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Xasan Irrelevant Aways to make peace with Sharif hotel Amxaar

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War illeen mushkilo :D


Aw Muse ma duke the orphan qayladhaantiisaad :D kusoo baxday, markaasaad hiilli istiri?


Allow Alle.


xiin dhib idinku hayyo weynaa


Sharif ka dawla waayye, inta kale dabbaal waaye :D

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Xiin has never hidden his Puntland bias. :D You have only to look to Kismaayo where Somalia's most extreme version of Al Shabaab are presently in control. It is just there is no conflict of interest in Mogadishu hence the ability to freely choose sides. :D


I would even go so far as to say old Xiin is not motivated by the success of Shiekh Sharif but a desire to prevent Al Shabaab incursion into Puntland. The is the ka hor tag part. Ironically, by true definition, he is more pro-Puntland and tolka's interest than my old friend SmithnWestern. :D

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Xiin has principles and is consistant but Duke is very confused these days. A/Y, Faroole, troops from Puntland and most Puntlanders support Sharif and the TFG against the takfir shabaab.


All Puntlanders have been waiting and will be very happy to see an effective government in Mogadishu. If Sharif succeeds and pacifies Mogadishu that will be good for Somalia/Puntland. We need to support the restoration of the Somali nation as an strategy regardless of individual contributions.


Sharif and the TFG may be under siege at the moment but it has shown how cruel and unreasonable shabaab have become. In addition the people of Mogadishu may have finally hit bottom and will not support anymore warmonger.

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You see, good Gabal, when one is at my age one appreciates wit when he senses one. And I’ve appreciated the humor.


That on a one hand Keligii Muslim Kashafa sees me as a qabiilist who supports PL on the expense of Somalia, AND on the other hand the bitter Duke, a man who is heart broken by Yey’s political exile, sees me a man who blindly supports Sharif on the expense of PL, that incongruous assessment of my political stance only ensures me that I occupy the middle summit between the two extreme polarities indeed.



That is the true nugget of wisdom in this mad exchange

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Originally posted by xiinfaniin:

You see, good Gabal, when one is at my age one appreciates wit when he senses one. And I’ve appreciated the humor.


That on a one hand Keligii Muslim Kashafa sees me as a qabiilist who supports PL on the expense of Somalia, AND on the other hand the bitter Duke, a man who is heart broken by Yey’s political exile, sees me a man who blindly supports Sharif on the expense of PL, that incongruous assessment of my political stance only ensures me that I occupy the middle summit between the two extreme polarities indeed.



That is the true nugget of wisdom in this mad exchange

You are a siyaasi my friend and when one is at my age you tend to admire and respect politicians of caliber and in the whole political game. I pray to see the day people like you and yes people like myself can contest the politics of the day freely and in advanced fashion. Somalia will be better off. Perhaps someday. ;)

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Xiin adeer it's great you found some support the clanist Hiiraale lover is no doubt giving you some joy but as I have indicated before that won't wash with real Puntlanders here. Sharif hotel does not enjoy any support from Puntland Faroole has always had the right strategy and one Which the Duke has supported. No new puntland troops will go to Mogadishu, the few thAT remain are fighting for their salary and are pissed with sheer incompetence of Sharif & his military chiefs led now by warlod indacade. Thus our xiin like the illegetimate child that he is , is supporting his happles father who is now parading Somali dead youths corpses. Again naked Aways and Sharif are yesterdays men. Xiin your dad is confused as he'll and you need to get a new one.


Regards Duke

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If there is a clannist in this topic it is you my old friend Smith. Your whole attack on Xiin is clan motivated. smile.gif

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I concur...


All this talk about "Real Puntlanders" is hogwash. The incompetence of Sharif is far better than evil instinct of bloodthirstiness by the maniacal Shabab rug heads.

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