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Kala japkii ururkii biliiliqada ee la magac baxay Al-shabab

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Lazie-G, ka fiirso hadalkaaga walaal, waxyaalaha qaarkood siiba waxaad ku hadashay diinta waa loga baxaaye.

Did I hear the blessed one of the "xiin'S"(definitely not the faniinka) twins calling? maya maya.


Brother Labo illahow haka qaadin xiniinyood I will address the two highlighted portion of your above statement. "ka fiirso" and "diinta looga baxo" with pleasure.


As for ka fiirso, aad iyo aad ayaan uga fiirsaday. Waayo, I looked at this through different lenses for the first time in my life.(I bet you can't say the same for yourself)


I don't write stuff for the sake of controversy, no way joseph.


I believe that the establishment of state via traditional forms of government such as legislation,judiciary, and constitution are key to our success in the future. None of which should have anything do to with religion.


Religion should be used as a form of guidance.


Religion should in no way used as a weapon for "men of God" to advance their self interest.


Authoritarianship governing is the same style of governing that most of these creatures used as means to oppose and did overthrow the old regime of his excellency S. Barre.


The union of these figures of terror were implemented for the wrong reasons. Yes yes, you will argue otherwise, so what?


Thats my point exactly, you have one point of view, I have another and so goes on in circle.


As for the second highlight of your prev. statement, I have to say, just because a human being like you says diinta "aa looga baaxa", it doesn't make it so. I will take a step further and say that diinta waxa looga baaxa, when a fellow muslim questions or puts doubt to the other muslim's faith in this manner. It means, you are acting as an authority figure over what is deemed as the end line for "diin uga bax" etc etc. (it almost sounds to me that you are acting like the almighty himself)


I don't know, but I am sure you can take the time to figure out on your own. However, I do need you to think about what is it you say before you advise someone(ie me) to do the very same thing that you yourself lack my dear laboX.



PS:abtigiis, did you say something or was that sound coming from the beatings you got from DQ? icon_razz.gif

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LOL...The munaafiqiin are at it again :D



Iska hor imaad xoogan oo markii ugu horeysay dhex maray Shabaabiyiinta iyo maxkamadaha {16 ka mida maliishiyada shabaabiyiinta oo lagu dilay}.


Markii ugu horeysay ayaa saaka waxaa magaalada Muqdisho ka dhacay dagaal xoogan oo dhex maray maliishiyada ururada maxkamadaha beelaha iyo shabaabka,waxaana dagaalkaasi ku dhintay inta la ogyahay 16 maliishiyada shabaabka ah.


Dagaalka ayaa waxaa uu yimid ka gadaal markii maliishiyada shabaabiyiintu ay gantaalo ka tuureen xaafad ka tirsan degmada Dharkeylen ee gobalka Banaadir kuwaas oo ay u ganeen dhanka garoonka diyaaradaha Aadan cadde.


Markaa kadib ayaa maliishiyooyin ka tirsan ururka maxkamadaha oo ka biyo diidan in garoonka la duqeeyo gantaalahana laga dhex rido goobaha rayidku dagan yihiin waxaa ay qaadeen weerar ka dhan ah maliishiyada shabaabiyiinta oo ay tiro aad u badana ka laayeen


Shalay gellinkii dambe ayay ahayd markii kulan ka dhacay Gudaha Suuqa bakaaraha oo dhex maray shabaabiyiinta iyo maxkamadaha lagu kala dareeray kadib markii shabaabiyiintu ay diideen in ay joojiyaan gantaalaha ay shacabka ka dhex tuurayaan.


Maliishiyooyin farabadan oo ka tirsan ururka maxkamadaha oo ka yimid gobalada Hiiraan iyo shabeelaha dhexe ayaa saaka waabarigii soo gaadhey magaalada Muqdisho si ay shabaabiyiinta culeys ugu saaraan in ay joojiyaan dhibaatooyinka ay wadaan ee shacabka saameynta ku yeelanaya.


Goobihii saaka lagu dagaalamay ayaa waxa iminka gacanta ku haya maliishiyada ururka maxkamadaha beelaha oo si weyn ugasoo hor jeeda xiritaanka garoonka diyaarahada.




dhulQarnayn :cool:

Republic Of California

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Kadib hanjabaad Kooxda Al-Shabab ay la tiigsadeen Odayaasha Sheegta Golaha Dhaqanka Howiye ee ay hogaamiyaan Axmed Diiriye iyo Xaad ayaa xafiiskoodi Suuqa Bakaaro maanta waxa uu ahaa mid haawanaya oo cidla ah.


Xafiiska oo ku yaala Daarta Cali dhere ee Agagaarka Qeybta Mubaarak aya waxaa soo buuxiyey Wiilal Al-shabab ah oo bistoolado ku raadinayey Odayaasha .


Mid ka mid ah Odayaasha ayaa laga soo xigtay in ay wali helayaan hanjbaadyo dhinaca telefoonka ah oo oday walba Mopilkiisa gacanta loogu sheegayo in aanu soo xaadirin hadii uu nolol rabo.


Axmed Diiriye oo ah Afhayeenkooda ayaa xalay hanjabaada Al-shabab uga jawaabay si qar iska tuurnimo iyo beel wacasho aan xiligeeda la joogin.


Dadka Saadaaliya Xaaladahaan ayaa qaba in Axmed Diiriye Dhibaatadi uu ku hayey Shacabka ay hada Gurigiisa ugu timid iyadoo aanay jirin si uu uga badbaadaa.



dhulQarnayn :cool:

Republic Of California

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Bililiqo mafiaso boss is scared



Axmed Diiriye :“Qof masaajid kasoo baxay in la dilo Islaamku ma qabo,Abuu Mansuur halka uu dilalka kasoo abaabulo waan garanayaa”





Aduunyadu waa ayaanba ayaan, oo meel qudha kuma nagaato,wayna is bad badallo badan tahay,hadalka maanta kasooo yeedhay Odayguna waxaa uu muujinayaa is bad badalka xaaladda aduunyada oo abwaan Soomaaliyeed uu horay u yidhi “ADUUNYADU WAA GEED HARKII, WAA LABADA GELLIN, GUD-CURKIYO CADDADA KALA GUURAYEE BAL GAROWSO HADALKAA”.


Axmed Diiriye ayaa sheegay in uu garanayo halka uu Abuu Mansuur kasoo abaabulo dilalka lagula kacayo dadka aqoonyahanada ah iyo waliba kuwa kale ee bulshada wax tarka u leh,waxaana uu ka digay sii socoshada dilalkaas oo uu ku eedeeyay in uu soo abaabulo Abuu mansuur.


“Waan is naqaanaa anaga iyo shabaabku, waxaana si weyn u garanaynaa dadka dadka laaya,iyo cida soo dirta intaba,hadii la idilana waxaan si cad u sheegayaa in Abuu Mansuur uusan iga dambeyn doonin”ayuu si kulul u yidhi Axmed diiriye oo xalay la hadlayay Idaacadaha Muqdisho qaarkood.


Waxaa uu Axmed diiriye aad u cambaareeyay xirnaashaha garoonka Muqdisho oo uu ku eedeeyay masuuliyadiisa Abuu Mansuur.


“Garoomada ku yaala Bay iyo Bakool way shaqeeyaan,xamarna dadka jooga ayuu dhuun qabanayaa, caqliga ilaahey nama tirin waana garanayana in uu Abuu mansuur wado isir baabi’in”ayuu mar kale si kulul u yidhi Axmed diiriye oo horay uga mid ahaa taageerayaasaha waa weyn ee shabaabiyiinta.


Waxaa xusid mudan in hada ka hor Axmed diiriye laga hayo in uu sheegay shabaabiyiintu in ay yihiin Muslimiin dhab ah waxa dadka laayana aanay iyaga ahayn,laakin hada ayuu si cad u sheegay in ayan shaqadoodu wax raad ah ku lahayn islaamnimada ayna yihiin dad usoo taagan umadaha muslimiinta ah in ay dhibaateeyaan.


Markii aan maqlay warka cadhada xoogan xambaarsan ee kasoo yeedhay Odaygan ayaa waxaa maskaxdayda kusoo dhacay erayo uu horay u tiriyay abwaan Soomaaliyeed oo ay ka mid yihiin “ADUUNYADU WAA GEED HARKII, WAA LABADA GELLIN, GUD-CURKIYO CADDADA KALA GUURAYEE BAL GAROWSO HADALKAA”.


dhulQarnayn :cool:

Republic Of California

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Originally posted by LayZie G.:

quote:Lazie-G, ka fiirso hadalkaaga walaal, waxyaalaha qaarkood siiba waxaad ku hadashay diinta waa loga baxaaye.

As for ka fiirso, aad iyo aad ayaan uga fiirsaday. Waayo, I looked at this through different lenses for the first time in my life.(I bet you can't say the same for yourself)


I don't write stuff for the sake of controversy, no way joseph.


I believe that the establishment of state via traditional forms of government such as legislation,judiciary, and constitution are key to our success in the future. None of which should have anything do to with religion.


Religion should be used as a form of guidance.


For someone who thought and thought about the subject the conclusions you present are shabbily delivered! icon_razz.gif


In your ideal Somali Republic, would you want the judiciary to apply 'some' Islamic laws or none at all?


When you say 'Religion should be used as a form of guidance', what exactly do you mean? Guidance to whom? Would you put elements of it in the constitution as 'guidance'?




If it is any consolation I tend to lean to your side more than the 'diintad ka baxaysaa brigade'.

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Salva Ng


As you said "I thought and thought about the issue", or as I would say, I had an enlightement moment about the circumstances surrounding the state of our affairs.(no, not a religion one)


What you refered to as a shabby conclusion, was a sneak peak, clouded by "stick it to the xiin brothers alike" moment.


If I may, let me redirect myself to your questions:


As you already know, we are a blessed nation, and not because of our current state of affairs, but the fact that we are a homogeneous nation. We share more than skin color, we share religion, culture, language. It is our best interest to remain as such, don't you agree ya ng?


Our faith is what makes us who we are. We identify with our religion in all aspects of life. We are one of few states in the world thats a nation state. Not many around in the worl as most nations are multi nations, with all sorts of religion and language and culture inter mixed, it almost gives the individual a headache just trying to grasp it all.(i.e my adopted country Canada)


We have far less issues to deal with as a one nation state, than most. We don't need to figure out what religion holidays to implement or what to exclude?(least of our worries)


We don't have to worry about meeting status quo of certain nationalities interest being represented.(even thought the 4.5 formula of TFG does a bad imitation )


I believe that we have far less issues than most, and for that, I think we are hopeful nation, and we are not far from greatness if only we can see the bigger picture.


Getting to my opposition to islamic only state.


I'm not proposing an all out secular state as an alternative(as some already assumed), as I don't like some elements of a secular society, such as the inclusion of all religions. I think that we should only recognize one religion, and one religion only, islam. In that aspect, I reject an all out secular state.


I do however support other aspect of a secular society such as preventing religion from interfering with state affairs, and preventing religion from controlling the governing such as the case of IRAN. We can't have men of God, also acting as political figures, who will oversee our interests in the world.


Men of God ought to stay in masjids, where they belong and play a role in teaching our children about our diin and making sure Quran is being taught in schools, along with other curriculum etc.(no fanatic ideas)


All in all, I believe we need to have the best of both worlds, that of secular and islamic aspect of state. Ofcourse, I have much more to say, but I am short on time this morning.


Ciao ragadsi


PS:the guidance portion was meant that for legislators to use it as a primary source, as their judgings will ultimately impact the interests they represent, and at the same time for our nation to adapt some elements of our religion into the constitution.

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^The two of you need to reassess your stance.

The fundamental premise of an Islamic state is that there is no separation between the masjid/diin and politics or running of the state. Just because the interpretations of Iranians is warped, it does not mean that the concept is wrong.


Islam is not a religion, it is a way of life. I know I’m preaching somewhat,lol, but that is the basic point. We need to look at Islam as dictating every sphere of life. That said, does it mean that the man who has spent his whole life at the masjid learning the sciences of hadith alone should be the leader of the state? No t necessarily. On the flip side, does it mean that the Harvard graduate of political science who performs the bare minimum requirements to be a Muslim should be the leader of the state? Once again not necessarily. Ideal leaders are people like Abu Bakr, Omar, Cuthman and Ali. They were well versed in Islam and the world as it was in their times.


You guys are treading on thin water really. What you’re advocating for is an oxymoron. You cannot say that you support an Islamic state, yet call for separation of diin and state affairs.


All in all, I believe we need to have the best of both worlds, that of secular and islamic aspect of state. Ofcourse, I have much more to say, but I am short on time this morning.

The beauty of a proper Islamic state LG, is just as you describe it. A good Muslim takes his/her share of both this world and the hereafter. Islam doesn’t instruct us to neglect this world.

What you call as the best of the secular state, is in fact part of an Islamic state- That the leader is a person who is taking his share in this world and who will oversee the interests of the Muslim Ummah in the hereafter AS WELL AS in this world.


Like i said, Iran is not an Islamic state, far from it actually. Neither is Saudi Arabia, we shouldn’t be using them as examples for they are flawed. To understand how a proper Islamic state runs, you need to go waaaay back in Islamic history. I’m sure, that will appeal to you.

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The Zack   

^ Well said. Islam is not something we keep in the masjids only. What part of ISLAM IS A WAY OF LIFE don't these people get? Any muslim that opposes Shari'a law needs to double-check his/her imam.

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Originally posted by Rahima:

^The two of you need to reassess your stance.

The fundamental premise of an Islamic state is that there is no separation between the masjid/diin and politics or running of the state. Just because the interpretations of Iranians is warped, it does not mean that the concept is wrong.


Islam is not a religion, it is a way of life. I know I’m preaching somewhat,lol, but that is the basic point. We need to look at Islam as dictating every sphere of life. That said, does it mean that the man who has spent his whole life at the masjid learning the sciences of hadith alone should be the leader of the state? No t necessarily. On the flip side, does it mean that the Harvard graduate of political science who performs the bare minimum requirements to be a Muslim should be the leader of the state? Once again not necessarily. Ideal leaders are people like Abu Bakr, Omar, Cuthman and Ali. They were well versed in Islam and the world as it was in their times.


You guys are treading on thin water really. What you’re advocating for is an oxymoron. You cannot say that you support an Islamic state, yet call for separation of diin and state affairs.



All in all, I believe we need to have the best of both worlds, that of secular and islamic aspect of state. Ofcourse, I have much more to say, but I am short on time this morning.

The beauty of a proper Islamic state LG, is just as you describe it. A good Muslim takes his/her share of both this world and the hereafter. Islam doesn’t instruct us to neglect this world.

What you call as the best of the secular state, is in fact part of an Islamic state- That the leader is a person who is taking his share in this world and who will oversee the interests of the Muslim Ummah in the hereafter AS WELL AS in this world.


Like i said, Iran is not an Islamic state, far from it actually. Neither is Saudi Arabia, we shouldn’t be using them as examples for they are flawed. To understand how a proper Islamic state runs, you need to go waaaay back in Islamic history. I’m sure, that will appeal to you.
To Rahima&CO:



The notion of an Islamic state is in itself an oxymoron and a contradiction by the very act of enacting it as the law of the land. Since there is so much diversity of opinion amongst Muslim scholars and schools of thought, any enactment of Shari'a principles as law would have to select some opinions over others, thereby denying some believers their FREEDOM OF CHOICE among equally legitimate competing opinions. Besides, there has NEVER been a single decent precedent of an Islamic state throughout Muslim history to be followed by Somalis, with the exception ofcourse, of our Holy Prophets'(pbuh) in Medina, which was TOO exceptional to be useful to us as a model today.


Also, most Somalis have the tendency to limit secularism as it is practised in Europe and America as the separation of religion from state afairs, and such contextualization obviously does not address the continuing social and political role of Islam in Somali life. From this perspective, I think secularism should be understood in terms of the type of relationship that can develop between Islam and the state, rather than a specific way in which that relationship has evolved in some western society.


So in Somalia, I suggest that any type of relationship between Islam and securalism should development over time, and should also be accepted as legitimate by the population at large, instead of drastically forcing it down the people's throats without their consent.


dhulQarnayn :cool:

Republic Of California

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In theory an Islamic State is great. I don't think LG is arguing against the theory here. We (and I take the opportunity to speak on her behalf here) are talking about the CURRENT Somali situation and if an Islamic State is the correct option.


When looking at things in that context I can't help but agree with LG's proposals above. You may disagree, but for me, the current Islamic movements in Somalia (call them Courts, Shabaab or Saxwa) do not come across as being able or qualified for the job. The last thing I would want is have them running amok with ideas of an Islamic State (similar to those you mention in history – and, at this point, let me remind you that I do know my Islamic history quite well, thank you very much icon_razz.gif ).


In short, recent history taught us not to trust Somali Islamists (not because they're bad people but rather because they are full of anger and hurriedness).


For the avoidance of doubt, yes I would love to have an Islamic State in Somalia. But only if those running it demonstrate the ability to win people's trust with their benevolence, patience and wisdom and not their anger, threats and political naivety (that last one only in the case of Sh. Sharif).



Would you want to have an Islamic State in Somalia tomorrow?

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A mixture of different theories miyaa ?? ,,, Islamic in a sense, Secular in the politics and Martial law in the community level.


That is how Somaliland survived sxb ,,,,,, No one looses and no one is claiming a victory.

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^^ It'll have to be for now. Otherwise who knows what gravediggers, corpse draggers and Kashafas (where is he these days) will sneak into power.

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