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Shariif Ahmed makes a telephone conv with da President of Puntland and faces upset

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Madaxwynaha Somalia Sheekh Shariif oo xiriir xaga Talefoonka ah la sameeyay Madaxweynaha Puntland Dr.Cabdiraxmaan Faroole.


Axad 01. 02. 2009

(allidamaale) Warar aanu ka helay Masuuliyiin aad ugu dhaw Madaxwaynaha Cusub ee Somaaliya Sheekh Shariif ayaa ku waramaya in Xiriir dhanka Isgaarsiinta ah oo uu la sameeyay Madaxweynaha Puntland Dr.Cabdiraxmaan Faroole uu kala kulmay weji gabax, Sheekh Shariif ayaa la sheegayaa in uu ka codsaday Madaxwanaha Puntland in uu Safar ugu tago Magaalada Garoowe isla mar ahaantaana ay sameeyaan isu soo dhawaansho labada dhinac ah,


Diidmadan uu Maamulka Puntland ku qaadacay in wax taageero ah la garab istaago Hogaanka Shariifka ayaa wuxuu noqonayaa guuldaradii ugu horaysay ee Shariifku la kulmo.waxaana muuqata in Madaxwanaha Puntland Dr. Faroole uu ku adkaysanayo go,aankiisii hore ee ahaa in aanu aqoonsan doonin waxa ka soo baxa Shirka Jabuuti.


Sheekha ayaa waxa hortaagan marxalado adag isaga oo Maamulada dalka ka jira sida Puntland iyo Somaaliland ka haysan kalsooni isla mar ahaantaana Gobalada Koonfurtu ay gacanta ugu jiraan Kooxada mayalka adag ee Al Shabaan ayaa waxa aan la garanayn halka uu gayn doono Golaha Dawlada uu dhiso iyo midka Baarlamanka ee faraha badan.


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Allidamaale kalasoco warar xaqiiqada kusaleeysan


Xaafiiska Waraqabadka

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In summary, Shariif Ahmed have embarked on his greatest tactic to neutralise and reduce all opposition against his incoming government. He made a telephone conversation with the President of Puntland to receive an official invitation for a visit to Garowe as his first entry point to Somalia as Somali President, and also have asked for the same support Puntland offered to the fmr President Yey.


President Faroorle have categorically rejected all requests on the grounds that his earlier opposition against the Djibouti process still stands true, and nothing have substansially changed since....


Sheikh Shariif is doing good, but needs to do better to get the confidence and the support of Puntland Administration.

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Faroole or cagoole is a minnow in this game of high stakes. He must not abuse the wisdom of Sheikh Shariif. Must the US embassy in Nairobi call him and tell him he is responsible for piracy to fall in line?? I mean if he wants to play it rough, there are ways to dance to his tune.


Shariif can bring the weight of the US, AU and Arab Union into this, but should Farole need to go that far.


Afterall, how about if Shariif asks for a re-run of the Presidential elections in Puntland which Faroole bought. I think Ilka-jiir needs to prepare himself for a re-run.


On the wider issue, I never had any trust in Puntlanders to behave like patriotic Somali's when power is not in their hand. It is funny how those who were Dawlad-doon at all cost some months ago, all of a sudden don't see the need for one. I will not be surpried at all if I find myself fighting on the side of the Government, this time firing at supporters of insurgents who are led by none other than that comical figure Duke. How times change!




Nin naagtaada dooni, gabadhaada kuma qanco ma maqashay. Cid Puntland qancin kartaa majirto, laakin wax qancin karaa jira. Xassen Abshir kursiga Shariifka halagu wareefiyo.

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looooooool............Allidamaale...oo toloow yaa qora mise Xuub-sireed ayaa soo noqday?


Waxaanse la yaabay Faroole oo dadka uu u taliyaa badankood ay aqoonsadeen Doorashada Madaxweyne Shariif muxuu ka diidi?

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I suppose Faroole was left out, or feels left out!



Shariifkaan kuu aqaanaayoo he will also call Riyaale, wuu yara xeyraamey sheikhu

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NG, I have no idea, but I think Faroole isn't an easy man, he's far too strong, firm but balanced than Yusuf. He knows what his Puntland is capable of and thus asks the new President to do all the walk before Faroole rushes into some sort a nervious agreement like a little boy... you get the drift old man...


Somalia is in taters and hence its Somalia (meaning the South) that needs Puntland and not vice versa... Puntland have spent blood and money in the past four years, I am sure they don't want to go through that route again but Shariif Ahmed wants that not stop, waa intaas un, other than I don't think Faroole has any personal grudge for the new President...

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Sheikhu wuxuu rabaa inuu 'wabilaahi tawfiik' wax ku wado. He needs to listen to Mohamed Moge's "Waayeel dadoow inaan waalanahay, duni weecsantoo..." in lieu of the nasheeds, sometimes.


He is now in politics, and he should play it the way it is played. Hadii kale, jimcaha masaajidada haka kaco oo isagoo qiiraysan walaalayaal'ta ha hayo.

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^AT, Adiga you have a little bit for reer Puntland and your signs are far too clear... Markaa halkaa kawad balse ogow waa lagaa Shisheeyaa waana lagaa sokeeyaa adeer


Nuune Awowe Faroole have done nothing wrong, he's made clear to the UN in a letter regarding the Djibouti process and that if Puntland does not get their expected due of that process will not support it, and he's only sticking to his decision as the President of that State. What's wrong with that? Puntland as an autonomous region in the country can't reach its own decision miyaa? Somaliland-ba yaa wax kasheegaa waa iyagaa waxay doonaan dhehee...


Viva President Faroole, Puntland should concentrate on local issues...

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Despite that Mudug mentality of know-all, waxbana la igama shisheyo, la igamana sokeeyo. True, I have something with reer puntland. I have this feeling that those who claimed to have the support of Puntlanders in the past and now have consistently been playing a zero-sum game on Somalia. It seems as if their Somalinimo is a function of power. Since the day Abdirashid Ali Sharmaarke was killed, and it was themselves who killed, they were perpetually in opposition to whoever is in power. Siyaad Barre, Abdiqasim, etc. With Yey, they were pro-government. And now that power shifted southwards, here we go again with opposition precept.


And you even go far to justify this nonesense by saying Somaliland maa wax la yidhaahdo. Gormaad Somaliland la mid noqoteen? SL are saying they are not part of Somalia. That is an a case for which they are rightly bashed. Puntand cudureedu kaas ma aha ee waa ama anaka ama waxba ma jirayaa. Sinatra's All or nothing at all.


Taasi mid aan qarsanayo ma aha, ee waa su'aal aan ku waydiinayo. Why aad u leedihiin if not on power, ha qasnaato. The facts are there. look into that, instead of looking into what could be in my heart.

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^Adeer in lagaa shisheeyo ama lagaa sokeeyo waxaa cadaynaysa inaadan fahminba shishaynta iyo sokeynta laga hadlaayo, Haha


As for your accusation of reer Puntland, I think your history is a little bit distorted, in the past 20 years it has been Mogadishu that was the problem, and they have actually run for every presidential post and took it to a failure untill President Yusuf run for it in 2004... And before that although Puntland hadn't declared to be a republic of its own like SL, they have seeked an autonomous local Administration, have kept the peace agreements with their Somali brethren in the South of Mudug and never ever tried to attack anyone or control other people's lands like SL.


During the Aideed, Ali Mahdi and A. Qasims so called Somali governments, Puntland neither attacked and fought against them nor supported, they have stayed on their own as indepedant autonomous Somali state and concentrated on their own regional development...


After 2004, President Yusuf was elected, and have made every effort and used all the resources of Puntland to create a viable government, his government couldn't succeed because of many reasons including clanish opposition and religious fanatics... despite all his money spent, effort and Puntland boys in the south, and despite the fact he was mainly opposed to and disagreed within his own government thanks to the clanish folks of Nur Ade and Ahmed Abdi Salaan, the President willingly and peacefully resigned to give peace a chance... I am sure if this was done any other politician from Mogadishu or Hargeisa, he would have been hailed and elavated to a hero status, loo qirimaayo waa AY oo reer


The Frm President now in Yemen, as an individual who doesn't speak for any entity because he doesn't hold a post or runs any office supported the new President.... on the other hand President Faroole has a responsibility and speaks for all of Puntland thus needs to make sure and carefully decide as to why support President Shariif in relation to Puntland benefit as the head of the state... His Administration have decided to stay tune, neither fight nor support or contribute to Shariif's Ahmed government but instead concentrate on their local progress, so whats wrong with that Mr AT? I see it as a noble move...


I commend and welcome both President Yusuf's support for the new Somali leader as the former Somali President who peacefully resigned, and that withheld status and thereof intelligently 'not rushing with the support' of President Faroole as the head of Puntland state....

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All the history you wrote is how you see it. it is good to see how others look at you too. But I don't want to refute aspects of it but one. When you say Abdullahi Yusuf did all he could to bring governance in Somalia, don't you think others (many) will disagree and rather see him as doing away with every law of the land to impose himself on people who do not want him??????


Why would Nuur cade be more clannish than yey when what he did was only to save his tribe from the costant bombardment of Ethiopians who were brought there by yey's adminstration.


How would you think history will treat Yey when you know that he used Ethiopia to murder somali Youth during the Itixaad days, and again in 2006?? Is that the kind of man you want us to bow down in reverence?? Should we turn devil-worshippers?

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^Yey is the former Somali President, a hero in Puntland, a father figher and the founder of that state, that's how I see him, this is Somali politics Badawyaho. Of course Yey is not a saint nor an angel, he made so many mistakes in his time so does every human being, let's see if Shariif Ahmed never ever makes a mistake .... I don't think you understand.... As for Ethiopia, saxib its not one man's decision, Ethiopia waa lawada watay hadanna wali waa lawataa, if you think that chapter of Somali-Ethiopia affair is over with the departure of Yay bal aragaanee, balse waxaan kuusheegi kuwi ugu badnaa low jobs hayay ee tarjumaanada u ahaa waxay adigoo kale, ileen Somalideena kale Af-kooda maba naqaanee... As for Nur Ade, so much for getting rid of Ethiopia, adeer waad dhiiqatay hadaad mooday marki hore inuu iska dhigay inuu isagu Ethiopia saarayo wuu isku xaaray, wuxuu noqday sida ninkii inta soomay hadanna bakhtiga ku afuray, it was Nur Ade ninki Ethiopians troops yaysan naga tagin kalahaa Idaacaha everyday after Yusuf resigned and Ethiopia strongly decided to leave Somalia... Saxiib marka Nuur Ade iyo Axmed Salaan waa kuwaasaa...

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As always you miss the point, awalba AT unbaad iska ahayde, laguu qori maayo, maxaa qabyaalada meesha keenayna...


You asked about Yusuf statuse among Puntlanders, I told you, he's the frmer President and the founder of the state, a longstanding and great politician from that state which in question, what's so hard to understand his status among the poeple of that region yaa reer Baadiye, marki aan kuusheegayna wali khashiinimadaadi ayaad sii wadaa. In simple, hadaan warka kuugu cadeeyo, Yusuf is to Puntland what Abrahim linclon is to America....


As for your point of qabiilka inaadayn fahmayn, one can challenge that too, AT qabiil mayaqaano :D

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