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Originally posted by xiinfaniin:

^^The pic would be even more reflective on Somalia’s reality if good Ammiin had shown Cadde peaking from the other shoe…

Indeed, but the press-guys were clever enough at first by not fleeing to Puntland. Meshan ayey miciin bideen mise wa ka daro dibi dhal.

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Originally posted by Khalaf:

quote:Its time for reconciliation J11 and I am down for that.

:D fault but this is funny...some ppl overestimate their influence or take SOL serious....u just faceless cats with keyboard if u want make difference then go out and do somthing tangible. Funny thing, i remember Mr. Me no offense dude talking about going to somalia to fight...and Paragon (Jll) saying same thing he'll go to frontlines...hadaana sheekda wa lets reconcile on SOL.
hahahaha carry on fellas....i just thought it was funny nothing personal. Stay cool. :cool:
Khalafow, ha fududaanin ninyow. Hadaad si miyir leh ugu kuur gali layd macnaha ku ladhan the reconciliation I have suggested, to which brother Me agreed to, you wouldn't have written the above comment of yours. Reconciliation in the context within which I have in mind, does not include sitting down with Ethiopians iyo waxa la halmaala! No.


These Ethiopianised folks have gone beyond the point of reconciling with them. It is not them with which I seek reconciliation, but it is between 'us' - those of us who are against the occupation - and those who equally opposite the occupation but yet sit on the fence of neutrality.


Only after that, if reasonable and sympathetic figures - in the so-called parliament make their desire known (to reconcile on the basis of reinstating Somali independence), should we (again that is 'us' for re-liberation) spread the mat of reconciliation.


I am sure you are quite capable to grasb the gist of what I am saying, or can you not? If no, then you musn't hasitate to request of me further elaboration, Khalaf smile.gif .

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Riyaale iyo xukumadiisu ceeb ayey usoo hoyiyeen dadka fiican ee Somaliland. Waxan ogahay in dadku ay soo dhawayeen wariyaasha oo aanay ka raali ahay amarkaas.

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I am sure you are quite capable to grasb the gist of what I am saying, or can you not?

Sure sxb, i didn't expect a reply. Mine was only in good fun, but ill bite nevertheless on this point:


These Ethiopianised folks have gone beyond the point of reconciling with them. It is not them with which I seek reconciliation,
but it is between 'us' - those of us who are against the occupation
- and those who equally opposite the occupation but yet sit on the fence of neutrality.

Reconciliation happens between opposing teams, in other words those whom are on different sides of the fence to reach common grounds, (ie TFG vs. its opponents) reconciliation is not between those on the same side of the fence as your above statement indicates.


Taan labad, ethiopia is a tool for Washington, its main ally in the Horn of Africa. You do realize this point? In any case, let me know how the "liberation" works out for you, i am hoping for the international community, the Muslim world, and Somalia's neighbors to help this poor African country and her people achieve some kind of peace and stability and set up some kind of governing body.



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Very sad how Ethiopia rules directly/indirectly the entire Somali State! lucky for the Journalist, if they have not been handed over!

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Originally posted by xiinfaniin:

^^The pic would be even more reflective on Somalia’s reality if good Ammiin had shown Cadde peaking from the other shoe…

Why are they kicking them out? What have they done to deserve this? Ask yourself this first

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The Zack   

24 weriye oo bilihii la soo dhaafay qax ku joogay magaalada Hargeysa ee xarunta Jamhuuriyada Somaliland, ugu dambeyntiina lagu amray in muddo 24 saac gudahood ah isaga baxaan magaalada Hargeysa ayaa waxaa maanta magaaladaasi isaga huleelay 13 ka tirsan suxufiyiintasi.


Weriyeyaashan ayaa iyagu muddo hore waqtigii loo qabtay uu ku dhamaaday inkastoo ay jireen maalmo kooban oo loogu kordhiyay, waxayna ugu dambeyntii ay go’aansadeen inay halkaasi ka tagaan, iyagoo afka aadiyay dhinaca dalka Jabuuti oo la filayo in ay saacadaha soo socda gaaraan.


Weriye C/xakiin Cilmi Xasan oo isagu ka tirsanaa suxufiyiinta boggan, kana mid ah suxufiyiinta isaga huleelay magaalada Hargeysa ayaa isagu sheegay in dhinaca dhulka ay ku geli doonaan magaalada Jabuuti ee xarunta Jamhuuriyadda dalka Jabuuti, wuxuuna xusay in go’aankani ay wadatshiyo kala sameeyeen xubno sare oo ka tirsan xukuumada Jabuuti.


Wasiirka arrimaha dibedda dalkaasi Jabuuti ayuu sheegay inay la xiriireen, isla markaana ay ka codsadeen bal inay gudaha u soo galaan dalkaasi, isagoo sheegay in wasiirku uu u muujiyay soo dhoweyn aad u wanaagsan iyo marxabeyn, wuxuuna xusay in shuruud la’aan uu u sheegay inay soo geli karaan dalka Jabuuti oo uu sheegay inuu yahay dhul Soomaaliyeed.


“Dowladda Jabuuti waxay noo muujisay dareen Soomaalinimo iyo soo dhoweyn, mana iloob doono” ayuu yiri C/xakiin Cilmi Xasan oo tibaaxay in sidoo kale ay u mahad celinayaa dowladda Somaliland oo buu yiri muddadii ay suxufiyiintaasi ku sugnaayeen ay si wanaagsan u soo dhoweeyeen suxufiyiin & shacab intaba.


"Goáanka xukuumada waan ku qasbaneyn in aan aqbalno, inkastoo aanan aheyn dad mudan in iyaga oo qax ku yimid la sii qaxiyo haddana waan ixtiraameynaa goáanka dowladda Somaliland, maadaama ay yihiin dal madax-banaan, waxaana u mahadcelineynaa dhammaan shaqsiyaadkii na garab istaagay muddadii aan halkaasi ku sugneyn" ayuu yiri yiri C/xakiin Cilmi Xassan oo si gaar ah ugu mahadceliyey Guddoomiyaha ururka Solja Mustaf Shiino oo uu ku tilmaamay shaqsi ay mar walba abaal u hayaan suxufiyiinta reer Muqdsiho.


Weriyeyaasha kale ee iyaguna ku haray magaalada Hargeysa ayaa la sheegay inay saacadaha soo socda isaga bixi doonaan inkastoo aan la xaqiijin halka ay qaban doonaan, iyagoo kol horena ay jireen 3 suxufi oo ka mid ahaa 24-kaas lagu amray inay ka baxaan Hargeysa oo horey u gaartay magaalada Campala ee dalkaasi Yugandha.

Suxufiyiinta maanta isaga baxday halkaasi ayaa waxaa ka mid ah C/xakiin Cilmi Xasan, Jacfar Max’ed Kuukaay, C/raxmaan Al Cadaala, Ceydiid C/raxmaan, Miikaa’iil Rashiid Barre, Rashka iyo xubno kale oo aad u tiro badan.


Dhinaca kale, magaalada Jabuuti ayaa waxaa haatan ku sugan guddoomiyaha ururka u dooda xuquuqda suxufiyiinta Qaranka ee NUSOJ Cumar Faaruuq Cusmaan kaasoo qeyb ka qaadanaya soo dhoweynta iyo dejinta weriyeyaashaasi daalan oo ay isku kaashadeen barakaca iyo sii barokicinta, waxaana sidoo kale halkaasi ku sugan madaxa hay’adda warbaahinta bariga Afrika qeybteeda dalka Soomaaliya


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