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somalis in uk more depressed then somalis in canada

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Canada not affcted by tribalism? I haven't seen a more segregated Somali community than in Canada (Toronto). Or maybe that is only during Somali week :D


As for UK, it is a depressing place. Two friends who recently went there on month long holidays both returned within 2 weeks :D

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No qabiil in TO aa?? It's the only place I have seen people will insult to each's qabil openly. The place passed beyond asking your qabil only.. Even their settlement areas is predomently based qabiil. Certain qabil can often be found in the same area. The freaking place reminded me Adis Ababa where somalis live qabiil lines in each neighborhood of Adis-Aba at least back in the 90s, not sure if it changed now.

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Nina Fox   

Ok maybe the Djiboutians who cut themselves from the rest of civilization and are piled in East of Toronto, Montreal and Ottawa, but then again they aint Somali as far as Im concerned meeshooda ha iska joogaan.

Aliyaah UK is really bad. A woman once stopped me in the street as I was walking towards work. She was headed the same direction so she thought it was convenient to start talking to me. She asked me my tribe, whether my parents were of the same tribe, was I married, if I had any children.......9 minutes of grilling. Half the time I was talking to her 2 kids. Sheekada waxeey kusoo gabagabaysey "Ninkeyga ma taqaana"? Waaah. I told her ma aqaani (abstaining to laugh at her face) Then she follows that crazy question with "Ninkeyga Universal TV uu ka shaqeeya, you must must know him. I told her I dont know her husband nor do I watch Universal TV. Oh and she managed to slip her tribe in the conversation. From that day I vowed not to answer any inquisitive busybody's with a straight answer.............If anyone has the audacity to ask me, I jerk them around so much they walk away sorry they ever started anything.

One time I told this guy I was Brazillian, born and raised in Xamar. Before he finished saying "but you look"........I said yes I look Somali coz I grew up there, drank tap water, ate canjeeero, and ended up looking like the rest of the population. He totally bought it. He walked away saying "Haa ninyahow horta Brazillianka mad madoow TVgaan ka arkey qaar baa nooo eg"

Yaaab badanaaa

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Why are Dutch children so happy?


By Kathryn Westcott

BBC News website



Dutch children have been rated the most fortunate children in Europe. Their parents go out of their way to please them, and teachers expect less of them than some of their European counterparts.



The Netherlands has come top of a league table for child well-being across 21 industrialised countries.

The study by the UN children's organisation, Unicef, looked at relative poverty, educational and health standards, sexual behaviour and the children's relationship with friends and parents.

"The Netherlands has always been a very child-centred society," says Paul Vangeert, professor of developmental psychology at the University of Groningen. "In particular, there is a lot of focus on young children." He says he is not surprised by the report. "On the one hand you have objective indicators in the report like health, income and education. The Netherlands is a very rich country. On the other hand, and perhaps more importantly, are the subjective indicators, young people's own subjective sense of well-being."




1. Netherlands 2. Sweden 3. Denmark 4. Finland 5. Spain 6. Switzerland 7. Norway 8. Italy 9. Republic of Ireland 10. Belgium 11. Germany 12. Canada 13. Greece 14. Poland 15. Czech Republic 16. France 17. Portugal 18. Austria 19. Hungary 20. United States 21. United Kingdom

Source: Unicef



Material well-being Family and peer relationships Health and safety Behaviour and risks Own sense of well-being [educational] Own sense of well-being [subjective]



Story from BBC NEWS:

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The UK as whole is a dark and depressing place.


Someone once told me that Iblays landen in the UK when he was coming to this world.

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^ Boo Hoo. Did he run off to Canada in search of an Iblis friendly community?

Reer Canada, stop hating on the UK noone is asking you to visit or live here.

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Nina Fox   

And whenever they visit they say "Qaad igu raadi" looool Sug bal Canadianska faanfaaniska aan ka badiney, lets trash them for a while.


On a serious note, I love Canada, last time I was there I ended up staying for 6 months. The only negative thing I have to say about them is that they have too much fun (or maybe thats just my friends). Buooy if I had a dime for all those nites I spent in Perkins on Dixon Rd, I'd be a Shillinaire


Juxa and I were once refused entry into a Niagra Falls restaurant because we didn't have ID. (We looked underage kulahaa,,,)Yaab. We later found out that there was a Casino on top of the hotel. I looked like I could cash up on serious dosh due to my immaculate poker face, but heblaayo on the other hand was the one to whom they were refering to, although she may have a different account of the story all together. :)

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Aliyaah UK is really bad. A woman once stopped me in the street as I was walking towards work. She was headed the same direction so she thought it was convenient to start talking to me. She asked me my tribe, whether my parents were of the same tribe, was I married, if I had any children.......9 minutes of grilling. Half the time I was talking to her 2 kids. Sheekada waxeey kusoo gabagabaysey "Ninkeyga ma taqaana"? Waaah. I told her ma aqaani (abstaining to laugh at her face) Then she follows that crazy question with "Ninkeyga Universal TV uu ka shaqeeya, you must must know him. I told her I dont know her husband nor do I watch Universal TV. Oh and she managed to slip her tribe in the conversation. From that day I vowed not to answer any inquisitive busybody's with a straight answer.............If anyone has the audacity to ask me, I jerk them around so much they walk away sorry they ever started anything.

looool adaa ka daran for answering her questions I would have probably walked away right then and there :D


but like North said even Toronto there are people who are into qabiil..I just meant by large no one would just ask you about your qabiil at least not directly. It might be more like oh which city u hail from kinda thing and it might not even be direct more like oh where in somalia u were born..and many times I say hargaisa cuz that's where I was born and ppl reach their own conclusions kama waalo the end of the day when ppl ask us questions we choose if we wanna answer or Nina if they ask u ur qabiil just ignore them unless the person is a close friend of yours oo aad isku dhowdihin at some point ull have to share it..



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The Zack   

Aaliyyah;738179 wrote:


Zack waryaa bal is rabo tulada yar aa dagantahay in aan wax ka shegee LOL..



LOOOOOL I forgot you lived in the place. Seriously though, have you been to Weston, Lawrence area? I said salaamu calaikum to at least 7 different people (separately) and no one responded. The people there are muted LOL.


As far as the qabiil thing, it is everywhere people! Live with it! Love your qabiil (wait most of you do that anyway based on your posts in the politics section).


Aaliyah ,Akhadar and many others advocate for SSC

NGONG, NORF, JB and co defend for SL

Qandalawi, Xiin, and co sing "ku dayo, ku dayo, PL".

Kamavi, Zack and co teach us about OG and Azania

Nassir dies for Maakhir, he even wants a wasiir post for one of his cousins LOL.

and so and so..


If this is a coincidence, it must be the mother of all coincidences. And please don't come back with the crap "region is different from qabiil, I support my region". How about you support everybody! every Somali town!

Buaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah! Dafiraadda naga daaya. I

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About the qabiil,

it isn't a big deal- If someone asks wich qabiil u are, dee waa la iska sheegaa. as young people sometimes we tend to run from one extreme view(you know dividing qabiil on everything, like the generation before us), to another extreme view - that almost denies qabiil & thinks qabiil itself is a bad thing.

And when someone randomly asks us wich qabiil we are, waynu naxnaaba like "Ala what a big qabiliste, muxuu waxaas ii waydiin ismaba naqaanee".


Qofkii qabiil iska kaa wayddiiya si caadi ah uun baa looga jawaabaa, waayo waxaaba laga yaabaa inuu yahay ehelkaada or something close.

Laakiin arintu waxay xumaan markii dadka qabiil lagu soo dhawaysto, qabiilna lagu fogeeyo. <-------Taas weeye ta la diidan yahay.

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Ok maybe the Djiboutians who cut themselves from the rest of civilization and are piled in East of Toronto, Montreal and Ottawa, but then again they aint Somali as far as Im concerned meeshooda ha iska joogaan.


I've noticed they seem more into Ot/Montreal and habo told me that their old xaafad was full of "xamaraawis" (djib/northerners slang for "southerners");

djibs who are somalis may either closely identify along clan/regional lines, where they were born or the (grand)parents came from (Borama/Gabiley etc) or Djibouti mostly for the younger or the majority clan (though the latter live in Sland and mostly Ethiopia).

Younger djibs seldom care for clans/regions though.


There are lots of ignorance and prejudices among Somalis in general (hate when they ask me: you said you were djiboutian before, why do you care about Sland/Somalia? blablabla...)

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Zack lol 7 people do not represent all somalis from Toronto see weeye.. tan kale weston/lawrence is one of the worse places I have ever set foot in maybe that's why lol..the place is ghetto like! armaad 7 islamood oo isku buuqsan salaanta ka qaadi wayeen :P


n the qabiil thing waryaa display picturekaaga maxaad uga booday :P and it is not bs to advocate the good for everyone..waligay xaqdaro ma tageerin haday arintu laascaanod ku saabsantahay iyo somalida kaleba...

marka shekadu wa kala labo in aad umad xaqdaro lugu wado aad u hadashid iyo in aaad dadka afkaaga la donatid oo 24/7 waydiisid qabiilkooda melahana qabiil ula shir tagtid!...I don't go around asking ppl their qabiil I really don't!



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