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Che -Guevara

Does it matter anymore?

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I saw Duke and Juje arguing over who won the showdown in Addis Ababa. What seems to be lost on them is while Somalis are dying everyday, those charged with 'leading' the nation are having meaningless squabbles over nothing and what's worse they are being mediatated by foriegn entity whose interests don't align with Somali public. The same squabbles and blunders are common in Maxaakiimta and other entities who supposedly lead and represent the Somali. Does it really matter who you support anymore as none of them seem to deliver any useful outcomes that could benefit your clan, your region or your country in general. It's time to think outside the box and find new directions.

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Waa fikir wanaagsan.Laakiin Sommalidu waxay ku maahmaahdaa markad waydo saad jeceshahay saan ku hurayn baa la yeelaa. Aniga oo qaba n waxa jira oo san hayn xalka rasmiga ah laakin way is dhaaman, marka iyaga kuwa yar roon in lagu gaadho sida wanaagsa n baa haboonan layd, waaba haddii Somali ay wax isku raaci karto inteeda badan.

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Che, all the current leaders and camps are the same. It seems we have the worse of us leading. It does not matter what name or banner they fly, they are all the same. :( People need to rise up and get over supporting different fractions which in the end are exactly the same or if they differ, as the two sides of a coin.


Caaqli meeh.

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Ban-tured...Waa runtaa inee is dhamaan laakin waxee kawada siman yihiin mid uturaaye shacabka Soomaaliyeed ma jidho. kii arrintiisa usoorto gali weedo lakkad buu ku noqonayaa wax kastoo dan ugu jira dadka Soomaaliyeed. Wali maana arag midyidhi war umadee iyo dalkii baabaye bal aan isqabano.


Ibti-People should start asking what my warlord, clan leader or Shiekh did for me lately?

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^^^I could not agree more, only I would add. What are they willing to do for me in the long term, say no to short term handouts and long term ducking bullets.

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Che, there was a time when you would pamper me.


You used to brag about it all the time.



Your friends seem to think that you're so peachy keen



But my friends say neglect is on your mind

Who's right?


What have you done for me lately?

Ooh ooh ooh yeah

What have you done for me lately?

Ooh ooh ooh yeah


Remember, we use to go to dinner almost everynight

Dancin' 'til I thought I'd lose my breath


Now it seems your dancing feet are always on my couch.



Good thing I cook or else we'd starve to death

Ain't that a shame?


What have you done for me lately?

Ooh ooh ooh yeah

What have you done for me lately?

Ooh ooh ooh yeah



PS:courtesy of Janet J.

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Originally posted by Che -Guevara:

I saw Duke and Juje arguing over who won the showdown in Addis Ababa. What seems to be lost on them is while Somalis are dying everyday, those charged with 'leading' the nation are having meaningless squabbles over nothing and what's worse they are being mediatated by foriegn entity whose interests don't align with Somali public. The same squabbles and blunders are common in Maxaakiimta and other entities who supposedly lead and represent the Somali. Does it really matter who you support anymore as none of them seem to deliver any useful outcomes that could benefit your clan, your region or your country in general. It's time to think outside the box and find new directions.

Thats all well and good, but until your keep with alternatives or a different path, I'm afraid it is just philosophy. Think outside the box, how, where and when?

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Think outside of the box, how, where and when?


How: see Somali conflict for what it’s and try not to bury your head in the sand. Forgo the gloomy details of warring factions and stick to the big picture. Swallow your pride, and come into terms with the painful reality of deep-seated divisions and mistrust among your people. See Ethiopia the external factor it really is, and control the urge to talk bout it in imperial terms. Embrace the notion that no conflict is unmanageable, if not completely resolvable, and Somalis is no different. Make a strong handshake with the glaring fact that there is no political neither military void in Somalia, and formulate your opinions based on that fact.


If you do that, yaa Dakhtarka xoolaha, you will consequently be a passionate follower of good Shariifs School.


Where: where ever you are.

When: now.

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^^^HEllo Xin, smile.gif did I tell you I went to a meeting hosted for "followers" of your good Shike" With a dude name Abdirahaman dheere. He was the so called the peace negotiator. Awaal did I review the meeting :confused: I can't remember. But my point here is he said we agreed to AU troops because the UN is worried about a "power vacuum" and insisted. Although we do not know what "power vacuum" was or how it can happen, they made it a must for us" and it was one of the things we had to agree to if we wanted our goal of Ethiopian withdrawal. :rolleyes:


Now you tell people to think OUTSIDE the box, yet you are willing to follow Sharif. I use to support ICU and then even after that the sharif camp, but having attended many different talks hosted by their followers, I have came to realise once again that they are not as different as I thought. Nor are they the alternative I hoped they would be.


BG; First get everyone to think outside the box, that alone will produce alternatives. In the meantime since you have so much time and I keep seeing you, I am going ti get you to help out in a project. smile.gif

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^You still wanna bunch that guy eh.


B-Geeljire...The first thing to finding alternatives is identifying the problems. There are two major issues one being lack of geniune leadership and other being Somali apathy. I'm not really sure what we could do about the latter. We seem to be so indifferent to our plight but we could start with individuals like you and I who realises and appreciatates the problems at hand but never come together to find a solution. I do believe if few like minded people with defined goals come together, something could be done.


As for the leadership issue, I don't think we could crop a new leadership over night but we could (and I'm talking to those diasporo since we have no real influence on the ground) is to hold these so called leaders accountable for words and actions. People more interested in seeing stable Somalia and less obsessed in promoting clanish agendas can persuaded to come together. We need an entity that documents and disseminates the deeds, actions and the broken promises of these so called leaders.We could use the media not just to the daily massacres in Somalia but the role these men play in perpuatating those massacres. In time, we can build enough strenght and consensus within the Somali community and the larger international community to hold these men accountable. The problem is these men fear nothing, are recieving monetary funds from abroad and aren't restricted in their movements.



P.S. I do realise the deep divisions and mistrust within our society and how hard it's to get any two Somalis to sit down and talk logically.

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Ibti, horta waa ku salaamay. Secondly, you could surely do better than that. You cant dismiss the vision good Sharif advocates simply because proponents you met were unable to present it well. If anything Sharif is a very well spoken person, and few could accuse him not being able to reason as to why he chose the peace path. Putting aside all the gloomy ixtimaalaat, Jabbuuti Agreement passes any objective scrutiny however tough and rigorous. We simply can’t just continue to do things the way we have done it in the past.


We should welcome UN troops if they are the means to get Ethiopian troops out of our soil. It will certainly be to our advantage if we can influence which specific countries these troops will comprise. And that’s the discussion good Shariif has been trying to engage in. Whether the guy you met reflects that sentiment or not, the direction of Jabbuuti leadership is clear.

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^^Xiin Horta W/Salam. Secondly, the issue is not whether Sharif is well spoken or not. I don't have anything bad to say about the dude in that regard. If anything maybe at first he was a little naive and used. As for his personal things. I don't care, THAt is not on judgement.


As for Jabbuuti, again I'm not too fuzzed about the details, were they paid, how did they agree so fast after such long grid lock etc. They came to an agreement, fine, 30days yad yad ya. How long ago was this agreement? and I have not seen anything come of it. If there has been, please show me, I have been busy and maybe I missed it.


Sharif advocates simply because proponents you met were unable to present it well.

Atheer this guy was not the local dude at the Maaqaxi, he is the Chief negotiator. HE could not negotiate the release of a child on Tahriib let alone negotiate on behalf of so many Somalis. Lastly leadership needs good people around them, it is not an individual alone. Maybe sharifs strength is articulating his points and maybe he has a clear vision, lets even say he is sincere, if he has stupi*d (astagfurallah) people around him, like the ones I’ve had the misfortunate of meeting, then AGAIN he is on a sinking boat, and AGAIN he is not an alternative.


We should welcome UN troops if they are the means to get Ethiopian troops out of our soil. It will certainly be to our advantage if we can influence which specific countries these troops will comprise.

Xiin lol, sorry to laugh, but how do I say this, the UN/ AU troop, is just another means of occupation, which could last an indefinite period. In addition their conduct, cannot be judged and based on their country of origin, what country is irrelevant.


I am going to wait, time will tell and the truth has its own legs Xiin. I for one will know when I see the truth and I am not afraid to support it. So if and it is a big IF Sharif can achieve something which ends the miser in Somalia, I will carry his shoes and durbanaka uu gaaraac, but for the time being, I dont see anything which makes me proud of any somali leader or fraction.


Ramadan Mubarak Xiin.

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Che-Sxb, One thing is clear we need an exit leadership strategy of this mess and political trmiol, but never expect a revolution as such. For some moderate leaders can play a linking code towards that, nevethesless in we need 'transforminst leadership.Andf it is the enviroment that creates that type of leaders, even the worest leaders can turn to be the best leader , if they are provided fertile grounds.

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I don’t take your protest against Jabbuuti approach or the men that come to London to advance it as defending the current status quo. I rather see it as a legitimate concern about the quality of leadership we are left to choose today as Somalis. But it’s really missing the point, is it not, to concentrate on or base your objections on the presentational style rather than the substance of the deal and what it aims to address. The chief wisdom of Jabbuuti initiative is the acknowledgement of the nature of Somali conflict. What keeps our tragedy to die down and go away is us, Somalis. If we talk to each other and compromise to each other, we can clean, if follows to reason, and sanitize xabashi moles from the walls of our residence (for the decorum of diplomacy, these objectives are termed preserving Somalia’s sovereignty and political independency. We can indeed rehash and strengthen our unity (again the name of this song is called, preserving Somalia’s territorial integrity). If the UN can facilitative that eng goal, we have no good reason to refuse the offer. In fact, as things stand today, it seems that we don’t have many options on the table.


Just like the Proteus, the character in the Greek mythology, some Somalis seem to believe that they can evade the traps of the current world order. And that’s the real naivety…


Adiga in shariifka lagula hadalsiiyo waaye...wax badan baad tari lahayd :D .

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