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New Islamic Court announced in N/Gaalkacyo; Cade reacts

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GAALKACYO : War Deg-Deg ah : Cadde Muuse oo Furitaanka Golaha Wakiilada Puntland si deg-deg ah uga baxay iyadoo laga cabsi qabo in magaalada Gaalkacyo looga dhawaaqo Maxkamad Islaami ah

Posted to the Web Oct 31, 10:20


Garoowe:-Cadde Muuse Xirsi M/waynaha DG Puntland ayaa goordhawayd si degdeg ah uga baxay xili uusan dhamaan furitaanka Golaha Wakiilada DG Puntland wuxuuna sheegay in uu soo gaaray war degdeg ah oo sheegaya in magaalada Gaalkacyo ay arini ka jirto islamarkaasna uu si degdeg ah halkaasi ku gaarayo.


Warar laga helayo magaaladaasi ayaa sheegaya in Waqooyiga Gaalkacyo uu iminka ka socdo kulan ballaaran oo looga arin sanayo sidii looga dhawaaqi lahaa Maxkamad Islaami ah kaa soo ay leeyihiin qaar ka mid ah beelaha Waqooyiga Gaalkacyo iyo dad la afkaar ah.


Warku wuxuu intaasi ku darayaa in aan wali kulankan oo muddo socday aan la isku afgaran magaca Maxkamada iyo in ay ku biiri doonto Maxkamadaha Muqdisho iyo waliba inta ay ka talin doonto.


Kala soco Puntlandpost war bixin dheeraad ah oo warkan ku saabsan


----> PuntlandPost


Beesha W/Gaalkacyo degto oo maanta deegaanada Puntland uga dhawaaqday maxkamad Islaami ah oo hoos tegeysa golaha maxkamadaha


Maxkamad Islaami ah oo loogu magacdaray maxkamada islaamiga ah ee Badbaado ayaa maanta looga dhawaaqay W/Gaalkacyo, iyadoo maxkamadaasina ay sameysteen beeshan oo ka tirsan beelaha ugu waaweyn [qabiilka Puntland u badan] oo iyadu heyb ahaan degta deegaanada hoos taga maamulka Puntland ee uu madaxda ka yahay Jen. Cadde Muuse Xirsi.


---> Deyniile


Here's Shabelle's take:


Maxkamad islaami ah oo lagaga dhawaaqay Mag. Galkacyo


Mogadishu 31, Oct.06 ( Sh.M.Network) Odayaasha ka soo jeeda Waqooyiga magaalada Galkacyo ayaa beeniyay in ay jirto Maxkamad islami ah oo ay dhisteen dad ka soo jeeda waqooyiga magaalada Galkacyo, iyadoo la sheegay in Maxkamad islaami ah looga dhawaaqay K/magaalada Galkacyo, oo lagu baahinayo ilaa waqooyiga magaalada Galkacyo.....


---> Shabelle

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LooL....Ar odaga haka urdasiina wadno gariir uusay ku dhicineh. You know how bad those roads( the ones he was supposed to fix)are in Pland. Interesting development, lets see how this turns out.


P.S I hope Laas Caanod inay Maxkamad uga dhawaaqaan just to watch him run to the other


More seriously though, Lets hope this doesn't bring instability to the land.

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Ms DD   

Salaam aleykum Paragon


I dont understand this. Have the people themselves decided that they wanted Courts ruled by themselves? Or is this something to do with the Islamic Courts in Mogadishu?


Why is Cadde paniking if W/gaalkacoyo themselves decided to have court?

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Che- Lol. We can't have another Puntlander leader having the same heart condition :D . But seriously, it is still early to say anything. Rumour has it that the police are surrounding the place these new 'Islamists' ;) were meeting: Hotel Kaah. It has been reported that shots were fired and no one knows the situation clearly. Just like you, I hope, if this news is anything to go by, the transition to Courts system would be a smooth one; instability is undesirable.


Cambaro, Wa Caleykumu Salaam,


Sister, as I have mentioned already, things are not quite clear. This announcement could have something to do with the Courts in Mogadishu or it could be the work of a non-consultative group speaking own behalf of the residents of N/Gaalkayo, without any mandate from the people themselves.


But according to some news reports, the announcement is indeed representative of one of the sub-clans that occupy N/GaalKacyo. To some extent, it was reported that the Ugaas of this sub-clan named Ugaas Axmed Muuse has blessed the announcement and thus, the whole affair is based on the willingness of the sub-clan. This rules out any involvement of Mogadishu Courts in announcement. As Ceelbuurnet says:


Waxaa la sheegay in Ugaas Axmed Muuse, oo ka mid ah Isimadda Dhaqanke ee Beeshaasi, oo maanta isagoo ku sugan Magaalladda Gaalkacayo u waramay saxaafadda , ayaa sheegay inay si rasmi ahaan ugu dhawaaqeen Maxkamad Islaami ah oo loogu magac-daray Maxkamadda Islaamka ee Badbaado



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Ugaas Axmed Muuse Nuur is on BBC Somali Section at 14:00 GMT. For conveneince, forward the real player from zero to around 14.5 minutes. The message he is trying to tell the world is that they will never back off from this decision even if Cadde Muuse brings his tigrean mercenaries for a fight. He is clearly stating that they are part and parcel of Mog. UIC.Great day of Somalia...

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Originally posted by muraad:

War Jacaylbaro, aynu is diyaarinno waa la inaku soo socdaaye

hahahaha ,,, muraad ha iga qoslin sxb ,,,, i can watch the fall of some old kingdoms from distance ,,,, they know me if they not fools and i already know them well ,,,,,,,,

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Neyruus, thank you very much sxb for the link. Very good truly.


Originally posted by muraad:

War Jacaylbaro, aynu is diyaarinno waa la inaku soo socdaaye

Lol, Muraad. Adeer waa la isa soo hayaa.

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Originally posted by Nayruus:

Ugaas Axmed Muuse Nuur is on BBC Somali .... The message he is trying to tell the world is that they will never back off from this decision even if Cadde Muuse brings his tigrean mercenaries for a fight.

After listening I think the Ugaas was saying that they chose the 'Sharecada Islanka ' cause of personal interest which he deems his clan lacks in the LKocal government of Puntland.

His own words were I think....'dana siyasadeed ayan uu aragna in ay nogu jirto dhisida Maxkamada'.

So can we assume he is not genuine in establishing a Islamic court and using it as a bargaininh chip to gain higher political level for his clan, after all he is doing it for 'his clan' .

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^^^This is a developing story, but are the majority of the clan supporting this? No


The people of Galkacyu are religious and they want the Shariah, but that does not mean they want to come under the Mogadishu clan courts, no.


Nayruus, there are many suldans, Islans from Mudug who do not agree with this so what will the suldan do fight all of them. Also dont insult us by saying Tigray fighters, Puntland has its own army.

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Originally posted by General Duke:

^^^This is a developing story, but are the majority of the clan supporting this? No


The people of Galkacyu are religious and they want the Shariah, but that does not mean they want to come under the Mogadishu clan courts, no.


Nayruus, there are many suldans, Islans from Mudug who do not agree with this so what will the suldan do fight all of them. Also dont insult us by saying Tigray fighters, Puntland has its own army.

Actually, they want to come under people in Mogadishu. Why not, why should they not or is it somehow unimagible for Puntlanders to come under Mogadishu?


Listen to the BBC interview and hear what the Ugaas has to say. He says unequivocally that they want to be part and parcel of Mogadishu Islamic Courts. Now, are we implying the words of the Ugaas are a lie? I hope not.

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