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Xaaji Xunjuf

ssc rebel group on the brink of collapse and affected by bankruptcy Listen to Col cali sabaray.

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Anigu Waxaan Jeclahay In Cid kale Meesha Gacanta Ku Dhigto Anagu Waan Daalay" Cali Sabarey-(Maqal


lasanod Online. Monday, June 13, 2011



Buhoodle,(lasanod Online)- Ku-xigeenka Hogaanka SSC Col. Cali Sabarey ayaa waraysi uu siiyey Allcayn kaga hadlay xaaalada uu marayo Hogaanka SSC.



Col Sabarey wuxuu walaac xoogan ka muujiyey in shaqadii uu waday hogaanku oo yidhi waxaa beryahan galay hakad sababo la xidhiidha maamul iyo dhaqaalo xumo labadaba.


Isagoo sheegay inaan sida hadda lagu jiro waxba ayan ku soconayn, uguna baaqay shacabka SSC ee samaystay Hogaanka inay si dhaqaso ah ugu sameeyaan isbedel dhan kasta.


Col. Sabarey wuxuu waraysigan ku sheegay inuu qabo isbedel in lagu sameeyo madaxda sare Hogaanka ee isagu kamid yahay.

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Cali Sabarey oo Sheegay In Kooxdiisu Burbur qarka u saaran tahay, dagaaladana aanay sii wadi karin


June 14th, 2011


Buuhoodle (Somaliland.Org)- Ku Xigeenka horjoogaha kooxda nabad diidka ah ee SSC, Cali Sabaray, ayaa ka waramay burbur iyo kala daadsanaan ba’an oo soo foodsaartay kooxdaasi, waxaanu qiray in cududa ciidamada Somaliland aanay u babac dhigi karin kooxdiisa oo uu sheegay in ay soo waajahday xaalad dhaqaale la’aan sababi karta burburka maleeshiyadiisa.

Cali sabaray waxa uu sheegay in uu daalay oo uu doonayo in cid kale kala wareegto xilka uu ka hayo SSC.


Ku xigeenka horjoogaha oo ku sugan magaalada Buuhoodle waxa uu sidaasi ku sheegay waraysi uu siiyay shabakadda Internet-ka ee oo kamid ah baraha ay adeegsato kooxdani.

“Dagaaladii aanu ka wadnay way hakadeen sababo dhaqaale xumo, sidoo kale ciidamaddii Somaliland aad iyo aad ayay isku soo xoojiyeen oo waxay soo degeen degmada Widhwidh waxaana yimid afar guuto ilaa Laascaanood-na aad ayay u joogaan ciidamo degaanka ah waa lagu kordhiyay. Halgankii aanu wadnay waxa soo foodsaaray dhaqaale xumo, iyo masuul xumo,” ayuu yidhi Cali Sabaray, isagoo hadalkiisa sii watayna waxa uu yidhi “Maamul Xumaddu waxay ka jirtaa maleeshiyada oo aan habaysanayn maamulkii oo kala maqan.

Hogaankii koowaad ee SSC iyo isimaddii ayaa ka abo baxay dalka dhawr bilood muddo laga joogo manay soo laaban walina wax dhaqaale ah iyo wax tallo ahna kama hayno.s idoo kale jaaliyaddii dibadu wixii ay nasiin jireen waxay ku ha kiyeen shirkii ay ku yeesheen London.”


Cali Sabarey waxa uu sheegay in uu daalay oo aanu sii wadi karin maamulka kooxda SSC waxaanu yidhi “Anigu waxaan qabaa in isbedel la sameeyo ciidanka Somaliland-na si adag ayuu iskusoo xoojiyay sidaasi darteed. Shakhsi ahaan waxaan jecelahay in cid kale maamulka gacanta ku dhigto anigu waanu daalay muddooyin adagna waanu, soo marnay.

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xaji hadad happy ku tahay somaliland militia ee laascaanod dadka xasuuqaya dee ilaahay maxay ku tahay in uu inta leeg dadka aad melaha ka dhalatay ku sugan in uu simo?


u should wish for ur brother what u wish for urself. Thus, you should never support somaliland occupying lands that are not theirs..


besides this war is between subclan (dhul*) and a clan with many subclans(Isa*) clearly it is not gonna be easy.


laakin never second guess qofkasta xaqiisa ma seegayo. xaqdarona ma waarto



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Aaaliyah inadeer i hate qabyalaad or qabil ma jecli i wish the garaad clan no harm or any other clan in Somaliland wa walalahay i just believe dagaal is no option its no good look at Somalia 20 years of war dagaal wilku ma dhasho wiil ba ku dhinta bay somalidu tidha

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true wiil dagaal kuma dhasho wuu ku dhinta. which is exactly y u shouldnt be supporting the somaliland militia in the SSC regions. After all by coming there they intiated it....runta in la isku sheego ba wanaagsan. It is not good to act like u dnt a war yet support the ones who are at fault here. Two facenimadu wa xaraan u know..



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Sabaray wuxu u darsaday macmacaankii Canada u ku haystay. Like all the other Diaspora anti-peace individuals, what they had in mind while in North America and what they see on the ground is two different things. They thought that they will ignite a clanish war by stalking fuel into clan land disputes such as the Kalshaale wells... but what they failed to realise is that the locals themselves are too smart and they know what is best for them - which is why the Kalshaale attempt backfired miserably.

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^kulaaha they thought that will ignite a clanish war? Somaliland militia are the ones who ignited this clannish war, they could have just sticked to their few cities? hada ur comment ma ka dhab baa mise wa indha adeeg iyo akhlaaq xumo

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Suldaanka;728615 wrote:
Sabaray wuxu u darsaday macmacaankii Canada u ku haystay. Like all the other Diaspora anti-peace individuals, what they had in mind while in North America and what they see on the ground is two different things. They thought that they will ignite a clanish war by stalking fuel into clan land disputes such as the Kalshaale wells... but what they failed to realise is that the locals themselves are too smart and they know what is best for them - which is why the Kalshaale attempt backfired miserably.



Well said.

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Burao & lasanod r nephew & nieces..they r very much inter-related more than u think.2nd "dhul" r northeners in every aspect.3rd,they came back from punt which they felt short changed.4th,if u really want to secede,then don't claim all sanag & sool, which majority of land belongs to reer Burao..when u do claim wat's not yours,then it's obvious u don't wana go's just a game manipulated from outside & it's not going to work...seriously I hate clannish stuff & I'm working for greater somalia if possible,but wat I can't stand is people igniting war for no good reason.It's all about pride.They will be much better off holding their guns & live in peace.You can't bring somaliweyn like this & ur radicalising otha side who r much stronger than when siyad was there.Seriously somaliland can very effectively do a great harm.We r all same people & let us discard these mind boggling issues & work toward a lasting & fruitful tomorrow peacefully & on the table.

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one more question? if the boy in lascanod don't wana be part of somaliland, WHY the boy in hargeisa wana be part of mogadishu!!!!! isn't it better to be part of a stable entity & work from there toward somaliweyn????

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Probably the impact of waging a war during the abaaro/ drought season, diaspora had to support their individuals family rather than clan interest. Either that or the money is in his personal bank account:- If he goes on a fundraising trip to the Western now, it is probably the latter reason.


Wixii Khyire leeh allaho ha ka digo.


P.s. He should've sent a memo to his clan members and attempted to solve the issue- instead of admitting this openly and undermining his group. Or maybe he wants people to dig deeper than they normally would.


Even if the SSC movement collapses, there would be a new group or groups replacing it with more or less same membership soon or later until the underlying issues are addressed.

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Suldaanka;728615 wrote:
Sabaray wuxu u darsaday macmacaankii Canada u ku haystay. Like all the other Diaspora anti-peace individuals, what they had in mind while in North America and what they see on the ground is two different things. They thought that they will ignite a clanish war by stalking fuel into clan land disputes such as the Kalshaale wells... but what they failed to realise is that the locals themselves are too smart and they know what is best for them -
which is why the Kalshaale attempt backfired miserably

Kalshale bckfired to who? Hope you don't say to diaspora from ssc or ssc itself. You should NOT bring this up since it was a total embarrassment and painful blow to your 20+ years project.

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