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TFG Troops heading to Laascaanood?

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Ciidamada Puntland oo markale laga soo daadguraynayo Mogadishu xili dowladu aad ugu baahantahay

Warkii 24-Oct-2007 iyo Qormadii: CC hargoole

Cutubyo ka tirsan ciidamada dowladda Somalia ee laga keenay deegaanada Puntland gaar ahaan gobolka Sool ayaa laga soo daadguraynayaa magaalada Mogadishu xili madaxwayne c/laahi yuusuf uu aad ugu baahan yahay ciidamo dheeri ah oo ka yimaado maamul goboleedka Soomaaliyeed ee Puntland si uu ugu xaqiijiyo jiritaanka xukuumada dib u heshiisiinta Somalida ee ay hada la dageen khilaafaadka la xidhiidha dhaqaalaha laga helay dowladaha shisheeye..........



Sida warku sheegayo ciidamada ka soo jeeda degaannada Puntland ee ka tagay Muqdisho ayaa qorsheynaya in ay ku biiraan ciidamada maamulka Puntland oo sida la sheegay qorsheynaya inay weerar rogaal celin ah ay dib ugu qabsadaan magaalada Laascaanood, halkaas dhawaan ay la wareegeen ciidamo ka tirsan maamulka Somaliland oo dagaal ba’an la galay ciidamada Maamulka Puntland


Soo daad guranta ciidamada Puntland ee joogay k/Somalia ayaa timid ka dib markii uu madaxwayne cadde muuse si is daba jooga u codsaday in dib loogu soo cesho kumanaankii ciidamada puntland ee ay dowlada Somalia ka qaadatay jiida adhi-cadeeye xiligii ay dagaalka ba’an kula jirtay xoogagii maxaakiimta islaamiga ee laga awooda roonaaday..


Qayb ka mid ah ciidamada puntland ee joogay Mogadishu ayaa si iskood ah isaga soo baxay ka dib markii Somaliland soo dul kulaashay xarunta gobolka Sool ee laascaanood badhtamihii bisha barakaysan ee Ramadaanka xiligaas oo ay ciidamada Puntland soo baneeyeen fadhiisimadii 5ta sano la isku horfadhiyey iyadaan wax dagaal ahi dhicin..


C.C Hargoole

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Originally posted by Emperor:

^Puntland have never been all serious about the Qat addicts in Hargeisa and that the secessionists were always regarded as lightweight interms of the Somali conflict. The priority for Puntland had always been to deal with Mogadishu and the large South. Now that Qatlanders made a move to score a goal they should be taken serious, and that's whats going to happen thou not too serious. Puntland's army is stationed at different regions of Somalia and face many fronts, thus it is not all that are returning just few to ensure the root out of Qatland militia and the fall of Hargeisa. Don't be frightened just yet, Faysal Warabe's waffle cries on the BBC rings a bell.

Emperor, do you think that Slanders should officially change their names to Qatlanders? :D


If my memory serves me correct,


Didn't the Slanders raise a fickle about defending the ICU and going against the TFG and the Ethiopian invaders earlier this year???

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Puntland gave all its troops to the central government, it only makes sense that when they are needed, they should be sent back to defend their home region. RS, TFG does consider both SL and Pl as regions of Somalia but take into account the fact that 1 the troops belong to Puntland and 2 A secessionist region attacked another region, pretty clear on what side the TFG should be on.


Whats most interesting, however, is that Somaliland has been fighting for colonial bounderies and that is exactly what they will get: Colonial Tribal borders. Oog, north of las Anod, will no longer be the borders between SL and PL but Kirid south of Burco.

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Originally posted by Khayr:

Emperor, do you think that Slanders should officially change their names to Qatlanders?

Sxb the very important idea of sucession and that dreamland creation were invented in a small dark room by few skinny a$$ed headless addicts under the influence of Heavy Khat chewing, further to that, the report confirmed that three out of the four renown great inventors had barely enough tooth to confortably use this intoxicating stimulant drug, waa loo tumaa, if you know what that means... thus it would reasonbly be fit-for-purpose to call it, the QATLANDERS :D

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Look at your pro Xabashis. yesterday you were all joy and high with excitment. While Duke flooded this site with pro TFG rubbish, today you have reduced to nothing but chest beatings and calacal.


I don't really like what is happening back home, but I do very much enjoy the state you are in my fellow nomads.

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^It has yet to begin sxb, ha sugi waayin, I tell you that for a fact war is inivertable, it will certainly happen only a matter of time... the wolf cry knows no better than the sucessionists... you are expert in wailing and lamenting in the Somali peninsula.

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Red Sea, be careful mow adeer, last time I checked there was no real war, we [TFG] and Puntland have enough troops to deal with any group.


We choose dialogue, we choose peace, but dont ever think we will give an inch of our land to secessionists or anyone else.

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Originally posted by Emperor:

quote:Originally posted by Khayr:

Emperor, do you think that Slanders should officially change their names to Qatlanders?

Sxb the very important idea of sucession and that dreamland creation were invented in a small dark room by few skinny a$$ed headless addicts under the influence of Heavy Khat chewing, further to that, the report confirmed that three out of the four renown great inventors had barely enough tooth to confortably use this intoxicating stimulant drug, waa loo tumaa, if you know what that means... thus it would reasonbly be fit-for-purpose to call it, the QATLANDERS

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^^^Lads lets stop with the insults, its not right that we fall as low as our confused brethrens from the North West.


Somaliland, secessionists, North West will do.

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do they know the way? tell them to make u-turn when they see the 2 triangle shaped mountains, order food to go from the chinese resturant behind the mts and head west till they smell raw meat then open fire!


thats the place they looking for to free!

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Cidamadii Dowlada Somalia Oo Isugu Yimi Jiida Ay ku Sugan Yihiin Ciidamada Puntland



Guutooyin ciidamada dowlada Somalia ah oo kasoo jeeda Maamul Goboleedka Puntland ayaa ka ambabaxay Muqdisho si ay u xoojiyaan ciidamada maamul goboleedka Puntland ee kulaalaya magaalada Laascaanood oo dhowaantan dagaal ku dhex maray ciidamada maamulka labaxay Somaliland .


Ciidama dan oo badan koodu kasoo jeedaan gobolada Sool, Sanaag iyo Cayn [sSC] ee xiisada colaadeed ka taagan tahay, ayaa u kolon yaystay iyagoo wata hubka cul-culus iyo fud fududba.


Ciidamadan waxay ku sii jeedaan Laascaanood si ay u xoojiyaan ciidamo puntland ay ku doonayso inaydib ugu hanato Laascaanood oo hada noqotay mid laga qaxay oo dad keedana ay u barakaceen dhinaca Puntland iyo Hawdka.


Laascaanood waxaa ku hareeraysan ciidamo iska soo horjeeda .


Sidoo kale ciidamadan ka tirsan dowlada somalia ee kusii jeeda gobolada puntland oo tiro ahaan aad u xoogan ayaa la sheegay inay dhamaan markoodii hore ka yimaadeen gobolada Puntland.


Ciidamadan oo hub, saanad, iyo sahay ba sita, ayaa waxaa la sheegay inay dagaal kala hor tegi doonaan ciidamada Somaliland oo dhowaan weerar dagaal kusoo qaaday magaalada Laascaanood ee gobolka Sool .


Sida ay xaqiijinayaan warar laga helayo saraakiisha ciidamada dowlada somalia ayaa sheegaya inay ciidamadaasi wataan baabuur tekniko ah, qaar gaashaaman iyo weliba hubkii culusaa ay Xamar kaga hawl-galeen, iyagoo haddana olole xooggan ku qaadi doona ciidamda labaxay Somaliland.


Ololahaan ballaadhan ay ciidamada Puntland kaga soo hor jeedaan ciidamada Somaliland ayaa noqonaya mid taariikhda gala hadba go'aanka dagaalka ka soo baxa.


Saadaalin natiijada dagaal kan lama sameen karo, laakiin waxaa la hubaa inuu yahay dagaal kala bax ah.


Widhwidh Online News Desk Media Center

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Why don't the secessionist militia's push through before the TFG reinforcements come? I don't get these seems that these groups are just dancing together.

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