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Farmaaje’s Thesis [Book] sparks controversy in Mogadishu, [Download Book]

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Sharif Sakiin is a veteran politician just exercising his power of influence within the TFG and will not hestitate to use his sharp sakiin to slice that soft cheese in bits at the end of the day.

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Originally posted by bilan:

did you even read the is some of what he said about Siyaad and Kacaankii.


"The U.S. looked the other way because of the Cold War. It deliberately failed to scrutinize the Siad Barre government's mismanagement of foreign aid and his human rights offenses. He was ruthless and surrounded himself with incompetent individuals whom he selected not so much for their qualifications as their loyalty to him and their tribes. In the mid 80s, Siad Barre was victim of a life-threatening car accident.80 He suffered several broken bones and there was no emergency room in country that could provide him enough oxygen. He was forced to fly to Saudi Arabia for his medical care. Somali corruption was epidemic to the point where every government-owned, including hospitals, was no longer accountable and functioned entity per se. People lost faith in a government that did not appear terribly concerned with providing for them. The national army and police forces failed their responsibility to protect its citizens from widespread crime that often worked in broad daylight. The economy went sour amidst uncontrollable inflation and worthless salaries.81 The government's solution exacerbated the problem: it kept printing more notes which further decreased the value of Somali currency. People could hardly afford their day to day needs; many lost all their savings to the inflation. In late 80s, the economy was terrible, security was neglected and tribalism was surging. Somalis were returning to the old way of living; the new way was not working. The tribe"

people should read the whole paper.

and I add

"However, Barre’s gloomy shadow lingered over American integrity. Here was an illegal dictator who neither tolerated political opposition nor so much as attempted to compromise in crafting solutions acceptable in all parties. Rather, he preferred to act as a thug, using force to eliminate any clan-family sympathizing with the opposition. His military forces committed unnecessary atrocities in central Somalia in particular, where they burnt villages, slaughtered thousands of innocent people, and raped women"


I went through the whole paper and even though It is not free from biases I think it is close to the truth most of the time.What if uu ninka reerkiisa u yar xil qariyay in his paper...we all do that here on SOL ee munaafaqnimada ha la iska daayo. We always have one thing or another to say about qofkii la doortaba and it is not like we are going to find perfect people to lead us. Nabiga Caleyhu Salatu Wasalaam wuxuu yidhi dowlad xun baa dhaanta dowlad la'aan....See Somalia?

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Sidoo kale waxa uu aad uga hadley danaha dalka Itoobiya ee ku aadan Soomaaliya, taas oo markaan ah mid xasaasi ah oo qofkii ka hadlaa xilalka sare ee Soomaaliya haddii loo magacaabo jaahwareer la geliyo siyaasadda Soomaaliya.


Intana show lamaba arag...apparently people only see what they want to see.

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Originally posted by Ismalura:

"However, Barre’s gloomy shadow lingered over American integrity. Here was an illegal dictator who neither tolerated political opposition nor so much as attempted to compromise in crafting solutions acceptable in all parties. Rather, he preferred to act as a thug, using force to eliminate any clan-family sympathizing with the opposition. His military forces committed unnecessary atrocities in central Somalia in particular, where they burnt villages, slaughtered thousands of innocent people, and raped women"


adinka ma fahmin aa u malaynaa qoraalka. si fiican u akhriya.


he is describing the image America had of siyaad. the image that was lingering over their integrity. it is not his opinion of siyaad.


thats how most people read that paragraph. professor Samatar and Dr. Pham also know that piece of information.


farmaje said nothing bad about aabo siyaad. suurtogal waaye inuu isticmaaley the word "ruthless" on another paragraph but that is compliment in somali circles maahinoo?. been maa sheegaa? alamagan already said siyaad barre was "afar xiniinyood". loool.


farmaajo sanitized and cleanup siyaad's massacres. he is blaming everyone else but siyaad. every problem is brought by some other event, not siyaad himself. war ninkaa dowladii kacaan ku sheeg cirkoow mariyeybo. been iyo buunbuunis.


run ahaantii, what upset people is not what he said about his uncle. it is why he insulted somali clans and attacked dead heroes.


Farmaajo nin nadiif ma u eko. shariif laakiin isaga qof puntland neceb lee raadinooyey waana helay.


garbage waaye iyagoo dhan.

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Originally posted by NASSIR:

Farmajo seems to hold the same biased views as Faisal Roble and their knowledge of Somali history and governance is quite very limited. Was it too much of Barre's political influence? Farmajo however demonstrates in his thesis nationalist sentiments and pride that the general public holds.


It's important to note the first Government in Italian Somaliland' was formed on May 7, 1956 by the prime minister-designate Abdullahi Isse (RIP). The clan composition of his 6-member cabinet reveals the first application of nepotism and cronyism. The performance of the responsibilities tasked with his government was not that impressive even though the UN Trusteeship committee decided to accelerate the date of our independence.


In the north, the Somalization of higher positions had started a little late . The distinction of the first high commissioner in "Somaliland" and then governor of Las Anod and Berbera went to Imaan Dhorre, (son in law of Sultan Mohamed Ali). The USP which was subsequently formed by Sultan Mohamud as chairman in Las Anod was also very intrumental for the merger of the two regions and the Somalization of higher positions, held previously by British Officers.


After the merger, there were two major camps that fiercely contended for the premiership. And the selection of the PM was based on the same power-sharing formula we use today, albeit in different version, between the major clan-families. At one time, Egal and Abdullahi Isse camp lobbied for the selection of Qablan (A highly educated Southern ***** politican) for the president of National Assembly to forestall the chances of Abdirashid securing the premier post. The Adan-Abdirashid camp however prevailed over Qablan who declined to run for the post. Adan-Abdirashid outmanouvered the other camp by having Abdullahi Jama Ghalib (cousin of Egal) get elected for the Speaker. Neither Abdullahi Isse nor Egal could become the PM. [/quote


Good input Mr. Nassir as always.

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Thanks Taleexi.


Ismalura & Bilan, I think It's not about his own account of Barre's dictatorship & undeniable atrocities, but his outright denial of the legitimate grievances and struggle of some clans or the way he painted their struggle as nothing but defeated clans fighting for the restoration of their once-held political supremacy over the rest of Somalis, during the communist dictatorship + his distortion of Somalia's history (SYL, the initial 10 years of Somali governance after independence), that drew quite of an outrage from the public.


That's totally wrong and it shows his ignorance of Somalia's history & governance!


Read Prof. Samatar's review of his paper.

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Naasir, the sister Ismalura is right. We need to give this ra'iisul wasaare a chance, meesha awalba wax weyn kuma haayee.


Qoraalkaas uu qoray qalalaad ayaa ku jiro laakiin boqolaal xasuuq iyo wax ka daran geystay ayaa jagooyin heyn jiray, walina haayo. I don't think Md. Malmalaato, err Farmaajo, in tiisa wax weyn tahayba.


Let us give him a chance again. Isqabqabsi iyadoo waxba bilaaban waxba ma taree.

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MMA, haddii aad sidaas aaminsantahay why were you defending Sakiin on the other thread?

Xildhibaanada is qarqarinaya ilaahey mey ka baqaan intey is qarqarinaayaan. Danta shacabka why aysan priority uga lahayn agtooda?

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The Zack   

Daandurey and intiina kale, read this:


Farmaajo's book:

Siad Barre’s propaganda and information establishments had monopolized the media with talk of one Somali nation, but now the old ways of tribalism had a safe haven and place to consolidate. Siad Barre faced a tough political challenge and had two choices: to solve the problem politically or turn to the military. He made the classic dictator’s choice, deciding to put down the rebels by military means. Thus, he sold away any hope of peace. Furthermore, he was required to increase his defense force in order to deal with internal and Ethiopian threats, concentrated especially at the border areas between the two countries. In doing so, he recruited his tribesmen, *******, in the battle against the ********** (both tribes belong to *****). He instructed his defense minister to promote his tribesmen to the rank-and-file of the defense force in order to ensure loyalty. This is how Siad Barre betrayed his reputation and legacy. Once the consummate Somali nationalist, he was now another tribalist. The slippery slope had begun. Over time, the government fell into uncontrollable corruption and the country closer to civil war.

Bal maxuu u reebtay adeerkii Siyaad?

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Originally posted by NinaNC:

MMA, haddii aad sidaas aaminsantahay why were you defending Sakiin on the thread?

Xildhibaanada is qarqarinaya ilaahey mey ka baqaan intey is qarqarinaayaan. Danta shacabka why aysan priority uga lahayn agtooda?

adi maxaa sheeq shariif u difaacdaa? wadanimo?


lool@danta shacabko. shacab maa wax TFG u qabataa bal? Ilaaheey maba laga cabsanooyo. adeerkeey eey jiq ku tahay maanto maa iska sheeto abaay. lool


MMA is saying give him a chance to be voted UP or DOWN. Let Malmalaado go through the process is all macruuf said. he doesn't care who become prime minister. meesha wax ma yaalaan uuba ku yiri awalbo.


tan kelyto, macruuf oo sakiin difaacaayo halkee ku aragtaybo? mise qofkii sheeq shariif oo faanin oo amaanin waxuu difaacaa qof kale?


been iska dhaadhacsii.

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Daandurreey actually the author used his own words to decribe Siyad Bare (RIP) as 'an Illegal dictotor" ee ku laabo adiga mar labaad.


@ Nasir I agree that the whole writing is biased against the clans or groups that opposed Siyad Barre's regime but he also tells of how Siyad wronged those groups. Ninka waxna wuu khalday waxna wuu saxay but I still think he should be given a chance.


@ MMA thanks bro.


Walahi I am so tired I really don't care qof uu yahay qof uun ha la taageero; at least till things are better. Open your eyes people....WE ARE THE WORLD'S MOST UTTERLY FAILED STATE !

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Originally posted by NinaNC:

MMA, haddii aad sidaas aaminsantahay why were you defending Sakiin on the thread?

Xildhibaanada is qarqarinaya ilaahey mey ka baqaan intey is qarqarinaayaan. Danta shacabka why aysan priority uga lahayn agtooda?

Shariif Xasan ma difaaceynin, abaayadiis. In uu ku saxsanyahay lee sheegaaye in this particular case, yacni I believe in codeynta qarsoodida ku wanaagsantahay and not gacan la taag taago. Gacan taag taag dhowr jeer la tijaabiye, buuq badana ka dhashay. That is another reason aan u jecleenba.


Ra'iisul wasaarahaan cusubna in fursad la siiyo waa aaminsanahay, cod qarsoodi or not. Isqabqabsi aan micno lahayn adduunka kuma dhameysan karnee. Dad ayaa wuxuu qoray ugu soo horjeedo -- I could be among one of them, too -- laakiin isweydii, ra'iisul wasaarahaan iyo warlords waligood madaxweyne rabi jiray (and one of them became a transitional president), yaa daran ra'iisul wasaarahaan la magacaabay qoraalkaas qoray ama qabqabliyaashaas dhiigyacabka ah? And while many of them are still xildhibaano, waa kuwii dalkeena kala cun cunay.

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Of course, qabqablayaasha no question. I don't see wax cod in la dhiibo loo qarinaayo all of sudden. Maxaase looga doodi waayey afterwards intuusan Saakiin gavel-kiisa durbadiiba la soo boodin?


Xildhibaanada diidayo iney codkooda siiyana waa la yaqaanaa already, ma qarsoomi karaan waayo labo meel ayaa lagu kala shiraa oo si fiican la isaga war hayaa. Marka marmasiyadaan Sakiin waa wax aan maskaxda galeynin sidan u arko.

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