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POLL: Who would you like to see as the Prime Minister

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Ooooh, I talked to her first day of ramadan and she was ok. I will call the family, Insha Allah she will be ok soon.

Inshallah. I just hope it’s not something serious.


If you visit her tell her my salams please

Will do inshallah. If i get the chance i shall go and see her today.


Ilaahay ha caafiyo the nomad.





Brother, if you recall you accused me of being an anti-puntlander just a while ago.


That was a serious accusation also, was it not? Basically what you said was that I hate my own brother, uncle, aunt, grandmother, grandfather, cousin etc


Do you remember my reception to that? You did not see me huffing and puffing out of anger.

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We in NFD know what we want and we got our priorities straight and you will all find out what that is as soon as you settle your quarrels because I am sorry to say this but I don't think nor believe that Somalia will return to it's former glories as long as there are divisions amongst the Somalis themselves and that is the main reason why I don't bother talking about the motherland because it is just a waste of energy and time and there is no point in getting excited about an illusion.



The people of Somalia have been dying for more than a decade and to this date I am yet to find a one Somali warlord who's brave enough to say that it is about time we stopped killing each other and for once put our country Somalia before his own greed and personal interest and the day we find that man then I will be the first one to salute him and give him my vote of confidence.


The Somali people are tired of this senseless tribal war (yes, there is nothing political about our civil war but everything about tribal garbage) so they have no choice but to faithfully hope and pray that this will finally be the one to end all the heartache and misery and all I can say this point of time is AMEEN to their prayers.


In 0gaden!a they have been waiting far too long for their brothers and sisters from the motherland Somalia to come to their rescue and save them from the bullets of Ethiopians but unfortunately to no avail and they have finally decided to move on and forget about Somalia which is the right thing to do.


If anybody in here ever thought that 0gaden!a's freedom lies in the hands of the future Somali president then you are wrong because they have always been fighting and dying for their freedom even long before the 1977 war between Somalia and Ethiopia and that will never change regardless who's on the helm of either Somalia or Ethiopia but it is very unfortunate for some of you to distant yourselves away from that region just because it carries a certain name but aren't you forgetting that it is your land too and you have every right to kill and die for it?


I bet some of you will even laugh when you hear how the innocent people from that region are oppressed, tortured, raped and murdered by your worst enemy that you have ever had which is Ethiopia but let me remind you one thing here my fellow Somalis..they are being killed, raped and Wrongfully prosecuted because they are MUSLIMS and SOMALI, that is right.


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C/laahi Yuusuf oo 48 Saac soo socota ku dhawaaqi doona Wasiirka Koowaad


Warar goor dhaw iga soo gaaray ayna ka soo xiganay Ilo Muhiim ah oo lagu kalsoon yahay ayaa sheegaya in Madaxweynaha Soomaaliya laga soo wariyay in 48 saac ee soo socota uu Magacabi doona wasiirkiisi koowaad ee Xukumada 5 Sano dalka hogaamin doonta.


Warkaan oo ah kii ugu horeeyay oo dhanka Madaxweynaha laga helay ayaa waxaa haatan miiska u saaran shaqsiga Ra’iisul Wasaare loo magaci doona, kaas oo la filayo in hogaamiyaasha beelaha ****** laga soo dhex saaro, waxana ilaa iyo haatan liiska ku jira xubno ay ka mid yihiin Enj Maxamed Xuseen Caddow, Xuseen Maxamed Caydiid, Proff C/laahi Axmed Afrax, Maxamed Maxamud (Gacma Dheere), Maxamed Cumar Xabeeb (M Dheere) iyo Maxamed Qanyare, waxaase dhici karta in shaqsi ka madax bannaan kooxdan uu ku soo baxo Wasiirka koowaad.


Nuuradin Macalin Mukhtaar (Dinow)

Midnimo Information Center

Xafiiska Midnimo ee Muqdisho

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Rumours have it that the PM will be either Dr Hussein Ali Ahmed or Prof. Ali Mahamed Geedi, who are both outside the parliament. The warlords all seem to be out of contention for this position.


Cabdulahi Yusuf oo Afkiisa laga Xaqiijiyay inuu ra’isulwasaare u Magacaabi Doono Labo Mas’uul oo ------- ka soo wada jeedo midkood


Parfasoor Cali Maxamed Geedi oo loo magacaabi doona wasiirka Koowaad

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We in NFD know what we want and we got our priorities straight and you will all find out what that is as soon as you settle your quarrels because I am sorry to say this but I don't think nor believe that Somalia will return to it's former glories as long as there are divisions amongst the Somalis themselves and that is the main reason why I don't bother talking about the motherland because it is just a waste of energy and time and there is no point in getting excited about an illusion.

Il Capo, sxb don't drop your country and your people like that. This is just a bomb on the road and iinsha allah we will go thrue..these warlords are not imortals because they will die one day and iinsha allah we will have new people who are daacad to lead our country..


I agree on almost every thing you wrote except the part that you say "We in NFD know"..why do I say that, because is this we thing that is killing us today.


I have noticed that people claiming to belong to place or some areas in Somalia, like puntland,Somaliland and banadirland and 0gaden!a..When you say we, you are seprating your self and that contradicts on everything alse that you.


We are Somali, no matter were we live. Do you think our anemy sees that? they see a Muslim from Somalia!!!!They don't see us as NFD or puntlander nor somalilanders, they see us the same. So why should we look at each other different!!!


I know very well how things have changed after the cival war and I know that people will now live in placeses were thir tripes live because dadkii waa la is bartay dagaaka ka bacdi. Laakiin i believe us the younger generation could change that.. but if we think "we" (as my tripe and my people from my tripe), we will never have peace..


wareer badanaa!!!

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Ma dhab baa inuu Madaxweynuhu xilka Ra’isul-Wasaaraha u magacaabi doono Mas’uul ka soo jeeda Beesha Mundulood?

Nairobi, Talaado, 02-Nov’04 Waagacusub Online


Madaxweyne C/llaahi Yuusuf Axmed, oo maalmahan la tashiyo badan la lahaa Xildhibaano iyo Mas’uuliyiin ka soo jeeda Beelaha ****** , ayaa waxaa la filayaa inuu saacadaha soo socdo ku dhawaaqo Ra’isul-Wasaaraha Cusub ee Xukuumadiisa aan haatan dhamaystirnayn.


Weriye ka tirsan Wakaalladda Wararka ee AFP, ayaa sheegay in si xoog leh loo hadal-hayo in Xilkaasi loo magacaabi doono Prof. Cali Maxamed Geeddi, oo ka soo jeeda Beesha Mundulood, balse, ma jiraan warar rasmi ah oo arrintaasi xaqiijinaya, oo laga helay ilo ku dhowdhow Xafiiska Madaxweynaha.


Inkastoo ay Hadal-hayntaasi si aad ah u hareeyey Shaarica Magaallooyinka Muqdisho iyo Nairobi, ayaa waxaa haddana la sheegayaa in laga yaabo in Xilka Ra’isul-Wasaaraha loo magacaabo Xildhibaan Maxamed Max’ud Guuleed "Gaca-ma-dheere" oo ka soo jeeda Beesha Habar-gidir.


Dhinaca kale, xubno ka tirsan Xildhibaanadda Beelaha ****** , ayaa waxay horey Madaxweynaha ugu gudbiyeen inay Xilkaasi u soo sharxayaan Xildhibaan Maxamed Qanyare Afrax, oo isagu ka soo jeeda Beesha Murusade, kana mid ahaa Musharixiintii Madaxweynenimadda, ee ku haray Wareeggii loogu soo gudbi lahaa wareeggii 3aad ee ugu dambeeyey.


WQ. Nuradin Abokor Axmed "Diini-Yare"




Everyday is a new name but we shall see Insha ALLAH

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OG Moti   

I was hoping they will choose me.. and i would say no.. but the call never came... it doesnt matter who they choose.. i dont think the whole thing will work... but i hope it will .. we suffered anough.. peace

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