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Shariif Ahmed makes a telephone conv with da President of Puntland and faces upset

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Originally posted by Emperor:

Xidigo I told you to move on, you seem to like to hold onto this one ina abti, and this line of 'you are a qabiliist' have become so common in SOL... its getting boring


Dear I am an honest, open minded but sometimes out-spoken, I like to say what I think and put my thoughts straight infront of everyone without hiding intent or any hesitation and for that you and many others assume me as cocky person with questionable character.... I tell you the truth Emp is the least qabiilist you would find in this boards, and my feelings or veiws in this boards are the least bit affected by any qabiil crab...


As for Yey's status in Puntland, my dear waan kusheegay sidee wax kuugu cadeeyaa. Mideeda kale hadaan Somalia oo dhan laga hadlayn baan ku iri oo sheekadu Puntland ku egtahay maxaa qabiilist meesha kenay? Hadii Yusuf Yey, Jamac Ali Jamac, Faroole, Aw-Saciid, Cadde Muse iyo Morgan ay iisiman yihiin qabiil ahaan, oo aan Yusuf Yey u arko inuu hero of Puntland yahay over the rest, sidee u ahay qabiilist? nimankaa kale ayaaba isookeeyaan qabiil ahaan qarkood - that was my point...


Mideeda kale xagga criminality, harliner-ka iyo dictotorial style kaliya wax laguma qiimeeyo, meela badan oo kalena waa laga fiiriyaa ee lasoco, to give you an example Abraham lincoln is one of the brutal leaders that America has ever seen, he led and excuted a most devastating civil war in America in the name of saving the union and as a result hundreds of thousands of American men and woman have died, families displaced and and all sorts of despair happened... but you know his status in that country today....


Also Joseph Stalin was the most brutal dictator Russia has ever seen, in his era of iron fist rule, Russia have suffered the most deaths of its citizen as a result of his totalitarian decision making and dictotorial regime. He's the man with the famous quote,
'One death is tragic, a million is statistic', and he said that in relation to the death rate of his country men and the suffering of his people, despite all that if you go to Russia today (Bear in mind Im not tallking about 6 or 7 decades ago when the man was still in power and thus seen a hero, now modern day 21st century in which people have become more aware of the world, more enlightened and have learnt to go beyond the line of blind patriotism), the most elevated hero beyond human imagination in Russia is none other than Joseph Stalin... Go ask why the Russian think that way...


These are just examples Im not comparing A. Yusuf to this leader, although I believe Stalin was harder and more stubborn than Yey but had a united Russia under his control...



PS: Tariikhda intaan ka arkay, I have never seen Stalin nin ka qalbi adkaa even Chinese generals xataa waan aqriyay, but this man was another human being....

HAHAHA LOOOL, Empero CV pluz shots in the dark made me laugh a little. LOL. YA illahi

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^Good for you Ibti, nice gigle... may I take credit for that? :D


Wayfarer, Allidamaale is different from website that was run by Xuubsireed. Allidamaale is a normal, balanced and somewhat fair Somali website like Shabeele, puntlandpost...


Check the links if you want find out...


Allidamaale Link


And this is Xuubsireed's Idamaale



PS: Wayfarer actually Xuubsireed is not baagamuundo, you will be in shock should I inform you that he's a member of the Somali parliament representing Sheikh Shariif's ARS and have voted on Friday for Shariif Ahmed :D , suprise suprise heh? You will be intrigued by the connection between Yusuf Yey's closest confidantes and Shariif Ahmed, Lol. Politiks mate, Somali politiks

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^Loool. Well he got himself a high post the last time, didn't he? I am sure he can work something out to get Sharif's approval lol.


PS: Thanks for the correction... So you are saying some of the senior stuff in the old guard are likely to be with Sharif? I wonder if some of my friends in the Foreign Affairs (diplomatic service) are still active civil servants. Is it possible?

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Originally posted by Emperor:

^Good for you Ibti, nice gigle... may I take credit for that?


Allidamaale is different from website that was run by Xuubsireed. Allidamaale is a normal, balanced and somewhat fair Somali website like Shabeele, puntlandpost...


Check the links if you want find out...




loool...I thought that it as kaas waa la xiray intuu amxaarada u shaqaynayey markaas buu hadda net iyo all idamaale furtay yaa lagu ciyaaraa? Oh at least the new one has got margins...kii hore midig iyo bidix maba la kala aqoon.

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I thought this was a joke, but it is 100% confirmed that Mudane shariif made a phone call to president puntland. Unfortunatly Mr faroole told Shariif that he has alot to do his new adminstration.


toboneeyo xildhibaan oo uu ku jiro xildhibaan jini boqor ayaa soo gaaray puntland waxaana soo diray shariif si ay uuga dhaadhic siyaan faroole in uu aqblo codsiga shariifka.

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Originally posted by General Duke:

^^^President Sharif needs to make his point clear and present a good offer to the leader of Puntland.

Stimulate that further pls :D

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Nuune, Puntland’s size, and strength can not be overlooked; President Sharif is the one who needs the state and not the other way round. Thus he need to put something on the table that will not only wet the appetite of the state and its leaders but ensure we give support.

Also if the Parliament is to be housed in the state as rumor has the UNDP and “international” community must guarantee their financial well being.

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Emperor, eedo, you are much better than believing waxa la yidhi gossip.


Secondly, I don't think you realize just how silly your thread is perceived by many here by painting Sharif as a weak leader, a beggar of sort.


If Sharif made a phone call to the p-land administration(which I don't doubt), he did it in the name of solidarity under the wadanimo umbrella but you don't seem to grasp that bit of enlightenment eedo, why is that?


Onto the following highlight from your prev. post:-


These are just examples Im not comparing A. Yusuf to this leader, although I believe Stalin was harder and more stubborn than Yey but had a united Russia under his control...

You should be asking yourself why the two leaders are remembered differently than when they were living? What was the significance of their historic legacy?


Perhaps you missed part of the historic speech of Lincoln after his inauguration where he voted to defend federal property in any means necessary, hence the battle of sumter and the initiation of the American Civil War.(however, war was inevitable during that period)


or perhaps you missed the reasoning behind the EP(emancipation proclamation)?


Lincoln's course of action was primarily motivated by the two distinct groups who were opposed to his administration within the union circle who were not too happy with his leadership style or the strengthening of the confederate army during the war, and as a result he had issued the orders to satisfy the abolitionist on the one hand, who were calling for end of slavery practice and on the other hand to satisfy the group who thought that their industrialized north was in jeopardy(due to labor decline), therefore issuing the EP to free the slaves in hopes of them crossing to the north and working in the factories that will lead to the victory of the north from the south.


All of that was mainly contributed but had the two interest within the opposition groups not pressured him to come up with a solution, some historians argue that he probably would never have issued the EP orders.


All in all, it was a gamble and it succeeded thus viewing him not only America's savior but the hero of the slaves and changing the culture of Black America were lincoln is concerned.


On the matter of stalin, he was a tyrant ruler as you mentioned but a man that is still idolized in that part of the world primarily for his expansionist ideas. He was not innovator, he had just expanded on the Lenin policies that were put in place, making soviet power advance and strength the economy.


Lastly, I am not under representing neither men's legacy but just giving you a different perspective as to why people view them differently now than when they were both ruling their respective countries.


If anything, I would say your man yey probably resembles the likes of Gorbachev, who drove the already declining soviet empire into the ground(sort of like mogadishu and ethiopia's occupation), while all along playing the part of democratizing his people by way of western influence.

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