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Do Islamic militias commit war crimes?

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Originally posted by HornAfrique:

Then what is the problem?

Unless you’re playing dump, you should know where the problem lies. This incident of Bu’aale is not and should not be used as the talking points for the campaign trail of Hiiraale and his subordinates. In fact, Hiiraale’s incompetence is partially to blame. Jubbaland was more of a problematic issue added to the current problem Kismaayo faced. How could one solve a real problem by putting another problem on top of it? Only if your beliefs are in line with kud ka guur oo qanjo u guur.


Abaadir: You’re trying to score a point by misquoting the man? You must be too naïve to think people won’t scroll up to see the rest of the post. As Camir echoed, geela Buulo Xaaji & Xaliimo Cadeey daaqa is more popular than kaad ka hadleysid.


Caamir: You do have a valid point. It's apparent that siyaad is behind the appointment of that position you spoke of. Another proof of the courts beating these warlord thugs on their own game.

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Unless you’re playing dump, you should know where the problem lies. This incident of Bu’aale is not and should not be used as the talking points for the campaign trail of Hiiraale and his subordinates. In fact, Hiiraale’s incompetence is partially to blame. Jubbaland was more of a problematic issue added to the current problem Kismaayo faced. How could one solve a real problem by putting another problem on top of it? Only if your beliefs are in line with kud ka guur oo qanjo u guur.

What a sheer ****** you showing her adeer. waxad ku waalatay Hornafrique & Barre sow islama yaabtid. Ciil aad u qabtid raggan badanaa!


Adeer nimaan kuu furi doonin yuu kuu rarin, too early to celebrate ...the game is on. Maanta ku farax Ragga Bu'ale berrina waad ka shalaayi. yaa ......


Afxumada jooji.


[ November 01, 2006, 12:17 AM: Message edited by: Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar ]

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Originally posted by muraad:

This is an awfull thing and shouldn't happen anytime in anywhere by anyone, laakiin su'aal ma is weydiiseen


Barre Hiiraale muxuu Kismaayo ugu soo oradayaa oo ka rabaa?


Su'aashaas aad ban u jeclaan lahaa inaan jawaabteeda Horn iyo qofkii kasta oo Barre dagaalladiisa rogaalcelinta ah ku taageersan ka maqlo!

What silly question! Ma hadaad dhulka ka soo baxday adeer? As GD said Kismayo's biggest stake holder is Barre's ppl. He, Barre sacrifaced for this city defended when your likes couldn't.


Adeer hal habeen nabad kuma seexanaysid haddii aad isku daydo inaad dafirtid joogitaankooda halkaa, xattaa maxaakiim ku sheega ayaa ku dhici waayey inaay kala diraan saa waa kuwa kale.

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"Caamir: You do have a valid point. It's apparent that siyaad is behind the appointment of that position you spoke of. Another proof of the courts beating these warlord thugs on their own game."Jimcaale.


warlord thugs? who are they, be specific


on their own game? do you mean the past?

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By the way, neither USC nor Ina Jess or ICU were the master engineers of this horrible barbaric tactics of snatching innocent people in the middle of the night. It’s the product of Kacaankii 21ka October and Ina Siyad Barre's infamous Koofiya-cas militia. Give credit where it's due.

I don't think he meant before 91 but the recent desapearance of x-milatary and police officer in mogadishu and how does the above statement apply to siyad bare's regime jimcaale?


Do you guys really think they respect or even know war crimes and what it means? And what makes you guys think men who murdered and raped 16+ yrs can be rehabilitated simple some sheikh puts "cumaamad" on their heads that they will be clean and well behaved? :confused:

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Do "Islamic militias" commit war crimes?

This seems to be a very simple Q. But again this sort of Q shows how Somalis Devide. If your family were members of warlords who committed attrocity then and now changed their shirt and calling themself "God's ppl" then you are for them and falling behind their guilt .If not then the answer must be overwhelmingly"Yes". These thugs commit a crime we as a human race can't clean it or hide it under the rug. Rather than asking forgiveness here they are multiplying every day and literally telling unholly words. I for one don't want see and associate these *******s and the likes of them who are hiding behind Relegion. It is telling to see their product in this site .If you support these ppl then you have no right to be outside of their hell house ,why not go back and associate your kinds. By the way what made you scape somalia. I bet it is not a pleasure to be foreign land for almost 16yrs and still supporting them.

These ppl must be stopped one way or another.

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^King, adoo raali ah sxb, honestly it was just a rhetorical question.


Jimcaale, wiil yar baad tahay adeer, alle haku daweeyo. I cannot be expected to know every person's personal past, but I sense alot anger and maybe even hatred in you. What can I say? I mean what am I expected to say?

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Dagaal-ooge magaalo laga saaray oo afadiisu mudaahraad iyo abaabul qolada ka saartay ka dhan ah ka waddo iyo Dagaal-ooge dagaal rogaal-celis ah soo qaaday si uu mar labaad magaaldii laga saaray ku qabsado oo maxaabiistiisii la daaweynayo kuwii is-dhiibayna la soo dhoweynayo oo la dhaqan-celinayo 16kii sano oo la soo dhaafay horay somaliya ma loogu arkay?



waa iga su'aal kale!

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Markii horeba faduul ayey aheyd inuu dagaal ka dhaco Bu'aale, maxaabiis baa la laayey maba la maqli laheyn hadduusan Barre duulaan ku soo qaadin magaalada iyo agagaarkeeda.



Waana arrin laga naxo in maxaabiis tabaaleysan la dhammeestiro, laakin su'aasha meesha kale taalo ayadna waa in la is weydiiyaa oon laga boodin taasoo ah qodobkaan kor ku xusey oo ah markii horeba faduul bey aheyd!!

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Dagaal-ooge magaalo laga saaray oo afadiisu mudaahraad iyo abaabul qolada ka saartay ka dhan ah ka waddo iyo Dagaal-ooge dagaal rogaal-celis ah soo qaaday si uu mar labaad magaaldii laga saaray ku qabsado oo maxaabiistiisii la daaweynayo kuwii is-dhiibayna la soo dhoweynayo oo la dhaqan-celinayo 16kii sano oo la soo dhaafay horay somaliya ma loogu arkay?

Hashaa calayk, nin raga iga dheh Muraad, Sxb jawaabta oo daacad ah waa maya... Laakiin dadka cabaadaya runta sida loosheego ayaysan aqoon "Gaalka dil gartiisana sii" ayaa dhinac marsan..


War Xaqa ilaahay kahadla ama aamusa...

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We shall see what the future of the Jubbas is about to behold. Barre Hiiraale unwisely ignored the famous saying: "dagaal wiil baa ku dhinto, will kuma dhasho." Embarked on an allready futile attempt to recapture Kismaayo from the very start, he is about to feel the truth of the aforementioned saying. His clan will end up a lot weaker, more hopeless and divided than ever before because of his decisions.

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^^^ you wrong mate, they are united than ever. Barre has now proved wrong those (of his ppl) who were against him and believed this so-called maxkamadaha - an umbrella organization for 1 clan- has a noble cause for us all.

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Caamir: That’s a typo. I meant to write siyaasad, not siyaad. You ask of warlord thug? I know you have the answer to that empty question but if I may suggest to compile a list all the names of the criminals that inflamed the people's emotions and divided the country by clan lines for the last fifteen or so years. Somewhere in that list you’d get your answer. The game is the tool they used to control and manipulate Somali politics but the ICU shows the game is not that sophisticated and any inexperienced novice can outsmart the skillful expert.


Santaaro: I grew up not far from Santaaro and I used to see people get snatched out of their bedrooms in the middle of the night for doing everyday normal things like listening to the radio, cleaning graffiti off of their properties and sometimes criminalizing women for putting modesty clothes. BTW, Cimaamad doesn’t speak of one’s character or religion.


Horn, sxb at least your nick isn’t deprived of your sub-clan. I don’t know if your last reply is a compliment or cheap shot of belittlement. I have no hate for adeer or anyone else but I make sure my name doesn’t get used for a sickening agenda. Adeer is no better or worst than the rest of dagaal oogeyaal but that’s too hard for you to swallow. I think Xiin gave you the best advice there is when he said nimaan [Hiiraale] wax aheyn baad daba ordeysaa.


Allamagan: Come back to debate me later sxb. You seem to be busy with the campaign for the impeachment of Yuusuf Garaad of BBC for its failure to cover the massacre of the four or so men in Bu’aale. More power to you.


Muraad: You brought up a good question but I wonder if the pro-Hiiraale boys would address it. They might just be interested in exaggerating the incident to the point where four innocent lives be killed for revenge. That’s a routine and the nature of dagaal oogeyaal iyo inta daba orda.

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Originally posted by Allamagan:

^^^ you wrong mate, they are united than ever. Barre has now proved wrong those (of his ppl) who were against him and believed this so-called maxkamadaha - an umbrella organization for 1 clan- has a noble cause for us all.

Abti, horta waxaa iska saartaa qabiilkaan oo ilaahey ka cabso. Aniga abtiyaashey M.R. waxaa lagu yaqaan iney dagaalamaan, laakiin hadii laga raayo waa niman dagaalka yaqaano oo iyagana reyn jiray markooda. Soomaali oo dhan wey qirsan tahay gobanimada reer Abtigey ee M.R. iney tahay mid ku dayasho mudan, laakiin waxaad ku hadleysid waa gef iyo diin ka dheeraansho oo aan lagu aqoonin qof u dhashay reerkaas.


Marka Abti aniga ayaa ku waansanaayo ee inta xishootid orod oo magaceena kor uqaad, oo yaan lagaa maqal diinta Ilaahey ayaan la dagaaleynaa. Midnimo aan diinta aheyn ma shaqeyneeso maanta, waa dhamaadeen wixii qashinka ahaa ee dadka lagu dagaal galin jiray.


Mar labaad, abtiyow koley midhaa M.R. reer Geddoodka ah baa tahaye, faham meesha aan kaala hadlayo.


War aaway Hornafrique, ninkaas baa wallee Abtinimadeyda u qiray soo abti aad u dhaga-nugule. smile.gif


Wallee reer Abtigey iney caqli badan yihiin saa Barre Hiiraale meel cidla ayaa inta lagu war-jeefay baan loona gurman waliba. Fiicanaa jabka ku dhacay Barre Hiiraale, inkastoo aan jeclaa in wiilashii ku dhintay dagaalkaas aysan xanaf soo gaari laheyn, maadaama uu dhagray oo lagu soo qalday dagaalka.

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