Somalis. So what's your point?

Anyone who claims to know what happens after we die other than what we know is engaging in barefaced lying. We contribute our share to the food chain after we die. No one has ever gone to hell/heaven coming back with evidence attesting to the existence of hell/heaven. So how can these Wadaads, oftern speaking in authoritative tone, claim to know what happens after we die sans supporting evidence? I would be suspicious of an investment advisor who claims to known an investment with 300% return buttressing his claim with unassailable evidence. No body can be so certain about events that far ahead into the future forget about the so-called "afterlife." The best we can do is come up with probabilities. But Wadaads are adamant they know what happens after death often going into vivid details about life beyond the grave. That renders Wadaads as frauds unworthy of the lofty status they currently enjoy among people who seem to be getting dumber and dumber as the rest of the world warps ahead scaling new heights intellectually.

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Mario B   

^^I don't how old you're but in a few years time you will find out if the hereafter is true or it's just a tale of the ancients. In the mean time take the chill pill. :D

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*Blessed;812387 wrote:
I think
is mixing Islam up with christianity. Islam and the Quran encourage the seeking of knowledge and so do most wadaads.The next world is no big secret. However, there are some who confuse their geeljire Social codes with the teachings of our beautiful and
does cause much confusion and unnecessary limitation on individuals.

Islam isn't that much different from Christianity although much to its credit Islam is far more rational than Christianity which depends more on silly miracles. Seeking knowledge may be encouraged in Islam but not the truth. It doesn't matter how "knowledgeable" you are if your knowledge isn't true you might as well have never learned it. True knowledge is the key here. And any inquiry into the truth is discouraged by by all organized religions because the truth will expose their little dirty secret. Like all secrets tugged under the rug for so long, there comes a time when the stench becomes unbearable. Hence, why Wadaads in general fight tooth and nail against the truth. The Theory of Evolution, a bonafide scientific theory as they ever come, is vehemently rejected by virtually all Wadaads.

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