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Sharif turns Villa Soomaaliya into 'Villa MogadishuUSC' +hate speech in his presence

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Sharif, the former Islamic courts chairman of no formal education and knowledge of how government works has turned Villa Somalia into his clan's home and abode for the last couple of days.


The day before yesterday he congregated the parliamentarians, ministers, military officials and civil socity from his clan into Villa Somalia for a special meeting.


In his presence a group that call's itself the 'Council for the Tradition and Unity of the USC clan' has made hate speeches against certain people such as the Prime Minister and the Speaker of Parliament.


Where this spokesman said that 'He calls upon the D-Block federate clans to take back their Prime Minister from them as he's taking their money and all the resources and diverting it to his native Puntland.


He also in the same breath lashed out on the Speaker of Parliament and angrily said 'his clan should take him back as well from them'.


Furthermore the un-shameful and unremorseful spokesperson inclined in the presence of Sharif Ahmed,'That the Parliamentarians from the aforementioned officials clan's should either go or come to their side.'


It is clear that Sharif is against the newly written constitution and favours the current situation and stalemate to peace and progress and does not want the transition Somalia currently is in to move out from and rather stay in the transition and status quo of current.


Sharif's inept and hopelessness has come to the fore shine as well this weak as tons of weapons went missing and in which high ranking military officials were sacked notably the chief of the army.


Furthermore Sharif is encircled with former Islamic courts leaders who have doing the practise of buying weapons and other military hardware in order to facilitate it to Al-shabab and Hisbul Islam's usage. Which is a great betray, the International community is indeed aware of.

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Puntland is the future why should you care? Serious question. I am perfectly fine with him turning Villa Somalia to 'Villa Mogadishu&USC'. Let the man carry his people and stop hating fams smile.gif

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Clan is everything.

Soo maadan oran aan dhisano gobolkeena (dawladeena) haddii aan nahay reer Faroole, marka maxaad la ooyeysaa yaa Sakhar?


Koonfurians soo tii laga soo eryey Garowe, aawey the audio of that meeting? mise you have selective memory?


Soo tii Ina A/Rashiid hub lagu duqeeyo Galgala u direy Faroole, aawey the phone conversationka? mise you have selective memory?


Dastuurkaana waa la gubaayo ogoow, hal beel Somaliya dastuurkeeda la sameeyey in the 60s looma bedelaayo ogow.


Somaliya waxay u baahantahay dawlad lagu dhiso laguna doorto Somaliya gudaheeda. A fair and free election, something like the Waqooyi Galbeedka.


No need inaad soo cabaatid markey lacagta laga goyn rabo Suul weyn.


PL cannot have it both ways, waan goosanaynaa iyo TFG lacagta ka dhuuqeynaa ma soconeyso anymore, deal with it son.

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^^^kaligiis haisku jawaabi maad iska dhaaftid



Nina nimankan somalia oo dhan kaligood ineey kukoobantahay isku heesto energy haiskaga qasaarin

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Originally posted by NinaNC:

Clan is everything


PL cannot have it both ways, waan goosanaynaa iyo TFG lacagta ka dhuuqeynaa ma soconeyso anymore, deal with it son.

NinaNc, Puntland has never said it would secede nor is it in its charter.


You seem to be angry for no reason love. 1st. If you can provide an audio were any Puntland elder is being a clanist infront of the leadership of Puntland one would love to hear it.


Also the operations in Bossaso targeted suspected youth, and the thousands who reside in Puntland as their rightfull home and in peace have never been targeted nor clan cleansed, nor are their homes occupied. In comparison you dont need a history lesson of what happened in Mogadishu these past 20 years.


Thus again my sister, no need to get upset this is just weakness, and will only play into the hands of the Hawks.


Puntland controls all its territory, Sharif Hotel and the man making the comments are stuck in 4km2 area.

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^^^lol@you are Sakhar.. I was only responding to your comment about Puntland. :D


Anyhow regardless if Sakhar is me, or if I am him. The PM was not appointed by Puntland or the clan, but by Sharif Hotel, thus whats the point of this comment by this man?

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