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Somalilander or Not Somalilander? Part 2

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The Zack   

Liibaan, he is not. Oday Somali makes sense sometimes :D



JB, so if you believe that you can't sell the idea of the validity of secession to us, how do you think you will be able to sell it to the other world? No offense but I think the analogy you have used sucks big time. "They won't believe me anyways so I won't say any thing" is a very weak argument. Plus, we are not even asking you to sell anything to us, we want to you to look at the big picture and try to understand where the SSCers are coming from when they are opposing the Hargeisa Admin. Use your sales pitch and bring your "countrymen/women" (sorry SSCers) on board dee badow yahow!

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The Zack   

*Ibtisam;722094 wrote:


P.s. Well done you wrote 5lines!!!

:D :D


I think essays and journals are not required in Somali colleges so JB never wrote 3000 words LOL.

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The Zack;722095 wrote:
Liibaan, he is not. Oday Somali makes sense sometimes

Zack, you never know XX and Odey somali are same, they use same words, and they are both die hard secessionists and deny the existence of SSC Unionist Regions.


Som@li;722091 wrote:
OdeySomali is a die hard secessionists, I could spot him miles aways,

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:D :D lol wa just lazyness on his part, education is actucally pretty good here!


About OdeySomali; I only ever read 4 posts or so when he was debating with Taleexi, sounded pretty pro-Somalia to me in the long term. I also didnt see anything on the same level as XX, he is simply out of this world with his views.

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P.s. Well done you wrote 5lines!!!

Yes, i noticed that :D



Zack, the world is different from you. SSC is a Somaliland case and it will be handled carefully and through the best possible way. But selling Somaliland's case to the world is much much different than that of selling it from those defeated in 1991 ..... got me ? :D


Now let's not talk about selling the ONLF case ........ shall we ? :D


About my writings, i prefer to waste my writings in a more useful ways than wasting it on arguing Cowke and co.

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JB: People of Somaliland, Somalia, or Somali Speaking nations (nationals)! think wholly being part of a region. the question is what will benefit all?, after all Somaliland does not exist in an empty space and impacts others.


Is Somaliland’s independence detrimental to the people as a whole? inside and outside of Somaliland. What is the reason for objection to Somaliland’s self determination? Is self determination a natural right? If yes what about people who object to Somaliland, IF no, then explain Somaliland!


Pursuing these line of discussion is healthy and needed IF somaliland was to move in either direction. The fact you think it is useless is worrying. It is also more productive than my clan is better yours. :D


The Zack; Could Somaliland be seen as a stepping stone to Federalism and in turn would yield the ever sought UNITY of all of Somali speaking lands?

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It is useless to argue this with Cowke, Zack and Obaahilowlow deee ..... and as soon as the name Somaliland comes there goes the clan names and the "my clan is better" thing ................... that is why i'm saying it is useless.


The other thing is that we, Somalilanders did not fight with foreigners to withdraw our independence but we were fighting the other Somalis, the uncles of those I mentioned .......... so arguing the same people we had a a fight is also useless coz u already know their stance and that they still fighting.


Even if i listed the benefit of Somaliland going apart for the Somalis ...... they will still be useless to them. Don't u see when you post a beautiful house in Hargeisa someone brings another one and says this one in my tuulo is better ??? ,,,,,,,,, Wax Fahan :D




Shittt ,,, I'm writing too much now :D

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JB, you need understand that SSC is an integral part of United Somalia. SSC people want to be part of their country Somalia, no one can force SSC people to be part of SNM Clan secession project.



Zackk said to JB : "Use your sales pitch and bring your "countrymen/women" (sorry SSCers) on board dee badow yahow"

JB answered: "selling it from those defeated in 1991"


Secessionists like JB, XX, Siilaanyo deny the existence of the SSC Unionist People and regions, they believe lies like SNM clan militia defeated SSC people in 1991, when there no battle or fighting that took place between SNM and Government of Somalia or between SNM and SSC in 1991.


In Feb 2011, SSC people defended their land and defeated SNM clan militia in Kalshaale, Hogoogane, and Meygaagle, and soon Insha Allah my home town Las Anod and rest SSC Region will be liberated from snm invaders.

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*Ibtisam;722082 wrote:
on sideline- ONLF: Zack and the other dude- the half wadaad one

Lol@half wadaad. Ibti go'do why not just say Bashiir yare, mise Bob magaciisa ilowday. :D


Maanta ooy ONLF u fadhido garta walaalaha SSC iyo SNM waaba maanlin taariikhi ah,.... waana sidi Somali lagu yaqanaay. Markale inta doodan la xidhin, ama garmaqaateyaasha Jacaylbaro, Saalax, and Cowke fawdo bilaabin intii dood qabta jaanis ha la siiyo. Gaar ahaan wadaadka Norf iyo Macalinka Sayid la baxay ee Qardho uun kaga dhagtay. :D

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JB, okay I hear your point, but dont you understand that these people are not going to go away, dont they concern you that the people in your back yard feel this way about your existence. Fine fighting happened, but that was a long time ago, the uncles will be dead in most in 5-10years, leaving behind a population who did not fight you and only knows what their uncles told them. You cannot write them off as I know their stance, you don't. These are the future of Somalis, be it good or bad, you can't just right them off as my way or the high way because the high way just goes around your house and to your back door.


As we say, deal with it before you are forced to or forever held hostage.


It is good for you to write, more than your usual Loooooooool iyo :D :D :D


Bashire: No not your or BOB (He is kismayo), I can't remember his name, laakin wa half waadad.

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JB, you need understand that SSC is integral part of United Somalia. SSC people want to be part of their country Somalia, no one can force SSC people to be part of SNM
secession project.

See ???? ,, that is what i'm talking about.



SSC people want to be part of their country Somalia

They are still Somalilanders. There are others even Hargeisa (although few) who have the same desire and that doesn't make them SOMALIA.




SSC is jabhad and do not represent the whole population.

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Ibti, it is them who are fighting dee ,,,,,,,,, I'm only fighting back. The minute they come back to their senses and ay yidhaahdaan aynu wada hadalno i'm up for it.


From 1981 upto now ,,, Car iyo Car uun baa lagu jiraa ........ and they never grow up. Only few government modifications would save the whole of Somalia from getting down to this chaos but Siad Barre chose to threaten with a gun and this is what he got in return. Now it is the same thing even in politics. Until they are ready for a dialogue then let the fighting go on and let's see where it ends. Until then, it is a waste of time to argue on such forum with ciyaal yaryar. :D

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Liibaan, okay you want to be part of Somalia, what does that mean? Where is Somalia haada?

You say Somaliland does not exist and it is all Somalia, but haadan you say I dont want to be part of Somaliland?


If there was a WHOLE Somalia again you do realize that Somaliland will be a player?- where and how would you transfer your hate to then? Would you ensure they are marginalized or occupied.


After all that happened, could you seriously call them your brothers? or has the hate and wars progressed too far for it ever to coexist within ONE entity (be it Somalia or Somaliland)?


JB until they are ready could be a long time, in the mean time, dont you think you should do some damage control? As a die hard Somalilander who reminds us all the time of 1981, 88 and 91, can you or are your prepared to ever let it go, bygones and history and all. IF this history holds you hostage, could you ever sit down with the said people and tell me you can have a honest and open good hearten dialog with them? Dont you think it is impossible with the burden of you did this to me?


You say SSC wa jabhaad, was SNM not a jabhaad, is Somaliland in fact not making the same mistake as Siyad Barre did by labeling them as such and not dealing with them and their issues, maybe few changes and modification in the government much like the SNM wanted could swing the people? it is an oxymoron to say I wont forget history yet refuse to learn the lessons it taught. SNM succeeded because the longer the struggled, the more brutal the government become legitimizing their concerns, is this not what Somaliland is currently doing?

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Ibti-I appalled you would add me to the list of debate ruiners.


Jb.....Your history and struggle is shaped by clan politics. As much as you like espouse a sense of nationhood, clan will be the bedrock of your politics.

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Som@li iyo Liibaanow: Markaan OdaySomali u jawaabayey iftataaxan baan ku furtay ee bal ila yare eega :)


Mudane OdaySomali salaan sare baan hawada kuu soo marinayaa ugu horayn!. I wonder though; why is my sixth sense telling me that you are a clown of SOLer?, why am I thinking you are promoting secession more over unity?, why am I thinking you are an underground ambassador for the secessionists' cause. Halkaa markaan kaftanka ku waabiyo, dhambaalkaagii wuxuu i soo gaadhay anoo bed qaba dabadeed si wacan ban u akhristay balse waa aan saluugay . How dared I do such a crime you may ask my friend?


Si nin weyn baan ula hadlay illeyn wayeel kaftan buu hadalka ku dhammaystaaye, afkaaga kala qaad aan ilkahaaga tiriyona waa edeb daro ee bal ogow - Shaki i gal balse ilaaqtankaan yaraynayey- sidaas darteed whether OdaySomali is a mock replica of XX or another SOLer is beside the point. The idea he brought to the fore is well worth entertaining. Assume this elusive figure is XX or whomever you consider him to be regardless of mala awaalkeena nin ku waydiiyey sidee baynu ku kala badbaadnaa, gar buu kuugu leeyahay inaad fikirkaaga qof ahaaneed ka bixiso. Mise waa maya? horaa loo yidhi Xooluhu urta bay isku fahmaan dadkuna hadalka saas darteed hadal danta ummadda ka hadlaya oo turxaan lahayn wuxuu ina geyaysiin karaa inaynu naclad ubadkeena inagaga timaada ka badbaadno.


In the case of unionists and secessionists in the north, it is up to them if they want to finish off each other or want to live side by side in peace. They say the art of politics is considering what is possible and I say considering what is not possible - I personally see Is-aq and H-arti children competing not in the battle fields as the case is now but in football arena, and in other confidence building endeavors - Sadly, some of us don't see that possibility. Nevertheless, I stipulated in my previous post the sequential steps that needs to be taken that is only if we care getting along alas we are all in a sinking ship and last time I checked extending a visit to hell was NOT a favorite destination :)

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