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ssc rebel group on the brink of collapse and affected by bankruptcy Listen to Col cali sabaray.

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Aaliyyah;728616 wrote:
^kulaaha they thought that will ignite a clanish war? Somaliland militia are the ones who ignited this clannish war, they could have just sticked to their few cities? hada ur comment ma ka dhab baa mise wa indha adeeg iyo akhlaaq xumo

Inaabtidu macaanaa....anuunba ii joogtaa...............

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Kalshale bckfired to who? Hope you don't say to diaspora from ssc or ssc itself. You should NOT bring this up since it was a total embarrassment and painful blow to your 20+ years project.

Well said A khadar. lol axadkan wuu iska hurda baan filaya mise wu iska indha tiraya..




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A_Khadar;728730 wrote:
Kalshale bckfired to who? Hope you don't say to diaspora from ssc or ssc itself. You should NOT bring this up since it was a total embarrassment and painful blow to your 20+ years project.

Well, lets say that those who were interested in stalking and igniting an inter-clan fighting in Kalshaale has been disappointed by the way the local clans handled and organised themselves to work towards peace between themselves. Obviously, the fact that peace still prevails in those areas doesn't go well with some people. :D

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Aaliyyah;728616 wrote:
^kulaaha they thought that will ignite a clanish war? Somaliland militia are the ones who ignited this clannish war, they could have just sticked to their few cities? hada ur comment ma ka dhab baa mise wa indha adeeg iyo akhlaaq xumo

Somaliland, with the help of the local clans, kicked Puntland out of Laascaanood. Somaliland with the help of the local clans remains to administer Laascaanood.

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lol@ kicked puntland you must be dreaming. I am in no way supporting puntland infact I detest those who are running puntland however the fact is no one kicked them from anywhere. They chose to not bother with the SSC cause, infact the SSC cause is threat to them. With that been said the local clans did not support somaliland, that is also another illusion you want to tell to yourself so you can try to ignore the somaliland militia who are forcing innocent ppl. Also, few men oo ay shaqeelsiistey waxba ma sheegaso meelkasta nin caloshiisa u shaqeesta wuu jira how many men are from somaliland oo hada TFG government ku jira. So let that lame excuse rest and it is time that you admit the mistake ur so called somaliland government is doing ? mise you dont giva shit as long as ur three little cities are safe and sound?...wa caadi habar roob u da'ayo waxba ma rabto in ay aragto. mafiish mushkila hadaad xaqdarada ku adkeesakatay in ay ra'yi ku ahaato laakin ilaahay wuu arka dadka la dulminayo asagana caadil ah oo faraj u furaya..



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Guddoomiye-xigeenkii Maleeshiyaadka SSC Oo Is Casilay Dhaqale Xumo Darteed



Hargeysa(Geeska)-Guddoomiye ku xigeenka kooxda nabad diidka ah ee SSC, Cali Sabaray, ayaa sheegay inuu xilkii maleeshiyaadkaas iska casilay isagoo sheegay inay burbur qarka u saarantahay.

Calisabaray waxa uu sheegay in uu daalay oo uu doonayo in cid kale kala wareegto xilka uu ka hayo SSC, waxaanu xusay inay dhaqaale xumo soo waajahday kooxda SSC.

Ku xigeenka horjoogaha oo ku sugan magaalada Buuhoodle waxa uu sidaasi ku sheegay waraysi uu siiyay warbaahinta Internetka ee taageerta, “Dagaaladii aanu ka wadnay way hakadeen sababo dhaqaale xumo, sidoo kale ciidamaddii Somaliland aad iyo aad ayay isku soo xoojiyeen oo waxay soo degeen degmada Widhwidh waxaana yimid afar guuto ilaa Laascaanood-na aad ayay u joogaan ciidamo degaanka ah waa lagu kordhiyay. Halgankii aanu wadnay waxa soo foodsaaray dhaqaale xumo, iyo masuul xumo,” waxaanu intaas raaciyay “Maamul Xumaddu waxay ka jirtaa maleeshiyada oo aan habaysanayn maamulkii oo kala maqan.

Cali Sabarey waxa uu sheegay in uu daalay oo aanu sii wadi karin maamulka kooxda SSC waxaanu yidhi “Anigu waxaan qabaa in isbedel la sameeyo ciidanka Somaliland-na si adag ayuu iskusoo xoojiyay sidaasi darteed. Shakhsi ahaan waxaan jecelahay in cid kale maamulka gacanta ku dhigto anigu waanu daalay muddooyin adagna waanu, soo marnay.

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Suldaanka;728815 wrote:
Well, lets say that those who were interested in stalking and igniting an inter-clan fighting in Kalshaale has been disappointed by the way the local clans handled and organised themselves to work towards peace between themselves. Obviously, the fact that peace still prevails in those areas doesn't go well with some people.

Still you are wrong Saaxiib. After Kalshale, which was an out war between two clans like or not, your clan who thought has the power got disappointed and withdrew its militia from Kalshale and buried the illegal Baraago. No any other peace talks besides the invaded and land eager clan realized that their dream is unattainable at this time. Try again mate..


Do tell us where peace talks occurred after Kalshale. No one was invading to your towns and once your clan stopped its invations, people got automatic peace. That tells who wanted peace and who wanted clan war. Qofku haduunan xishoon wuxuu rabuu sheegaa!

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A_Khadar every Somaliland group has a right to voice their concerns in a peaceful way in Sland but they don't bring foreign troops from Koonfuria/Puntland to their lands unlike some groups in Sool..

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