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Kala japkii ururkii biliiliqada ee la magac baxay Al-shabab

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I am fed up of the mature people of SOL who are bashing me in PMs saying "maxaad ilmaha ula qasanaysaa". I once applied to a TV station to do "Maaweelada Caruurta". That is why I have soft spot for kids, not to mention that I have some. So DQ, you must understand I am doing you a favour by engaging you; when everyone else shunned you.


You are still not inviting me to discuss an issue.You want me to say things about your title bililiqo business. No comment!

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Abtigiis &Tolka,


Saaxiib, habraha aad bililiqada isku barateen oo caanabooraha kuu shushuba waxa ee hoosta kaaga soo dirayaan maxaa aniga iga galay. Tan aad leedahaynah "Maaweelada Caruurta" baan tv-yada ka sii daayaa, u maleen-mahayo fikir kaaga guracan inaad caruur madadaalisee, ma mukulaalahaad muusikada u tuntaa? Muusiknah u ma maleen-mahayo inaad taqaanidee, ma ururka bililiqada baad sadaqada u aruurisaa?


Waan ogahay, ururka bililiqada waxaad u diidantahay in laga wada hadlo, waxaad ka baqeesaa in ceebo-haaga banaanka ey u soo baxaan.


Tan kale aad odaynimada ku faaneysidna, waxaan kaa iri...waabaa tol geed hoostiis ku shiray. Markaasee is weediiyeen arintii ee ka shirayeen cidii ey u kaashan lahaayeen. Markaasee odayaashi waxay yiraahdeen odayaal hala soo aruuriyo. Wiil yar oo geedkii ey hoos fadhiyeen dusha ka saarnaa, ayaa yiri,"war waayeel yaa loo wicinee, wax garadka ha loo waco!". Marka taas baa tu saale kaaga filan da'dii aad ku faantay saaxiib.



dhulQarnayn :cool:

Republic Of California

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Isbaheysiga Dibu xoreynta oo eed ujeediyey Al-Shabaab.


Warsaxaafadeed ka soo baxay Isbaheysiga dibu xoreynta la baxay ee fadhigiisu yahay dalka Jamhuurihada Jabuuti ayaa lugu eedeeyey ururka Al-Shabaab oo ka mid garabyada ka soo horjeeda dawladda Faderaalka ee Soomaaliya.


Warsaxaafeedkan ayaa lugu sheegay in ay ururka Al-Shabaab masuul ka yihiin dagaalada & qaraxyada maalin walba ka dhacaya gudaha Soomaaliya, waxaana lugu eedeyey in ay masuul ka yihiin dadka Soomaaliyeed ee sidoo kale maalin walbaku dhimanaya dalka Soomaaliya.


Warkan ayaa lugu sheegay in ay Al-Shabaab diideen Dibu heshiisiintii ay gaareen dawladda Faderaalka ee Soomaaliya & Mucaaradyada hubeysan, ayna taasi muujineyso ayaa la yiri in ay uadeegayaan Dano shisheeye oo gaar ah.


Lama sheegin danaha ay uadeegayaan, balse waxaa sidoo kale lugu xusay qoraalkan in aysan Soomaaliya waqtiga ubaahneyn dagaalo dib loogu celiyo ee laga baxay dagaalada & rabshadahaha ayna Soomaaliya dagaalo ku soo jirtay 18-kii sanno ee lasoo dhaafay.


Warkan oo Saxaafada Soomaalida lugu baahiyey, waxaa lugu sheegay in ay ururka Dibu xoreynta la baxay diyaar uyihiin fulinta dhamaanba qodobadii ay la galeen dawladda Faderaalka ee Soomaaliya ayna sidoo kale ka shaqeynayana sidii ay heshiiskan ugu soo biiri lahaayeen Kooxo cusub oo dagaalada ka wada Soomaaliya.


Eedaynta oo ah tii ugu horeysay ee lugu eedeeyo Al- Shabaab in ay masuul ka yihiin dadka maalin walba ku dhimanaya Magaalada Muqdisho ee Caasumada Soomaaliya, waxaana maalmihii ugu dambeeyey samada galay dagaalada ay dhinacyada Muqdisho isdhaafsanayaan.


dhulQarnayn :cool:

Republic Of California

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al Shabaab are criminals’: Somalia opposition official


MOGADISHU, Somalia Sep 29 (Garowe Online) - A senior opposition official in Somalia has condemned African Union Mission in Somalia (AMISOM) peacekeepers and al Shabaab insurgents for “targeting civilians.”


Col. Omar Hashi, the secretary of the Alliance for the Re-liberation of Somalia (ARS), told Mogadishu-based Radio Codka Nabada (Voice of Peace) that both sides must be held to account.



Col. Omar Hashi, ARS Secretary

“The responsibility [for the bombing] lies with both sides, but AMISOM committed the bigger crime by bombarding civilian areas,” Hashi said, adding: “The al Shabaab group who made the wrong decision are also criminals.”


The ARS official said AMISOM peacekeepers “did not start the violence,” but responded to al Shabaab mortars “launched from civilian areas.”


Last week, al Shabaab rebels launched mortars at Mogadishu's Aden Adde International Airport, which is a major base for AMISOM peacekeepers.


More than 50 people have been killed in airport-related violence since September 16, when al Shabaab issued the threat to shoot down airplanes landing at the airport.


Col. Hashi condemned both sides for the bombing of civilians, while calling on al Shabaab to rescind their decision to shoot down airplanes.


In June, the Islamist-led ARS opposition umbrella split into two camps after ARS Chairman Sheikh Sharif Sheikh Ahmed inked a peace deal with Ethiopian-backed Somali Prime Minister Nur "Adde" Hassan Hussein.


ARS officials based in Eritrea are led by Islamist hardliner Sheikh Hassan Dahir Aweys, who has rejected peace talks until Ethiopian troops withdraw from Somali soil.


Col. Hashi is allied to the Sheikh Sharif-led ARS wing, which has been based in Djibouti since June 9.




dhulQarnayn :cool:

Republic Of California

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Sheikh Mukhtaar Roobow Cali (Abuu Mansuur) oo iclaamiyey in dagaal lagala hortago Sheikh Shariif Sheikh Axmed iyo Kooxdiisa ( Shacabka Muqdisho oo markay hadalkaasi maqleen iska xaadiriyey xerayaha qaxootiga dalka Kenya)


Sheikh Mukhtaar Roobow Cali (Abuu Mansuur) oo ah Afayeenka Alshabaab ayaa iclaamiyey in dagaal xoogan lagala hortago kooxaha isbaheysiga dib u xureynta Garabka Jabuuti uu hogaamiyo Sheikh Shariif Sheikh Axmed iyadoona hadalkaasi daareen naxtin leh galiyey shacabka reer Muqdisho oo 18sano ku juray dagaalo aan laheyn u joodooyin iyadoona durbab ay bilaabeen dadka reer Muqdisho qaxootinimo dalka Kenya ah.


Hadalka Sheikh Mukhtaar Roobow Cali (Abuu Mansuur) oo dad badan ka careysiiyey ayaa la dhihi karaa in uu iclaamiyey dagaal fidno ah oo leysaga horkeenaayo xoogagii markii hore isku ahaa Maxkamadaha Islaamka Soomaliyeed hadalkaasina waxuu farxad galiyey cadowga Soomaliyeed.


Sheikh Mukhtaar Roobow Cali (Abuu Mansuur) oo xalay shir jaraa'id oo qadka Telefanka u qabtay qaar ka mid ah warbaahinta Muqdisho ayaa ugu baaqay xoogaga ka dagaalama gudaha dalka Soomaaliya in ay la dagalamaan isbaheysiga dib u xoreynta Soomaaliya garabka ku sugan dalka Jabuuti

Dareen isku mid ah ee ka soo yeeray xoogaga Alshabaab iyo walaalaha Raaskanboono oo ah in ay banaan yihiin dhiigaga Sheikh Shariif iyo kooxaha Isbaheysiga iyadoona hadaladaasi ay u muuqdaan kuwa la doonaayo mar kale in dhiiga muslinka lagu daadiyo Koonfurta Soomaaliya oo colaada la saxiibka ah .


Waxaa la hubaa haday dhacaan dagaalka uu cilaamiyey Sheikh Mukhtaar Roobow Cali (Abuu Mansuur) in aysan jiri doonin cid ka faa´´idi doonta iyadoona waxa kaliya oo laga dhaxlaayo ay noqon doontaa Bur bur iyo bara kac hore taana waxay keeni doontaa kooxa hal diin isla wata hadana dhiig iska daadinaayo


Dagaala ay isaga hor yimadaan Mujaahidiinta isku safka ah ayaan ku horeynin Soomalaiya iyadoona dagaal ku dhex mareen Mujaahidiinta Afganistaan iyo Ciraaq taa oo mar kale keentay in gaalo ay qabsato wadamadasi iyadoona xoogaga Soomaaliya looga digaayo in ay ku dhacaan daminka helay Afganistaan iyo Ciraaq.




dhulQarnayn :cool:

Republic Of California

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Originally posted by hamza9163:

MMS, why is this fellow allowed to post so much insults? No moderation?

Waala hadalnay the concerned brother, and if he continues the way his actions on this site are currently, then we have to take other means.

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Originally posted by Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar:

quote:Originally posted by hamza9163:

MMS, why is this fellow allowed to post so much insults? No moderation?

Waala hadalnay the concerned brother, and if he continues the way his actions on this site are currently, then we have to take other means.
The following conversation captures MMA's dilemma, I guess.


After Axmed-dheere was informed of the abuse done to his fiancee by another man, he asked her to show him right away. All along he was swearing that he will obliterate the man who dared to say bad things to her. At one point he was even wondering who will bury his victim, because surely he will finish him. He shrugged and settled for the option of informing the Municipality to take the body.


Then they reached where the man was. Standing acorss the street was a big man flexing his muscles. Axmed's mouth opened in disbelief. Then, he knew he can't hold back. He rushed forward wagging his finger and shouting "you man, you man, are you going to behave or not?" [he left the girl standing on the otherside of the road]. As he got closer to the abusive man, the man simply asked him "what if I don't behave?" in a low voice. "I will behave" Axmed replied.


The moral of the story is that MMA has been wagging the finger for so long that one wonders if it is not wise for him to just behave!


This is not a call for banning DQ by the way. But reminding him privately abusing clans (with insinuations) is against the rules of the site. If no one is above the law, then DQ shouldn't be!

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Thank you for the senseless naysaying. Your insane ravings do more to show people how you've FAILED to come up with a single cogent arguement against any of the truth, I've posted about the breakup of the Shabab deviants. You can't convince people otherwise, and so as usual the next step is to call dhulQarnayn a kid and then beg the moderator to do something about it. It's a shame walahi. :D


dhulQarnayn :cool:

Republic Of California

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Dhulqarnayn, I want to make two valid contributions to your post, and I promise to address my audience another time as I am short on time.


The maahmaah you put forth at the start of the thread was right on point. I will briefly explain my support for the initial group that called themselves ICU and why I put my support behind them at the time.


It is no secret that I have supported the ICU cause when they captured the lawless capital of mogadishu, my home away from home. They made it peaceful in relatively short time, and to this day I look back and thank the men who made that short lived dream possible. I never supported the organization based on religious ideals.


ICU were means to new beginning for me, and thats why I put my full support behind them. As soon as they started to throw their weight around and calling on other groups of other states around and giving out ultimatum's etc, I knew destruction was nearby.


As a born and practicing muslim, I don't believe the principals of religion and state should be mixed. I believe that for a great nation like ours to prosper in the future, religion elements has to be eliminated. I don't believe that we should be ideal models to the world by adapting islamic state, no way, no how.


The reason why I reject this notion of islamic state is because sooner or later it will turn out to be puritan style of believe. Individual rights and freedom will not only be jeopardized, but will be eliminated altogether. It is a no no for me, a very dangerous territory for me.


I also reject this notion of islamic state because we can't have have men of God also acting as political figures. Its absurd.


Going back to your maahmaah and initial topic, I withdrew my support of the opposition party as soon as they turned from a unionized members to flat out organized criminals that also waive the religion in everyone's face. Like you, I believe that sooner or later, this group of criminals will self destruct. They will turn on each other, just as they are starting to now and it will be the end of this union.


How can I or anyone on their right mind support criminals who don't think a human life is worth saving, worth negotiations over, worth of change of strategy. Why aren't our people worth a shift in course? Why do these criminals continue to believe that God approves their criminal acts?


If these criminal figures and their believers don't have a very basic, goal, other than fighting amxaaro and TFG as the only common ground they share, then what is there left for them?


How do they expect to retain people's support?


They are like a broken marriage with multiple children and no one has any control over the reaction of the children?


My advise is that each party, tfg and opposition need to go back to the basics, start small and aim high. You can't start from top and work bottom up as that strategy wasn't proven a success. It will never work.



I, a somali born national continue to be saddaned by the criminals that hold our people back home hostage, who continue to put them through hardship over who gets to the top first.


History is something that I have always relied heavily on, and history is repeating itself now in mogadishu and its surroundings. A group of people get together for a common goal, and later disintegrate.


I want the shabaab faithfuls to enlighten me on the overall strategy of their leaders? How will these groups of men coexist? Are there any other common set of goals that they agree on, other than the termination of TFG and ETHIO? Did they even think that far ahead? Is this really another repeat performance of 1990 and the Barre Regime?



For the sake of you dutiful men of somalia, who are faithful to the terrorist until eternity, say caawa the fight ended and ethio's existed and no more TFG and yey just walked out, what will happen then?


I need you to think really hard, the kashafa's and the redneck aka reddie before you answer that question? Yes, their love of religion brought them together, but will their loyalty to thy tribe and self interest get in the way of greater somalia?


How will a multi-tribe nation such as ours will coexist unless we have common grounds that will work towards the interest of each one. Tribe is an integral part of who we are, even thought I don't condole it, its part of us. We can no longer just put qabiil loyalty aside, as much as we want to. Thats why, these men are fighting among themselves. Notice how I said men, men are the sort of all evil, yes?



Do these individuals have a compact such just the mayflower compact that puritans made?


I chose to end it with a question because I really want to you all, especially shabaab faithfuls to think about it in general terms, and not just one aspect of it, just as winning a fight with no end in sight is not logic.


PS: I really wish I can address this further, and I will address it later, but I am really short on time now and will touch on this subject in great length later on.

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Finally, a Somali with some sense. I thank you LG for your reply...


Originally posted by LayZie G.:

The reason why I reject this notion of islamic state is because sooner or later it will turn out to be puritan style of believe.



Did you know that the Shabab deviant leaders in Kismaayo had ordered the arrest of 4 imaams for leading some residents to pray their eid-ul fitr a day later?


Al-shababka Kismaayo haysta oo maanta Xabsiga u taxaaabay Imaamyada afar Masaajid oo Salaada ciida tujiyey shacabka reer kismaayo.


Wararka ka imaanaya Magaalada Kismaaya ayaa sheegaya in maanta ay masaajidyada Magaaladaasi hawlgal loo adeegsaday gawaarida dagaalka ka sameeyeen Kooxda Magaaladaasi qabsatay dhawaan ee al-shabab.


Gawaarida ayaa Ciidamadii saarnaa waxaa ay si xoog ah ku galeen afartaan masajid iyagoo diidan in maanta Salaada la tukado maadama ay iyaga shalay Ciid u ahayd
, waxaana masaajidyadii ay galeen dhamaan amreen in la joojiyaa takbiirta oo lagawada dareeraa.


Talaabada lagu xiray afar Imaam Masaajid ee maanta kismaayo ka dhacday ayay Dadka reer Kism aayo ku micneeyeen xuriyad ka qaad iyo seef la boodnimo dar dar ah .


Mid ka mid ah Saraakiisha Al-shabab ee kismaaya haysta ayaa saxafada u sheegay in ay hawlgalkii maanta uu dhan ka ahaa culimo diiday amarka Maamulka talaabana laga qaaday.


Shalay ayay ahayd markii ay burburiyeen Kaniisad aan shaqeynin oo ay dagaanaayeen dad Qaxooti ah , waxaana ay u muuqdaa dad wada hawlo dhan ka ah shacabka kisamayo oo awalba ka soo daalay kalitaliskii Barre Hiiraale

If this aint the tyranny of MUNAAFIQNIMO, I dont know what is.


dhulQarnayn :cool:

Republic Of California

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^afkaaga malab sii. Punishing people over minor differences? How absurd is that?


I also want to take this time to address MMA. Just because people point out to you what they want you to see as a wrong, doesn't make it wrong. I strongly urge you to reconsider your decision to put a bull's eye on to mr republic. Most of the time, the problem isn't him but that of his followers, who go great lengths to get a reaction from him.


I know what I am talking about when it comes to this play that most of these folks put out as victims of torment by Mr republic. Those same people or their brothers played the same tune with me. They want us to torment them, so what do we do? We give it to them. Sometimes, people don't like the rock star performance we give them, such as myself and mr republic, and they go to the ticket booth(ticketmaster) in the example of you MOD or even admin demanding they get their money back.(performance is performance, we can't please everyone)


If you are not willing to stomach the full raw material, keep out and thats the case of abitigiis and CO.


Again, I urge the MOD and ADMIN to think really hard before you censor mr republic or even take action against him. (take all that was said by both parties to account and not just be one sided)

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LaYzie, do not worry about mucaaradkaan meesha ka buuxa... infact, I found a perfect gabay that highlights their charlatanry. Akhris wacan!


by Aadan Diiriye


Dhusuq-dhaasuq Soomaali waa dhaqashadeediiye,

Argagixiso oo dhami Islaam uma dhardhaaraane,

Dhiigya-cab dhug laawa ah Dhurwaa dheg isma doorshaane!


Dhagar qabe dan gaara leh, asluub laga dhamaaseeye,

Kuwa dhamac rasaasiyo dhimbilo dhabarka loo saaray!

Nabad-diidka dhaasuqay dembaa dhurashadiisiiye!

Dhuur-shiqida haadkiyo dhegdhega Dhabatadaa dhaanta!!!


Afartaa intaan dhigay war sow dheelli kama dhawrin?

Ma u xiray dhegaatiga intaan dha'da ka higgaadshey?

Tuduc kalena waan dhuganayaa dhaw an kaga siiyo!


Soomaaliya dhibaataa ku furan dhaqan la'aaneede,

Colaadiyo is-maan-dhaaf wixii la is-dhabaaleeyey!

Dhallinyaro maliishiya waxay Qaranki dhooqaysay!

Dagaal-Ooge dhoocila wuxuu dhidibka u qaatay!

Wixii lagu dhantaalaba ka gudub waw dhitoo qorane!


Hadday dawlad noo dhalatayoo dhigaha loo taagye,

Federaal haddii laga dhigoo, madaxna loo dhaarshey!

Soomaalida dhammaan waw jirtaa dhurashadeediiye,

Xildhibaanno dhuuniya bal yay dhugato qaadsiinin!

Mudanaha dhasiigiyo dhakool dhir uma beeraane!

Haddaan dhaqanki loo celin sharciba uma dhaadhaco e!

Dhalanteed har moodaha Xammaal dhididsan baa dhaama!!!


Baqal dharas, dameer dhaamiyoo dhego leh baa dhaama!!!

Gaari dhirifta baalida dhabteed faraxsan baa dhaanta!!!

Madaxweyne dhoof jecel ugaas ari jiraa dhaama!!!

Dawlad-diidka dhaartana askari calan dhidbaa dhaama!!!

Maangaab dhiggiisana dhabcaal ganacsadaa dhaama!!!

Al-shabaab dhabiil badan ardada samac leh baa dhaanta!!!

Dhuqurjaaga dheelmada kuwii dhegatiraa dhaama!!!

Anaa dhacay, anaa dhawrsadoo edab leh baa dhaanta!!!


M00ryaanta maatada dhibtoo dhacaya maalkooda!

Dhaandhaanta boobtana ninkii dhaqan leh baa dhaama!!!

Dhac ninkii u xaytaa mar buu dhiriq ku dhaabtaaye!


Dhimir laawahaan Carabi baran waw dhadhaab culuse!

Dhimagoog sidee ugu dhegdhegay magacyaduu dheegtay?!

Ma dhar baa fudayd lagu gashado erayaduu dheehday?!

Isyeel-yeel sidee ugu dhilaa,sow ku dhumi maayo?!

Isku-Dhoon miyaa loo rogoo miciyo dhiigaystey?!

Al-Qaacida muxuu uga dhurtaa haatufka u dhoofa?!

Dhul miyay wadaagaan Afqaan waa dhudhub dheere?!

Dhedigoodka Aasiya Qariib wax uma dhiibaane!!!

War dhafoor ku yaallee, dabcina dhalasho weeyaane!!!


Afartaa intaan dhigay war sow dheelli kama dhawrin?

Ma u xiray dhegaatiga intaan dha'da ka higgaadshey?

Tuduc kalena waan dhuganayaa dhaw an kaga siiyo!


Buudlaanba waa dheemaniyo dhaxalki *******,

Laascaanood hadday dhacantay waa dhaawac kugu yaale!

Haddaan la iska dhaafayn qabiil waa dhifkii dhacaye!

Koofur looma dhaanshiyo dhufays cadow ku gaadaaye!

Dhulkaad gaar u leedahay dhisiyo dhalad maxaa dhaama?!!!

dhulQarnayn :cool:

Republic Of California


[ October 03, 2008, 12:53 AM: Message edited by: Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar ]

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